Items per page
1 - 199 of 199
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Dynamics, Monitoring, and Forecasting of Tephra in the AtmosphereReviews of geophysics
2024 19 12
Characterising, quantifying, and accessing eruption source parameters of explosive volcanic eruptions for operational simulation of tephra dispersion: a current view and future perspectivesBulletin of volcanology
2024 44 21
Towards rapid integrated data acquisition and management during a volcanic crisis: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands)Volcanica
2024 27 42
The last 1100 years of activity of La Fossa caldera, Vulcano Island (Italy): new insights into stratigraphy, chronology, and landscape evolutionBulletin of volcanology
2024 29 31
Particle Concentrations and Sizes for the Onset of Settling‐Driven Gravitational Instabilities: Experimental Validation and Application to Volcanic Ash CloudsJournal of geophysical research. Solid earth
2024 18 17
Volcanic risk ranking and regional mapping of the Central Volcanic Zone of the AndesNatural hazards and earth system sciences
2024 25 14
Temporal evolution of roof collapse from tephra fallout during the 2021-Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain)Frontiers in earth science
2024 42 25
Long-lasting, small-to-moderate eruptions at composite volcanoes: reconstructing the largest eruption of Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand) of the last two millenniaBulletin of volcanology
2024 60 0
The spatiotemporal evolution of compound impacts from lava flow and tephra fallout on buildings: lessons from the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain)Bulletin of volcanology
2024 82 26
New Insights Into the Relationship Between Mass Eruption Rate and Volcanic Column Height Based On the IVESPA Data SetGeophysical research letters
2023 46 17
A data driven approach to mineral chemistry unveils magmatic processes associated with long-lasting, low-intensity volcanic activityScientific reports
2023 125 59
Active and potentially active volcanoes of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes (CVZA)
2023 214 624
The post-2016 long-lasting Vulcanian activity of Sabancaya volcano (Peru) and associated aeolian remobilisation of volcanic ashJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2023 61 19
A New Radar‐Based Statistical Model to Quantify Mass Eruption Rate of Volcanic PlumesGeophysical research letters
2023 52 50
Tephra sedimentation and grainsize associated with pulsatory activity: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain)Frontiers in earth science
2023 74 22
Insights into the sticking probability of volcanic ash particles from laboratory experimentsScientific reports
2023 55 16
Automatic Early Warning to Derive Eruption Source Parameters of Paroxysmal Activity at Mt. Etna (Italy)Remote sensing
2023 51 11
Tephra characterization and multi-disciplinary determination of Eruptive Source Parameters of a weak paroxysm at Mount Etna (Italy)Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
2022 475 69
Assessing the effectiveness and the economic impact of evacuation: the case of the island of Vulcano, ItalyNatural hazards and earth system sciences
2022 170 190
PlumeTraP: A New MATLAB-Based Algorithm to Detect and Parametrize Volcanic Plumes from Visible-Wavelength ImagesRemote sensing
2022 152 77
Physical Characterization of Long‐Lasting Hybrid Eruptions: the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands)Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth
2022 228 82
The initial phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja ridge eruption (Canary Islands): Products and dynamics controlling edifice growth and collapseJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2022 111 150
Aerodynamic characteristics and genesis of aggregates at Sakurajima Volcano, JapanScientific reports
2022 234 73
First field evidence of the electrical multipolar nature of volcanic aggregatesScience advances
2022 176 175
Real-time tephra-fallout accumulation rates and grain-size distributions using ASHER (ASH collector and sizER) disdrometersJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2022 197 0
Modelling the size distribution of aggregated volcanic ash and implications for operational atmospheric dispersion modellingAtmospheric chemistry and physics
2022 211 68
New insights into real-time detection of tephra grainsize, settling velocity and sedimentation rateScientific reports
2022 156 107
Community established best practice recommendations for tephra studies-from collection through analysisScientific data
2022 203 148
A New Inclusive Volcanic Risk Ranking, Part 1: MethodologyFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2021 245 141
The Independent Volcanic Eruption Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA, version 1.0): A new observational database to support explosive eruptive column model validation and developmentJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2021 449 151
Examples of Multi-Sensor Determination of Eruptive Source Parameters of Explosive Events at Mount EtnaRemote Sensing
