Supervised works
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1 - 77 of 77
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Effectiveness of a Mobile App (PIMPmyHospital) in Reducing Therapeutic Turnaround Times in an Emergency Department : Protocol for a Pre- and Posttest StudyJMIR research protocols
2023 36 33
A mobile app for Advance Care Planning and Advance Directives (Accordons-nous): Development and ssability studyJMIR human factors
2022 204 114
Usability Testing of a Patient-Centered Mobile Health App for Supporting and Guiding the Pediatric Emergency Department Patient Journey: Mixed Methods StudyJMIR pediatrics and parenting
2022 210 175
Use of a Semiautomatic Text Message System to Improve Satisfaction With Wait Time in the Adult Emergency Department: Cross-sectional Survey StudyJMIR medical informatics
2022 187 68
Usability Testing and Technology Acceptance of an mHealth App at the Point of Care During Simulated Pediatric In- and Out-of-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitations: Study Nested Within 2 Multicenter Randomized Controlled TrialsJMIR human factors
2022 226 113
Effectiveness of a Mobile App in Reducing Therapeutic Turnaround Time and Facilitating Communication between Caregivers in a Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Pilot TrialJournal of personalized medicine
2022 126 39
A Mobile App to Improve Patient Management in Emergency Departments: Caregiver Needs Analysis, Design and Early Technology Acceptance AssessmentStudies in health technology and informatics
2021 70 49
Managing Visitor and Patient Flow During the COVID-19 Pandemic: ExpectingU AppStudies in health technology and informatics
2021 163 89
Impact of a Mobile App on Paramedics' Perceived and Physiologic Stress Response During Simulated Prehospital Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Study Nested Within a Multicenter Randomized Controlled TrialJMIR mhealth and uhealth
2021 722 150
Impact of a shared decision-making mHealth tool on caregivers' team situational awareness, communication effectiveness, and performance during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trialTrials
2021 112 57
Detection of Spatiotemporal Clusters of COVID-19–Associated Symptoms and Prevention Using a Participatory Surveillance App: Protocol for the @choum StudyJMIR research protocols
2021 147 82
A mobile application to support bedside nurse documentation and care: a time and motion studyJAMIA open
2021 217 115
Effect of a Mobile App on Prehospital Medication Errors During Simulated Pediatric Resuscitation: A Randomized Clinical TrialJAMA network open
2021 417 101
A Tutorial for an Interactive Narrative Simulation for Alzheimer’s Disease’s Caregivers: Development and EvaluationPublic Health and Informatics: Proceedings of MIE 2021
2021 165 60
The Impact of a Tablet App on Adherence to American Heart Association Guidelines During Simulated Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Medical Internet Research
2020 278 257
The New Smart-Meds: Redesign of a Gamified App to Improve Medication Adherence Using a Mixed Methods DesignStudies in health technology and informatics
2020 192 298
User-Centred Approach to Design an Online Social Support Platform for Seniors : Identification of Users' Types and Their RequirementsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2020 999 147
Nutrikids, a Smartphone Application to Improve the Quality of Paediatrical Dietary Assessments: Feasability StudyStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2020 392 99
PedAMINES: a disruptive mHealth app to tackle paediatric medication errorsSwiss medical weekly
2020 193 44
Personalization Dimensions for MHealth to Improve Behavior Change: A Scoping ReviewIntegrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care: Citizens as Data Producers and Service co-Creators
2020 207 259
Applications mobiles et autogestion des douleurs chroniquesRevue médicale suisse
2020 280 181
Integrating Patient-Generated Health Data in an Electronic Medical Record: Stakeholders' PerspectivesStudies in health technology and informatics
2020 128 74
Family relationships and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic reviewJournal of Alzheimer's disease
2020 326 784
GOFlow: Smartwatch app to deliver laboratory results in emergency departments - A feasibility studyInternational journal of medical informatics
2020 89 0
A mobile device application to reduce medication errors and time to drug delivery during simulated paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a multicentre, randomised, controlled, crossover trialLancet Child & Adolescent Health
2019 563 2
Virtual Patient Interaction via Communicative ActsIVA '19: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
2019 359 300
Swiss-Meds: An App Fostering Medication Adherence of Swiss PatientStudies in health technology and informatics
2019 147 116
A Mobile Phone App for Bedside Nursing Care: Design and Development Using an Adapted Software Development Life Cycle ModelJMIR mHealth and uHealth
2019 460 398
Patients' time perception in the waiting room of an ambulatory emergency unit: a cross-sectional studyBMC Emergency Medicine
2019 528 217
A mobile device app to reduce prehospital medication errors and time to drug preparation and delivery by emergency medical services during simulated pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation: study protocol of a multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trialTrials
2019 428 136
SMART-MEDS: Development of a Medication Adherence App for Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients based on a Gamified Behaviour Change ModelAMIA Annual Symposium proceedings
2018 326 80
A Mobile App (BEDSide Mobility) to Support Nurses' Tasks at the Patient's Bedside: Usability StudyJMIR mHealth and uHealth
2018 526 257
InfoKids : changement de paradigme du parcours patients dans un service d'urgencesRevue médicale suisse
2018 539 152
ADHD Mobile App Feasibility Test for AdultsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2018 524 149
Designing an online social support platform through co-creation with seniorsBuilding Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth. Proceedings of MIE2018
2018 823 162
