Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Findings of the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2017 | Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects | 2017 | 884 | 659 | |||
Towards automatic geolocalisation of speakers of European French | International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLAVE 9) | 2017 | 475 | 88 | |||
Combien d'accents en français? Focus sur la France, la Belgique et la Suisse | Processus de différenciation: des pratiques langagières à leur interprétation sociale - Actes du colloque VALS-ASLA 2016, Vol. 1 | 2017 | 750 | 318 | |||
Lexicon Induction for Spoken Rusyn – Challenges and Results | Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing | 2017 | 508 | 519 | |||
A Quantitative Approach to Swiss German Dialect Syntax | International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLAVE 9) | 2017 | 728 | 238 | |||
Multi-source morphosyntactic tagging for Spoken Rusyn | Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects | 2017 | 498 | 366 | |||
Normalizing orthographic and dialectal variants in the ArchiMob corpus of spoken Swiss German | 6th Days of Swiss Linguistics | 2016 | 585 | 97 | |||
Modernising historical Slovene words | Natural language engineering | 2016 | 712 | 391 | |||
ArchiMob - A Corpus of Spoken Swiss German | Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) | 2016 | 675 | 574 | |||
On-line Multilingual Linguistic Services | Proceedings of COLING 2016 System Demonstrations | 2016 | 492 | 149 | |||
A quantitative approach to Swiss German – Dialectometric analyses and comparisons of linguistic levels | Dialectologia et geolinguistica | 2016 | 545 | 370 | |||
Schweizerdeutsche Dialekte quantitativ – Dialektometrische Analysen und Vergleich linguistischer Ebenen | 13. Bayerisch-Österreichische Dialektologentagung (BÖDT) | 2016 | 535 | 96 | |||
Automatic normalisation of the Swiss German ArchiMob corpus using character-level machine translation | Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS) | 2016 | 605 | 265 | |||
Tagging of spoken Rusyn - Challenges and results | Slavic Spoken Corpora - Second Network Meeting | 2016 | 413 | 130 | |||
Crowdsourced mapping of pronunciation variants in European French | Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Science | 2015 | 618 | 212 | |||
Normalising orthographic and dialectal variants for the automatic processing of Swiss German | Proceedings of the 7th Language and Technology Conference | 2015 | 904 | 460 | |||
A language-independent and fully unsupervised approach to lexicon induction and part-of-speech tagging for closely related languages | Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014) | 2014 | 761 | 541 | |||
The distribution of aggregated syntactic construction types compared with other linguistic levels - A dialectometrical analysis of Swiss German dialects | Methods in Dialectology XV | 2014 | 1,397 | 196 | |||
SwissAdmin: a multilingual tagged parallel corpus of press releases | Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014) | 2014 | 811 | 227 | |||
Unsupervised adaptation of supervised part-of-speech taggers for closely related languages | Proceedings of the First Workshop on Applying NLP Tools to Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial) | 2014 | 867 | 632 | |||
Dialektometrische Analyse von schweizerdeutschen Dialektdaten | 18. Arbeitstagung zur alemannischen Dialektologie | 2014 | 581 | 212 | |||
Computerlinguistische Experimente für die schweizerdeutsche Dialektlandschaft: Maschinelle Übersetzung und Dialektometrie | Alemannische Dialektologie: Dialekte im Kontakt (Beiträge zur 17. Arbeitstagung für alemannische Dialektologie in Strassburg) | 2014 | 640 | 562 | |||
Digitizing the linguistic atlas of German-speaking Switzerland | Methods in Dialectology XV | 2014 | 1,085 | 163 | |||
Part-of-speech tagging for regional languages and dialects : A generic approach based on unsupervised learning | 8èmes Journées Suisses de la Linguistique | 2014 | 735 | 150 | |||
Kurzbericht über die Dialektometrisierung des Gesamtnetzes des „Sprachatlasses der deutschen Schweiz“ (SDS) | Vielfalt, Variation und Stellung der deutschen Sprache | 2013 | 746 | 842 | |||
Dialäkt Äpp - A smartphone application for Swiss German dialects with great scientific potential | 7th SIDG Congress - Dialect 2.0 | 2012 | 1,077 | 342 | |||
Dialektometrische Experimente mit schweizerdeutschem Dialektmaterial | Graduiertenkolloquium Linguistik | 2012 | 590 | 346 | |||
Le traitement automatique des dialectes suisse allemands | Séminaire de recherche LiLPa | 2012 | 531 | 155 | |||
Generating Swiss German sentences from Standard German: a multi-dialectal approach | 2012 | 1,899 | 567 | ||||
