Brethaut, Christian
Affiliation entities
Research groups
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The Legal Personhood as an Instrumental Tool for Reforming the Governance of the Rhône River | Water | 2024 | 49 | 20 | |||
The role of third parties in shaping transboundary cooperation of the Sixaola river basin (Costa Rica and Panama): an analysis through States’ involvement, technocratic turn, and reterritorialization | Frontiers in water | 2024 | 14 | 12 | |||
Policy instruments for governing water in cross-border metropolitan areas, the case of Greater Geneva | Journal of environmental policy and planning | 2024 | 75 | 53 | |||
Exploring friendship in hydropolitics: The case of the friendship dam on the Asi/Orontes river | Environmental policy and governance | 2023 | 220 | 170 | |||
Understanding hydropolitics through discourses, but which type of discourse? | IHE-Delft 4th Water and Peace Seminar | 2022 | 214 | 136 | |||
Institutions for reoperating reservoirs in semi-arid regions facing climate change and competing societal water demands: insights from Colorado | Water international | 2022 | 391 | 179 | |||
Exploring discursive hydropolitics: a conceptual framework and research agenda | International Journal of Water Resources Development | 2022 | 367 | 377 | |||
Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply | Hydrological Processes | 2021 | 211 | 85 | |||
Discourses in hydropolitics: why and how? A new conceptual framework for understanding the interplay between transboundary waters and politics through discourses | 2021 | 369 | 139 | ||||
Deconstructing power dynamics and prevailing discourses in hydropolitics: the case of the Sixaola river basin | Water and Society 2021 | 2021 | 228 | 42 | |||
Deconstructing power dynamics and prevailing discourses in hydropolitics: the case of the Sixaola river basin | Water and Society 2021 | 2021 | 254 | 52 | |||
The role of international case law in implementing the obligation not to cause significant harm | International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics | 2020 | 518 | 265 | |||
Supporting stakeholders to anticipate and respond to risks in a Mekong River water-energy-food nexus | Ecology and Society | 2020 | 765 | 994 | |||
Exploring the Politics of Institutional Fragmentation in Transboundary River Basins | Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Environmental Sciences | 2020 | 382 | 10 | |||
Governance of a Transboundary River: the Rhône | 2020 | 793 | 20 | ||||
The hundred-franc question : what can we learn from self-organization in governing common pool resources ? | EXPERT-ISE blog | 2019 | 375 | 77 | |||
A novel tool for measuring the penetration of the ecosystem service concept into public policy | Ecosystem Services | 2019 | 765 | 5 | |||
Universities' partnership: the role of academic institutions in water cooperation and diplomacy | International Journal of Water Resources Development | 2019 | 365 | 3 | |||
Power dynamics and integration in the water-energy-food nexus: Learning lessons for transdisciplinary research in Cambodia | Environmental Science & Policy | 2019 | 730 | 15 | |||
Participatory modeling updates expectations for individuals and groups, catalyzing behavior change and collective action in water‐energy‐food nexus governance | Earth's Future | 2019 | 446 | 225 | |||
An institutionalist perspective on the use of International Water Law: crafting institutions in a multilevel setting | Research Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations | 2018 | 581 | 17 | |||
Introduction: an interdisciplinary inquiry into the relationship between fresh water, the rule of law and international relations | Research Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations | 2018 | 502 | 2 | |||
Rhône Basin: Flow Regulation and Cascade Operation | Promoting Development in Shared River Basins: Case Studies from International Experience | 2018 | 461 | 241 | |||
Research Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations | 2018 | 521 | 0 | ||||
Taking Up Practical and Intellectual Challenges Posed by International Water Management Trends: Some Introductory Remarks | A critical approach to international water management trends, policy and practice | 2017 | 372 | 0 | |||
A Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends, Policy and Practice | 2017 | 513 | 0 | ||||
