Supervised works
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1 - 59 of 59
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Capacity, load, and effort in translation, interpreting and bilingualismThe Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting and Bilingualism
2023 153 129
Student interpreters predict meaning while simultaneously interpreting - even before trainingInterpreting
2023 153 180
Unpacking the multilingualism continuum: An investigation of language variety co-activation in simultaneous interpretersPloS one
2023 25 26
Purposeful listening in challenging conditions: A study of prediction during consecutive interpreting in noisePloS one
2023 138 100
Prediction during simultaneous interpreting: Evidence from the visual-world paradigmCognition
2022 303 208
Distance conference interpretingRoutledge handbook of conference interpreting
2022 349 5
When the ear leads the eye – the use of text during simultaneous interpretationLanguage, Cognition and Neuroscience
2020 333 5
Language conflict resolution and behavioural executive control measures in simultaneous interpretingNew Empirical Perspectives on Translation and Interpreting
2020 240 2
Simulating Simultaneous Interpreting with Text: From Training Model to Training ModuleThe Role of Technology in Conference Interpreter Training
2020 1,041 20
Expectations vs. experience: Attitudes towards video remote conference interpretingInterpreting
2019 717 7
Tellement de langues pour un seul cerveauLes routes de la traduction, Martin Bodmer Foundation
2018 147 0
Interpreting from the sidelines: Attitudes towards remote interpreting at the 2014 FIFA World Cup
2018 465 330
Simultaneous interpreting into a B language: considerations for trainers and traineesTranslation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International Translata Conference
2017 676 19
Interpreting at the European Institutions: Higher, faster, stronger = La interpretación en las instituciones europeas: más rápido, másalto, más fuerteCLINA : an interdisciplinary journal of translation, interpreting and intercultural communication
2017 803 519
Multimodal processing in simultaneous interpretingThe Handbook of translation and cognition
2017 620 12
Some guests are worth waiting for… A review of Conference Interpreting: A Trainer's Guide by R. Setton and A. DawrantThe AIIC Webzine
2017 437 0
Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines: Eye-tracking Anwendungen in der DolmetschwissenschaftTranslationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Sommersemester 2017, Translation und Eye Tracking
2017 421 0
Simultaneous Interpreting: Where it all beganLes routes de la traduction, Martin Bodmer Foundation
2017 144 0
Training conference interpreters online: vision or illusion?ORCIT
2016 420 0
Remote interpreting at the World Cup75e anniversaire de la FTI
2016 298 128
Simultaneous interpreting – a short history of nearly everything; SI – theories, models and data; SI – quintessential multimodal processing; Research in SI – the right tool for the right jobEMCI lecture series
2016 515 0
Modeling multimodal processing in Simultaneous Interpreting75e anniversaire de la FTI
2016 271 97
Blended learning implementedSCIC Universities 2016
2016 437 0
Cognitive loadRoutledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies
2015 455 7
Eye trackingRoutledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies
2015 446 8
Processing multi-modal input: what simultaneous interpreters look at. Methodological challengesIEDIS Interdisciplinary encounters: Dimensions of interpreting studies
2015 382 0
Tracking Conference Interpreters' eyes: Simultaneous interpreting with textFourth Translation Process Research Workshop (TPRW4), PETRA Research Group and School of Translation & Interpreting, ULPGC
2015 440 0
[Review of:] Sandra Hale and Jemina Napier. Research methods in interpreting: A practical resource. Reviewed by Kilian G. SeeberInterpreting
2015 559 5
Simultaneous interpretingRoutledge handbook of interpreting
2015 516 13
Processing multi-modal input: what simultaneous interpreters look at2nd International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics
2015 400 0
I see what you're saying: Visual information in simultaneous conference interpretingTalking to the World II
2015 416 0
Cognitive approachesRoutledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies
2015 464 9
Dogma in the teaching of conference interpretingCiclo de conferencias grupo de investigación Traductología de la ULPGC
2015 333 0
Multimodal input in simultaneous interpretingInternational Conference Series “The interpreter of the 21st century”, European Parliament DGINTE
2014 431 0
Simultaneous Interpreting: A short history of nearly everythingCTIS - Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies
2013 384 0
What eye-tracking can tell us about simultaneous interpreting with textCRELA - Cultures de recherche en linguistique appliquée
2013 341 0
The right tool for the right job: Research methods in interpretingInterpreting studies at the crossroads of disciplines
2013 381 0
Cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Measures and MethodsTarget
2013 603 9
Exploring cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreting: Methodological and ideological challengesExploring cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreting: Methodological and ideological challenges
2012 408 0
Cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Model meets dataInternational journal of bilingualism
2012 825 1,367
Multimodal input in Simultaneous InterpretingEuropean Society for Translation Studies EST Symposium: Same Place, Different Times
2012 428 0
Cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreters. Interdisciplinary studies of multilingual behaviourInternational Journal of Bilingualism
2012 430 0
Multimodal Input in Simultaneous Interpreting: An eye-tracking experimentProceedings of the 1st International Conference TRANSLATA, Translation & Interpreting Research: yesterday - today - tomorrow
2012 1,098 17
Cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: existing theories – new modelsInterpreting
2011 575 8
[Review of:] The hidden side of Babel: Unveiling cognition, intelligence and sense. Bertone, L.E. (2006)Interpreting
2010 436 2
Processing German verb-final structures in simultaneous interpreting: TEPR evidenceInternational conference on processing head-final structures
2007 324 0
Thinking outside the cube: Modeling language processing tasks in a multiple resource paradigmInterspeech 2007
2007 558 3
Betrayal - vice or virtue. An ethical perspective on accuracy in simultaneous interpretingMeta : journal des traducteurs
2007 538 12
Online physiological measures of cognitive load: Identifying its locus through pupil dilationISB6
2007 393 0
Community building: Training interpreter trainersProfessionalization in interpreting: International experience and developments in China
2006 478 8
Leveraging Virtual Learning Environments for Training Interpreter TrainersMeta
2005 1,088 797
Temporale Aspekte der Antizipation beim Simultandolmetschen komplexer SOV-Strukturen aus dem DeutschenBulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée
2005 482 4
Blended learning for training interpreter trainers3rd European Conference on E-learning
2004 991 403
Prosodic deterioration and comprehension in simultaneous interpreting: a follow up experimentCahiers de l'Institut de linguistique de Louvain
2004 423 2
Das Dolmetschen im medizinischen Bereich (Teil I)Das Zeichen
2002 457 5
Das Dolmetschen im medizinischen Bereich (Teil III)Das Zeichen
2002 387 1
Das Dolmetschen im medizinischen Bereich (Teil II)Das Zeichen
2002 412 1
Intonation and anticipation in simultaneous interpretingCahiers de linguistique française
2001 595 8
Das Gebärdensprachdolmetschen im medizinischen BereichInformationsheft des Vereins zur Unterstützung des Forschungszentrums für Gebärdensprache
2001 547 0
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