Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Maternal reflective functioning, interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder, and risk for psychopathology in early childhood | Attachment & Human Development | 2020 | 832 | 966 | |||
Parental Reflective Functioning correlates to brain activation in response to video-stimuli of mother–child dyads: Links to maternal trauma history and PTSD | Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging | 2019 | 312 | 204 | |||
Improving mental health and physiological stress responses in mothers following traumatic childbirth and in their infants: study protocol for the Swiss TrAumatic biRth Trial (START) | BMJ Open | 2019 | 378 | 129 | |||
EEG recording during an emotional face-matching task in children of mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder | Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging | 2019 | 364 | 511 | |||
22.2 Maternal adverse childhood experiences, PTSD, and maternal attribution of child emotional comprehension | Scientific proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | 2019 | 239 | 2 | |||
The Association of Maternal Exposure to Domestic Violence During Childhood With Prenatal Attachment, Maternal-Fetal Heart Rate, and Infant Behavioral Regulation | Frontiers in Psychiatry | 2018 | 336 | 152 | |||
Developmental delay in communication among toddlers and its relationship to caregiving behavior among violence-exposed, posttraumatically stressed mothers | Research in Developmental Disabilities | 2018 | 284 | 405 | |||
Intergenerational Transmission of DNA Methylation Signatures Associated with Early Life Stress | Current Genomics | 2018 | 748 | 3 | |||
Maternal PTSD and corresponding neural activity mediate effects of child exposure to violence on child PTSD symptoms | PLOS ONE | 2017 | 543 | 225 | |||
Effects of interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on mother and child diurnal cortisol rhythm and cortisol reactivity to a laboratory stressor involving separation | Hormones and Behavior | 2017 | 488 | 0 | |||
The association of serotonin receptor 3A methylation with maternal violence exposure, neural activity, and child aggression | Behavioural brain research | 2017 | 683 | 254 | |||
Trauma and Parenting: Informing Clinical Practice with Recent Research Findings | Current treatment options in pediatrics | 2017 | 446 | 3 | |||
Impact du stress post-traumatique lié à la violence domestique sur la parentalité : données empiriques et applications cliniques | Enfance | 2015 | 565 | 7 | |||
How do maternal PTSD and alexithymia interact to impact maternal behavior? | Child psychiatry and human development | 2015 | 533 | 2 | |||
The relation of general socio-emotional processing to parenting specific behavior: a study of mothers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder | Frontiers in psychology | 2015 | 624 | 392 | |||
BDNF Methylation and Maternal Brain Activity in a Violence-Related Sample | PloS one | 2015 | 703 | 315 | |||
Methylation of NR3C1 is related to maternal PTSD, parenting stress and maternal medial prefrontal cortical activity in response to child separation among mothers with histories of violence exposure | Frontiers in psychology | 2015 | 762 | 489 | |||
Autonomic functioning in mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder in response to separation-reunion | Developmental psychobiology | 2014 | 524 | 1 | |||
Neural generators of psychogenic seizures: Evidence from intracranial and extracranial brain recordings | Epilepsy & behavior | 2014 | 607 | 0 | |||
Psychodynamic Approaches to Medically Ill Children and Their Traumatically Stressed Parents | Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America | 2013 | 592 | 0 | |||
Parents "difficiles" ? Les défis posés par les parents souffrant d'un trouble psychiatrique en pratique pédiatrique | Revue médicale suisse | 2013 | 585 | 2 | |||
Limbic brain responses in mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid dissociation to video clips of their children | Stress | 2013 | 1,384 | 337 | |||
An fMRI study of the brain responses of traumatized mothers to viewing their toddlers during separation and play | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2012 | 581 | 0 | |||
The developmental neuroscience of emotional neglect, its consequences, and the psychosocial interventions that can reverse them | The American journal of psychiatry | 2012 | 512 | 2 | |||
Maternal Post-traumatic Stress and Response to Toddler Distress : What is the Impact on Mutual Emotion Regulation and the Child's Social-Emotional Development? | 2010 | 770 | 0 | ||||
Subjective and objective measures of parent-child relationship dysfunction, child separation distress, and joint attention | Psychiatry | 2010 | 610 | 0 |