From the Promises of International Water Management Trends to the Reality of Policies and Practices: Some Conclusive Thoughts | A Critical Approach to International Water Management Trends, Policy and Practice | 2017 | 475 | 2 | |||
Transboundary Water Management: From Geopolitics to a Non-state Analytical Perspective: The Case of the Rhône River | A critical approach to international water management trends, Policy and Practice | 2017 | 513 | 5 | |||
La coordination entre régimes institutionnels de ressources comme condition d'une gestion durable des ressources touristiques alpines : Le cas de Crans-Montana (Suisse) | Revue de géographie alpine | 2016 | 516 | 117 | |||
Water in Israël-Palestine: a resources-based approach | EPFL_ENAC-LABA | 2016 | 460 | 14 | |||
A Methodology to Assess the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus in Transboundary River Basins | Water | 2016 | 735 | 498 | |||
Blue water scarcity in the Black Sea catchment: Identifying key actors in the water-ecosystem-energy-food nexus | Environmental science & policy | 2016 | 851 | 9 | |||
Gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône : entre approche monofonctionnelle, intégration et polycentrisme | Le Rhône questionné par les sciences humaines et sociales au sein de l'OHM Vallée du Rhône | 2016 | 450 | 0 | |||
The critical role of risk in setting directions for water, food and energy policy and research | Current opinion in environmental sustainability | 2016 | 567 | 413 | |||
Coordination Between Institutional Resource Regimes as a Condition for Sustainable Management of Alpine Touristic Resources : The Case of Crans-Montana (Switzerland) | Revue de géographie alpine | 2016 | 512 | 366 | |||
Monthly Water Map n°3 - Governance at the Basin Level: Senegal and Niger Rivers | 2016 | 294 | 64 | ||||
River Management and Stakeholders' Participation: The case of the Rhone River, a fragmented institutional setting | Environmental policy and governance | 2016 | 555 | 10 | |||
The shifting territorialities of the Rhone River's transboundary governance: a historical analysis of the evolution of the functions, uses and spatiality of river basin governance | Regional environmental change | 2015 | 887 | 28 | |||
GOUVRHONE : Gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône, du Léman à Lyon | 2015 | 1,017 | 268 | ||||
Monthly Water Map n°2 : Hydropower Along the Nile | 2015 | 755 | 28 | ||||
Monthly Water Map n°1 : Geneva Water Actors | 2015 | 454 | 22 | ||||
Interdisciplinary approaches for analysing governance challenges across the Rhône basin | Regional environmental change | 2015 | 655 | 6 | |||
Analyse des facteurs contribuant à l'émergence d'une nouvelle gouvernance transfrontalière de l'eau: le cas du Rhône | Le Rhône, entre nature et société | 2015 | 639 | 315 | |||
Climate change impacts on discharges of the Rhone River in Lyon by the end of the twenty-first century: model results and implications | Regional environmental change | 2015 | 652 | 10 | |||
Quelle gouvernance pour le Léman demain ? Un cadrage conceptuel | CIPEL : activites & infrastructures nautiques et environnement quelle vision pour les rives du Léman demain ? | 2015 | 579 | 76 | |||
Transboundary River Management Instruments for Cooperation | High Level Forum for Blue Peace in the Middle East | 2015 | 503 | 80 | |||
Les facteurs de la coordination au niveau des bassins versants transfrontaliers : enseignements de l'OMVS et de l'ABN | Table ronde : Coopération et partage des bénéfices dans les bassins du fleuve Sénégal et du fleuve Niger | 2015 | 510 | 331 | |||
Gestion transfrontalière du Léman et du Rhône : entre flexibilité et robustesse | Rencontres du Léman | 2015 | 489 | 97 | |||
In the search of explaining Local Regulatory Arrangements in Crans-Montana | POLIRSURD Workshop | 2015 | 541 | 111 | |||
Participation publique dans le cas du Rhône, une relecture en termes d'efficacité sociale, substantielle et procédurale | Public Participation and Water Resources Management: Where Do We Stand in International Law? | 2015 | 617 | 221 | |||
Institutional arrangements for transboundary water management : the case of the Rhone River | Basel Conference on IWRM for Participants of Central Asian Countries | 2014 | 528 | 3 | |||
Assessing the institutional setting and legal basis for addressing intersectoral issues in transboundary river basins | International water & energy conference : Preserving the flow of life | 2014 | 838 | 164 | |||
