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1 - 79 of 79
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
A Participatory Approach to Content Simplification in University Websites2nd International Conference on Translation and Cultural Sustainability
2024 50 35
Projet UNI-ACCESS. Accessibilité des sites web des Hautes écolesJournée d’échanges sur la recherche à la FTI
2024 59 33
Langue facile et langue des signes dans les sites web universitaires européensAccessibilité des sites web universitaires. Échanges autour du projet UNI-ACCESS
2024 22 12
Accessible Crisis Communication for the Blind and the Visually Impaired in Multilingual SettingsTranslating Crises
2023 262 17
Evaluating a Multilingual Pre-trained Model for the Automatic Standard German Captioning of Swiss German TVProceedings of the 8th edition of the Swiss Text Analytics Conference
2023 106 32
Health Websites for All: A Localisation-Oriented Accessibility EvaluationTranslation Technology in Accessible Health Communication
2023 119 54
UNI-ACCESS: A Quest for an Accessible Web Communication Approach in Academic Environments2nd International Conference on Translation and Interpreting
2023 147 90
Translation Technology in Accessible Health Communication
2023 226 4
Easy Language Content on the Web: A Multilingual PerspectiveInvestigaciones recientes en traducción y accesibilidad digital
2022 163 305
Accessibility in translation training: motivation, methods and toolsEuropean Master's in Translation (EMT) Spring Network Meeting
2022 191 45
Translation Technologies and Accessibility in the Human-Machine EraLITHME Language Rights Working Group Workshop
2022 257 63
Retos de la traducción para la comunicación claraChallenges in Multilingual Specialised Communication in the Digital Era: New Translation Scenarios and Professional Profiles
2022 218 70
Traducción y lectura fácil: investigación, transferencia técnica y didácticaXI Jornadas Científicas Internacionales de Investigación sobre Personas con Discapacidad
2022 266 153
Towards a technologised translation classroom: Practices and perceptions from trainers at a Swiss University44th Translating and the Computer conference - AsLing
2022 134 19
La traduction automatique des textes faciles à lire et à comprendre (FALC) : une étude comparativeMeta
2022 395 96
The use of ADKAR to instil change in the accessibility of university websitesProceedings of the 19th International Web for All Conference (W4A ’22)
2022 227 11
Language-related criteria for evaluating the accessibility of localised multilingual websitesProceedings of the 3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication (BfC 2020)
2021 297 158
Are Easy Language Best Practices Applied in Educational Texts for Children in French?International Easy Language Day Conference (IELD) 2021
2021 321 84
Accessibility Asymmetries in Web Localisation7th International IATIS Conference
2021 290 107
A Reception Study of Machine-Translated Easy Language Text by Individuals with Reading Difficulties3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (ICTIC3)
2021 288 106
CAT tools' impact on the achievement of accessible HTML5 documents: A comparative studyProceedings of the 3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication (BfC 2020)
2021 319 149
Linguistic and Ethical Considerations in Easy Language Machine TranslationInternational Easy Language Day Conference (IELD) 2021
2021 390 94
A Multilingual Systematic Review on the Use of Easy Language in Educational Settings7th International IATIS Conference
2021 248 142
How is Web Content in Easy Language Localised? Current Trends and Open QuestionsInternational Conference on Translation and Interpreting of Specialized Discourses: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Accessibility
2021 232 128
Traducción automática y posedición en la DGT: de la teoría a la prácticaPuntoycoma
2020 770 956
Applying the ADKAR Model to Boost Web Accessibility in Higher Education Institutions3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-Free Communication (BFC 2020)
2020 993 420
An Overview of Inclusive Education in the Canton of Vaud: Legislation, Organisation and Research
2020 605 251
Accessibility of multilingual information in cascading crisesTranslation in Cascading Crises
2020 450 346
Translation and technologyThe Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education
2020 803 1,155
Measuring the Impact of Neural Machine Translation on Easy-to-Read Texts: An Exploratory StudyConference on Easy-to-Read Language Research (Klaara 2019)
2019 666 350
A Survey on the Learning Materials for Children with Special Needs: Building a Case for Easy-to-Read in the ClassroomKlaara Conference on Easy to Read Language Research
2019 546 118
Showcasing web accessibility and localisation training: the example of culture and heritage websitesAcceso al patrimonio cultural, científico y natural. Contribuciones desde la traductología
2019 309 121
A Self-efficacy Approach to Assess the Effectiveness of Web Localisation and Accessibility Training1st International Conference on Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Foundations, Fundamentals and Applications
2018 431 121
Proceedings of the Second Swiss Conference on Barrier-Free Communication (BFC 2018) - Accessibility in Educational Settings
2018 472 655
Developing a New Swiss Research Centre for Barrier-Free CommunicationProceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
2018 527 125
Is Web-Based Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) Software Usable for Blind Translators?Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2018
2018 663 17
Roadblocks to Inclusive Education and Career Development for People with Hearing Impairments in French and Italian Speaking SwitzerlandProceedings of the 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Accessibility in educational settings (BFC 2018)
2018 557 147
Status quo of inclusive access to higher education. A focus on deaf and hearing-impaired individuals in German-speaking SwitzerlandProceedings of the 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Accessibility in educational settings (BFC 2018)
2018 566 123
Educación para la accesibilidad en localización web: El proyecto ALMASeminario Internacional sobre Traducción y Accesibilidad al Patrimonio (SITAP 2018)
2018 557 109
Language Navigation Patterns of Multilingual Screen Reader Users on Partially Localised University WebsitesProceedings of the 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Accessibility in educational settings (BFC 2018)
