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1 - 206 of 206
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation for comprehensive characterization of hetero-aggregates made of nano-silver and extracellular polymeric substancesJournal of chromatography
2025 151 134
Diatom-derived extracellular polymeric substances form eco-corona and enhance stability of silver nanoparticlesEnvironmental science. Nano
2024 86 45
Unraveling the impact of phytoplankton secretions on the behavior of metal-containing engineered nanoparticles in aquatic environmentFrontiers in environmental science
2024 89 156
Entanglement of Daphnia magna by Fibrous Microplastics through “Hook and Loop” ActionEnvironmental science & technology letters
2024 89 40
Exploring the impact of silver-based nanomaterial feed additives on green algae through single-cell techniquesScience of the total environment
2024 74 36
Dissolved elemental mercury accumulation by freshwater phytoplankton species: A pilot studyJournal of hazardous materials letters
2024 32 15
Impact of inorganic mercury on carotenoids in freshwater algae: Insights from single-cell resonance Raman spectroscopyAquatic toxicology
2024 107 74
Surface displayed MerR increases mercury accumulation by green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiEnvironment international
2024 36 33
Exploring the subcellular distribution of mercury in green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana: A comparative studyAquatic toxicology
2024 96 40
Flow and plankton availability control young‐of‐the‐year fish diet in two floodplain nurseriesEcology of freshwater fish
2023 83 50
Cytochrome c - silver nanoparticle interactions: Spectroscopy, thermodynamic and enzymatic activity studiesChemico-biological interactions
2023 84 48
Phytoplankton Controls on the Transformations of Metal-containing Nanoparticles in an Aquatic EnvironmentEnvironmental Nanopollutants: Sources, Occurrence, Analysis and Fate
2023 88 4
Progress in Research on the Bioavailability and Toxicity of Nanoplastics to Freshwater PlanktonMicroplastics
2023 69 225
Oxidative stress induced by sub-lethal exposure to copper as a mediator in development of bacterial resistance to antibioticsScience of the total environment
2023 90 2
Mercury species induce metabolic reprogramming in freshwater diatom Cyclotella meneghinianaJournal of hazardous materials
2023 135 58
Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation Coupled to ICP-MS for Characterization of Trace Metal Species in the Environment from Macromolecular to Nano-Assemblage Forms: Current Challenges for QuantificationChimia
2022 174 88
Role of phytoplankton in aquatic mercury speciation and transformationsEnvironmental chemistry
2022 307 193
Dual role of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the accumulation of inorganic and methyl mercury by crustacean Daphnia magna through waterborne and dietary exposureEnvironmental pollution
2022 260 127
Comparative study of the sensitivity of two freshwater gastropods, Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarius corneus, to silver nanoparticles: bioaccumulation and toxicityEnvironmental pollution
2022 195 107
Thermal regime, together with lateral connectivity, control aquatic invertebrate composition in river floodplainsFreshwater biology
2022 148 73
Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation Methods for Quantitative Determination and Size Characterization of Thiols and for Mercury Size Speciation Analysis in Organic Matter-Rich Natural WatersFrontiers in chemistry
2022 176 48
Kit d’expérimentation Green Breath Box: Protocole d’utilisation
2022 139 42
Simple Acid Digestion Procedure for the Determination of Total Mercury in Plankton by Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence SpectroscopyMethods and protocols
2022 302 145
Aquatic organisms modulate the bioreactivity of engineered nanoparticles: focus on biomolecular coronaFrontiers in toxicology
2022 169 315
Kinetic Aspects of the Interactions between TiO2 Nanoparticles, Mercury and the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiEnvironments
2022 155 72
Impact des activités humaines sur la vie aquatique: Quel est l’impact des rejets de la vie quotidienne sur le modèle Chlamy ? Biologie - Module 3
2022 122 48
Impact des activités humaines sur la vie aquatique: Comment l'être humain interagit il avec certains éléments de l'écosystème ? Géographie - Module 1
2022 144 93
Metabolic alterations in alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exposed to nTiO2 materialsEnvironmental science. Nano
2022 260 150
