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1 - 18 of 18
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Regulating the gig economy: promises and limits of social dialogue in SwitzerlandSocial Dialogue in the Gig Economy: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
2023 188 155
Confronting algorithmic management using subject access requests: Insights using the case of food deliveriesEconomic and labour relations review
2023 22 4
When voices from below are heard: the case of a Swiss online food-delivery platformMissing voice? Worker Voice and Social Dialogue in the Platform Economy
2022 72 1
Les outils de l'intermédiation sur les marchés du travail de plateforme : Ethnographie du marché des livraisons de repas en Suisse romande
2022 586 897
Manufacturing Consent in the Gig EconomyAugmented exploitation: artificial intelligence, automation and work
2021 480 2
The datafication of price settingInterdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop
2021 239 0
Mobilitazioni sulla frontiera della digitalizzazione del lavoro: il caso dei riders tra Berna e l'EuropaLa digitalizzazione del lavoro. Sguardi globali, nuove forme e nuovi attriti, impatto sul lavoro sociale
2020 224 401
Fragmentations and solidarities in the gig economy: The case of an online food-delivery platform in SwitzerlandInternational Labour Process Conference
2019 424 3
Matching users' and developers' beliefs: The algorithmic management of uncertaintyConnected Life: Data & Disorder
2019 301 1
Matchmaking on the labour market for online food-deliveriesInternational Network on Digital Labour
2019 295 0
[Review of:] Alex Rosenblat, Uberland: How algorithms are rewriting the rules of work, Oakland, California University Press, 2018, 271 pRéseaux
2019 438 0
Recruitment devices in the gig economy: how a labor supply takes shape in the market for food deliveriesEuropean Sociological Association Conference
2019 201 0
Platform management from within: Its design and receptionInternational Labour Process Conference
2019 298 0
Le management algorithmique, qu'est-ce que c'est? Expériences de livreur.euse.s de plateforme à GenèveCycle de conférence du Centre de Carrière UNIGE
2019 555 0
Enquêter à couvert d'un management invisible: expériences d'une recherche sur le travail de plateformeL'éthique (en) pratique: la recherche en sciences sociales
2018 244 0
Making sense of plural normativities in an active welfare stateWelfare Conditionality International Conference
2018 267 1
How workers matter: The co-construction of platforms and workersReshaping Work Conference
2018 281 0
Le travail dans l'économie collaborative: Une évaluation socio-économique
2016 533 850
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