2021 192 118
Assessment of risk associated with tephra-related hazardsForecasting and Planning for Volcanic Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
2021 603 7
Modelling Settling-Driven Gravitational Instabilities at the Base of Volcanic Clouds Using the Lattice Boltzmann MethodFrontiers in Earth Science
2021 178 95
Integrative Post-event Impact Assessment Framework for Volcanic Eruptions: A Disaster Forensic Investigation of the 2011–2012 Eruption of the Cordón Caulle Volcano (Chile)Frontiers in Earth Sciences
2021 489 87
Integrating hazard, exposure, vulnerability and resilience for risk and emergency management in a volcanic context: the ADVISE modelJournal of applied volcanology
2021 244 77
Assessing hazard and potential impact associated with volcanic ballistic projectiles: The example of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano (Lesser Antilles)Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
2021 378 108
Lahar risk assessment from source identification to potential impact analysis: the case of Vulcano Island, ItalyJournal of applied volcanology
2021 537 51
On the Features of Pyroclastic Deposits and Post-eruption Natural HazardsGeohazard Mitigation
2021 149 163
From anecdotes to quantification: advances in characterizing volcanic eruption impacts on the built environmentBulletin of volcanology
2021 180 0
A Model for Buoyant Tephra Plumes Coupled to Lava Fountains With an Application to the 29th of August 2011 Paroxysmal Eruption at Mount Etna, ItalyJournal of geophysical research
2021 234 250
Volcano eruptionsRecommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU: Where Science and Policy Meet, EUR 30596 EN
2021 274 163
Ground-based Remote Sensing and Uncertainty Analysis of the Mass Eruption Rate associated with the 3-5 December 2015 Paroxysms of Mt EtnaIEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing
2021 141 108
The fate of volcanic ash: premature or delayed sedimentation?Nature Communications
2021 310 101
The radius of the umbrella cloud helps characterize large explosive volcanic eruptionsCommunications Earth and Environment
2021 311 123
Dual-Wavelength Polarimetric Lidar Observations of the Volcanic Ash Cloud Produced During the 2016 Etna EruptionRemote Sensing
2021 183 94
Explosive Behavior of Intermediate Magmas: The Example of Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador)Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems
2021 174 85
The Influence of Particle Concentration on the Formation of Settling-Driven Gravitational Instabilities at the Base of Volcanic CloudsFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2021 266 112
SCARLET-1.0: SpheriCal Approximation for viRtuaL aggrEgaTesGeoscientific Model Development
2021 366 162
Modelling the Effect of Electrification on Volcanic Ash AggregationFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2021 269 103
A New Inclusive Volcanic Risk Ranking, Part 2: Application to Latin AmericaFrontiers in Earth Science
2021 169 179
Workshop on Wind-remobilisation processes of volcanic ash: Consensual Document
2020 267 97
Impactos de la caída primaria de cenizas volcanicas y de su posterior removilizacion eolica
2020 211 213
New insights into eruption source parameters of the 1600 CE Huaynaputina Plinian eruption, PeruBulletin of Volcanology
2020 265 0
Multiple hazards and paths to eruptions: A review of the volcanic system of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy)Earth-Science Reviews
2020 275 186
The NEWTON-g Gravity Imager: Toward New Paradigms for Terrain GravimetryFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2020 360 278
Tephra Mass Eruption Rate From Ground-Based X-Band and L-Band Microwave Radars During the November 23, 2013, Etna ParoxysmIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2020 244 0
Multisensor Characterization of the Incandescent Jet Region of Lava Fountain-Fed Tephra PlumesRemote Sensing
2020 220 94
Physical and Aerodynamic Characterization of Particle Clusters at Sakurajima Volcano (Japan)Frontiers in Earth Sciences
2020 271 226
Aeolian Remobilisation of Volcanic Ash: Outcomes of a Workshop in the Argentinian PatagoniaFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2020 267 110
Volcanic Ash Resuspension in Patagonia: Numerical Simulations and ObservationsAtmosphere
2020 302 127
Aeolian Remobilisation of the 2011-Cordón Caulle Tephra-Fallout Deposit: Example of an Important Process in the Life Cycle of Volcanic AshFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2020 299 201
Mass flux decay timescales of volcanic particles due to aeolian processes in the Argentinian Patagonia steppeScientific Reports
2020 306 141
Exposure-based risk assessment and emergency management associated with the fallout of large clasts at Mount EtnaNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2019 565 224
Modelling Tephra Thickness and Particle Size Distribution of the 1913 Eruption of Volcán de Colima, MexicoVolcán de Colima: Portrait of a Persistently Hazardous Volcano