Séquence interdisciplinaire Géographie-Biologie 10e & 11e - Impacts des activités humaines sur la vie aquatique - Guide didactique pour l’enseignant-e
2022 229 49
Impact des activités humaines sur la vie aquatique: Comment étudier les effets des polluants sans détruire les écosystèmes ? Biologie - Module 2
2022 152 54
Impact des activités humaines sur la vie aquatique: Quelles conséquences l'usage de l'eau par l'être humain a-t-il sur les écosystèmes ? Géographie - Module 4
2022 132 72
Light-trapped caddisflies to decipher the role of species traits and habitats in Hg accumulation and transferChemosphere
2022 308 117
Metabolomic Responses of Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Exposed to Sublethal Concentrations of Inorganic and MethylmercuryEnvironmental Science & Technology
2021 245 158
Morphological plasticity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and acclimation to micropollutant stressAquatic Toxicology
2021 229 167
Academic expertise in assisting private companies in the fields of environment and environmental toxicology: the role of individual expertiseEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research
2021 230 1
Determination of the Intracellular Complexation of Inorganic and Methylmercury in Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803Environmental science & technology
2021 230 148
The interplay of flow processes shapes aquatic invertebrate successions in floodplain channels - A modelling applied to restoration scenariosScience of the Total Environment
2021 521 150
Microbial community diversity and composition in river sediments contaminated with tetrabromobisphenol A and copperChemosphere
2021 221 102
Editorial: Biogeochemistry of Anthropogenic ParticlesFrontiers in Environmental Science
2021 170 77
Polystyrene Nanoplastic Behavior and Toxicity on Crustacean Daphnia magna: Media Composition, Size, and Surface Charge EffectsEnvironments
2021 197 101
Species-specific isotope tracking of mercury uptake and transformations by pico-nanoplankton in an eutrophic lakeEnvironmental Pollution
2021 228 109
Trees as sentinels of metallic pollution induced by mining along the Odiel River (Southern Iberian Peninsula)Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica
2021 225 116
Mercury mobility, colloid formation and methylation in a polluted Fluvisol as affected by manure application and flooding–draining cycleBiogeosciences
2021 344 130
A density gradient centrifugation method for rapid separation of nanoTiO2 and TiO2 aggregates from microalgal cells in complex mixtures with mercuryMethodsX
2020 335 187
Interaction of silver nanoparticles with antioxidant enzymesEnvironmental Science: Nano
2020 459 208
Metabolomics for early detection of stress in freshwater alga Poterioochromonas malhamensis exposed to silver nanoparticlesScientific Reports
2020 448 134
NanoTiO2 materials mitigate mercury uptake and effects on green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in mixture exposureAquatic Toxicology
2020 384 266
Special Issue on "Chemistry in the Environment"Chimia
2020 267 75
Natural Nanoparticles, Anthropogenic Nanoparticles, Where Is the Frontier?Frontiers in Environmental Science
2020 688 175
When scientists become detectives: investigating systematic tree poisoning in a protected coveHeliyon
2020 344 116
Impact of anthropogenic activities on the occurrence and distribution of toxic metals, extending-spectra β-lactamases and carbapenem resistance in sub-Saharan African urban riversScience of the Total Environment
2020 379 2
When Environmental Chemistry Meets Ecotoxicology: Bioavailability of Inorganic Nanoparticles to PhytoplanktonChimia
2020 425 205
Effects of Mixtures of Engineered Nanoparticles and Metallic Pollutants on Aquatic OrganismsEnvironments
2020 364 181
Insect Life Traits Are Key Factors in Mercury Accumulation and Transfer within the Terrestrial Food WebEnvironmental Science & Technology
2019 335 1
Recommandations d'un collectif franco-suisse d'experts pour une meilleure évaluation de la qualité écotoxicologique des sédiments par l'étude des communautés benthiquesSciences Eaux et Territoires
2019 413 73
Influence of nanoplastic surface charge on eco-corona formation, aggregation and toxicity to freshwater zooplanktonEnvironmental Pollution
2019 348 469
Comparative study of Cu uptake and early transcriptome responses in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the macrophyte Elodea nuttalliiEnvironmental Pollution
2019 430 187
Dissolved Organic Matter and Associated Trace Metal Dynamics from River to Lake, Under Ice-Covered and Ice-Free ConditionsEnvironmental Science & Technology
