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1 - 74 of 74
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
The Legal Personhood as an Instrumental Tool for Reforming the Governance of the Rhône RiverWater
2024 49 20
The role of third parties in shaping transboundary cooperation of the Sixaola river basin (Costa Rica and Panama): an analysis through States’ involvement, technocratic turn, and reterritorializationFrontiers in water
2024 14 12
Policy instruments for governing water in cross-border metropolitan areas, the case of Greater GenevaJournal of environmental policy and planning
2024 75 53
Exploring friendship in hydropolitics: The case of the friendship dam on the Asi/Orontes riverEnvironmental policy and governance
2023 220 170
Understanding hydropolitics through discourses, but which type of discourse?IHE-Delft 4th Water and Peace Seminar
2022 214 136
Institutions for reoperating reservoirs in semi-arid regions facing climate change and competing societal water demands: insights from ColoradoWater international
2022 391 179
Exploring discursive hydropolitics: a conceptual framework and research agendaInternational Journal of Water Resources Development
2022 367 377
Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supplyHydrological Processes
2021 211 85
Discourses in hydropolitics: why and how? A new conceptual framework for understanding the interplay between transboundary waters and politics through discourses
2021 369 139
Deconstructing power dynamics and prevailing discourses in hydropolitics: the case of the Sixaola river basinWater and Society 2021
2021 228 42
Deconstructing power dynamics and prevailing discourses in hydropolitics: the case of the Sixaola river basinWater and Society 2021
2021 254 52
The role of international case law in implementing the obligation not to cause significant harmInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
2020 518 265
Supporting stakeholders to anticipate and respond to risks in a Mekong River water-energy-food nexusEcology and Society
2020 765 994
Exploring the Politics of Institutional Fragmentation in Transboundary River BasinsOxford Research Encyclopedias: Environmental Sciences
2020 382 10
Governance of a Transboundary River: the Rhône
2020 793 20
The hundred-franc question : what can we learn from self-organization in governing common pool resources ?EXPERT-ISE blog
2019 375 77
A novel tool for measuring the penetration of the ecosystem service concept into public policyEcosystem Services
2019 765 5
Universities' partnership: the role of academic institutions in water cooperation and diplomacyInternational Journal of Water Resources Development
2019 365 3
Power dynamics and integration in the water-energy-food nexus: Learning lessons for transdisciplinary research in CambodiaEnvironmental Science & Policy
2019 730 15
Participatory modeling updates expectations for individuals and groups, catalyzing behavior change and collective action in water‐energy‐food nexus governanceEarth's Future
2019 446 225
An institutionalist perspective on the use of International Water Law: crafting institutions in a multilevel settingResearch Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations
2018 581 17
Introduction: an interdisciplinary inquiry into the relationship between fresh water, the rule of law and international relationsResearch Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations
2018 502 2
Rhône Basin: Flow Regulation and Cascade OperationPromoting Development in Shared River Basins: Case Studies from International Experience
2018 461 241
Research Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations
2018 521 0
Taking Up Practical and Intellectual Challenges Posed by International Water Management Trends: Some Introductory RemarksA critical approach to international water management trends, policy and practice
2017 372 0
A Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends, Policy and Practice
2017 513 0
From the Promises of International Water Management Trends to the Reality of Policies and Practices: Some Conclusive ThoughtsA Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends, Policy and Practice
2017 475 2
Transboundary Water Management: From Geopolitics to a Non-state Analytical Perspective: The Case of the Rhône RiverA critical approach to international water management trends, Policy and Practice
2017 513 5
La coordination entre régimes institutionnels de ressources comme condition d'une gestion durable des ressources touristiques alpines : Le cas de Crans-Montana (Suisse)Revue de géographie alpine
2016 516 117
Water in Israël-Palestine: a resources-based approachEPFL_ENAC-LABA
2016 460 14
A Methodology to Assess the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus in Transboundary River BasinsWater
2016 735 498
Blue water scarcity in the Black Sea catchment: Identifying key actors in the water-ecosystem-energy-food nexusEnvironmental science & policy
2016 851 9
Gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône : entre approche monofonctionnelle, intégration et polycentrismeLe Rhône questionné par les sciences humaines et sociales au sein de l'OHM Vallée du Rhône
2016 450 0
The critical role of risk in setting directions for water, food and energy policy and researchCurrent opinion in environmental sustainability
2016 567 413
Coordination Between Institutional Resource Regimes as a Condition for Sustainable Management of Alpine Touristic Resources : The Case of Crans-Montana (Switzerland)Revue de géographie alpine
2016 512 366
Monthly Water Map n°3 - Governance at the Basin Level: Senegal and Niger Rivers
2016 294 64
River Management and Stakeholders' Participation: The case of the Rhone River, a fragmented institutional settingEnvironmental policy and governance
2016 555 10
The shifting territorialities of the Rhone River's transboundary governance: a historical analysis of the evolution of the functions, uses and spatiality of river basin governanceRegional environmental change
2015 887 28
GOUVRHONE : Gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône, du Léman à Lyon
2015 1,017 268
Monthly Water Map n°2 : Hydropower Along the Nile
2015 755 28
Monthly Water Map n°1 : Geneva Water Actors
2015 454 22
Interdisciplinary approaches for analysing governance challenges across the Rhône basinRegional environmental change
2015 655 6
Analyse des facteurs contribuant à l'émergence d'une nouvelle gouvernance transfrontalière de l'eau: le cas du RhôneLe Rhône, entre nature et société
2015 639 315
Climate change impacts on discharges of the Rhone River in Lyon by the end of the twenty-first century: model results and implicationsRegional environmental change
2015 652 10
Quelle gouvernance pour le Léman demain ? Un cadrage conceptuelCIPEL : activites & infrastructures nautiques et environnement quelle vision pour les rives du Léman demain ?
