Rosset, Jan
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Perceptions of (Unequal) Responsiveness and their Consequences for Electoral Participation | 2022 | 300 | 63 | ||||
Sur le climat, les jeunes se distinguent peu des autres groupes d’âge | La Revue durable | 2022 | 746 | 641 | |||
The gender gap in pro‐environmental political participation among older adults | Swiss Political Science Review | 2022 | 167 | 49 | |||
Le climat et l’environnement mobilisent toutes les générations | DeFacto | 2022 | 207 | 98 | |||
Perceptions of (unequal) responsiveness and their consequences for electoral participation | Journal of European public policy | 2022 | 130 | 67 | |||
Chez les jeunes, les femmes sont plus enclines à agir pour l’environnement que les hommes et les non-binaires | La Revue durable | 2022 | 222 | 161 | |||
Senior Citizens, Climate Crisis, and Well-Being in Western Switzerland (Quantitative Data) | 2022 | 234 | 14 | ||||
Préoccupations environnementales, engagements politiques et bien-être des sénior-es en Suisse romande | 2022 | 362 | 221 | ||||
When Explanations for Poverty Help Explain Social Policy Preferences: The Case of European Public Opinion Amidst the Economic Recession (2009–2014) | Social Justice Research | 2021 | 156 | 65 | |||
The electoral roots of unequal representation: a spatial modelling approach to party systems and voting in western europe | European Journal of Political Research | 2021 | 226 | 330 | |||
Challenging Climate Strikers'Youthfulness: The Evolution of the Generational Gap in Environmental Attitudes Since 1999 | Frontiers in political science | 2021 | 243 | 110 | |||
Explanations for poverty and demand for social policy | 2021 | 293 | 159 | ||||
Do poor and rich vote differently? | 2021 | 250 | 73 | ||||
Elections as a source of political inequality. party supply and spatial voting in europe | 2020 | 387 | 136 | ||||
Préoccupations environnementales, engagements associatifs et bien être en Suisse Romande: premiers résultats de l'enquête par questionnaire standardisé | 2020 | 404 | 143 | ||||
Introducing the inequality and politics survey: preliminary findings | 2020 | 860 | 281 | ||||
How well are citizens represented by their governments? Issue congruence and inequality in Europe | European Political Science Review | 2019 | 723 | 715 | |||
The politicisation of abortion, voters' stereotypes and the electoral success of women candidates | Parliamentary Affairs | 2018 | 353 | 228 | |||
Congruence between citizens and governments in Europe: A multidimensional approach | 2018 | 405 | 113 | ||||
The rise of cultural issues as an opportunity for the right? Insights from the 2015 swiss election | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | 2018 | 462 | 102 | |||
La représentation descriptive des groupes sociaux comme problème de la démocratie électorale | Bulletin d'information de la Société suisse pour les questions parlementaires | 2018 | 682 | 234 | |||
Switzerland: When opposition is in government | Opposition parties in european legislatures | 2018 | 364 | 2 | |||
Economic context and attitudes towards the welfare state: the relationship between (perceived) unemployment risk and demand for social policy | Social dynamics in swiss society | 2018 | 442 | 174 | |||
Blind spots in the party system: Spatial voting and issue salience if voters face scarce choices | Electoral Studies | 2017 | 484 | 14 | |||
I the people? self-interest and demand for government responsiveness | Comparative political studies | 2017 | 632 | 6 | |||
Gendered policy preferences? Candidates' views on political issues in a comparative perspective | Comparative European Politics | 2017 | 437 | 8 | |||
Economically based inequalities in political representation: Where do they come from? | Understanding inequality: social costs and benefits | 2016 | 442 | 7 | |||
Representation of political opinions: is the structuring pattern of policy preferences the same for citizens and elites? | Political representation: Roles, representatives and the represented. | 2016 | 417 | 6 | |||
Economic inequality and political representation in Switzerland | 2016 | 549 | 15 | ||||
Descriptive and Substantive Representation of Poor Citizens in Switzerland | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | 2015 | 448 | 3 | |||
Mind the gap: Do proportional electoral systems foster a more equal representation of women and men, poor and rich? | International political science review | 2015 | 658 | 4 | |||
What makes for peaceful post-conflict elections? Lessons from the 2007 Sierra Leone presidential and parliamentary elections and the 2008 Nepal constituent assembly elections | 2013 | 371 | 0 | ||||
Are the policy preferences of relatively poor citizens under-represented in the swiss parliament? | The Journal of Legislative Studies | 2013 | 407 | 1 | |||
More money, fewer problems? Cross-level effects of economic deprivation on political representation | West European Politics | 2013 | 447 | 3 | |||
The poor political representation of the poor in a comparative perspective | Representation | 2012 | 477 | 6 | |||
Unequal representation of age groups in Switzerland | Representation | 2012 | 443 | 2 | |||
The 2010 presidential election in Poland | Electoral Studies | 2011 | 408 | 2 |