Design of InterFACE: A Tool to Improve Collaborative Work and Decision Making During RescucitationStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2018 417 101
From the lab to the field: the challenges of the take-off process for a bedside mobility appSwiss medical informatics
2018 256 47
Carezheimer - Etude de l'effet d'un serious game adaptatif personnalisé sur le stress des proches aidants dans le cadre de la maladie d'Alzheimer11ème Congrès International Francophone de Gérontologie et Gériatrie (CIFGG)
2018 401 71
Dimensions of Personalization in a Narrative Pedagogical Simulation for Alzheimer's Caregivers2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH)
2018 483 384
Acceptance of a Mobile Application Supporting Nurses Workflow at Patient Bedside: Results from a Pilot StudyStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2018 871 296
InfoKids: a transversal and longitudinal solution enhancing patients and caregivers experience in emergency departments by disrupting the care process paradigmWorld hospitals and health services
2018 182 0
A Mobile Device App to Reduce Medication Errors and Time to Drug Delivery During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Study Protocol of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Crossover TrialJMIR Research Protocols
2017 725 313
Connecting Parents to a Pediatric Emergency Department: Designing a Mobile App Based on Patient Centred Care PrinciplesStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2017 655 69
A Mobile Device App to Reduce Time to Drug Delivery and Medication Errors During Simulated Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Medical Internet Research
2017 628 356
Gamification and mHealth: a model to bolster cardiovascular disease self-managementSwiss medical informatics
2017 300 69
Adherence to AHA Guidelines When Adapted for Augmented Reality Glasses for Assisted Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Medical Internet Research
2017 674 403
Implementation of innovation projects in healthcare: the expected and the unexpectedSwiss medical informatics
2017 259 58
Smartphones to Access to Patient Data in Hospital Settings: Authentication Solutions for Shared DevicesStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2017 554 0
Communication of Children Symptoms in Emergency: Classification of the TerminologyStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2017 610 137
Approaches to Improving Nursing Handoffs in Surgical WardsOpen journal of nursing
2017 145 88
Influence of Pedometer Position on Pedometer Accuracy at Various Walking Speeds: A Comparative StudyJournal of Medical Internet Research
2016 617 316
Addressing the Complexity of Mobile App Design in Hospital Setting with a Tailored Software Development Life Cycle ModelStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2016 577 176
Improving Drugs Administration Safety in Pediatric Resuscitation Using Mobile TechnologyStudies in health technology and informatics
2016 644 131
Improving Patients Experience in Peadiatric Emergency Waiting RoomStudies in health technology and informatics
2016 1,568 945
Using of Patient-Generated mHealth Data for Patient Care: a Comparison of Four ModelsSwiss medical informatics
2016 313 85
Analyse des besoins des patients et accompagnants lors de leur passage aux urgences pédiatriquesJournées francophones d'informatique médicale
2016 661 252
How Regrouping Alerts in Computerized Physician Order Entry Layout Influences Physicians' Prescription Behavior: Results of a Crossover Randomized TrialJMIR human factors
2016 687 277
Positioning Commercial Pedometers to Measure Activity of Older Adults with Slow Gait: At the Wrist or at the Waist?Studies in health technology and informatics
2016 626 71
Adapting Guidelines for Google Glass: the Case of Pediatric CPRStudies in health technology and informatics
2016 719 0
Individual Nomad Clinical Assistant: Supporting Nurses at the Point of CareStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
2016 566 115
Assessing the Usability of Six Data Entry Mobile Interfaces for Caregivers: A Randomized TrialJMIR human factors
2015 488 55
Reshaping the laboratory results presentation layer: three interfaces for handheld devicesStudies in health technology and informatics
2015 689 121
Opportunities and limitations in using google glass to assist drug dispensingStudies in health technology and informatics
2015 640 0
Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of eHealth Tools for Patients with Sickle Cell DiseaseStudies in health technology and informatics
2015 724 53
How to represent the decision process in a medication plan: the case of the swiss cohort of inflammatory bowel diseasesStudies in health technology and informatics
2015 1,335 1,639
Supporting elderly homecare with smartwatches: advantages and drawbacksStudies in health technology and informatics
2014 1,754 803
Smartphones: evidence-based user-interface designStudies in health technology and informatics
2013 724 41
Challenges in the Implementation of a Mobile Application in Clinical Practice: Case Study in the Context of an Application that Manages the Daily Interventions of NursesJMIR mhealth and uhealth
2013 1,007 653
User acquaintance with mobile interfacesStudies in health technology and informatics
2013 780 0
Supporting drug prescription through autocompletionStudies in health technology and informatics
2013 723 29
Challenges and issues of geolocation in clinical environmentStudies in health technology and informatics
2012 737 48
INCA - Individual Nomad Clinical Assistant - supporting nurses with mobile devicesStudies in health technology and informatics
2012 816 98
Technological choices for mobile clinical applicationsStudies in health technology and informatics
2011 835 378
Modular text mining for protein-protein interactions extraction
2009 732 1,015
Gene Ontology density estimation and discourse analysis for automatic GeneRiF extractionBMC bioinformatics
2008 608 43
Introducing meta-services for biomedical information extractionGenomeBiology.com
2008 694 825
Interactive segmentation with hidden object based annotations : towards smart mediaProceedings of SPIE Electronic Imaging, Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia
2004 533 241
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