2019 295 274
Colloidal Size and Redox State of Uranium Species in the Porewater of a Pristine Mountain WetlandEnvironmental Science & Technology
2019 338 1
Upward mercury transfer by anecic earthworms in a contaminated soilEuropean Journal of Soil Biology
2019 379 1
Prevalence of β-Lactam and Sulfonamide Resistance Genes in a Freshwater Reservoir, Lake Brêt, SwitzerlandExposure and Health
2019 462 8
Seasonal and spatial variation in hydrochemical parameters of Lake Onego (Russia): insights from 2016 field monitoringInland Waters
2019 345 168
Towards early-warning gene signature of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exposed to Hg-containing complex mediaAquatic Toxicology
2019 374 311
Species-species interactions modulate copper toxicity under different visible light conditionsEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety
2019 455 322
Long-Term Effects of Mercury on Biofilms Grown in Contaminated Microcosms: A Pilot StudyEnvironments
2019 479 180
Recycling, reuse, and circular economy: a challenge for ecotoxicological researchEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research
2019 395 201
Biogeochemical Dynamics Research in the AnthropoceneFrontiers in Environmental Science
2019 425 150
Modeling whole body trace metal concentrations in aquatic invertebrate communities: A trait-based approachEnvironmental Pollution
2018 1,792 9
Combined Effects of Trace Metals and Light on Photosynthetic Microorganisms in Aquatic EnvironmentEnvironments
2018 451 161
Green Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Effect on the Unicellular Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiNanoscale Research Letters
2018 489 280
Molecular Effects of Inorganic and Methyl Mercury in Aquatic Primary Producers: Comparing Impact to A Macrophyte and A Green Microalga in Controlled ConditionsGeosciences
2018 438 335
Biological effects of four iron-containing nanoremediation materials on the green alga Chlamydomonas spEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety
2018 558 2
Photo-Oxidative Stress in Green Algae and CyanobacteriaReactive Oxygen Species
2018 702 376
High contamination in the areas surrounding abandoned mines and mining activities: An impact assessment of the Dilala, Luilu and Mpingiri Rivers, Democratic Republic of the CongoChemosphere
2018 1,466 14
Molecular Effects, Speciation, and Competition of Inorganic and Methyl Mercury in the Aquatic Plant Elodea nuttalliiEnvironmental Science & Technology
2018 502 548
Preface: Special Issue on Environmental Toxicology of Trace MetalsEnvironments
2018 341 164
Probing Contaminant-Induced Alterations in Chlorophyll Fluorescence by AC-Dielectrophoresis-Based 2D-Algal ArrayBiosensors
2018 532 166
Effects of two-hour exposure to environmental and high concentrations of methylmercury on the transcriptome of the macrophyte Elodea nuttalliiAquatic Toxicology
2018 1,753 10
Cellular toxicity pathways of inorganic and methyl mercury in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiScientific reports
2017 627 348
Non-invasive continuous monitoring of pro-oxidant effects of engineered nanoparticles on aquatic microorganismsJournal of nanobiotechnology
2017 604 194
Lateral and longitudinal patterns of water physico-chemistry and trace metal distribution and partitioning in a large river floodplainScience of the total environment
2017 656 373
Transcriptomic approach for assessment of the impact on microalga and macrophyte of in-situ exposure in river sites contaminated by chlor-alkali plant effluentsWater research
2017 664 14
Alternating Current-Dielectrophoresis Collection and Chaining of Phytoplankton on Chip: Comparison of Individual Species and Artificial CommunitiesBiosensors
2017 580 233
Kinetics of mercury accumulation by freshwater biofilmsEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
2017 500 4
Biofilm composition in the Olt River (Romania) reservoirs impacted by chlor-alkali production plantEnvironmental science. Processes & impacts
2017 725 361
Exposure to sublethal concentrations of Co3O4 and Mn2O3 nanoparticles induced elevated metal body burden in Daphnia magnaAquatic toxicology
2017 641 13
Influence of chemical speciation and biofilm composition on mercury accumulation by freshwater biofilmsEnvironmental science. Processes & impacts
2017 620 8
Mercury bioavailability, transformations and effects to freshwater biofilmsEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
2017 549 3
Toward Quantitative Understanding of the Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter in Freshwater Lake during Cyanobacteria BloomingEnvironmental science & technology
