Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Emergency capabilities: Deploying the WHO's communication in West Africa during the 2014 Ebola epidemic | Managing the global health response to epidemics: Social science perspectives | 2019 | 297 | 0 | |||
Incorporating transnational labour: Migration rent, combined relocation, and offshore production networks in Malaysia | Migration Studies | 2019 | 274 | 1 | |||
The future strikes back: Global public health crises and the rise of preparedness | Managing the global health response to epidemics, social sciences perspectives | 2019 | 266 | 0 | |||
Crisis communication during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa: The paradoxes of decontextualized contextualization | Risk communication for the future | 2018 | 402 | 154 | |||
Affects et subjectivation politique. Migrations féminines indonésiennes et épreuves de désajustement entre Java, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour | Migrations société | 2017 | 429 | 2 | |||
Future now: “preparedness” and scenario planning in the United States | 2017 | 906 | 541 | ||||
The Moral Side of Disaster: Religion and Post-quake Recognition Regimes in Java | Ecological Risks and Disasters: New Experiences in China and Europe | 2016 | 453 | 2 | |||
Faith and uncertainty: migrants' journeys between Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore | Health, risk & society | 2015 | 610 | 517 | |||
Troubles dans le local : migrations transnationales et transformations culturelles à Java | Critique internationale | 2015 | 530 | 0 | |||
Habiter le Transnational: espace, travail et migrations entre Java, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour | 2015 | 573 | 0 | ||||
Sous surveillance. Possibilités et limites du régime de la preparedness : le cas de la pandémie A(H1N1) | Socio-anthropologie | 2014 | 807 | 284 | |||
Globalizing Kuala Lumpur: Indonesian migrant workers, urban borderscapes and the production of metropolitan spaces | Globalization and New IntraUrban Dynamics in Asian Cities | 2014 | 412 | 2 | |||
Migrer, être affecté : Pratiques de l'espace, structures de sentiment et subjectivation entre Java, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour | Revue européenne des migrations internationales | 2013 | 516 | 176 | |||
Ethnographie de l'ailleurs et ailleurs ethnographiques: postcolonialité, subjectivation et construction des espaces de l'enquête en Asie du sud-est | Sociologies et cosmopolitisme méthodologique | 2012 | 409 | 93 | |||
Singapore in the new economic geography: From geographic location to re-locating economic dynamics | Gateways to globalization: Asia's international trading and finance centers | 2011 | 502 | 247 |