Présentation | Revue de métaphysique et de morale | | | 2022 | 312 | 88 |
The Hedonist's Emotions | Les ateliers de l'éthique | | | 2022 | 77 | 35 |
Emotion and language in philosophy | Language and emotion: an international handbook [vol. 1] | | | 2022 | 186 | 1 |
Emotions and their correctness conditions: a defense of attitudinalism | Erkenntnis | | | 2022 | 137 | 64 |
Why are emotions epistemically indispensable? | Inquiry | | | 2022 | 200 | 80 |
The rise of affectivism | Nature human behaviour | | | 2021 | 311 | 68 |
Which attitudes for the fitting attitude analysis of value? | Theoria | | | 2021 | 155 | 70 |
On the good that moves us | The Monist | | | 2020 | 323 | 6 |
Lost in intensity: is there an empirical solution to the quasi-emotions debate? | Aesthetic Investigations | | | 2020 | 368 | 176 |
Emotional experience: affective consciousness and its role in emotion theory | The Oxford handbook of the philosophy of consciousness | | | 2020 | 428 | 11 |
Petit Traité des valeurs | | | | 2018 | 649 | 0 |
Emoções | O Lugar Das Emoções Na Etica e na Metaética | | | 2018 | 396 | 3 |
The tangled web of agency | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | | | 2018 | 524 | 0 |
The Emotion of Being Moved | Shadows of the Soul: Philosophical Perspectives on Negative Emotions | | | 2018 | 583 | 15 |
The Nature of Desire | | | | 2017 | 363 | 0 |
“That's Deep!”: The Role of Being Moved and Feelings of Profundity in the Appreciation of Serious Narratives | The Palgrave Handbook of Affect Studies and Textual Criticism | | | 2017 | 573 | 0 |
Introduction: Reconsidering Some Dogmas About Desires | The Nature of Desire | | | 2017 | 441 | 0 |
Emotion meets action: towards an integration of research and theory | Emotion Review | | | 2017 | 535 | 8 |
Two kinds of respect for two kinds of contempt: why contempt can be both a sentiment and an emotion | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | | | 2017 | 580 | 2 |
Emotions | L'encyclopédie philosophique | | | 2017 | 563 | 0 |
Les attitudes appropriées verbatim | Les ateliers de l'éthique | | | 2016 | 502 | 4 |
Comprendre les émotions: enquêtes sur les motivations affectives | Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger | | | 2016 | 458 | 5 |
Value and Emotion | Handbook of Value | | | 2015 | 668 | 15 |
Introduction: Moral Emotions | Topoi | | | 2015 | 28 | 14 |
Emotions as Attitudes | Dialectica | | | 2015 | 611 | 7 |
Emotion, philosophical issues about | Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Climate change | | | 2015 | 588 | 3 |
Two Faces of Group-Based Shame: Moral Shame and Image Shame Differentially Predict Positive and Negative Orientations to Ingroup Wrongdoing | Personality & social psychology bulletin | | | 2014 | 521 | 1 |
Getting Bodily Feelings Into Emotional Experience in the Right Way | Emotion | | | 2014 | 645 | 4 |
In What Sense Are Emotions Evaluations? | Emotion and Value | | | 2014 | 701 | 9 |
Simulation Versus Theory-Theory: A Plea for an Epistemological Turn | Mind, Values, and Metaphysics | | | 2014 | 463 | 1 |
Being moved | Philosophical Studies | | | 2014 | 647 | 370 |
What Role for Emotions in Well-being? | Philosophical topics | | | 2013 | 665 | 9 |
The emotional shape of our moral life: anger-related emotions and mutualistic anthropology :[commentary] | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | | | 2013 | 439 | 2 |
Les animaux ont-ils des émotions? | Studia philosophica | | | 2013 | 526 | 9 |
From Justified Emotions to Justified Evaluative Judgements | Dialogue - Canadian Philosophical Association | | | 2012 | 512 | 5 |
The Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction | | | | 2012 | 847 | 18 |
Is Shame a Social Emotion? | Self-Evaluation | | | 2011 | 585 | 9 |
In Defense of Shame: The Faces of an Emotion | | | | 2011 | 622 | 0 |
The Case of the Disappearing Intentional Object: Constraints on a Definition of Emotion | Emotion review | | | 2010 | 508 | 2 |
Taking affective explanations to heart | Information sur les sciences sociales | | | 2009 | 619 | 2 |
The Self of Shame | Emotions, Ethics, and Authenticity | | | 2009 | 510 | 3 |
L'intentionnalité des émotions: du corps aux valeurs | Revue européenne des sciences sociales | | | 2009 | 669 | 5 |
Shame's guilt disproved | Critical quarterly | | | 2008 | 480 | 0 |
Raisons d'être et mises en pratique de l'interdisciplinarité au Collège des humanités de l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Le défi de l'inter-et transdisciplinarité | | | 2008 | 396 | 0 |
Differentiating shame from guilt | Consciousness and cognition | | | 2008 | 545 | 3 |
Qu'est-ce qu'une émotion? | | | | 2008 | 712 | 0 |
Evolution, émotion et morale: les exemples de la honte et la culpabilité | Morale et évolution biologique | | | 2007 | 495 | 5 |
Affective intentionality and practical rationality | Dialectica | | | 2007 | 440 | 3 |
The Structure of Empathy | Journal of moral philosophy | | | 2007 | 465 | 6 |
Introduction | European journal of analytic philosophy | | | 2006 | 441 | 3 |
Les Liaisons Dangereuses or How Not to Construe Nonconceptual Content | European review of philosophy | | | 2006 | 420 | 0 |
Emotion, Perception and Perspective | Dialectica | | | 2006 | 535 | 7 |
[Review of :] Autism and the Development of Mind / R. Peter Hobson | Developmental medicine and child neurology | | | 1996 | 672 | 3 |