2017 690 1
Persistent Hg contamination and occurrence of Hg-methylating transcript (hgcA) downstream of a chlor-alkali plant in the Olt River (Romania)Environmental science and pollution research international
2016 730 594
Role of cellular compartmentalization in the trophic transfer of mercury species in a freshwater plant-crustacean food chainJournal of hazardous materials
2016 661 4
Transcriptomic and Physiological Responses of the Green Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during Short-Term Exposure to Subnanomolar Methylmercury ConcentrationsEnvironmental science & technology
2016 717 28
Interactive effects of copper oxide nanoparticles and light to green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiAquatic toxicology
2016 770 23
Silver nanoparticle behaviour in lake water depends on their surface coatingScience of the total environment
2016 599 4
Elodea nuttallii exposure to mercury exposure under enhanced ultraviolet radiation: Effects on bioaccumulation, transcriptome, pigment content and oxidative stressAquatic toxicology
2016 644 8
Stress and Protists: No life without stressEuropean journal of protistology
2016 616 191
Pro-oxidant effects of nano-TiO2 on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during short-term exposureRSC advances
2016 523 259
A Multimethod Approach for Investigating Algal Toxicity of Platinum NanoparticlesEnvironmental science & technology
2016 563 4
New insights into ROS dynamics: a multi-layered microfluidic chip for ecotoxicological studies on aquatic microorganismsNanotoxicology
2016 586 4
Hospital Effluents Are One of Several Sources of Metal, Antibiotic Resistance Genes, and Bacterial Markers Disseminated in Sub-Saharan Urban RiversFrontiers in microbiology
2016 763 267
Phenotypic plasticity of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: an adaptive response to copper stressXXXIII Congress SIL
2016 478 0
Environmental quality assessment of reservoirs impacted by Hg from chlor-alkali technologies: case study of a recoveryEnvironmental science and pollution research international
2016 688 6
Lead Bioavailability to Freshwater Microalgae in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter: Contrasting Effect of Model Humic Substances and Marsh Water Fractions Obtained by UltrafiltrationAquatic geochemistry
2015 607 6
Two-Dimensional Algal Collection and Assembly by Combining AC-Dielectrophoresis with Fluorescence Detection for Contaminant-Induced Oxidative Stress SensingBiosensors
2015 688 229
Stability of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Agglomerates in Transitional Waters and Their Effects Towards Plankton from Lagoon of Venice (Italy)Aquatic geochemistry
2015 739 9
The role of light on copper toxicity to microalgaeSEFS 9 Symposium for European Fresh Water Sciences
2015 435 0
Effects of copper-oxide nanoparticles, dissolved copper and ultraviolet radiation on copper bioaccumulation, photosynthesis and oxidative stress in the aquatic macrophyte Elodea nuttalliiChemosphere
2015 975 6
Photo-transformation of pedogenic humic acid and consequences for Cd(II), Cu(II) and Pb(II) speciation and bioavailability to green microalgaChemosphere
2015 571 4
Dynamics of sub-lethal effects of nano-CuO on the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during short-term exposureAquatic toxicology
2015 612 9
Portable oxidative stress sensor: dynamic and non-invasive measurements of extracellular H2O2 released by algaeBiosensors & bioelectronics
2015 739 1
The role of bacterial and algal exopolymeric substances in iron chemistryMarine chemistry
2015 738 6
Antagonistic and synergistic effects of light irradiation on the effects of copper on Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiAquatic toxicology
2014 692 21
Towards Mechanistic Understanding of Mercury Availability and Toxicity to Aquatic Primary ProducersChimia
2014 705 404
Effects of a reservoir flushing on trace metal partitioning, speciation and benthic invertebrates in the floodplainEnvironmental science. Processes & impacts
2014 739 13
Effects of macrophytes on the fate of mercury in aquatic systemsEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
2014 880 16
Degradation of eight relevant micropollutants in different water matrices by neutral photo-Fenton process under UV254 and simulated solar light irradiation – A comparative studyApplied catalysis. B, Environmental
2014 845 0
Interactions between mercury and phytoplankton: Speciation, bioavailability, and internal handlingEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