2019 397 0
Mapping the susceptibility of rain-triggered lahars at Vulcano island (Italy) combining field characterization, geotechnical analysis, and numerical modellingNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2019 280 211
A new strategy for the estimation of plume height from clast dispersal in various atmospheric and eruptive conditionsEarth and Planetary Science Letters
2019 1,123 257
Simulation and Visualization of Volcanic Phenomena Using Microsoft Hololens: Case of Vulcano Island (Italy)IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2019 369 1
Modelling of erosion processes associated with rainfall-triggered lahars following the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile)Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2019 315 0
Tecolote volcano, Pinacate volcanic field (Sonora, Mexico): A case of highly explosive basaltic volcanism and shifting eruptive stylesJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2019 378 1
A step-by-step evaluation of empirical methods to quantify eruption source parameters from tephra-fall depositsJournal of Applied Volcanology
2019 455 276
Reliability of Total Grain-Size Distribution of Tephra DepositsScientific Reports
2019 310 133
Comment on "A New One‐Equation Model of Fluid Drag for Irregularly Shaped Particles Valid Over a Wide Range of Reynolds Number" by F. Dioguardi et alJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2019 264 88
Near-Real-Time Tephra Fallout Assessment at Mt. Etna, ItalyRemote Sensing
2019 322 168
Forensic assessment of the 1999 Mount Cameroon eruption, West-Central AfricaJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2018 506 0
Does the Shape of a Volcano Reflect Its Personality?Frontiers for Young Minds
2018 716 240
Erratum to "On the drag of freely falling non-spherical particles" [Powder Technology 301 (2016) 526–544, DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.06.015]Powder Technology
2018 430 1
Total grain-size distribution of four subplinian–Plinian tephras from Hekla volcano, Iceland: Implications for sedimentation dynamics and eruption source parametersJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2018 558 1
Dynamics of shallow hydrothermal eruptions: new insights from Vulcano's Breccia di Commenda eruptionBulletin of Volcanology
2018 494 1
Consensual Document of the 1st IAVCEI/GVM Workshop: "From Volcanic Hazard to Risk Assessment", Geneva, 27-29 June 2018
2018 276 147
Lattice Boltzmann modeling to explain volcano acoustic sourceScientific Reports
2018 487 171
Slope stability models for rainfall-induced lahars during long-lasting eruptionsJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2018 449 5
Recording disaster loss for improving risk modelling capacitiesScience for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less
2017 416 610
Ash resuspension related to the 2011–2012 Cordón Caulle eruption, Chile, in a rural community of Patagonia, ArgentinaJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2017 548 0
Hermite regularization of the lattice Boltzmann method for open source computational aeroacousticsJournal of the Acoustical Society of America
2017 567 539
Ash aggregation during the 11 February 2010 partial dome collapse of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, MontserratJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2017 479 3
Outgassing and eruption of basaltic magmas: The effect of conduit geometryGeology
2017 462 4
Settling-driven gravitational instabilities associated with volcanic clouds: new insights from experimental investigationsBulletin of volcanology
2017 453 4
Potential impacts of tephra fallout from a large-scale explosive eruption at Sakurajima volcano, JapanBulletin of Volcanology
2017 482 0
Reference data set of volcanic ash physicochemical and optical propertiesJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2017 441 241
Geophysical risk: volcanic activityScience for Disaster Risk Management 2017: knowing better and losing less
2017 500 455
The 1914 Taisho eruption of Sakurajima volcano: stratigraphy and dynamics of the largest explosive event in Japan during the twentieth centuryBulletin of Volcanology
2017 500 0
On the drag of freely falling non-spherical particlesPowder technology
2016 549 2
Dispersal of key subplinian–Plinian tephras from Hekla volcano, Iceland: implications for eruption source parametersBulletin of volcanology
2016 554 0
Aerodynamics of Volcanic Particles: Characterization of Size, Shape, and Settling VelocityVolcanic Ash: hazard observation
2016 554 3
Timing and nature of volcanic particle clusters based on field and numerical investigationsJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2016 493 3
Parallel simulation of particle transport in an advection field applied to volcanic explosive eruptionsComputers & geosciences
2016 517 8
MeMoVolc report on classification and dynamics of volcanic explosive eruptionsBulletin of volcanology
2016 539 2
Quantifying unsteadiness and dynamics of pulsatory volcanic activityEarth and planetary science letters
