Supervised works
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1 - 186 of 186
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Window of opportunity with PD1 blockade before chemoradiotherapy for an advanced stage clear cell carcinoma of the cervixGynecologic oncology reports
2024 49 28
Minimally invasive outpatient hysterectomy for a benign indication: A systematic reviewJournal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
2024 43 33
Understanding professionals’ knowledge regarding factors influencing changes in attitudes toward female genital mutilation/cutting in post-migration communities in Geneva, SwitzerlandInternational journal of environmental research and public health
2024 46 31
Knowledge of cytology results affects the performance of colposcopy : a crossover studyBMC women's health
2024 64 31
Nab-PIPAC: a phase IB study protocol of intraperitoneal cisplatin and nab-paclitaxel administered by pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) in the treatment of advanced malignancies confined to the peritoneal cavityBMJ open
2023 367 52
NANO-SBT-PEDF delivery system: A promising approach against ovarian cancer?Heliyon
2023 90 34
UPR-induced ovarian cancer cell fusion: a mechanism favoring drug resistance?Oncoscience
2023 98 27
Addition of digital VIA/VILI to conventional naked-eye examination for triage of HPV-positive women: A study conducted in a low-resource settingPloS one
2022 57 27
Harms and benefits of cervical cancer screening among non-attenders in Switzerland: The transition towards HPV-based screeningPreventive medicine reports
2022 65 79
Acceptability and safety of thermal ablation to prevent cervical cancer in sub-Saharan AfricaBMC cancer
2022 50 26
"My motivation was to save": a qualitative study exploring factors influencing motivation of community healthcare workers in a cervical cancer screening program in Dschang, CameroonReproductive health
2022 53 24
Smartphone-Based Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid: An Innovative Tool to Improve Cervical Cancer Screening in Low-Resource SettingHealthcare
2022 197 220
Utility of extended HPV genotyping for the triage of self-sampled HPV-positive women in a screen-and-treat strategy for cervical cancer prevention in Cameroon: a prospective study of diagnostic accuracyBMJ open
2022 61 20
Linking unfolded protein response to ovarian cancer cell fusionBMC cancer
2022 208 124
ABCD criteria to improve visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) triage in HPV-positive women: a prospective study of diagnostic accuracyBMJ open
2022 145 55
Médecine hautement spécialisée et gynécologieRevue médicale suisse
2022 41 7
Recruitment strategies to promote uptake of cervical cancer screening in the West Region of CameroonBMC public health
2022 89 42
Guidance for planning, designing and running a HPV-based primary cervical cancer screening clinic in sub-Saharan AfricaJournal of clinical and medical images case reports
2022 71 130
Training, Supervision, and Competence Assessment of Cameroonian Health Care Providers Using HPV Self-Sampling, Triage by Visual Inspection, and Treatment by Thermal Ablation in a Single VisitFrontiers in public health
2022 61 25
Traitements intrapéritonéaux de la carcinose ovarienne : proposition d’algorithmes décisionnelsRevue médicale suisse
2022 107 56
Pelvic splenosis mimicking a suspicious adnexal massBMJ case reports
2021 114 0
A Cross-sectional Study on the Prevalence of Cervical Dysplasia Among Women With Female Genital Mutilation/CuttingJournal of lower genital tract disease
2021 50 0
A cross-sectional study exploring triage of human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive women by visual assessment, manual and computer-interpreted cytology, and HPV-16/18-45 genotyping in CameroonInternational Journal of Gynecological Cancer
2021 256 130
Barriers to cervical cancer prevention in rural Cameroon: a qualitative study on healthcare providers' perspectiveBMJ open
2021 69 45
Blood-based multi-cancer detection using a novel variant calling assay (DEEPGENTM): early clinical resultsCancers
2021 197 68
Gestational trophoblastic disease in Switzerland: retrospective study of the impact of a regional reference centreSwiss Medical Weekly
2021 261 107
Fast-Track in Minimally Invasive Gynecology: A Randomized Trial Comparing Costs and Clinical OutcomesFrontiers in surgery
2021 66 42
HPV self-sampling in the follow-up of women after treatment of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia: A prospective study in a high-income countryPreventive medicine reports
2021 62 29
