Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Group intervention for family members of people with borderline personality disorder based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy : Implementation of the Family Connections® program in France and Switzerland | Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation | 2024 | 8 | 3 | |||
Father-infant synchrony and infant vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation: father-infant shared times in Switzerland as moderators | Early child development and care | 2023 | 8 | 5 | |||
Parental sensitivity, family alliance and infants' vagal tone : Influences of early family interactions on physiological emotion regulation | Infant mental health journal | 2023 | 14 | 2 | |||
Interactive synchrony and infants' vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation : associations within each mother- and father-infant dyad and across dyads | Frontiers in psychology | 2023 | 22 | 3 | |||
The influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on infants' physiological regulation during mother-father-infant interactions in Switzerland | Infancy | 2023 | 53 | 8 | |||
Associations between parent–infant interactions, cortisol and vagal regulation in infants, and socioemotional outcomes: A systematic review | Infant behavior & development | 2022 | 150 | 27 | |||
Shared parental care in the first 18 months as a context for sensitivity and coparenting | Journal of Family Studies | 2021 | 104 | 61 | |||
Primary care prevention of cardiovascular risk behaviors in adolescents: a systematic review | Preventive Medicine | 2020 | 353 | 472 | |||
Fearful-avoidant attachment: a specific impact on sexuality? | Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy | 2019 | 278 | 766 | |||
Construire la cohésion familiale : les relations coparentales dans les familles recomposées | Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux | 2018 | 227 | 0 | |||
A Longitudinal Study of Parental Depressive Symptoms and Coparenting in the First 18 Months | Family Process | 2017 | 470 | 350 | |||
Validation of the french version of the experiences in close relationships–revised (ecr-r) adult romantic attachment questionnaire | Swiss journal of psychology | 2016 | 1 128 | 340 | |||
Coparenting in Stepfamilies: Maternal Promotion of Family Cohesiveness with Partner and with Father | Journal of child and family studies | 2015 | 592 | 118 | |||
L'influence de la dépressivité maternelle sur le développement des relations au sein de la famille durant les dix-huit premiers mois post-partum | 2013 | 841 | 0 | ||||
Collaboration entre cliniciens et chercheurs autour de la « consultation systémique » : double regard sur un cas clinique | Psychothérapies | 2013 | 534 | 8 | |||
Le coparentage, un concept clé pour évaluer le fonctionnement familial | Psychothérapies | 2012 | 584 | 7 | |||
Family interactions in IVF families: change over the transition to parenthood | Journal of reproductive and infant psychology | 2012 | 593 | 2 | |||
Collaboration entre cliniciens et chercheurs autour de la « consultation systémique » : une situation de violence intrafamiliale | Devenir | 2012 | 592 | 6 | |||
The Family Alliance Assessment Scales: Steps Toward Validity and Reliability of an Observational Assessment Tool for Early Family Interactions | Journal of child and family studies | 2011 | 622 | 395 | |||
Dépression post-partum maternelle et développement de l'enfant : revue de littérature et arguments en faveur d'une approche familiale | La Psychiatrie de l'enfant | 2011 | 812 | 196 | |||
Overservational situations of interactions in families of four and more people | The Signal | 2011 | 496 | 2 |