2018 475 91
Web Accessibility Compliance in Localisation: The Missing Link for an Optimal End User ExperienceTranslating and the Computer 39
2017 547 174
Traducción, localización y accesibilidad web: cuando una imagen no vale más que mil palabras2° Foro Internacional de Traducción Especializada (FITE 2017)
2017 426 0
Usability of web-based MT post-editing environments for screen reader usersMT Summit XVI
2017 632 296
A comparison of different approaches for editing health-related information: an author's satisfaction perspectiveThe Global Evidence Summit
2017 444 97
Entering assistive technology into the translator-computer interaction equation: Where are we and where should we go?TransAccess 2017: Translation and accessibility - Translating Europe Workshop Series
2017 464 0
Bringing Accessibility into the Multilingual Web Production Chain: Perceptions from the Localization IndustryUniversal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and Methods
2017 606 0
On the Lookout for Accessible Translation Aids: Current Scenario and New Horizons for Blind Translation Students and ProfessionalsJournal of Translator Education and Translation Studies (TETS)
2016 786 524
A HCI-driven approach to web localisation for a more accessible multilingual Web10th Annual Irish Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference
2016 538 12
Unveiling accessibility challenges in the use of translation technologies: implications for teaching visually-impaired translation trainees3rd International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation
2016 783 0
How to successfully localise images on the Web for the blind?The 8th European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress
2016 472 0
Assuring accessibility during web localisation: an empirical investigation on the achievement of appropriate text alternatives for images
2016 2,919 292
Why should web accessibility best practices be taught in the localisation classroom? Insights from an empirical study3rd International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation
2016 1,100 0
New insights into translation-oriented, technology-intensive localiser education: accessibility as an opportunityProceedings of the 4th International Conference Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM '16)
2016 569 13
Measuring the Impact of Automated Evaluation Tools on Alternative Text Quality: a Web Translation StudyProceedings of the 13th Web for All (W4A) Conference
2016 622 417
Exploring Current Accessibility Challenges in the Multilingual Web for Visually-Impaired UsersThe 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2015 Companion Volume
2015 1,187 489
Acrolinx: a Controlled-Language Checker Turned into an Accessibility Evaluation Tool for Image Text AlternativesProceedings of the 12th Web for All (W4A) Conference
2015 712 369
Making localised Web content accessible: A collaborative task between the developer and the localiserConducting Research in Translation Technologies
2015 577 0
Improving Image Accessibility in the Web Using AcrolinxContent Connections - The virtual Conference for Content Professionals
2015 553 0
Unlocking the Potential of Web Localizers as Contributors to Image Accessibility: What Do Evaluation Tools Have to Offer?Proceedings of the 12th Web for All (W4A) Conference
2015 667 1,034
A controlled language-based evaluation approach to ensure image accessibility during web localisationTranslation Spaces
2015 603 0
Introducing Web Accessibility to Localization Students: Implications for a Universal WebProceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility (ASSETS 2014)
2014 660 362
Fostering accessibility through web localizationMultiLingual Magazine
2014 795 14
Applying Accessibility-Oriented Controlled Language (CL) Rules to Improve Appropriateness of Text Alternatives for Images: an Exploratory StudyProceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014)
2014 879 337
Teaching XLIFF to translators and localisers5th International XLIFF Symposium - FEISGILTT 2014
2014 705 0
La formación de localizadores en los estudios de traducción: un enfoque comunicativo, objetual y socialSecond International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation
2014 780 0
Accessible images for all? The importance of image contextualisation during the localisation processTranslating for a mass readership - Traductologie de plein champ 2013, 5th edition
2013 587 0
Web accessibility training as an added-value for future localisation professionalsComment peut-on être traducteur/interprète ?, 13ème édition
2013 705 0
Towards Defining the Role of Localisation Professionals in the Achievement of Multilingual Web AccessibilityRevista Tradumàtica
2013 905 87
Traducción y accesibilización de discurso público en formato webTraducción, política(s), conflictos: legados y retos para la era del multiculturalismo
2013 545 0
Comparing forum data post-editing performance using translation memory and machine translation output: a pilot studyProceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV
2013 860 427
Wordbee TranslatorMultilingual Magazine
2013 727 0
Multilingual Website Assessment for Accessibility: a Survey on Current PracticesProceedings of the 15th ACM SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2013)
2013 1,105 379
Localizing accessibility of text alternatives for visual content in multilingual websitesACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing Newsletter
2013 810 499
A Communicative Approach to Evaluate Web Accessibility Localisation Using a Controlled Language Checker: the Case of Text Alternatives for ImagesLocalisation Focus. The International Journal of Localisation.
2012 644 713
Making Web Localisation Accessible between CommunitiesDoctoral Consortium of the 14th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2012)
2012 615 227
La localización web como traducción intercomunitaria: accesibilidad, lenguaje y sociedadII International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies
2011 639 0
Enabling Digital Inclusion through Controlled Content SimplificationIII Action Week for Global Information Sharing (AGIS '11)
2011 591 0
Making digital content accessible: a collaborative task between the web developer and the localiserThe coming of age of Translation Technologies in Translation Studies. First International T3L Conference: Tradumatica, Translation Technologies & Localization
2011 757 0
La localización al servicio de un cambio sostenible
2011 628 1,063
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