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on an urban cervical cancer screening program in West CameroonInternational journal of gynecological cancer
2021 51 23
Study protocol for a two-site clinical trial to validate a smartphone-based artificial intelligence classifier identifying cervical precancer and cancer in HPV-positive women in CameroonPloS one
2021 132 35
Successful in vivo retrieval of oocytes after ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation before oophorectomy by laparotomy for a young patient with ovarian cancer: Case report and review of literatureGynecologic oncology reports
2021 54 30
Exploring Factors Associated with Patients Who Prefer Clinician-Sampling to HPV Self-Sampling: A Study Conducted in a Low-Resource SettingInternational journal of environmental research and public health
2021 59 35
Using Dynamic Features for Automatic Cervical Precancer DetectionDiagnostics
2021 49 116
Operative Complications and Outcomes Comparing Small and Large Uterine Weight in Case of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for a Benign IndicationFrontiers in surgery
2021 54 54
"Cervical cancer screening: awareness is not enough". Understanding barriers to screening among women in West Cameroon - a qualitative study using focus groupsReproductive health
2021 57 31
Prognostic factors and long-term outcomes of obstetric fistula care using the Tanguiéta modelInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
2020 256 0
Clitoral leiomyoma in a premenopausal woman: a case reportBMC Women's Health
2020 327 148
In Vivo Imaging-Based 3-Dimensional Pelvic Prototype Models to Improve Education Regarding Sexual Anatomy and PhysiologyThe journal of sexual medicine
2020 184 0
Is thermal ablation a new standard for cervical pre-cancer treatment in low-income and middle-income countries?The Lancet Oncology
2020 216 2
Spontaneous intussusception treated by a conservative laparoscopic approach during pregnancyJournal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
2020 269 93
Laparoscopic management of giant ovarian cysts using the alexis laparoscopic system®: a case seriesFrontiers in Surgery
2020 265 98
Vaginal Teratoma: A Fistulized or Parasitic Recurrent Ovarian Teratoma? A Case ReportJournal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
2019 387 269
Abdominal wall endometriosis: An 11-year retrospective observational cohort studyEuropean Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
2019 297 115
Cell spillage after contained electromechanical morcellation using a specially designed in-bag system for laparoscopic myomectomy: prospective cohort pilot studyJournal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
2019 468 1
Human papillomavirus genotype distribution and socio-behavioural characteristics in women with cervical pre-cancer and cancer at the start of a human papillomavirus vaccination programme: the CIN3+ plus studyBMC Cancer
2019 489 420
Human Papillomavirus Infection and Vaccination: Knowledge, Attitude and Perception among Undergraduate Men and Women Healthcare University Students in SwitzerlandVaccines
2019 353 145
Characteristics of HPV-unvaccinated undergraduate health students in Switzerland, a cross sectional studyArchives of public health = Archives belges de santé publique
2019 1,087 232
HPV self-testing for primary cervical cancer screening in Madagascar: VIA/VILI triage compliance in HPV-positive womenPLOS ONE
2019 267 119
Vingt années de lutte contre le cancer du col utérin en Afrique subsaharienne - Collaboration médicale entre Genève et YaoundéRevue médicale suisse
2019 206 0
Réflexion sur la formation en gynécologie et obstétrique ?Revue médicale suisse
2019 199 3
Malignant ascites: a source of therapeutic protein against ovarian cancer?Oncotarget
2019 491 157
Cost-effectiveness evaluation of HPV self-testing offered to non-attendees in cervical cancer screening in SwitzerlandGynecologic Oncology
2019 254 3
Thromboprophylaxie en chirurgie gynécologique : vers une prévention cohérenteRevue médicale suisse
2019 403 0
Benefit of watching a live visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid and lugol iodine on women's anxiety: randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention conducted in a low-resource settingJMIR cancer
2019 246 182
PEDF gene therapy in ovarian cancerLEADING OPINIONS. Hämatologie & Onkologie
2019 311 42
Réponse de P. Vassilakos et P. Petignat à l'article intitulé : « Le dépistage du cancer du col enfin organisé !! ». Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2019;47:1-2Gynécologie obstétrique et fertilité
2019 232 0
Accuracy of combinations of visual inspection using acetic acid or lugol iodine to detect cervical precancer: a meta-analysisBJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2018 466 3
