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1 - 46 of 46
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Exploring Medical Career Choice to Better Inform Swiss Physician Workforce Planning: Protocol for a National Cohort StudyJMIR Research Protocols
2024 65 27
Physicians’ perceptions and experiences regarding leadership : a link between beliefs and identity formationJournal of healthcare leadership
2024 47 37
Has telemedicine come to fruition ? Parents’ and pediatricians’ perceptions and preferences regarding telemedicinePediatric research
2024 48 43
The impact of gendered experiences on the career choice of swiss medical students: A qualitative study protocolPloS one
2024 56 25
Do patients have communication preferences during a videoconsultation ?International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2022)
2023 32 0
Has telemedicine come to fruition ? Patients’ and physicians’ perceptions regarding telemedicineInternational Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2022)
2023 48 0
Association between burnout and stigma in physiciansPloS one
2023 72 63
Patients preferences for communication during video consultationsPatient education and counseling
2023 72 61
Validity Evidence of A Screening Tool for Early Detection of Clinical Crisis-Related Anxiety Amongst Medical StudentsTeaching and learning in medicine
2023 80 28
French-speaking Swiss physician’s perceptions and perspectives regarding their competencies and training need in leadership and management: a mixed-methods studyBMC health services research
2023 44 45
Development and validity evidence for the intraprofessional conflict exercise: An assessment tool to support collaborationPloS one
2023 61 40
Perceptions of and preferences for telemedicine use since the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic : cross-sectional survey of patients and physiciansJMIR human factors
2023 7 27
Improvisation to combat sexual harassment on the wardsMedical education
2023 14 8
Case report : uncommon cause of limp in the 21st centuryFrontiers in endocrinology
2022 43 26
Towards equitable learning environments for medical education : bias and the intersection of social identitiesMedical education
2022 37 0
Métaphores : une porte d’entrée pour accéder à la richesse du raisonnement clinique des médecins généralistesPédagogie médicale
2022 262 3
Carrière et projets de famille : déterminants des choix des étudiantes et étudiants en médecineRevue médicale suisse
2022 118 57
Development and Cross-National Validation of a French Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy for StudentsEvaluation & the Health Professions
2021 174 98
A Meaningful and Actionable Professionalism Assessment: Validity Evidence for the Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise (P-MEX) Across 8 YearsAcademic medicine
2021 208 99
The role of power in health care conflict: recommendations for shifting toward constructive approachesAcademic Medicine
2021 280 306
Context, Conflict, and Management: The Assessment of Professionalism
2021 45 20
Medical students' perceptions and coping strategies during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: studies, clinical implication, and professional identityBMC medical education
2021 279 289
Motivational factors influencing student intentions to practise in underserved areas: Authors' replyMedical Education
2020 225 1
Learning to manage uncertainty: supervision, trust and autonomy in residency trainingSociology of Health and Illness
2020 261 0
Training junior faculty to become clinical teachers: The value of personalized coachingMedical Teacher
2020 337 283
Motivational factors influencing student intentions to practise in underserved areasMedical Education
2020 279 8
E-Learning Training to Improve Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition Practice: A Pilot Study in Two University HospitalsJournal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
2020 279 0
Medical students as feedback assessors in a faculty development program: Implications for the futureMedical Teacher
2020 335 843
Patient safety over power hierarchy: a scoping review of healthcare professionals' speaking-up skills trainingJournal for health quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality
2020 344 0
Intra versus interprofessional conflicts: implications for conflict management trainingJournal of Interprofessional Care
2019 462 6
Exploring group boundaries and conflicts: a social identity theory perspectiveMedical Education
2019 555 4
When Team Conflicts Threaten Quality of Care: A Study of Health Care Professionals' Experiences and PerceptionsMayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes
2019 625 353
Can Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise Scores Predict Medical Residency Performance? Validity Evidence Across Five Longitudinal CohortsAcademic Medicine
2019 358 6
Medical students' professional identity development from being actors in an objective structured teaching exerciseMedical Teacher
2018 520 504
A multilevel analysis of professional conflicts in health care teams: insight for future trainingAcademic Medicine
2017 676 736
Team-based learning to contextualise evidence-based practice for residentsMedical Education
2017 464 7
Validity Evidence for a Residency Admissions Standardized Assessment Letter for PediatricsTeaching and Learning in Medicine
2017 483 4
Should Empyema with or without Necrotizing Pneumonia in Children Be Managed Differently?Health
2017 384 229
Improving the residency admissions process by integrating a professionalism assessment: a validity and feasibility studyAdvances in health sciences education
2017 622 6
Thirteen-year mortality and morbidity in preterm infants in SwitzerlandArchives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition
2016 548 1
Erythema bullous multiforme: a complication of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infectionThe Journal of pediatrics
2014 585 0
La fiabilité et validité du processus de sélection des internes en pédiatrie en relation avec l'évaluation du professionnalisme
2013 956 697
Population based age stratified morbidities of premature infants in SwitzerlandSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2011 624 0
Index of suspicion. Case 1: fever, barking cough, stridor, and rash in an infant. Case 2: erythematous papulovesicular rash in a 3-month-old girl. Case 3: vomiting and unrelenting headaches in a 5-year-old girlPediatrics in review
2010 489 0
Videos in clinical medicine. Catheterization of the urethra in male childrenThe New England journal of medicine
2010 679 1
Rapidly expanding lesion in a giant congenital melanocytic nevusClinical pediatrics
2003 396 1
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