Analyser, conceptualiser et proposer le système de gouvernance d'un fleuve : le projet GOUVRHONE | Journée connaissances & fleuve Rhône (Agence de l'eau RMC) | 2014 | 707 | 2 | |||
Outline for assessing the governance system of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in transboundary basins | UNECE Task Force on the Water-Food‐Energy‐Ecosystem Nexus | 2014 | 678 | 373 | |||
GOUVRHONE, Réflexions sur la gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône et sur son adaptation aux changements | Etats généraux de l'eau en montagne | 2014 | 532 | 1,594 | |||
Gouvernance du Rhône : Quels enjeux pour la mise en œuvre progressive d'une gestion transfrontalière de l'eau | Rendez-vous international sur la gestion intégrée de l'eau | 2014 | 825 | 156 | |||
Transboundary governance of the Rhone River: a paradigm shift? | Turkey-Iraq confidence building measures for water cooperation in the Tigris River basin | 2014 | 559 | 0 | |||
De Gletsch à la Méditerranée : Cinq modèles de gestion intégrée de l'eau dans le bassin versant du Rhône | Journée d'étude sur la gestion intégrée de l'eau par bassin | 2014 | 1,330 | 189 | |||
Le fonctionnement du réseau d'eau d'une station touristique : spécificités et réinterprétation locale des règles | Flux | 2013 | 674 | 5 | |||
Lake Geneva | Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL] | 2013 | 509 | 8 | |||
Pilotage public des infrastructures de réseau d'eau et double-délégation de service : le cas de la station touristique de Morzine-Avoriaz | Congrès du RIODD 2013 | 2013 | 547 | 0 | |||
The shifting territorialities of the Rhone River's transboundary governance : A historical analysis of the evolution of the functions, uses and spatiality of river basin governance | 7th ECPR General Conference : Pannel Who wants to be part of IWRM? The politics of scale in basins and catchment | 2013 | 1,079 | 395 | |||
Gestion des réseaux urbains de l'eau en stations touristiques alpines | 2013 | 735 | 18 | ||||
Transboundary management of the Rhône : Governance analysis and climate modeling as tools to support policy making processes in a climate of change | University College workshop on Integration of Spatial Decision Support Systems and Evidence Based Modelling in National/Regional Policy Applications and Regulatory Systems: Scientific and Policy Challenges | 2013 | 681 | 188 | |||
Participation publique dans le cas du Rhône, une relecture en termes d'efficacité sociale, substantielle et procédurale | La participation du public et la gestion des ressources en eau : où en est le droit international? | 2013 | 812 | 172 | |||
Comparative analysis of the institutional regimes of urban water networks in tourist resorts, the case-studies of Crans-Montana (Switzerland) and Morzine-Avoriaz (France) | EAWAG social science seminar | 2012 | 969 | 164 | |||
Les stations touristiques comme un laboratoire pour l'étude de la durabilité des services publics de l'eau | Le service public d‘eau potable et ses territoires à l'épreuve du développement durable : état des lieux et perspectives | 2012 | 1,465 | 155 | |||
GOUVRHÔNE : Gouvernance transfrontalière du Rhône, du Léman à Lyon | Colloque Mémoire du Rhône | 2012 | 1,153 | 262 | |||
Analyse comparée de régimes institutionnels de gestion des réseaux urbains de l'eau en station touristique de montagne : Les cas de Crans-Montana (Suisse) et de Morzine-Avoriaz (France) | Mondes du tourisme | 2012 | 699 | 9 | |||
Gestion des ressources communes en Suisse : le rôle des institutions de gestion communautaire dans les politiques environnementales et d'aménagement du territoire | Natures sciences sociétés | 2012 | 746 | 18 | |||
Analyse comparée de régimes institutionnels de gestion des réseaux urbains de l'eau en station touristique de montagne | 2012 | 224 | 9 | ||||
Governing Water Tourism Commons : Proposition for an analytical framework of water rivalries regulations in tourist contexts | International congress of IIAS 2011 | 2011 | 656 | 0 | |||
Entre imbrication, instrumentalisation et infusion : Le rôle des consortages de bisses et des bourgeoisies dans les politiques de gestion de l'eau à Crans-Montana | Annales valaisannes | 2011 | 616 | 4 | |||
Gestion durable des services urbains de l'eau en station touristique : proposition d'un cadre d'analyse fondé sur une approche en termes de régimes institutionnels de ressources | Urbia | 2010 | 612 | 296 |