Performance of smartphone-based digital images for cervical cancer screening in a low-resource contextInternational Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
2018 428 2
Adenomyosis and Endometrial Cancer: Literature ReviewGynecologic and Obstetric Investigation
2018 424 0
Use of Automated Analysis of Cervical Cytology for the Detection of High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Human Papillomavirus-Positive Women: A Future Practice?Acta Cytologica
2018 394 1
Location of Mutation in BRCA2 Gene and Survival in Patients with Ovarian CancerClinical Cancer Research
2018 461 1
A comparison of cotton and flocked swabs for vaginal self-sample collectionInternational Journal of Women's Health
2018 472 236
Defibulation: A Visual Reference and Learning ToolJournal of Sexual Medicine
2018 499 5
Prevalence of cervical dysplasia among migrant women with female genital mutilation1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health - Abstract Supplement
2018 285 3
A Mobile Health Data Collection System for Remote Areas to Monitor Women Participating in a Cervical Cancer Screening CampaignTelemedicine Journal and E-Health
2018 551 5
Prevalence of Vaccine Type Infections in Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Young Women: HPV-IMPACT, a Self-Sampling StudyInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2018 539 219
Clitoral reconstruction/transposition after female genital mutilation/cutting: differences in access, refunding, technique, care and outcomesProceedings of the 21st World Meeting on Sexual Medicine
2018 258 2
High Burden of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Madagascar: Comparison With Other Sexually Transmitted InfectionsInfectious Diseases
2018 379 172
Self- versus physician-collected samples for the follow-up of human papillomavirus-positive women in sub-Saharan AfricaInternational Journal of Women's Health
2018 390 181
Cross-sectional survey of knowledge of obstetric danger signs among women in rural MadagascarBMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
2018 731 247
Clearance and persistence of the human papillomavirus infection among Cameroonian womenWomen's Health
2018 406 209
A review of screening strategies for cervical cancer in human immunodeficiency virus-positive women in sub-Saharan AfricaInternational Journal of Women's Health
2017 977 279
HPV-negative CIN3 and cervical cancer in Switzerland: any evidence of impact on screening policies?Swiss Medical Weekly
2017 383 0
Self-sampling to improve cervical cancer screening coverage in Switzerland: a randomised controlled trialBritish journal of cancer
2017 822 272
Usability and feasibility of a mobile health system to provide comprehensive antenatal care in low-income countries: PANDA mHealth pilot study in MadagascarJournal of telemedicine and telecare
2017 477 0
Cervical cancer screening in a low-resource setting: a pilot study on an HPV-based screen-and-treat approachCancer Medicine
2017 791 274
User perception of endocervical sampling: A randomized comparison of endocervical evaluation with the curette vs cytobrushPloS one
2017 553 223
Comparative secretome of ovarian serous carcinoma: Gelsolin in the spotlightOncology Letters
2017 499 4
Circulating GRP78 antibodies from ovarian cancer patients: a promising tool for cancer cell targeting drug delivery system?Oncotarget
2017 589 199
Endometriosis after menopause: physiopathology and management of an uncommon conditionClimacteric
2017 506 0
Clitoral anatomy, physiology and pathology demystified by imagingCurrent Medical Imaging Reviews
2017 697 14
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Relapse and Clitoral Reconstruction After Female Genital MutilationObstetrics and Gynecology
2017 491 10
Management of painful clitoral neuroma after female genital mutilation/cuttingReproductive health matters
2017 459 264
Prevalence of undiagnosed uterine leiomyosarcoma in women undergoing hysterectomy or myomectomy for benign indicationsEuropean Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
2017 459 2
Efficacy of thermoablation in treating cervical precancerous lesions in a low-resource settingInternational Journal of Women's Health
2017 455 171
Feasibility of thermocoagulation in a screen-and-treat approach for the treatment of cervical precancerous lesions in sub-Saharan AfricaBMC Women's Health
2017 481 234
Accuracy of self-collected vaginal dry swabs using the Xpert human papillomavirus assayPLOS ONE
2017 456 202
Cervical cancer screening in low-resource settings: a smartphone image application as an alternative to colposcopyInternational Journal of Women's Health
