Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Optimization of the emergency obstetric and neonatal care network in Benin through expert-based sub-national prioritizations | Frontiers in global women’s health | 2024 | 52 | 10 | |||
Retention in care among people living with HIV in the national antiretroviral therapy programme in Guinea: A retrospective cohort analysis | PLOS global public health | 2023 | 83 | 16 | |||
Improving the efficiency of scale-up and deployment of community health workers in Mali: A geospatial analysis | PLOS global public health | 2022 | 158 | 49 | |||
Optimising geographical accessibility to primary health care: a geospatial analysis of community health posts and community health workers in Niger | BMJ (Global health) | 2021 | 218 | 143 | |||
Documentation du processus et résultats de la mise en œuvre de réseaux SONU dans 4 pays : Togo, Bénin, Sénégal et Guinée : Prioriser pour Agir sur les décès évitables de mères et nouveaux nés | 2019 | 839 | 333 | ||||
Réseau national de maternités offrant les soins obstétricaux et néonatals d'urgence (SONU) au Sénégal | 2019 | 459 | 2 342 |