Multi-frequency VEMPs improve detection of present otolith responses in bilateral vestibulopathy | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2024 | 47 | 8 |
Full-body kinematics and head stabilisation strategies during walking in patients with chronic unilateral and bilateral vestibulopathy | Scientific reports | | | 2024 | 70 | 16 |
Postural impairments in unilateral and bilateral vestibulopathy | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2024 | 42 | 14 |
Optimizing vestibular implant electrode positioning using fluoroscopy and intraoperative CT imaging | European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology | | | 2024 | 34 | 16 |
Construct validity and reliability of the Bilateral Vestibulopathy Questionnaire (BVQ) | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2023 | 87 | 21 |
Development of a new clinical tool to evaluate the balance abilities of children with bilateral vestibular loss : The Geneva Balance Test | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2023 | 66 | 9 |
Etiologies and hearing status in bilateral vestibulopathy: a retrospective study of 315 patients | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2023 | 78 | 12 |
Chronic symptoms in patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction : systematic review and meta-analysis | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2023 | 68 | 20 |
Assessing balance in people with bilateral vestibulopathy using the Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Mini-BESTest): feasibility and comparison with healthy control data | Journal of neurology | | | 2023 | 61 | 9 |
Bilateral vestibulopathy : a clinical update and proposed diagnostic algorithm | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2023 | 96 | 80 |
Suppression Head Impulse Test (SHIMP) versus Head Impulse Test (HIMP) When Diagnosing Bilateral Vestibulopathy | Journal of clinical medicine | | | 2022 | 206 | 121 |
Reported thresholds of self-motion perception are influenced by testing paradigm | Journal of neurology | | | 2022 | 107 | 31 |
Optimized Signal Analysis to Quantify the Non-Linear Behaviour of the Electrically Evoked Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex in Patients with a Vestibular Implant | Audiology & neuro-otology | | | 2022 | 100 | 45 |
Development and Content Validity of the Bilateral Vestibulopathy Questionnaire | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2022 | 105 | 36 |
Sound localization in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy | European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology | | | 2022 | 141 | 56 |
Patterns of Vestibular Impairment in Bilateral Vestibulopathy and Its Relation to Etiology | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2022 | 107 | 42 |
The DizzyQuest: relation between self-reported hearing loss, tinnitus and objective hearing thresholds in patients with Meniere's disease | Journal of neurology | | | 2021 | 165 | 68 |
Bilateral vestibulopathy patients' perspectives on vestibular implant treatment: a qualitative study | Journal of neurology | | | 2021 | 170 | 73 |
Bilateral vestibulopathy decreases self-motion perception | Journal of Neurology | | | 2021 | 248 | 86 |
The resilience of the inner ear: vestibular and audiometric impact of transmastoid semicircular canal plugging | Journal of Neurology | | | 2021 | 153 | 166 |
DISCOHAT: An Acronym to Describe the Spectrum of Symptoms Related to Bilateral Vestibulopathy | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2021 | 133 | 59 |
Speech perception with novel stimulation strategies for combined cochleo-vestibular systems | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering | | | 2021 | 168 | 75 |
The Effect of Different Head Movement Paradigms on Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Gain and Saccadic Eye Responses in the Suppression Head Impulse Test in Healthy Adult Volunteers | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2021 | 210 | 132 |
Bilateral vestibulopathy and age: experimental considerations for testing dynamic visual acuity on a treadmill | Journal of Neurology | | | 2020 | 226 | 76 |
Bilateral vestibulopathy: beyond imbalance and oscillopsia | Journal of Neurology | | | 2020 | 253 | 187 |
Vestibular Implantation and the Feasibility of Fluoroscopy-Guided Electrode Insertion | Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America | | | 2020 | 295 | 237 |
The DizzyQuest: to have or not to have… a vertigo attack? | Journal of Neurology | | | 2020 | 293 | 135 |
Influence of systematic variations of the stimulation profile on responses evoked with a vestibular implant prototype in humans | Journal of Neural Engineering | | | 2020 | 307 | 119 |
Restoring the High-Frequency Dynamic Visual Acuity with a Vestibular Implant Prototype in Humans | Audiology and Neurotology | | | 2020 | 279 | 99 |
Prospective cohort study on the predictors of fall risk in 119 patients with bilateral vestibulopathy | PLOS ONE | | | 2020 | 319 | 116 |
The vestibular implant: Opinion statement on implantation criteria for research | Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium & Orientation | | | 2020 | 297 | 197 |
Simultaneous activation of multiple vestibular pathways upon electrical stimulation of semicircular canal afferents | Journal of Neurology | | | 2020 | 242 | 97 |
Tribute to Bernard Cohen - Whose Pioneering Work Made the Vestibular Implant Possible | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2020 | 247 | 68 |
Comparison of three video head impulse test systems for the diagnosis of bilateral vestibulopathy | Journal of Neurology | | | 2020 | 251 | 201 |
Drafting a Surgical Procedure Using a Computational Anatomy Driven Approach for Precise, Robust, and Safe Vestibular Neuroprosthesis Placement—When One Size Does Not Fit All | Otology & Neurotology | | | 2019 | 247 | 1 |
