Aliyev, Tural
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Bakou in transition. Analyse d’un périmètre et pistes d’intervention pour l’élaboration d’un projet durable de territoire | 2023 | 326 | 4 | ||||
Urban Memory and Heritage: The Issue of City Heritage in the Reconstruction of the Centre of Baku | Urbanizm | 2022 | 308 | 249 | |||
Urban development as a dialectic between transport system and landuse: the case of Tehran's parcel strategies | Urbanizm | 2020 | 358 | 195 | |||
Urban development beyond the economic Profit: using SDGs to create values in cities: the case of waterfront industrial areas of Baku (Azerbaijan) | International spatial planning and design symposium | 2020 | 160 | 25 | |||
Sustainable urban retrofitting of the industrial (post-industrial) territories: Evidence-based strategies for the post-soviet cities | Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Kyrgyz Republic: The Contribution of SDG Indicators to Evidence-based Policy-making for Sustainable Housing, Urban Development and Land Management at National and Local Levels | 2019 | 299 | 66 | |||
Urbanization processes of the caspian region: Toward caspian urban platform | Caspian Basin Development at the Heart of Climate Change – Water – Energy – Food Nexus : Regional Pathways to Sustainability | 2019 | 199 | 98 | |||
Waterfront Urban Areas as an Urban Infrastructure: Challenges, Retrofitting and its Methods. The case of Baku, Azerbaijan | Zofnass program for sustainable infrastructure - Towards establishing ‘the business case for planning sustainable infrastructure: insights from case studies' | 2019 | 347 | 98 | |||
Sustainable retrofitting of urban spaces: Evidence-based development strategies in post-soviet cities | National workshop “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Georgia: The Contribution of SDG Indicators to Evidence-based Policy-making for Sustainable Housing, Urban Development and Land Management at National and Local Levels" | 2019 | 254 | 90 | |||
Réhabilitation urbaine dans un contexte de transition métropolitaine: Échelles, modes et outils d'intervention dans un territoire hybride (le cas de Bakou) | Séminaire GEDT de l'Université de Genève | 2019 | 397 | 47 | |||
Un motif de fierté pour les Azéris | Le Matin | 2019 | 281 | 47 | |||
Caspian Basin Urbanization and Environmental Change: Regional Territorial Peer Network for Greater Resilience Building | Urbanizm | 2019 | 630 | 279 | |||
SDGs and Value Creation: Equating Economic Valuation with Sustainable Urban Development. The case of Waterfront Industrial Districts in Baku, Azerbaijan | ZOFNASS PROGRAM WORKSHOP Sustainable Infrastructure for Preventing Climate Change | 2019 | 401 | 145 | |||
Le rythme urbain : un outil de réflexion sur la reconfiguration de la morphologie de l'espace | Espaces-Temps | 2019 | 566 | 121 | |||
Remediation of old industrial area of Baku | Séminaire auprès du Comité d'Etat d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme de Bakou | 2019 | 268 | 38 | |||
Disaster risk reduction for waterfront urban areas: The case of water level rise adaptation methods in Baku, Geneva and San Francisco | Understanding the problems of Inland Waters: Case Study for the Caspian Basin | 2018 | 501 | 2,536 | |||
Applying a new urban philosophy to Baku | Swiss Embassy Newsletter | 2018 | 326 | 70 | |||
The urban transformation in a precarious housing area: Comparative analysis between Baku (Azerbaijan) and Tehran (Iran) | Urbanizm | 2018 | 570 | 479 | |||
Город - это не то лько небоскребы / Une ville, ce n'est pas uniquement des gratte-ciel | NachaGazeta - Genève | 2017 | 301 | 42 | |||
Réhabilitation urbaine des territoires industriels à grande échelle : la nouvelle matrice de l'environnement bâti et l'environnement naturel dans le cadre de la métropolisation de la ville de Bakou (Azerbaïdjan) | March For Science | 2017 | 365 | 118 | |||
Réhabilitation urbaine des territoires industriels à grande échelle | Journée de la Recherche - Institute des Sciences de l'Environnement | 2017 | 378 | 88 | |||
Réhabilitation urbaine dans un contexte de transition métropolitaine: Échelles, modes et outils d'intervention dans un territoire hybride (le cas de Bakou) | Journée des Boursiers d'Excellence de la Confédération / Swiss Government Excellence Scholars Day | 2017 | 387 | 129 | |||
Applying a new urban philosophy to Baku: aligning Swiss expertise and the Azerbaijani history to retrofitting | TEAS Magazine | 2017 | 329 | 117 | |||
Réhabilitation urbaine des territoires industriels à grande échelle : la nouvelle matrice de l'environnement bâti et l'environnement naturel dans le cadre de la métropolisation de la ville de Bakou (Azerbaïdjan) | Ma thèse en 180'' Finale locale - Université de Genève - 2017 | 2017 | 276 | 0 | |||
Bakou, ville cobaye de l'urbanisme durable | Le Journal de l'Unige | 2017 | 461 | 237 | |||
Ballona Wetlands Reserve of Los Angeles: A New Model for Urban Resilience ? | www.urbanfuturesworkshop.wordpress.com | 2016 | 425 | 110 | |||
Ideas for making Baku ecologically sustainable | Visions of Azerbaijan magazine | 2016 | 456 | 173 | |||
Транспорт «Большого Парижа» как модель для проекта «Большого Баку»? (The transport association “Greater Paris” – a model for the “Greater Baku”?) | Construction Economy and Management (Azerbaijan architecture and construction university) | 2016 | 481 | 133 | |||
Abu Dhabi: Masdar City – a new model of sustainability? | www.urbanfuturesworkshop.wordpress.com | 2016 | 537 | 190 | |||
Множественная роль инфраструктуры железнодорожных станции – просмотр на трех концепциях (Multiple role of railway stations infrastructure - view on three concepts) | Construction Economy and Management (Azerbaijan architecture and construction university) | 2016 | 496 | 1,022 | |||
Urban retrofitting of a large-scale industrial area. the new matrix of the built and natural environment in the framework of the process of metropolisation of the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) – the case of “black city” | Présentation des sujets de la thèse : faculté des sciences de la société | 2016 | 310 | 49 | |||
Преобразование транспортно-коммуникационных пространств городов на примере Франции (Transforming the transport and communication spaces of - on the example of France) | 1news.az (Site Web) | 2015 | 424 | 106 | |||
Mediterranean city with its urban ambitions: what advantages can we get for Azerbaijanian cities? | azvisions.az (Azerbaijani Vision) | 2015 | 633 | 148 | |||
Bakını yaşıl şəhərə necə çevirməli? (How could we turn Baku into a sustainable city?) | azvisions.az (Azerbaijani Vision) | 2014 | 424 | 84 | |||
Dünya şəhərləri velosipedə uyğunlaşdırılır (World cities adapting to bikes) | BakuPost Journal | 2013 | 494 | 171 | |||
Tatarstan, un territoire dynamique – Russie | www.urbanplanet.info | 2013 | 314 | 64 | |||
Paris və Qafqaz, yaxud "Qafqazın Parisi" (Paris and Caucasus, or "Paris of the Caucasus"?) | BakuPost Journal | 2013 | 488 | 216 | |||
Grandes ambitions urbaines de Bakou – Azerbaïdjan | www.urbanplanet.info | 2013 | 388 | 150 |