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1 - 37 of 37
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Bakou in transition. Analyse d’un périmètre et pistes d’intervention pour l’élaboration d’un projet durable de territoire
2023 326 4
Urban Memory and Heritage: The Issue of City Heritage in the Reconstruction of the Centre of BakuUrbanizm
2022 308 249
Urban development as a dialectic between transport system and landuse: the case of Tehran's parcel strategiesUrbanizm
2020 358 195
Urban development beyond the economic Profit: using SDGs to create values in cities: the case of waterfront industrial areas of Baku (Azerbaijan)International spatial planning and design symposium
2020 160 25
Sustainable urban retrofitting of the industrial (post-industrial) territories: Evidence-based strategies for the post-soviet citiesAchieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Kyrgyz Republic: The Contribution of SDG Indicators to Evidence-based Policy-making for Sustainable Housing, Urban Development and Land Management at National and Local Levels
2019 299 66
Urbanization processes of the caspian region: Toward caspian urban platformCaspian Basin Development at the Heart of Climate Change – Water – Energy – Food Nexus : Regional Pathways to Sustainability
2019 199 98
Waterfront Urban Areas as an Urban Infrastructure: Challenges, Retrofitting and its Methods. The case of Baku, AzerbaijanZofnass program for sustainable infrastructure - Towards establishing ‘the business case for planning sustainable infrastructure: insights from case studies'
2019 347 98
Sustainable retrofitting of urban spaces: Evidence-based development strategies in post-soviet citiesNational workshop “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Georgia: The Contribution of SDG Indicators to Evidence-based Policy-making for Sustainable Housing, Urban Development and Land Management at National and Local Levels"
2019 254 90
Réhabilitation urbaine dans un contexte de transition métropolitaine: Échelles, modes et outils d'intervention dans un territoire hybride (le cas de Bakou)Séminaire GEDT de l'Université de Genève
2019 397 47
Un motif de fierté pour les AzérisLe Matin
2019 281 47
Caspian Basin Urbanization and Environmental Change: Regional Territorial Peer Network for Greater Resilience BuildingUrbanizm
2019 630 279
SDGs and Value Creation: Equating Economic Valuation with Sustainable Urban Development. The case of Waterfront Industrial Districts in Baku, AzerbaijanZOFNASS PROGRAM WORKSHOP Sustainable Infrastructure for Preventing Climate Change
2019 401 145
Le rythme urbain : un outil de réflexion sur la reconfiguration de la morphologie de l'espaceEspaces-Temps
2019 566 121
Remediation of old industrial area of BakuSéminaire auprès du Comité d'Etat d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme de Bakou
2019 268 38
Disaster risk reduction for waterfront urban areas: The case of water level rise adaptation methods in Baku, Geneva and San FranciscoUnderstanding the problems of Inland Waters: Case Study for the Caspian Basin
2018 501 2,536
Applying a new urban philosophy to BakuSwiss Embassy Newsletter
2018 326 70
The urban transformation in a precarious housing area: Comparative analysis between Baku (Azerbaijan) and Tehran (Iran)Urbanizm
2018 570 479
Город - это не то лько небоскребы / Une ville, ce n'est pas uniquement des gratte-cielNachaGazeta - Genève
2017 301 42
Réhabilitation urbaine des territoires industriels à grande échelle : la nouvelle matrice de l'environnement bâti et l'environnement naturel dans le cadre de la métropolisation de la ville de Bakou (Azerbaïdjan)March For Science
2017 365 118
Réhabilitation urbaine des territoires industriels à grande échelleJournée de la Recherche - Institute des Sciences de l'Environnement
2017 378 88
Réhabilitation urbaine dans un contexte de transition métropolitaine: Échelles, modes et outils d'intervention dans un territoire hybride (le cas de Bakou)Journée des Boursiers d'Excellence de la Confédération / Swiss Government Excellence Scholars Day
2017 387 129
Applying a new urban philosophy to Baku: aligning Swiss expertise and the Azerbaijani history to retrofittingTEAS Magazine
2017 329 117
Réhabilitation urbaine des territoires industriels à grande échelle : la nouvelle matrice de l'environnement bâti et l'environnement naturel dans le cadre de la métropolisation de la ville de Bakou (Azerbaïdjan)Ma thèse en 180'' Finale locale - Université de Genève - 2017
2017 276 0
Bakou, ville cobaye de l'urbanisme durableLe Journal de l'Unige
2017 461 237
Ballona Wetlands Reserve of Los Angeles: A New Model for Urban Resilience ?
2016 425 110
Ideas for making Baku ecologically sustainableVisions of Azerbaijan magazine
2016 456 173
Транспорт «Большого Парижа» как модель для проекта «Большого Баку»? (The transport association “Greater Paris” – a model for the “Greater Baku”?)Construction Economy and Management (Azerbaijan architecture and construction university)
2016 481 133
Abu Dhabi: Masdar City – a new model of sustainability?
2016 537 190
Множественная роль инфраструктуры железнодорожных станции – просмотр на трех концепциях (Multiple role of railway stations infrastructure - view on three concepts)Construction Economy and Management (Azerbaijan architecture and construction university)
2016 496 1,022
Urban retrofitting of a large-scale industrial area. the new matrix of the built and natural environment in the framework of the process of metropolisation of the city of Baku (Azerbaijan) – the case of “black city”Présentation des sujets de la thèse : faculté des sciences de la société
2016 310 49
Преобразование транспортно-коммуникационных пространств городов на примере Франции (Transforming the transport and communication spaces of - on the example of France) (Site Web)
2015 424 106
Mediterranean city with its urban ambitions: what advantages can we get for Azerbaijanian cities? (Azerbaijani Vision)
2015 633 148
Bakını yaşıl şəhərə necə çevirməli? (How could we turn Baku into a sustainable city?) (Azerbaijani Vision)
2014 424 84
Dünya şəhərləri velosipedə uyğunlaşdırılır (World cities adapting to bikes)BakuPost Journal
2013 494 171
Tatarstan, un territoire dynamique –
2013 314 64
Paris və Qafqaz, yaxud "Qafqazın Parisi" (Paris and Caucasus, or "Paris of the Caucasus"?)BakuPost Journal
2013 488 216
Grandes ambitions urbaines de Bakou – Azerbaï
2013 388 150
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