2014 594 9
Bioavailability of inorganic nanoparticles to planktonic bacteria and aquatic microalgae in freshwaterEnvironmental science. Nano
2014 777 12
Uptake, localization and clearance of quantum dots in ciliated protozoa Tetrahymena thermophilaEnvironmental pollution
2014 637 0
Potential of Hyperspectral Imaging Microscopy for Semi-quantitative Analysis of Nanoparticle Uptake by ProtozoaEnvironmental science & technology
2014 643 7
Oxidative stress induced by inorganic nanoparticles in bacteria and aquatic microalgae – state of the art and knowledge gapsNanotoxicology
2014 816 10
Species-specific isotope tracers to study the accumulation and biotransformation of mixtures of inorganic and methyl mercury by the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiEnvironmental pollution
2014 758 11
Sensing the dynamics of oxidative stress using enhanced absorption in protein-loaded random mediaScientific reports
2013 589 346
Mechanisms of toxic action of Ag, ZnO and CuO nanoparticles to selected ecotoxicological test organisms and mammalian cells in vitro : A comparative reviewNanotoxicology
2013 629 8
Interactions of core–shell quantum dots with metal resistant bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans: Consequences for Cu and Pb removalJournal of hazardous materials
2013 650 2
A portable microfluidic-based biophotonic sensor for extracellular H2O2 measurements
2013 605 0
Optimization of the C11-BODIPY581/591 dye for the determination of lipid oxidation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by flow cytometryCytometry. Part A
2013 637 7
Combined exposure of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to copper and solar-simulated radiationSETAC Europe annual meeting
2013 408 0
Biosensor based on chemically-designed anchorable cytochrome c for the detection of H2O2 released by aquatic cellsBiosensors & bioelectronics
2013 666 0
Alternating current-dielectrophoresis driven on-chip collection and chaining of green microalgae in freshwatersBiomicrofluidics
2013 666 378
The Environmental Significance of Natural NanoparticlesNature Education Knowledge
2013 853 1,021
Effects of extraction methods on the composition and molar mass distributions of exopolymeric substances of the bacterium Sinorhizobium melilotiBioresource technology
2012 535 0
François Alphonse FOREL (1841-1912)Archives des sciences
2012 622 9
Determination of trace metals accumulated and internalized by marine phytoplankton; interferences with colloidal organic matterInternational journal of environmental analytical chemistry
2012 634 1
Le nouvel Institut F.-A. Forel de 2009 à nos joursArchives des sciences
2012 674 211
Cell-wall-dependent effect of carboxyl-CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on lead and copper availability to green microalgaeEnvironmental pollution
2012 713 4
Direct Anchoring of Cytochrome c onto Bare Gold Electrode for Sensing Oxidative Stress in Aquatic CellsProcedia engineering
2012 614 0
Cd and Pb removal from contaminated environment by metal resistant bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34: importance of the complexation and competition effectsEnvironmental chemistry
2012 620 2
Trace metal behavior in surface waters: emphasis on dynamic speciation, sorption processes and bioavailabilityArchives des sciences
2012 1,097 598
Composition and molar mass characterisation of bacterial extracellular polymeric substances by using chemical, spectroscopic and fractionation techniquesEnvironmental chemistry
2011 620 0
Exopolysaccharides produced by bacteria isolated from the pelagic Southern Ocean — Role in Fe binding, chemical reactivity, and bioavailabilityMarine chemistry
2011 1,030 2
Effect of Humic Substance Photoalteration on Lead Bioavailability to Freshwater MicroalgaeEnvironmental science & technology
2011 791 0
Solid phase extraction and diffusive gradients in thin films techniques for determination of total and labile concentrations of Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) in Black Sea waterInternational journal of environmental analytical chemistry
2011 608 0
Role of extracellular compounds in Cd-sequestration relative to Cd uptake by bacterium Sinorhizobium melilotiEnvironmental pollution
2010 617 0
Cu and Pb accumulation by the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii in the presence of humic acidsEnvironmental chemistry
2010 551 385
Characterization of the colloidal organic matter from the Amazonian basin by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation and size exclusion chromatographyWater research
2010 647 0
