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1 - 61 of 61
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
The Baroch Nala section (NE Pakistan): A new PETM standard for the eastern TethysMarine and petroleum geology
2025 36 11
Technical note: RA138 calcite U–Pb LA-ICP-MS primary reference materialGeochronology
2024 30 11
Unraveling the influence of environmental variability and cryptic benthic assemblages on reef-scale primary production and calcificationCoral reefs
2024 20 0
A Bajocian event of global coral reef growth: Record from northern SwitzerlandPalaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
2024 40 8
Assessment of Porites microatolls for paleothermometry: Calibration for French PolynesiaPalaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
2024 51 26
Modulation of the northward penetration of Antarctica intermediate waters into the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean under glacial and interglacial conditionsScientific reports
2024 76 27
A commentary on holocene relative sea-level histories of far-field islands in the mid-Pacific by F. Tan, N. S. Khan, T. Li, A. J. Meltzner, J. Majewski, N. Chan, P. M. Chutcharavan, N. Cahill, M. Vacchi, D. Peng, B. P. Horton, [Quat. Sci. Rev. 310: 107995;]Quaternary science reviews
2024 34 0
Increased coral biomineralization due to enhanced symbiotic activity upon volcanic ash exposureScience of the total environment
2024 38 26
Intrasediment gypsum in subtidal offshore carbonates as a witness of basin-wide evaporitic precipitation. The case of the southern Variscan foreland basin (mid-Carboniferous)Sedimentary geology
2024 63 8
Petrophysical characterization of the Late-Cretaceous Logbaba Formation in the Kribi/Campo sub-basin, Cameroon: Implication on deep-water hydrocarbon explorationMarine and petroleum geology
2024 20 0
The first articulated skeletons of enigmatic Late Cretaceous billfish-like actinopterygiansRoyal Society open science
2023 43 38
Litho-bio-stratigraphy model and palaeoenvironments of the Babouri-Figuil Basin (NE Cameroon): A lacustrine/fluvial/deltaic setting associated to the Benue Trough (Nigeria)Journal of African earth sciences
2023 38 0
Provenance, paleoweathering, depositional setting and paleoclimatic constraints of cretaceous and neogene deposits of The Mamfe Basin, southwest CameroonHeliyon
2022 217 78
Florida Bay: Modern analogue for Lofer cyclothems?Sedimentology
2022 179 0
The Garoua Formation of the Upper Benue Trough (Cameroon), as a potential lateral extension of the Bima Formation (Nigeria): evidence from geomorphology, facies analysis, petrology and geochemistryArabian journal of geosciences
2022 345 0
Early Miocene Intensification of the North African Hydrological Cycle: Multi‐Proxy Evidence From the Shelf Carbonates of MaltaPaleoceanography and paleoclimatology
2022 120 47
Biostratigraphy of Cretaceous-Neogene sedimentary infill of the Mamfe basin, southwest Cameroon: Paleoclimate implicationJournal of African Earth Sciences
2021 202 91
Short-lived early Cenomanian volcanic atolls of Mt. Carmel, northern IsraelSedimentary Geology
2021 170 0
First 2D and 3D interpretative models of sedimentation in the Cretaceous Hama-koussou sedimentary basin: Litho-bio-stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment recordsJournal of African Earth Sciences
2021 163 71
Late Pennsylvanian carbonate platform facies and coral reef: new insights from southern China (Guizhou Province)Facies
2021 545 94
The onset of the major glaciation of the LPIA: record from South ChinaInternational Journal of Earth Sciences
2020 310 2
Early Diagenetic Imprint on Temperature Proxies in Holocene Corals: A Case Study From French PolynesiaFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2020 287 150
Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes in the Central South Pacific over the past 6000 yearsGlobal and Planetary Change
2020 381 0
Sedimentology and reservoir quality of a Messinian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession, onshore Nile Delta, EgyptMarine and Petroleum Geology
2020 483 0
Coral reefs and growth dynamics of a low-angle Carboniferous platform: Records from Tianlin, southern ChinaSedimentary Geology
2020 319 1
High-precision U–Pb ages in the early Tithonian to early Berriasian and implications for the numerical age of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundarySolid Earth
2019 653 510
Lateral facies variations in the Triassic Dachstein platform: A challenge for cyclostratigraphyDepositional Record
2019 326 180
The driving mechanisms of the carbon cycle perturbations in the late Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic)Scientific Reports
2019 444 206
Geochemical constrains on dolomitization pathways of the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks in the Geneva Basin (Switzerland and France)Swiss Journal of Geosciences
2019 352 7
Evolution of a carbonate delta generated by gateway‐funnelling of episodic currentsSedimentology
2019 358 1