2015 579 76
Transboundary River Management Instruments for CooperationHigh Level Forum for Blue Peace in the Middle East
2015 503 80
Les facteurs de la coordination au niveau des bassins versants transfrontaliers : enseignements de l'OMVS et de l'ABNTable ronde : Coopération et partage des bénéfices dans les bassins du fleuve Sénégal et du fleuve Niger
2015 510 331
Gestion transfrontalière du Léman et du Rhône : entre flexibilité et robustesseRencontres du Léman
2015 489 97
In the search of explaining Local Regulatory Arrangements in Crans-MontanaPOLIRSURD Workshop
2015 541 111
Participation publique dans le cas du Rhône, une relecture en termes d'efficacité sociale, substantielle et procéduralePublic Participation and Water Resources Management: Where Do We Stand in International Law?
2015 617 221
Institutional arrangements for transboundary water management : the case of the Rhone RiverBasel Conference on IWRM for Participants of Central Asian Countries
2014 528 3
Assessing the institutional setting and legal basis for addressing intersectoral issues in transboundary river basinsInternational water & energy conference : Preserving the flow of life
2014 838 164
Analyser, conceptualiser et proposer le système de gouvernance d'un fleuve : le projet GOUVRHONEJournée connaissances & fleuve Rhône (Agence de l'eau RMC)
2014 707 2
Outline for assessing the governance system of the water-­food-­energy-­ecosystems nexus in transboundary basinsUNECE Task Force on the Water-­Food­‐Energy­‐Ecosystem Nexus
2014 678 373
GOUVRHONE, Réflexions sur la gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône et sur son adaptation aux changementsEtats généraux de l'eau en montagne
2014 532 1,594
Gouvernance du Rhône : Quels enjeux pour la mise en œuvre progressive d'une gestion transfrontalière de l'eauRendez-vous international sur la gestion intégrée de l'eau
2014 825 156
Transboundary governance of the Rhone River: a paradigm shift?Turkey-Iraq confidence building measures for water cooperation in the Tigris River basin
2014 559 0
De Gletsch à la Méditerranée : Cinq modèles de gestion intégrée de l'eau dans le bassin versant du RhôneJournée d'étude sur la gestion intégrée de l'eau par bassin
2014 1,330 189
Le fonctionnement du réseau d'eau d'une station touristique : spécificités et réinterprétation locale des règlesFlux
2013 674 5
Lake GenevaMax Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]
2013 509 8
Pilotage public des infrastructures de réseau d'eau et double-délégation de service : le cas de la station touristique de Morzine-­AvoriazCongrès du RIODD 2013
2013 547 0
The shifting territorialities of the Rhone River's transboundary governance : A historical analysis of the evolution of the functions, uses and spatiality of river basin governance7th ECPR General Conference : Pannel Who wants to be part of IWRM? The politics of scale in basins and catchment
2013 1,079 395
Gestion des réseaux urbains de l'eau en stations touristiques alpines
2013 735 18
Transboundary management of the Rhône : Governance analysis and climate modeling as tools to support policy making processes in a climate of changeUniversity College workshop on Integration of Spatial Decision Support Systems and Evidence Based Modelling in National/Regional Policy Applications and Regulatory Systems: Scientific and Policy Challenges
2013 681 188
Participation publique dans le cas du Rhône, une relecture en termes d'efficacité sociale, substantielle et procéduraleLa participation du public et la gestion des ressources en eau : où en est le droit international?
2013 812 172
Comparative analysis of the institutional regimes of urban water networks in tourist resorts, the case-studies of Crans-Montana (Switzerland) and Morzine-Avoriaz (France)EAWAG social science seminar
2012 969 164
Les stations touristiques comme un laboratoire pour l'étude de la durabilité des services publics de l'eauLe service public d‘eau potable et ses territoires à l'épreuve du développement durable : état des lieux et perspectives
2012 1,465 155
GOUVRHÔNE : Gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône, du Léman à LyonColloque Mémoire du Rhône
2012 1,153 262
Analyse comparée de régimes institutionnels de gestion des réseaux urbains de l'eau en station touristique de montagne : Les cas de Crans-Montana (Suisse) et de Morzine-Avoriaz (France)Mondes du tourisme
2012 699 9
Gestion des ressources communes en Suisse : le rôle des institutions de gestion communautaire dans les politiques environnementales et d'aménagement du territoireNatures sciences sociétés
2012 746 18
Analyse comparée de régimes institutionnels de gestion des réseaux urbains de l'eau en station touristique de montagne
2012 224 9
Governing Water Tourism Commons : Proposition for an analytical framework of water rivalries regulations in tourist contextsInternational congress of IIAS 2011
2011 656 0
Entre imbrication, instrumentalisation et infusion : Le rôle des consortages de bisses et des bourgeoisies dans les politiques de gestion de l'eau à Crans-MontanaAnnales valaisannes
2011 616 4
Gestion durable des services urbains de l'eau en station touristique : proposition d'un cadre d'analyse fondé sur une approche en termes de régimes institutionnels de ressourcesUrbia
2010 612 296
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