Uptake of Cd(II) and Pb(II) by microalgae in presence of colloidal organic matter from wastewater treatment plant effluentsEnvironmental pollution
2010 651 0
Colloidal organic matter from wastewater treatment plant effluents: Characterization and role in metal distributionWater research
2010 564 0
Assessment of metal–extracellular polymeric substances interactions by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryEnvironmental chemistry
2010 651 0
Modeling of Cd Uptake and Efflux Kinetics in Metal-Resistant Bacterium Cupriavidus metalliduransEnvironmental science & technology
2010 645 481
Effect of Humic Acid on Cd(II), Cu(II), and Pb(II) Uptake by Freshwater Algae: Kinetic and Cell Wall Speciation ConsiderationsEnvironmental science & technology
2009 686 636
The Chance of a Lifetime: To Learn from the BestChimia
2009 523 0
Dynamic NanoSIMS ion imaging of unicellular freshwater algae exposed to copperAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2009 635 0
Effect of natural organic matter and green microalga on carboxyl-polyethylene glycol coated CdSe/ZnS quantum dots stability and transformations under freshwater conditionsEnvironmental pollution
2009 627 0
In-situ determination of trace metal species in surface waters of Black Sea coastal area: comparison to bioavailability by green microalgaeEnvironmental science & technology
2009 619 265
Amine- and Carboxyl- Quantum Dots Affect Membrane Integrity of Bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34Environmental science & technology
2009 604 427
Effect of competing ions and complexing organic substances on the cadmium uptake by the soil bacterium Sinorhizobium melilotiEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
2009 539 0
Dynamic aspects of the metal uptake by freshwater algae in the presence of humic acidChemodynamics of Ecosystems
2008 449 0
Pb uptake by the freshwater alga Chlorella kesslerii in the presence of dissolved organic matter of variable compositionEnvironmental chemistry
2008 585 409
Adaptation of aerobically growing Pseudomonas aeruginosa to copper starvationJournal of bacteriology
2008 605 469
The biouptake and toxicity of arsenic species on the green microalga Chlorella salina in seawaterAquatic toxicology
2008 593 0
Comparison of Cd(II), Cu(II), and Pb(II) biouptake by green algae in the presence of humic acidEnvironmental science & technology
2007 588 714
Assessing the Impact of Metals in Aquatic Systems: Current Status and Future Prospects: The Biotic Ligand Model PerspectiveEcotoxicology and Environmental Sciences
2007 478 0
Terrestrial ecotoxicity and effect factors of metals in life cycle assessment (LCA)Chemosphere
2007 585 0
Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled to multiangle laser light scattering detector: Optimization of crossfIlow rate, carrier characteristics, and injected mass in alginate separationJournal of separation science
2007 551 352
Predicting Pb bioavailability to freshwater microalgae in the presence of fulvic acid: Algal cell density as a variableChemosphere
2007 497 0
Asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation - Multidetection system as a tool for studying metal-alginate interactionsEnvironmental chemistry
2006 633 576
Characterization of H(+) and Cd(2+) binding properties of the bacterial exopolysaccharidesChemosphere
2006 544 0
Electrohydrodynamic properties of succinoglycan as probed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, potentiometric titration and capillary electrophoresisBiomacromolecules
2006 610 439
Do exudates affect cadmium speciation and bioavailability to the rhizobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti?Environmental chemistry
2006 566 379
Permeation liquid membrane as a tool for monitoring bioavailable Pb in natural waters (vol 328, pg 55, 2004)Science of the total environment
2005 517 0
Predicting the bioavailability of metals and metal complexes: Critical review of the biotic ligand modelEnvironmental chemistry
2005 596 2,090
Quantifying Pb and Cd complexation by alginates and the role of metal binding on macromolecular aggregationBiomacromolecules
2005 584 682
Influence of the composition of natural organic matter on Pb bioavailability to microalgaeEnvironmental science & technology
2005 578 540
Permeation liquid membrane as a tool for monitoring bioavailable Pb in natural watersScience of the total environment
2004 626 0
Discriminating between intra- and extracellular metals using chemical extractionsLimnology and oceanography, methods
2004 642 0
Some fundamental (and often overlooked) considerations underlying the free ion activity and biotic ligand modelsEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