Machine translation into multiple dialects: The example of Swiss German | 7th SIDG Congress - Dialect 2.0 | 2012 | 860 | 322 | |||
The Trilingual ALLEGRA Corpus: Presentation and Possible Use for Lexicon Induction | Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12) | 2012 | 571 | 354 | |||
Einführung in die Dialektometrie | Informal Research Group | 2012 | 591 | 561 | |||
Recovering dialect geography from an unaligned comparable corpus | Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH (Visualization of Linguistic Patterns and Uncovering Language History from Multilingual Resources) | 2012 | 654 | 506 | |||
Création automatique de dictionnaires bilingues d'entités nommées grâce à Wikipédia | Cahiers de linguistique française | 2012 | 653 | 261 | |||
Morphology generation for Swiss German dialects | Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology: (Second International Workshop, SFCM 2011) | 2011 | 1,035 | 959 | |||
Applications of Fips | FreeLing-Fips Research Meeting | 2011 | 598 | 191 | |||
Normalization as lexicon induction | Workshop on normalizing data of non-standard varieties | 2011 | 562 | 121 | |||
Neue dialektometrische Versuche mit schweizerdeutschem Dialektmaterial | Geolinguistik-Workshop | 2011 | 547 | 226 | |||
Syntactic transformations for Swiss German dialects | Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties | 2011 | 624 | 374 | |||
Étude inter-langues de la distribution et des ambiguïtés syntaxiques des pronoms | Actes de la 18e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) | 2011 | 692 | 245 | |||
La traduction automatique des pronoms: problèmes et perspectives | Actes de la 18e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) | 2011 | 895 | 314 | |||
Word-based dialect identification with georeferenced rules | Séminaire de recherche du département de linguistique | 2010 | 517 | 681 | |||
Des cartes dialectologiques numérisées pour le TALN | Actes de TALN 2010 | 2010 | 564 | 1,015 | |||
Word-Based Dialect Identification with Georeferenced Rules | Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | 2010 | 603 | 206 | |||
Natural Language Processing for the Swiss German Dialect Area | Semantic Approaches in Natural Language Processing - Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2010 (KONVENS) | 2010 | 917 | 1,005 | |||
Natural Language Processing for Swiss German Dialects | 55th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association | 2010 | 941 | 538 | |||
On-line and off-line translation aids for non-native readers | Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT) | 2009 | 645 | 353 | |||
Machine Translation for Swiss German Dialects | Columbia University NLP Research Seminar | 2009 | 647 | 223 | |||
Deep Linguistic Multilingual Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries | Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation | 2009 | 542 | 321 | |||
Machine Translation for Swiss German Dialects | Ecole doctorale CUSO en Linguistique | 2009 | 535 | 115 | |||
Un système de traduction automatique paramétré par des atlas dialectologiques | Actes de TALN 2009 | 2009 | 624 | 181 | |||
Maschinelle Übersetzung für Dialekte | 5. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik / 5èmes Journées Suisses de la Linguistique | 2008 | 456 | 201 | |||
Machine Translation for Swiss German Dialects | Ecole doctorale CUSO en Linguistique | 2008 | 551 | 213 | |||
Part-of-Speech Tagging with a Symbolic Full Parser: Using the TIGER Treebank to Evaluate Fips | Proceedings of the ACL 2008 Workshop on Parsing German | 2008 | 534 | 181 | |||
Transducteurs à fenêtre glissante pour l'induction lexicale | Actes de RECITAL | 2008 | 521 | 140 | |||
Adaptive String Distance Measures for Bilingual Dialect Lexicon Induction | Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Student Research Workshop | 2007 | 562 | 329 | |||
Phonetic Distance Measures for the Induction of a Translation Lexicon for Dialects - A Study on Bernese Swiss German and Standard German | 2007 | 612 | 468 | ||||
Un prototype d'analyseur pour le romanche sursilvain | 2007 | 523 | 243 | ||||
Diskursrelationen in der SDRT | Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS) | 2006 | 557 | 213 | |||
Statistical Exploration and Exploitation of the Proximity between Swiss German Dialects and Standard German | Ecole doctorale CUSO en Linguistique | 2006 | 512 | 130 | |||
Nouveaux développements de la SDRT | Temps, description et interprétation | 2006 | 568 | 228 | |||
Ein Parser-Prototyp für Surselva-Rätoromanisch | 4. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik / 4èmes Journées Suisses de la Linguistique | 2006 | 538 | 186 |