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1 - 79 of 79
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Painting Humanitarian Experiences at Sea: The Raft of the MedusaEmotions: History, Culture, Society
2025 28 1
Physiologies of LoveA Cultural History of Love in the Modern Age.
2025 16 0
Towards a history of humanitarian experiencesEmotions
2025 1 0
[Review of:] Emotions and Surgery in Britain, 1793-1912 / Michael Brown. Cambridge University Press, 2022The American historical review
2024 25 0
CompasiónAtlas político de emociones
2024 23 1
What is the history of care the history of?Revista Dynamis
2024 54 36
Caring for prisoners of war: Marguerite Frick-Cramer's and Marguerite van Berchem's service activities in the International Committee of the Red Cross (1914-1969)Revista Dynamis
2024 53 30
Pain(ful) experiences as an archipelago of knowledge(s)Digital handbook of the history of experience
2023 48 7
Beyond Compassion: Gender and Humanitarian Action
2023 51 14
[Review of:] Saving the Children: Humanitarianism, Internationalism and Empire / Emily Baughan. Oakland: University of California Press, 2022Totalitarismus und Demokratie
2023 53 24
Crisis? What Crisis? Making Humanitarian Crises Visible in the History of EmotionsMaking Humanitarian Crises: Emotions and Images in History
2022 132 126
Making Humanitarian Crises: Emotions and Images in History
2022 237 76
[Review of:] Gendering global humanitarianism in the twentieth century: practice, politics and the power of representationEuropean Review of History
2021 185 3
Feeling humanitarianism during the spanish civil war and republican exileJournal of Spanish Cultural Studies
2020 236 265
A female genealogy of humanitarian action: compassion as a practice in the work of Josephine Butler, Florence Nightingale and Sarah MonodMedicine, conflict, and survival
2020 493 12
Elisabeth Eidenbenz's humanitarian experience during the Spanish Civil War and republican exileJournal of Spanish Cultural Studies
2020 342 7
Feminist perspectives on the history of humanitarian relief (1870–1945)Medicine, Conflict and Survival
2020 303 8
Special issue: ‘Feminist perspectives on the history of humanitarian relief (1870-1945)' guest edited by Dolorès Martín-MorunoMedicine, Conflict and Survival
2020 192 0
Faut-il brûler l'histoire des émotions?Traverse
2020 483 20
Performing Emotional BodiesEmotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions
2019 257 6
Emotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions. Introduction
2019 400 18
Making social bodiesEmotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions.
2019 228 4
Humanitarian bodies in actionEmotional bodies: the historical performativity of emotions.
2019 221 5
AfterwordEmotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions
2019 201 4
Fearful Female Bodies: The Petroleuses of the Paris CommuneEmotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions
2019 1,260 10
[Crítica del libro]: El practicante. El nacimiento de una nueva profesión sanitaria /Blázquez Ornat, Isabel. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2017Gesnerus
2019 248 3
Diseased Bodies under ConstructionEmotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions
2019 203 4
[Compte rendu de :] Marc J. Ratcliff. Genèse d'une découverte: La division des infusoires (1765–1766). 751 pp., illus., bibl., index. Paris: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 2017. €45 (paper)Isis
2018 548 57
La electricidad romántica de Mary Shelley o de cómo crear un monstruo sirviéndose del galvanismo animalConferencia inaugural de "Frankenstein 2018: el bicentenario de un mito eléctrico"
2018 514 378
[Review of:]This Mortal Coil. The Human Body in History and Culture / Fay Bound Alberti. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016Gesnerus
2017 402 8
Tejiendo redes de cuidados: la compasión como conocimiento de las mujeres humanitarias en la guerra (1853-1945)Al servicio de la salud humana. La historia de la medicina ante los retos del siglo XXI.