2017 508 247
Dépistage des cancers gynécologiques : quels bénéfices pour les patientes ?Revue médicale suisse
2017 328 0
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: sharing data and experiences to accelerate eradication and improve care: part 1Reproductive Health
2017 440 128
A Smartphone-Based Approach for Triage of Human Papillomavirus-Positive Sub-Saharan African Women: A Prospective StudyJMIR mHealth and uHealth
2017 493 360
Fonction sexuelle et reconstruction du clitoris après mutilation génitale féminineRevue médicale suisse
2017 827 603
Sexual Anatomy and Function in Women With and Without Genital Mutilation: A Cross-Sectional StudyThe journal of sexual medicine
2016 574 7
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 associated with Behçet's diseaseBMC research notes
2016 617 253
Web-based instrument to assess skills in visual inspection of the cervix among healthcare providersInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
2016 481 0
Sexual function in endometriosis patients and their partners: effect of the disease and consequences of treatmentHuman Reproduction Update
2016 495 4
In Ovo Progression of Borderline Ovarian TumorsJournal of oncology translational research
2016 484 210
Do laparoscopic pelvic trainer exercises improve residents' surgical skills? A randomized controlled trialEuropean journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
2016 476 1
Female Genital Mutilation: A Visual Reference and Learning Tool for Health Care ProfessionalsExcerpta medica. Section 10, Obstetrics and gynecology
2016 508 6
Preventive Uterine Artery Occlusion: Benefits of the Laparoscopic Posterior ApproachJournal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
2016 442 0
Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-specific distribution of high- and low-risk genotypes among Malagasy women living in urban and rural areasCancer Epidemiology
2016 509 1
Human papillomavirus (HPV) contamination of gynaecological equipmentSexually transmitted infections
2016 547 1
Myoma migration: an unexpected "effect" with Ulipristal acetate treatmentEuropean review for medical and pharmacological sciences
2016 485 157
Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening in Geneva (DEPIST Study)Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease
2016 516 1
Genetic testing to identify women at risk of venous thromboembolism with contraceptive pills: Evidence or hope-based tool ?Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2016 594 240
A look at the management and usage of malignant ascites in ovarian cancerAscites : Aetiology, Symptoms and Treatment
2016 365 7
Risk factors associated with human papillomavirus prevalence and cervical neoplasia among Cameroonian womenCancer epidemiology
2016 507 0
Use of swabs for dry collection of self-samples to detect human papillomavirus among Malagasy womenInfectious agents and cancer
2016 484 185
Effect of estetrol on Beta-Endorphin level in female ratsSteroids
2015 540 0
Performance of alternative strategies for primary cervical cancer screening in sub-Saharan Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studiesBMJ. British medical journal
2015 474 246
Management of presumed benign giant ovarian cysts: a minimally invasive technique using the Alexis Laparoscopic SystemJournal of minimally invasive gynecology
2015 499 0
Effectiveness of a two-stage strategy with HPV testing followed by visual inspection with acetic acid for cervical cancer screening in a low-income settingInternational journal of cancer
2015 471 0
Clitoral reconstruction after female genital mutilation/cutting: case studiesThe journal of sexual medicine
2015 629 4
Role of PAR-4 in ovarian cancerOncotarget
2015 575 226
Dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus en Suisse romande : des trajectoires contrastéesRevue médicale suisse
2015 514 9
Human papillomavirus genotype distribution among Cameroonian women with invasive cervical cancer: a retrospective studySexually transmitted infections
2015 603 2
Successful implementation and results of an HPV vaccination program in Geneva Canton, SwitzerlandPublic health reports
2015 514 0
Feasibility of at-home self-sampling for HPV testing as an appropriate screening strategy for nonparticipants in Switzerland: preliminary results of the DEPIST studyJournal of lower genital tract disease
2015 530 0
Acceptability of self-collected vaginal samples for HPV testing in an urban and rural population of MadagascarAfrican health sciences
2015 446 204
Secretome Identifies Tenascin-X as a Potent Marker of Ovarian CancerBioMed research international
2015 601 269