2004 495 710
Effect of pH on Pb biouptake by the freshwater alga Chlorella kessleriiEnvironmental chemistry letters
2003 608 1
Role of fulvic acid on lead bioaccumulation by Chlorella kessleriiEnvironmental science & technology
2003 599 467
Physicochemical mechanisms of trace metal bioaccumulation by microorganismsChimia
2002 598 0
Physicochemical aspects of lead bioaccumulation by Chlorella vulgarisEnvironmental science & technology
2002 555 658
Biological vs Permeation Liquid Membrane Study: Lead Speciation in the Presence of Various LigandsICOBTE 2001 Conference proceedings
2001 80 23
Surface investigation on chemically modified platforms for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometrySurface and interface analysis
2000 576 0
Permanent modification in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry - advances, anticipations and realitySpectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy
2000 553 0
Permanent iridium modifier deposited on tungsten and zirconium-treated platforms in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry: vaporization of bismuth, silver and telluriumSpectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy
1999 596 0
Release of arsenic, antimony and bismuth from the graphite support in the presence of tungsten and palladium modifiersGodišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Himičeski fakultet
1999 531 0
Chemical modification in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometryAdvances in atomic spectroscopy
1998 530 0
Release of selenium and tin from the graphite support in the presence of tungsten and palladium modifiersReaction kinetics and catalysis letters
1997 578 0
Palladium release in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometrySpectroscopy letters
1997 532 0
Preatomization behavior of palladium in electrothermal atomic-absorption spectrometrySpectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy
1997 563 0
Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of lead and tin in slurries. optimization studyAnalyst
1997 559 0
The onium compoundsJournal of chemical education
1997 461 0
Morphological and spectroscopic investigation of the behavior of permanent iridium modifier deposited on pyrolytic graphite coated and zirconium treated platforms in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometrySpectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy
1997 575 0
Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of volatile elements in biological materials in the presence of a mixed palladium-tungsten chemical modifierAnalytical letters
1996 466 0
Behavior of various arsenic species in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometryJournal of analytical atomic spectrometry
1996 541 0
Direct electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of lead in wineCiencias
1996 498 0
Application of the Kelvin equation to vaporization of silver and gold in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometrySpectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy
1995 630 0
Removal of metal ions by polyelectrolyte ultrafiltration. Wastewater treatmentAnalytical Laboratory
1994 536 0
Simplified kinetic-model describing the analyte losses during pre-atomization thermal-treatment in electrothermal atomic-absorption spectrometryJournal of analytical atomic spectrometry
1992 563 429
Application of Tungsten and Tungsten plus Palladium Chemical Modifiers to the Lead Determination by Graphite-Furnace Atomic Absorption SpectrometryAnalytical Laboratory
1992 464 0
Chemical modification in electrothermal atomic-absorption spectrometry - organization and classification of data by multivariate methods - invited lectureJournal of analytical atomic spectrometry
1992 559 393
Comparative-study of ruthenium, rhodium and palladium as chemical modifiers in graphite-furnace atomic-absorption spectrometrySpectroscopy letters
1992 499 0
Kinetic approach to the interpretation of analyte losses during the preatomization thermal-treatment in electrothermal atomization atomic-absorption spectrometrySpectroscopy letters
1991 547 0
Searching for New Approaches to Matrix Modification in Electrothermal Atomic Absorption SpectrometryChemia Analityczna
1990 487 0
Chemical modification in graphite-furnace atomic-absorption spectrometrySpectrochimica acta reviews
1990 670 0
Study of some tungsten-containing chemical modifiers in graphite-furnace atomic-absorption spectrometryAnalytical letters
1990 547 0
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