The War in Ukraine, Volunteers and Non-profit Organizations : Regulatory and Law-Related Challenges | Nonprofit policy forum | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2025 | 6 | 0 |
Incitations fiscales pour les donateurs. Aperçu et recommandations pour la Suisse | Steuer-Revue | ![accessLevelRestricted](assets/images/access-level-restricted.svg) | | 2022 | 362 | 9 |
Who donates and how? New evidence on the tax incentives in the canton of Geneva, Switzerland | Journal of empirical legal studies | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2022 | 178 | 52 |
Foundations in Europe from a tax perspective – observations and trends | Comparative Highlights of Foundation Laws - The Operating Environment for Foundations in Europe | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 244 | 90 |
Tax incentives for charitable giving. Evidence from the Swiss Canton of Geneva | The Routledge Handbook on Taxation and Philanthropy | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 161 | 37 |
Behavioural philanthropy. Harnessing behavioural sciences to design more effective tax incentives for philanthropy | The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 161 | 116 |
The OECD Report on Taxation and Philanthropy : Main Findings and Policy Options for Switzerland | Expert Focus | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 384 | 122 |
The Routledge Handbook on Taxation and Philanthropy | | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 264 | 275 |
Fiscalité et femmes: de la nécessité d'un passage à l'imposition individuelle | Revue de droit administratif et de droit fiscal. Partie 2, Droit fiscal | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 299 | 30 |
Editors' Introduction to the Volume | The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2021 | 202 | 55 |
Encouraging Sustainable Investment through Direct Tax Relief: Swiss and EU State Aid Legal Framework | IFF Forum für Steuerrecht | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2020 | 467 | 177 |
Tax Incentives for Charitable Giving as a Policy Instrument: Theoretical Discussion and Latest Economic Research | World Tax Journal | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2020 | 408 | 741 |
Conceptual Problems of the Corporate Tax. Swiss-US Comparative Analysis | | ![accessLevelPrivate](assets/images/access-level-closed.svg) | | 2019 | 236 | 0 |
An Act of Love? Tax Aspects of Corporate Philanthropy | Vers les sommets du droit: Liber amicorum pour Henry Peter | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2019 | 229 | 137 |
Activité à but lucratif d'une entité d'utilité publique exonérée d'impôt : Notion et limites | Expert Focus | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2019 | 350 | 116 |
Philanthropy and Taxation: Swiss legal framework and reform perspectives | Expert Focus | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2018 | 228 | 86 |
Jurisdiction and Impact of National Treatment | Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law | ![accessLevelRestricted](assets/images/access-level-restricted.svg) | | 2017 | 200 | 0 |
Conceptual problems of the corporate tax: Swiss and comparative aspects | | ![accessLevelPrivate](assets/images/access-level-closed.svg) | | 2017 | 699 | 2 |
Taxation without Representation: The Case of Resident Non-Citizens | Bulletin for International Taxation | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2015 | 261 | 115 |
Post-crisis tax measures in the financial sector | Les difficultés économiques en droit | ![accessLevelRestricted](assets/images/access-level-restricted.svg) | | 2015 | 165 | 0 |
L'appréciation économique des dispositions du droit fiscal | Le législateur, son juge et la mise en œuvre du droit | ![accessLevelRestricted](assets/images/access-level-restricted.svg) | | 2014 | 248 | 3 |
ATF 137 II 284-295 (10.2.2011/a)Nomination d'un chargé d'enquête. Notion de l'appel au public (art. 36 LFINMA; 23 quater al. 1LB; 3 LPCC; OPCC; N. 9 ss de la circulaire de la FINMA 2008/8, Appel au public au sens de la législation sur les placements collectifs de capitaux) | Revue de droit administratif et de droit fiscal. Partie 1, Droit administratif | ![accessLevelRestricted](assets/images/access-level-restricted.svg) | | 2012 | 222 | 0 |