Supervised works
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1 - 22 of 22
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
MakeITeasy : guiding higher education actors to take ownership of the development and strengthening of their digital skillsProceedings of European University Information Systems Congress 2023
2023 70 20
Comment transformer un référentiel de littératie numérique en un outil de médiation pédagogique ? Analyse pratiqueRevue hybride de l'éducation
2022 37 45
Image and video processing for visually handicapped peopleEURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
2007 590 585
Rendering digital images accessible for blind computer usersHCI International 2003, 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
2003 433 0
A multimodal system for the non-visual exploration of digital picturesInteract 2003, 9th ICIP TC13 Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction
2003 453 0
A comparison of three nonvisual methods for presenting scientific graphsJournal of visual impairment & blindness
2002 505 260
Représentation multimodale d'images digitales dans des systèmes informatiques multimédias pour utilisateurs non-voyants
2002 419 4
Adapting Haptic Game Devices for non-visual Graph RenderingHCI 2001, International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications
2001 489 0
An Audio-Haptic Tool For Non-Visual Image RepresentationSixth International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications. ISSPA 2001
2001 540 0
Graphics and Users Exploration via Simple Sonics (GUESS): Providing Interrelation Representation of Objects in a Non-visual EnvironmentICAD 2001, In International Conference on Auditory Display
2001 455 0
Audio-Haptic Internet Browser and Associated Tools for Blind Users and Visually Impaired Computer UsersCOST 254 Intelligent Terminals, Workshop on Friendly Exchanging Through the Net
2000 936 843
From Dots to Shapes: an auditory haptic game platform for teaching geometry to blind pupilsICCHP 2000, International Conference on Computers Helping people with special Needs
2000 823 490
Concentration game: an audio adaptation for blind peopleCSUN's 15th Annual International Conference ``Technology and Persons with Disabilities''
2000 446 0
WebSound: a generic Web sonification tool, and its application to an auditory Web browser for blind and visually impaired usersProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2000)
2000 629 478
ABWeb: Active audio Internet browser for visually impaired and blind usersSPP-ICS Closing Conference, Swiss Priority Program on Information and Communication Structures
2000 343 0
WebSound: a generic Web sonification tool allowing HCI researchers to dynamically create new access modalitiesProceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2000)
2000 485 135
Auditory browser for blind and visually impaired usersACM SIGCHI Computer Human Interaction 99, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
1999 535 536
AB-Web : active audio Internet browser for visually impaired and blind usersInformatik
1999 548 309
An audio browser for increasing access to World Wide Web sites for blind and visually impaired computer users8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI'99
1999 378 0
AB-Web: Active audio browser for visually impaired and blind usersInternational Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD'98)
1998 592 342
An image-capable audio internet browser for facilitating blind user access to digital librariesDigital Libraries '98 - The Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries
1998 519 0
Techniques interactives et passives de restitution d'information graphique pour les non-voyantsSéminaire Technique et Cognition: Finitude, Situation et Inscription Corporelle
1998 469 0
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