Cervical cancer screening in Switzerland: time to rethink the guidelinesSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2015 449 234
To what extent will women accept HPV self-sampling for cervical cancer screening? A qualitative study conducted in SwitzerlandInternational journal of women's health
2015 430 154
Randomized Comparison of Two Vaginal Self-Sampling Methods for Human Papillomavirus Detection: Dry Swab versus FTA CartridgePloS one
2015 431 218
Intracorporeal electromechanical tissue morcellation: a critical review and recommendations for clinical practiceExcerpta medica. Section 10, Obstetrics and gynecology
2015 403 0
Use of Smartphones as Adjuvant Tools for Cervical Cancer Screening in Low-Resource SettingsJournal of lower genital tract disease
2015 571 2
Cervical cancer screening in sub-Saharan Africa: a randomized trial of VIA versus cytology for triage of HPV-positive womenInternational journal of cancer
2015 583 0
Endometriosis-Associated Abdominal Wall Cancer: A Poor Prognosis?International journal of gynecological cancer
2015 440 0
Cervical cancer screening in developing countries at a crossroad: Emerging technologies and policy choicesWorld journal of clinical oncology
2015 520 0
Smartphone Use for Cervical Cancer Screening in Low-Resource Countries: A Pilot Study Conducted in MadagascarPloS one
2015 564 230
Laparoscopic "Successful" Excision of Deep Endometriosis: A Fertility-enhancing SurgeryAnnals of surgery
2015 424 2
Stage IVB endometrial cancer : clinical course and survival of patients with single and multiple metastasesEuropean journal of gynaecological oncology
2015 501 7
Is screen-and-treat approach suited for screening and management of precancerous cervical lesions in Sub-Saharan Africa?Preventive medicine
2014 530 0
Perioperative outcomes of three-port robotically assisted hysterectomy: a continuous series of 53 casesJournal of robotic surgery
2014 495 449
Radiotherapy or surgery of the axilla after a positive sentinel node in breast cancer (EORTC 10981-22023 AMAROS): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 non-inferiority trialLancet oncology
2014 474 0
Effect of estetrol administration on brain and serum allopregnanolone in intact and ovariectomized ratsJournal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology
2014 510 0
Spontaneous ectopic tubal pregnancy after laparoscopic tubal sterilisation by segmental isthmic partial salpingectomyBMJ case reports
2014 551 0
Missed opportunities for diagnosis of female genital mutilationInternational journal of gynaecology and obstetrics
2014 601 3
HPV self-sampling as primary screening test in sub-Saharan Africa: Implication for a triaging strategyInternational journal of cancer
2014 551 0
AMH concentration is not related to effective time to pregnancy in women who conceive naturallyReproductive biomedicine online
2014 537 0
Impact of an Educational Intervention on Women's Knowledge and Acceptability of Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling: A Randomized Controlled Trial in CameroonPloS one
2014 523 1,118
The bright side of ascites in ovarian cancerCell cycle
2014 600 221
Controversies in the mammography screening programme in SwitzerlandSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2014 519 1
Hormonal causes of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)Hormones
2014 539 1
Acellular fraction of ovarian cancer ascites induce apoptosis by activating JNK and inducing BRCA1, Fas and FasL expression in ovarian cancer cellsOncoscience
2014 650 244
Role of imaging in endometriosisCleveland Clinic journal of medicine
2014 505 1
Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling in Cameroon: Women's Uncertainties Over the Reliability of the Method Are Barriers to AcceptanceJournal of lower genital tract disease
2013 587 0
Gebärmutterhalskrebs-Screening in der Schweiz – aktueller Stand und neue Herausforderungen / Cervical cancer screening in Switzerland - current practice and future challengesTherapeutische Umschau
2013 576 0
Concordance between Core Needle Biopsy and Surgical Excision Specimens for Tumour Hormone Receptor Profiling According to the 2011 St. Gallen Classification, in Clinical PracticeThe breast journal
2013 569 0
Tubal endometrioma within a twisted fallopian tube: a clinically complex diagnosisJournal of pediatric & adolescent gynecology
2013 621 0
GRP78-targeted nanotherapy against castrate-resistant prostate cancer cells expressing membrane GRP78Targeted oncology
2013 668 291
How many ovarian cancer patients are eligible for fertility-sparing surgery?European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
2013 614 3