2016 566 0
Chronology and impact of the 2011 Cordón Caulle eruption, ChileNatural hazards and earth system sciences
2016 1,053 696
Probabilistic evaluation of the physical impact of future tephra fallout events for the Island of Vulcano, ItalyBulletin of volcanology
2016 521 5
Near-Real-Time Detection of Tephra Eruption Onset and Mass Flow Rate Using Microwave Weather Radar and Infrasonic ArraysIEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
2016 557 380
Assessing tephra total grain-size distribution: Insights from field data analysisEarth and planetary science letters
2016 619 3
TephraProb: a Matlab package for probabilistic hazard assessments of tephra falloutJournal of applied volcanology
2016 540 294
Results of the eruptive column model inter-comparison studyJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2016 480 0
Reconstruction of total grain size distribution of the climactic phase of a long-lasting eruption: the example of the 2008–2013 Chaitén eruptionBulletin of volcanology
2016 496 3
Impact of global warming on the rise of volcanic plumes and implications for future volcanic aerosol forcingJournal of geophysical research. Atmospheres
2016 962 240
Great Balls of Fire: A probabilistic approach to quantify the hazard related to ballistics — A case study at La Fossa volcano, Vulcano Island, ItalyJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2016 613 7
Tephra dispersal and sedimentationRhe Encyclopedia of Volcanoes
2015 514 2
Sedimentation of long-lasting wind-affected volcanic plumes: the example of the 2011 rhyolitic Cordón Caulle eruption, ChileBulletin of volcanology
2015 566 1
Explosive style, magma degassing and evolution in the Chaimilla eruption, Villarrica volcano, Southern AndesBulletin of volcanology
2015 626 1
Grain-size features of two large eruptions from Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) and implications for the calculation of the total grain-size distributionBulletin of volcanology
2015 599 1
Dynamics of wind-affected volcanic plumes: The example of the 2011 Cordón Caulle eruption, ChileJournal of biomaterials applications
2015 586 0
Simulating a multi-phase tephra fall event: inversion modelling for the 1707 Hoei eruption of Mount Fuji, JapanBulletin of volcanology
2015 606 236
Complex dynamics of small-moderate volcanic events: the example of the 2011 rhyolitic Cordón Caulle eruption, ChileBulletin of volcanology
2015 465 0
On the characterization of size and shape of irregular particlesPowder technology
2015 889 4
Physical characterization of explosive volcanic eruptions based on tephra deposits: Propagation of uncertainties and sensitivity analysisJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2015 583 3
Retrieval of Tephra Size Spectra and Mass Flow Rate From C-Band Radar During the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Eruption, IcelandIEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
2015 492 0
Exploring the influence of vent location and eruption style on tephra fall hazard from the Okataina Volcanic Centre, New ZealandBulletin of volcanology
2015 578 3
An inclined Vulcanian explosion and associated productsJournal of the Geological Society
2015 555 256
Sensitivity of dispersion model forecasts of volcanic ash clouds to the physical characteristics of the particlesJournal of geophysical research. Atmospheres
2015 509 265
Volcanic ash fall hazard and riskGlobal Volcanic Hazards and Risk
2015 445 0
The role of gravitational instabilities in deposition of volcanic ashGeology
2015 893 642
Acoustic wavefield and Mach wave radiation of flashing arcs in strombolian explosion measured by image luminanceGeophysical research letters
2014 571 0
Insights into the dynamics and evolution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull summit eruption (Iceland) provided by volcanic ash texturesEarth and planetary science letters
2014 630 0
MeMoVolc workshop on the "Dynamics of volcanic explosive eruptions", Consensual Document
2014 198 56
Reply to comment on: “The c.2030 yr BP Plinian eruption of El Misti volcano, Peru: Eruption dynamics and hazard implications. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 241–242, 105–120.” by Harpel et al., JVGR 2013Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
2014 825 0
Ash venting occurring both prior to and during lava extrusion at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 2005 to 2010The Eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010
2014 503 2
Future Developments and New Directions in Modeling and Monitoring Volcanic Ash CloudsEos
2014 470 824
TError: towards a better quantification of the uncertainty propagated during the characterization of tephra depositsStatistics in volcanology
2014 811 403
A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes – Part 2: Vulnerability and impactNatural hazards and earth system sciences
2014 1,374 466
Summary of data on well-documented eruptions for validation of volcanic ash transport and dispersal models
2014 230 40
