Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Quelles émotions sont provoquées par des odeurs ? Quels sont les mécanismes sous-jacents ? Et comment peut-on les mesurer ? | Odeurs et émotions: le nez a ses raisons | 2013 | 1 041 | 10 | |||
How to map the affective semantic space of scents | Cognition and emotion | 2012 | 747 | 0 | |||
How do you feel when you smell this ? Optimization of a verbal measurement of odor-elicited emotions | Food Quality and Preference | 2010 | 857 | 0 | |||
Sequential unfolding of novelty and pleasantness appraisals of odors: evidence from facial electromyography and autonomic reactions | Emotion | 2009 | 714 | 4 | |||
Mapping the semantic space for the subjective experience of emotional responses to odors | Chemical senses | 2009 | 634 | 273 | |||
Toward a Domain-specific Scale to Verbally Measure Odour-elicited Emotions | Abstracts from the XVIIIth Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization, ECRO–2008 | 2009 | 362 | 118 | |||
Emotional processing of odors: evidence for a nonlinear relation between pleasantness and familiarity evaluations | Chemical senses | 2008 | 627 | 322 | |||
The emotional power of odors: Identifying the dimensions referring to feelings produced by odors | SPISE 2007: Proceedings | 2007 | 471 | 114 |