Magnetobiochronology of Lower Pliocene marine sediments from the lower Guadalquivir Basin: Insights into the tectonic evolution of the Strait of Gibraltar areaGeological Society of America Bulletin
2018 378 0
Dolomitization of the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks in the Geneva Basin, Switzerland and FranceSwiss Journal of Geosciences
2018 566 14
Hydrocarbon potential, palynology and palynofacies of four sedimentary basins in the Benue Trough, northern CameroonJournal of African Earth Sciences
2018 639 2
Ice volume and climate changes from a 6000 year sea-level record in French PolynesiaNature Communications
2018 536 229
Biological effects on uranium isotope fractionation (238U/235U) in primary biogenic carbonatesGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
2018 495 0
Multi-isotope (Ba, C, O) partitioning during experimental carbonatization of a hyper-alkaline solutionChemie der Erde Geochemistry
2018 412 0
Barium isotope fractionation during the experimental transformation of aragonite to witherite and of gypsum to barite, and the effect of ion (de)solvationIsotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
2018 520 0
Origin and age of carbonate clasts from the Lusi eruption, Java, IndonesiaMarine and Petroleum Geology
2018 732 1
Oases of biodiversity: Early Devonian palaeoecology at Hamar Laghdad, MoroccoNeues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen
2018 777 0
First palynostratigraphical evidence for a Late Eocene to Early Miocene age of the volcano-sedimentary series of Dschang, western part of Cameroon and its implications for the interpretation of palaeoenvironmentPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
2017 489 1
Spatial and temporal distribution of microbial carbonates, skeletal and non-skeletal grains in a Pennsylvanian carbonate platform (Valdorria, Northern Spain)Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
2017 452 0
Isotopic fingerprints of Milankovitch cycles in Pennsylvanian carbonate platform-top deposits: the Valdorria record, Northern SpainTerra nova
2016 453 0
Constraints on barium isotope fractionation during aragonite precipitation by coralsThe depositional record
2016 554 254
A refined genetic model for the Laisvall and Vassbo Mississippi Valley-type sandstone-hosted deposits, Sweden: constraints from paragenetic studies, organic geochemistry, and S, C, N, and Sr isotope dataMineralium deposita
2016 824 11
Facies, geometry and growth phases of the Valdorria carbonate platform (Pennsylvanian, northern Spain)Sedimentology
2016 606 7
Where did ancient carbonate mounds grow — In bathyal depths or in shallow shelf waters?Earth-science reviews
2015 589 0
Effect of salinity on the skeletal chemistry of cultured scleractinian zooxanthellate corals: Cd/Ca ratio as a potential proxy for salinity reconstructionCoral reefs
2014 755 0
Growth Dynamics of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Mounds From A Mixed Terrigenous-Carbonate Ramp In the Puebla De Lillo Area, Cantabrian Mountains, Northern SpainJournal of sedimentary research
2014 725 0
The Laisvall and Vassbo sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits along the eastern front of the Scandinavian Caledonides: An example of phosphorous-rich sulphide-mineralized Cambro-Ordovician sour gas reservoirs37th Annual Meeting Mineral Deposit Studies Group
2014 687 276
Unbalanced food web in a Late Cretaceous dinosaur assemblagePalaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
2013 759 0
Constraining calcium isotope fractionation (δ44/40Ca) in modern and fossil scleractinian coral skeletonChemical geology
2013 632 0
Barium isotope fractionation during experimental formation of the double carbonate BaMn[CO 3 ] 2 at ambient temperatureIsotopes in environmental and health studies
2012 589 0
Carbonate mounds in shallow and deep timeMarine geology
2011 674 0
Discovery of Miocene to early Pleistocene deposits on Mayaguana, Bahamas: Evidence for recent active tectonism on the North American marginGeology
2011 679 1
Microfacies and depositional setting of the Upper Triassic mid-oceanic atoll-type carbonates of the Sambosan Accretionary Complex (Southern Kyushu, Japan.)Facies
2010 684 304
Barium isotope fractionation in the global barium cycle: First evidence from barium minerals and precipitation experimentsChemical geology
2010 690 0
Stable isotope profiles (Ca, O, C) through modern brachiopod shells of T. septentrionalis and G. vitreus: Implications for calcium isotope paleo-ocean chemistryChemical geology
2010 568 0
Molybdenum isotopic composition of modern and Carboniferous carbonatesChemical geology
2009 680 0
The influence of terrestrial run off on marine biotic communities: An example from a thrust-top carbonate ramp (Upper Pennsylvanian foreland basin, Picos de Europa, NW Spain)Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
2009 594 0
Paleoecology of Pennsylvanian phylloid algal buildups in south Guizhou, ChinaFacies
2007 701 0
Marine Red Staining of a Pennsylvanian Carbonate Slope: Environmental and Oceanographic SignificanceJournal of sedimentary research
2007 654 0
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