Reply to the "Comment by Delmelle et al. (2013) on 'Scavenging of sulfur, halogens and trace metals by volcanic ash: The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption' by Bagnato et al. (2013)"Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
2014 744 0
A numerical model of ballistic transport with collisions in a volcanic settingComputers & geosciences
2014 678 3
2nd IUGG-WMO Workshop on Ash Dispersal Forecast and Civil Aviation, Consensual Document
2014 184 84
A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes – Part 1: Hazard assessmentNatural hazards and earth system sciences
2014 851 497
Modeling tephra sedimentation from volcanic plumesModeling Volcanic Processes: The Physics and Mathematics of Volcanism
2013 625 2
Growth and erosion: The volcanic geology and morphological evolution of La Fossa (Island of Vulcano, Southern Italy) in the last 1000 yearsGeomorphology
2013 581 0
Approche expérimentale dans la compréhension des dangers liés aux éruptions volcaniquesLes dangers naturels en Suisse: pratiques et développements
2013 583 352
Plume height, volume, and classification of explosive volcanic eruptions based on the Weibull functionBulletin of volcanology
2013 939 499
Impact of wind on the condition for column collapse of volcanic plumesEarth and planetary science letters
2013 584 2
Dedicated vertical wind tunnel for the study of sedimentation of non-spherical particlesReview of scientific instruments
2013 719 2
A fast GIS-based risk assessment for tephra fallout: the example of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Part I: probabilistic hazard assessmentNatural hazards
2013 731 331
Scavenging of sulphur, halogens and trace metals by volcanic ash: The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruptionGeochimica et cosmochimica acta
2013 636 1
Tephra hazard assessment at Mt. Etna (Italy)Natural hazards and earth system sciences
2013 740 347
A fast GIS-based risk assessment for tephra fallout: the example of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Part II: vulnerability and risk assessmentNatural Hazards
2013 475 761
Determination of the largest clast sizes of tephra deposits for the characterization of explosive eruptions: a study of the IAVCEI commission on tephra hazard modellingBulletin of volcanology
2013 688 329
Ash-plume dynamics and eruption source parameters by infrasound and thermal imagery: The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruptionEarth and planetary science letters
2013 622 1
Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Mitigation: The Case of Vulcano Island, ItalyLandslide Science and Practice. Vol 7: Social and Economic Impact and Policies
2013 676 7
A fast GIS-based risk assessment for tephra fallout: the example of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Part II: vulnerability and risk assessmentNatural hazards
2012 948 895
Reconstructing the tephra dispersal pattern from the Bronze Age eruption of Santorini using an advection–diffusion modelBulletin of volcanology
2012 546 0
Future developments in modelling and monitoring of volcanic ash clouds: outcomes from the first IAVCEI-WMO workshop on Ash Dispersal Forecast and Civil AviationBulletin of volcanology
2012 1,047 1,339
Insights into eruption dynamics from textural analysis: the case of the May, 2008, Chaitén eruptionBulletin of volcanology
2012 677 300
Improving on mass flow rate estimates of volcanic eruptionsGeophysical research letters
2012 579 707
Estimating the volume of tephra deposits: A new simple strategyGeology
2012 768 895
Bombs behaving badly: unexpected trajectories and cooling of volcanic projectilesBulletin of volcanology
2012 689 0
Introducing Geoscience Students to Numerical Modeling of Volcanic Hazards: The example of Tephra2 on VHub.orgNumeracy
2012 774 496
Experimental constraints on the outgassing dynamics of basaltic magmasJournal of geophysical research
2012 643 494
A review of volcanic ash aggregationPhysics and chemistry of the earth
2012 631 0
The 5,660 yBP Boquerón explosive eruption, Teide–Pico Viejo complex, TenerifeBulletin of volcanology
2012 549 0
The c.2030 yr BP Plinian eruption of El Misti volcano, Peru: Eruption dynamics and hazard implicationsJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2012 555 0
Determination of the largest clasts of tephra deposits for the characterization of explosive volcanic eruptions: report of the IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling
2011 134 37
Insights on tephra settling velocity from morphological observationsJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2011 588 0
Comparison of Two Advection-Diffusion Methods for Tephra Transport in Volcanic EruptionsCommunications in computational physics
2011 652 269
Ash Dispersal Forecast and Civil Aviation Workshop: Consensual Document
2011 169 54
Ash Dispersal Forecast and Civil Aviation Workshop - Model Benchmark Document
2011 224 66
A Late Holocene explosive mafic eruption of Villarrica volcano, Southern Andes: The Chaimilla depositJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2011 629 3