2017 1,172 143
¿Un país para los refugiados? Las enfermeras suizas de los trenes de prisioneros durante la Gran GuerraAl servicio de la salud humana. La historia de la medicina ante los retos del siglo XXI
2017 1,007 76
[Review of:] Gendered Drugs and Medicine: Historical and Socio-Cultural Perspectives / Teresa Ortiz-Gómez and María Jesús Santesmases. - Farnham and Burligton, 2014History and philosophy of the life sciences
2016 2,143 9
La Guerr@ de las Mujeres. Reflexiones sobre conocimiento y género en las guerras contemporáneasSeminario Conocimiento y Conflicto
2016 546 319
Looking for SalariaWarriors without Weapons: Humanitarian Action during the Spanish civil war and the Republican Exile
2016 522 84
Pain as practice in Paolo Mantegazza's Science of EmotionsOsiris
2016 719 7
Salaria Kea's memories from the Spanish civil warWarriors without Weapons: Humanitarian Action during the Spanish civil war and the Republican exile
2016 602 346
Quand la médecine nous prend par les sentiments: Le magnétiseur amoureux de Charles de VillersGesnerus
2015 648 19
Electricity and Gender in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein(In)Scribing Gender
2015 598 11
Permanencia(S) de la Comuna de París en el mundo contemporáneoImaginarios utópicos: pasado, presente y futuro
2015 445 147
[Review of:] The Smile Revolution in Eighteenth Century Paris / Colin Jones. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014British journal for the history of science
2015 612 6
Feeling Nature: Emotions and Ecology. The legacy of RomanticismNature, Environment and Quality of Life
2015 627 6
Le coup de foudre : l'histoire d'une émotion électrique dans le monde francophone (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles)Influxus
2015 778 13
Ambulancias para Ell@s: hospitales de campaña, puestos de socorro y sistemas de evacuación durante el Sitio y la Comuna de París (1870-1)Hospitals en temps de guerra: tecnologies mediques i agències humanitaries
2015 454 143
Doing Emotions HistoryEmotional Bodies. A Workshop on the historical performativity of emotions
2014 473 169
Rosa Zehner's performative body and her solidarity with the Second Spanish RepublicEmotional Bodies. A Workshop on the historical performativity of emotions
2014 463 74
"Le temps des cerises": las ambulancieras de la Comuna de ParisXVI Congreso Sociedad Espannola de Historia de la Medicina
2014 567 6
Electric and Magnetic Dreams in Romantic Europe : The debate about the representation of Nature in the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries
2014 932 521
Las enfermeras también posan : representaciones de los cuidados durante la Primera Guerra MundialCiencia y Técnica entre la Paz y la Guerra : 1714, 1814, 1914
2014 801 523
Réflexions sur le suicide : Mélancolie noire, ennui et chagrin d'amour à l'âge romantiqueThe Emotions
2014 507 285
"Le temps des cerises": The Ambulance Women in the Paris CommuneThe bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing
2014 1,179 871
La sensibilité à fleur de peau : Nature, mélancolie et philosophie dans l'autobiographie d'André-Marie AmpèreVies de savants et éthiques des savoirs
2013 374 126
Feeling Nature: Emotions and EcologyBollettino filosofico
2013 627 8
Ressentiment, médecine et société dans la biographie biologique de Gregorio MarañónHistoire, médecine et santé
2013 646 5
On Resentment: Past and Present
2013 721 1,124
Romantic Feelings (Victor Hugo's pluie d'orage)Romantic Feelings. Continuities and Discontinuities in the History of Emotions. From the Aftermath of the French Revolution to the Revolutions of 1848
2013 476 280
L'Humanitaire au féminin: Florence Nightingale, Valérie de Gasparin et Clara BartonHumanitaire et Médecine. Les premiers pas de la Croix-Rouge (1854-1870)
2013 1,259 51
[Revista de libro:] Historia Cultural del Dolor / Javier Moscoso. - Madrid : Taurus, 2011Teorema
2013 736 14
On Resentment. Introduction. Past and Present of an EmotionOn Resentment. Past and Present.
2013 506 13
Romantic Feelings: Continuities and Discontinuities in the History of EmotionsRomantic Feelings: Continuities and Discontinuities in the History of Emotions. From the Aftermath of the French Revolution to the Revolutions of 1848
2013 429 205
Revisiting Spanish Memory: George Orwell's Homage to CataloniaJournal of alternative perspectives in the social sciences
2011 643 795
A Romantic life dedicated to Science: André-Marie Ampère's AutobiographyTeorie vědy
2011 801 812
Un regard féminin sur la médecine: L'hygiène sexuelle durant la guerre civile espagnoleFemmes en guerres: histoire(s)
2011 644 180
Love in the times of Darwinism: Paolo Mantegazza and the emergence of sexualityMedicina & Storia
2010 677 6
Becoming visible and real: Images of Republican Women during the Spanish Civil WarVisual culture & gender
2010 2,785 1,966
Looking to the Heavens: Aménabar's Hypatia and the Fall of Alexandria. [Film review of:] Agora / Alejandro Amenábar. 2009Journal of Jura Gentium Cinema
2010 552 352
Le mesmérisme ou "Magnétisme animal": Un puissant mouvement culturel à la fin du 18e siècleAmpère et l'histoire de l'électricité
2009 598 171
The nursing vocation as political participation for women during the Spanish Civil WarJournal of war and culture studies
2009 756 0
Electrificando las tropas francesas: representando la neurosis durante la Primera Guerra MundialActas del VI Congreso de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España (SLMFCE): 18 - 21 de noviembre
2009 505 4
Un mythe moderne sur l'électricité : FrankensteinAmpère et l'histoire de l'électricité
2008 511 429
Les poissons électriques: de la légende à l'électricité animaleAmpère et l'histoire de l'électricité
2008 517 226
Locura y Electricidad en la Gran Guerra: la neurosis y el electrodiagnóstico en la Primera Guerra MundialPaideía
2008 700 398
Ampère: un poète romantique ?Ampère et l'histoire de l'électricité
2008 481 105
La Objetividad en el Romanticismo: El Empirismo Imaginativo en J. H. Lambert y J. W. RitterLlull
2007 550 0
Le jeune Ampère et le romantismeAmpère et l'histoire de l'électricité
2007 467 112
Víctor contra Frankenstein: una visión de lo monstruosoBajo palabra
2007 530 598
Science et Romantisme: une nouvelle approche à la natureSciences et techniques en perspective
2007 677 172
Una vision romantica de la ciencia: Frankenstein o el Moderno PrometeoUn breve viaje por la ciencia. I Certamen Teresa Pinillos de Ensayos de Divulgacion Cientifica
2005 615 102
André-Marie Ampère: un génie romantiqueBulletin de la Société des amis d'André-Marie Ampère
2003 515 265
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