Designing artificial senses: steps from physiology to clinical implementation | Swiss Medical Weekly | | | 2019 | 324 | 164 |
Vibrotactile feedback improves balance and mobility in patients with severe bilateral vestibular loss | Journal of Neurology | | | 2019 | 336 | 120 |
Cervical myogenic potentials and controlled postural responses elicited by a prototype vestibular implant | Journal of Neurology | | | 2019 | 407 | 164 |
The Functional Head Impulse Test to Assess Oscillopsia in Bilateral Vestibulopathy | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2019 | 312 | 152 |
The walking speed-dependency of gait variability in bilateral vestibulopathy and its association with clinical tests of vestibular function | Scientific Reports | | | 2019 | 239 | 171 |
A New and Faster Test to Assess Vestibular Perception | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2019 | 286 | 113 |
Syndrome du mal de débarquement | Revue médicale suisse | | | 2019 | 2 216 | 3 |
Milestones in the development of a vestibular implant | Current Opinion in Neurology | | | 2019 | 460 | 207 |
Optimization of 3D-Visualization of Micro-Anatomical Structures of the Human Inner Ear in Osmium Tetroxide Contrast Enhanced Micro-CT Scans | Frontiers in neuroanatomy | | | 2018 | 446 | 219 |
Full Spectrum of Reported Symptoms of Bilateral Vestibulopathy Needs Further Investigation-A Systematic Review | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2018 | 440 | 261 |
Maladie de Menière, hydrops endolymphatique et IRM | Revue médicale suisse | | | 2018 | 1 165 | 330 |
Prospects and Limitations of Spatial Resolution | Artificial Vision: A Clinical Guide | | | 2017 | 470 | 2 |
The Video Head Impulse Test to Assess the Efficacy of Vestibular Implants in Humans | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2017 | 510 | 179 |
The Vestibular Implant: Hearing Preservation during Intralabyrinthine Electrode Insertion—A Case Report | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2017 | 490 | 183 |
Characterization of Cochlear, Vestibular and Cochlear-Vestibular Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potentials in Patients with a Vestibulo-Cochlear Implant | Frontiers in Neuroscience | | | 2017 | 528 | 218 |
The Vestibular Implant Input Interacts with Residual Natural Function | Frontiers in Neurology | | | 2017 | 470 | 184 |
Sensory neuroprostheses: from physiology to clinical application | | | | 2017 | 580 | 9 |
Fifteen years of vestibular implant research in humans | ENT & Audiology News | | | 2017 | 336 | 117 |
The vestibular implant: A probe in orbit around the human balance system | Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium & Orientation | | | 2017 | 508 | 1 |
Stimulation vestibulaire et visuelle : perception simultanée ou pas ? | Revue médicale suisse | | | 2016 | 457 | 168 |
Restoring Visual Acuity in Dynamic Conditions with a Vestibular Implant | Frontiers in Neuroscience | | | 2016 | 487 | 187 |
Preliminary observations of the acute effects of vestibular nerve stimulation on stride length and time in two patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction | Gait & Posture | | | 2016 | 415 | 0 |
Vestibular assistance systems: promises and challenges | Journal of Neurology | | | 2016 | 411 | 167 |
Characterization of pulse amplitude and pulse rate modulation for a human vestibular implant during acute electrical stimulation | Journal of Neural Engineering | | | 2016 | 507 | 403 |
Neural Network Model of Vestibular Nuclei Reaction to Onset of Vestibular Prosthetic Stimulation | Frontiers in Biomedicine and Biotechnology | | | 2016 | 454 | 184 |
Vestibular Implants: 8 Years of Experience with Electrical Stimulation of the Vestibular Nerve in 11 Patients with Bilateral Vestibular Loss | ORL | | | 2015 | 552 | 0 |
Vestibular implants: Hope for improving the quality of life of patients with bilateral vestibular loss | Conference proceedings | | | 2015 | 460 | 1 |
Simultaneous Development of 2 Oral Languages by Child Cochlear Implant Recipients | Otology & neurotology | | | 2014 | 629 | 4 |
Implantation cochléaire – better safe than sorry | Revue médicale suisse | | | 2014 | 470 | 3 |
A real-time research platform to study vestibular implants with gyroscopic inputs in vestibular deficient subjects | IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems | | | 2014 | 560 | 3 |
Artificial Balance: Restoration of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex in Humans with a Prototype Vestibular Neuroprosthesis | Frontiers in neurology | | | 2014 | 792 | 506 |
The vestibular implant: frequency-dependency of the electrically evoked vestibulo-ocular reflex in humans | Frontiers in systems neuroscience | | | 2014 | 585 | 265 |
First functional rehabilitation via vestibular implants | Cochlear implants international | | | 2014 | 681 | 454 |
Temporal properties of visual perception on electrical stimulation of the retina | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | | | 2012 | 725 | 640 |
Reading with a Simulated 60-Channel Implant | Frontiers in neuroscience | | | 2011 | 601 | 234 |
Simulation of artificial vision: IV. Visual information required to achieve simple pointing and manipulation tasks | Vision research | | | 2008 | 490 | 1 |
Processes involved in oculomotor adaptation to eccentric reading | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | | | 2006 | 571 | 0 |
Minimum requirements for a retinal prosthesis to restore useful vision | | | | 2006 | 1 032 | 2 142 |
Simulation of artificial vision, III: do the spatial or temporal characteristics of stimulus pixelization really matter? | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | | | 2005 | 571 | 0 |
Development of a viewing strategy during adaptation to an artificial central scotoma | Vision research | | | 2004 | 623 | 0 |
Simulation of artificial vision: II. Eccentric reading of full-page text and the learning of this task | Vision research | | | 2004 | 644 | 0 |