Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Spatial differentials in mortality in Switzerland: how do contexts explain the differences between natives and migrants? | Espace populations sociétés | 2021 | 275 | 118 | |||
The many forms of multiple migrations: evidence from a sequence analysis in Switzerland, 1998 to 2008 | International Migration Review | 2020 | 297 | 214 | |||
Internal migration in Switzerland: behaviour and impact = Les migrations internes en Suisse: pratiques et impacts | A Panorama of Swiss Society 2020: Migration - Integration - Participation | 2020 | 281 | 137 | |||
La distribution spatiale de la population étrangère en Suisse = Die räumliche Verteilung der ausländischen Bevölkerung in der Schweiz | Social Change in Switzerland | 2020 | 246 | 164 | |||
Segregation patterns among foreigners in Switzerland: a multi-scalar approach (1990-2014) | 2019 | 205 | 113 | ||||
A Life Course Approach to Immigrants' Relocation: Linking Long- and Short- distance Mobility Sequences | Migration letters | 2019 | 779 | 312 | |||
International graduates in Switzerland: Transitioning into the labor market | 2019 | 332 | 101 | ||||
Who are the serial movers? Sociodemographic profiles and reasons to migrate to Switzerland among multiple international migrants | Migrants and expats: The swiss migration and mobility nexus | 2019 | 573 | 189 | |||
Trajectoires migratoires des étrangerer-ère-s en Suisse: une perpétuelle mobilité? = Migratory trajectories of foreign nationals in Switzerland: a state of constant mobility? = Migrationsverläufe von Ausländerinnen und Ausländern in der Schweiz: eine kontinuierliche Mobilität? | 2018 | 315 | 80 | ||||
Inégalités spatiales de mortalité en Suisse : l'influence des contextes sur les différentiels entre natifs et migrants | Espace, populations, sociétés | 2018 | 476 | 66 | |||
Pourquoi les migrants vivent-ils plus longtemps? : les inégalités face à la mort en Suisse (1990-2008) | 2017 | 567 | 43 | ||||
Sélection et adaptation des trajectoires migratoires : quels impacts sur la mortalité des personnes d'origine étrangère en Suisse ? | Trajectoires et âges de la vie | 2016 | 465 | 108 | |||
The Impact of Migratory Flows on the Swiss Labour Market. A Comparison Between In- and Outflow | Migration letters | 2016 | 784 | 366 | |||
Investigating the migrant mortality advantage at the intersections of social stratification in Switzerland: The role of vulnerability | Demographic research | 2016 | 430 | 2 | |||
Confronting Active Ageing with Empirical Evidence: A Structural Equation Model Approach. The Case of Older Migrants Living in Switzerland | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | 2015 | 779 | 293 | |||
Pourquoi les migrants vivent-ils plus longtemps? Analyse des différentiels de mortalité des populations suisse et étrangères 1990-2008 | 2014 | 1 743 | 878 | ||||
Le village mobile : population et société à Ferney-Voltaire : 1700-1789 | 2011 | 214 | 0 |