Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The influence of co-sponsorship on MPs' agenda-setting success | West European Politics | 2020 | 477 | 464 | |||
L’indice de réglementation financière GFRTCI : atouts et faiblesses | Commentaires du Centre de droit bancaire et financier | 2020 | 199 | 44 | |||
FINMA's Enforcement in Court : an empirical and legal assessment of the court rulings regarding the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority's financial regulation enforcement | Revue suisse de droit des affaires et du marché financier | 2019 | 204 | 63 | |||
How MPs' ties to interest groups matter for legislative co-sponsorship | Social Networks | 2019 | 676 | 391 | |||
The Europeanization of parliamentary attention in and out of the European Union: France, Spain, the Netherlands and Switzerland compared | Comparative Policy Agendas. Theory, Tools, Data | 2019 | 387 | 250 | |||
The swiss policy agenda project | Comparative policy agendas. Theory, tools, data | 2019 | 404 | 125 | |||
Policy evaluation in parliament: interest groups as catalysts | International Review of Administrative Sciences | 2018 | 536 | 381 | |||
Enforcement par la FINMA : première analyse empirique | Journée de droit bancaire et financier 2018 | 2018 | 132 | 3 | |||
Interest groups as multi-venue players | Interest Groups & Advocacy | 2018 | 841 | 544 | |||
Interests groups in parliament: exploring MPs' interest affiliations (2000-2011) | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | 2017 | 774 | 417 | |||
Who Europeanises parliamentary attention, on which issues and how? A policy agenda perspective | The Journal of Legislative Studies | 2017 | 520 | 498 | |||
Financial regulation and agenda dynamics: Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis | Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting | 2016 | 510 | 0 | |||
The Media as a Dual Mediator of the Political Agenda–Setting Effect of Protest. A Longitudinal Study in Six Western European Countries | Social forces | 2016 | 631 | 7 | |||
Self-selection and misreporting in legislative surveys | Political science research and methods | 2016 | 1,118 | 394 | |||
Consultations et groupes d'intérêt: un aperçu quantitatif | Gesetzgebung heute | 2016 | 867 | 230 | |||
Impacts of Courts on Policy Implementation in a Federal State: Evidence from Disability Insurance in Switzerland | Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswissenschaften | 2015 | 828 | 319 | |||
Trusting bankers: continuity and Change in Swiss banking policy | 2014 | 1,412 | 89 | ||||
The EU's Footprint in Swiss Policy Change: A Quantitative Assessment of Primary and Secondary Legislation (1999-2012) | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | 2014 | 823 | 15 | |||
Twenty Years After the EEA Vote: The Europeanization of Swiss Policy-Making | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | 2014 | 786 | 15 | |||
Agenda-setting and direct democracy: The rise of the Swiss People's party | Agenda Setting, Policies, and Political Systems. A Comparative Approach. | 2014 | 877 | 67 | |||
The Impact of Social Movements on Agenda-Setting: Bringing the Real World Back | Between-election democracy. The representative relationship after the election day | 2013 | 730 | 15 | |||
So close, yet so far? The EU's footprint in Swiss legislative production | The Europeanization of domestic legislatures. The empirical implications of the Delors' Myth in nine countries | 2012 | 870 | 24 | |||
Die Sorgen im Spiegel von Relität und Politik : Langzeitanalyse des Sorgenbarometers 1976 bis 2010 | Bulletin | 2011 | 594 | 0 |