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1 - 16 of 16
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Media Coverage, Advertising, and Electoral Volatility: The Crucial Role of Party CompetencePolitical communication
2024 16 1
Faire campagne: Les partis politiques suisses face à l'électorat depuis 1945. ZoéKergomard. EPFL Press, Savoir Suisse (2023), 176p, 978–2–88915‐915‐515‐6Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2024 10 2
Information Cues in ReferendaElgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication
2024 18 17
Die Wähler:Innen der Grünen – ihre Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Vergleich mit der SP und der GLPDie Grünen in der Schweiz. Entwicklung – Wirken - Perspektiven
2023 120 6
L'électorat vert – et ses similitudes et différences par rapport à l'électorat socialiste et vert-libéralLes Vert-e-s en Suisse Évolution – action – perspectives
2023 124 27
Die Wähler:innen der Grünen – ihre Gemein-samkeiten und Unterschiede im Vergleich mit derDie Grünen in der Schweiz Entwicklung – Wirken – Perspektiven
2023 48 2
Paying for ads or getting into the news? How parties persuade citizens of their issue competence during an election campaignParty politics
2022 113 35
Competence Issue Ownership, Issue Positions and the Vote for the Greens and the Social DemocratsSwiss Political Science Review
2022 176 184
Party Competence on Issues
2021 464 1
Antibody responses to SARS-CoV2 vaccination in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipientsBone marrow transplantation
2021 204 2
Does E-Voting matter for turnout, and to whom?Electoral studies
2021 68 0
Does E-Voting Matter for Turnout, and to Whom?Electoral Studies
2020 360 259
The more the better? Cumulative issue ownership and intra-campaign party switchingElectoral Studies
2020 496 313
Short‐term dynamics in issue ownership and electoral choice formationSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2018 450 146
Short-term dynamics in issue-ownership and vote conversion
2017 417 154
An OCEAN of negativity: An experimental assessment on personality traits and the chances to 'go dirty' in debates on political issuesNew perspectives on negative campaigning. Why attack politics matters
2015 366 0
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