Randomized comparison of vaginal self-sampling by standard vs. dry swabs for Human papillomavirus testingBMC cancer
2013 913 325
Pictorial review: rectosigmoid endometriosis on MRI with gel opacification after rectosigmoid colon cleansingClinical imaging
2012 749 0
Prévention du cancer du col utérin en Suisse: les défis de l'ère vaccinale / Cervical cancer prevention in Switzerland : the challenges of the vaccine eraRevue médicale suisse
2012 691 356
Quelle formation proposer en chirurgie gynécologique?Revue médicale suisse
2012 411 2
How to improve cervical cancer screening in Switzerland?Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2012 603 28
Is it time to introduce HPV self-sampling for primary cervical cancer screening?Journal of the National Cancer Institute
2012 541 0
Is imaging relevant for treatment choice in early stage cervical uterine cancer?Surgical oncology
2012 601 0
Anti-KDEL-coated nanoparticles: a promising tumor targeting approach for ovarian cancer?Biochimie
2012 631 0
A pelvic mass on ultrasonography and high human chorionic gonadotropin level: not always an ectopic pregnancyBMJ case reports
2012 711 0
Fertility preservation in cancer patients. Review of the French speaking part of Switzerland and recommendations for different situationsSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2012 785 584
Gynécologie et obstétrique[What's new in gynecology and obstetrics]Revue médicale suisse
2012 587 0
Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA triage of women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance with cobas 4800 HPV and Hybrid Capture 2 tests for detection of high-grade lesions of the uterine cervixJournal of clinical microbiology
2012 644 0
Levator ani muscle complex: anatomic findings in nulliparous patients at thin-section MR imaging with double opacificationRadiology
2012 586 0
Overexpression of GRP78 in complete hydatidiform molesGynecologic oncology
2012 623 2
Role of sonography in the diagnostic workup of ovarian and adnexal masses except in pregnancy and during ovarian stimulationJournal of clinical ultrasound
2012 582 0
Chirurgie gynécologique et fast trackRevue médicale suisse
2012 434 0
Reconstructive surgery for female genital mutilationLancet
2012 663 0
GRP78 Protein Expression in Ovarian Cancer Patients and Perspectives for a Drug-Targeting ApproachJournal of oncology
2012 601 0
Purified autoantibodies against glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) promote apoptosis and decrease invasiveness of ovarian cancer cellsCancer letters
2011 567 3
Maladies trophoblastiques : une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire, un premier centre suisseRevue médicale suisse
2011 581 3
Awareness of HPV and cervical cancer prevention among Cameroonian healthcare workersBMC women's health
2011 671 289
Oncology ESAB 2011
2011 614 10
Heat shock proteins in ovarian cancer: a potential target for therapyGynecologic oncology
2010 591 2
Chirurgie LESS, NOTES et robotique en gynécologie : mise au point et perspectivesRevue médicale suisse
2010 415 0
Dépistage du cancer de l'ovaire : recommandations pour la pratique cliniqueRevue médicale suisse
2010 540 0
Early-stage cervical cancer: is surgery better than radiotherapy?Expert review of anticancer therapy
2010 683 0
GynécologieRevue médicale suisse
2010 508 0
Stromal issues in cervical cancer: a review of the role and function of basement membrane, stroma, immune response and angiogenesis in cervical cancer developmentEuropean journal of cancer prevention
2010 614 0
Dissemination of intraperitoneal ovarian cancer: Discussion of mechanisms and demonstration of lymphatic spreading in ovarian cancer modelCritical reviews in oncology/hematology
2009 692 1
Anatomic distribution of posterior deeply infiltrating endometriosis on MRI after vaginal and rectal gel opacificationAmerican journal of roentgenology
2009 564 0
Young patients with endometrial cancer: how many could be eligible for fertility-sparing treatment?Gynecologic oncology
2009 670 1
Magnetic resonance imaging to identify risk of lymph node metastasis in patients with endometrial cancerInternational journal of gynaecology and obstetrics
2009 503 0
The attitude and knowledge of cervical cancer by Cameroonian women; a clinical survey conducted in Maroua, the capital of Far North Province of CameroonInternational journal of gynecological cancer
2008 604 2
Outcome of uterine clear cell carcinomas compared to endometrioid carcinomas and poorly-differentiated endometrioid carcinomasEuropean journal of gynaecological oncology
2008 555 0
Normal pregnancy or neoplasia?BMJ. British medical journal
2008 614 0
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