Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The innovative performance of firms in heterogeneous environments: The interplay between external knowledge and internal absorptive capacities | Research Policy | 2018 | 384 | 258 | |||
Innovation in risky markets. Multinational and domestic firms in the UK regions | 2017 | 355 | 45 | ||||
The impact of european cohesion policy in urban and rural regions | Regional Studies | 2017 | 409 | 0 | |||
Learning mobility grants and skill (mis)matching in the labour market: The case of the ‘Master and Back' Programme | Papers in regional science | 2016 | 425 | 354 | |||
The greener the better? Job creation effects of environmentally-friendly technological change | Industrial and corporate change | 2016 | 507 | 624 | |||
Evidence on immigrants' assimilation into recipient labour markets using UK longitudinal data between 1981 and 2006 | Journal of economic geography | 2016 | 417 | 267 | |||
Inward FDI and local innovative performance. An empirical investigation on Italian provinces | Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft | 2015 | 441 | 274 | |||
Does skilled migration foster innovative performance? Evidence from British local areas | Papers in regional science | 2015 | 460 | 612 | |||
Built to last: population aging and long run development in metropolitan Europe | International journal of global environmental issues | 2015 | 434 | 270 | |||
Foreign multinationals and domestic innovation: Intra-industry effects and firm heterogeneity | Research policy | 2015 | 461 | 561 | |||
On the engine of innovation: The role of migration and knowledge spillovers | The mobility of students and the highly skilled. Implications for education financing and economic policy | 2014 | 320 | 0 | |||
Social capital and the innovative performance of italian provinces | Environment & planning. A | 2013 | 445 | 206 | |||
The "bright" side of social capital: How "briding" makes italian provincies more innovative | Geography, institutions and regional economic performance | 2013 | 360 | 0 |