Characterization of tephra deposits with limited exposure: the example of the two largest explosive eruptions at Nisyros volcano (Greece)Bulletin of volcanology
2011 652 0
Tephra stratigraphy and eruptive volume of the May, 2008, Chaitén eruption, ChileBulletin of volcanology
2011 726 355
Large-Scale Experiments on Volcanic ProcessesEos
2011 589 749
Tephra sedimentation during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption (Iceland) from deposit, radar, and satellite observationsJournal of geophysical research
2011 670 0
A quantitative uncertainty assessment of eruptive parameters derived from tephra deposits: the example of two large eruptions of Cotopaxi volcano, EcuadorBulletin of volcanology
2011 601 488
The ~4-ka Rungwe Pumice (South-Western Tanzania): a wind-still Plinian eruptionBulletin of volcanology
2011 585 0
Modeling tephra dispersal in absence of wind: Insights from the climactic phase of the 2450BP Plinian eruption of Pululagua volcano (Ecuador)Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
2010 645 7
Monochromatic infrasonic tremor driven by persistent degassing and convection at Villarrica Volcano, ChileGeophysical research letters
2010 608 0
Constraints on eruption dynamics of basaltic explosive activity derived from chemical and microtextural study: The example of the Fontana Lapilli Plinian eruption, NicaraguaJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2010 633 1
Atmospheric and Environmental Impacts of Volcanic ParticulatesElements
2010 787 1,189
Aspects of volcanic hazards assessment for the Bataan nuclear power plant, Luzon Peninsula, PhilippinesVolcanic and Tectonic Hazard Assessment for Nuclear Facilities
2009 576 566
New physical characterization of the Fontana Lapilli basaltic Plinian eruption, NicaraguaBulletin of volcanology
2009 616 268
Applying a Cellular Automata Method for the Study of Transport and Deposition of Volcanic ParticlesLecture notes in computer science
2008 630 5
Nature and significance of small volume fall deposits at composite volcanoes: Insights from the October 14, 1974 Fuego eruption, GuatemalaBulletin of volcanology
2008 532 0
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty estimation for tephra dispersal modelsJournal of geophysical research
2008 628 399
Fontana Tephra: A basaltic Plinian eruption in NicaraguaVolcanic Hazards in Central America
2006 183 0
Probabilistic modelling of tephra dispersionStatistics in Volcanology
2006 558 650
Proximal tephra hazards: Recent eruption studies applied to volcanic risk in the Auckland volcanic field, New ZealandJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
2006 549 0
Modeling tephra sedimentation from a Ruapehu weak plume eruptionJournal of Geophysical Research
2005 619 0
Total grain-size distribution and volume of tephra-fall depositsBulletin of Volcanology
2005 230 0
Probabilistic modeling of tephra dispersal: Hazard assessment of a multiphase rhyolitic eruption at Tarawera, New ZealandJournal of geophysical research
2005 580 0
Sedimentation from strong volcanic plumesJournal of geophysical research
2003 564 0
Hazard assessment of a multi-phase rhyolitic eruption at Tarawera, New Zealand: models using the AD 1305 Kaharoa eruption. Report to the Foundation for Research Science and Technology (New Zealand)
2003 293 0
Exploring links between physical and probabilistic models of volcanic eruptions: The Soufrière Hills Volcano, MontserratGeophysical research letters
2003 563 250
Tephra fallout in the eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, MontserratThe eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999
2002 219 0
Episodes of cyclic Vulcanian explosive activity with fountain collapse at Soufrière Hills Volcano, MontserratThe Eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999
2002 189 0
Numerical modelling of tephra fallout associated with dome collapses and Vulcanian explosions: application to hazard assessment on MontserratThe Eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999
2002 527 0
Pyroclastic flow and explosive activity at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, during a period of virtually no magma extrusion (March 1998 to November 1999)The Eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999
2002 418 0
Assessment of Tephra Fall Hazard and Risk for Montserrat, WI. Report to the Department for International Development
2000 191 0
Dome collapse and vulcanian explosive activity, September to October 1997. MVO Special Report 5
1999 199 0
Cristobalite in Volcanic Ash of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, British West IndiesScience
1999 233 0
Thickness variations and volume estimates of tephra fall deposits: the importance of particle Reynolds numberJournal of volcanology and geothermal research
1998 564 1
Physical studies of the dispersal and suspension of volcanic ash on Montserrat. Report to the Institute of Occupational Medicine for work done under contract to the Department for International Development
1998 186 0
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