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1 - 18 of 18
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Feasibility and acceptability of a primary care mentoring programme for undergraduate studentsEducation for primary care
2024 31 7
Dynamics of Students’ Career Choice: a Conceptual Framework–Based Qualitative Analysis Focusing on Primary CareJournal of general internal medicine
2023 41 6
Dynamics of career intentions in a medical student cohort: a four-year longitudinal studyBMC medical education
2023 55 43
Encourager les étudiant-es en médecine à choisir une carrière en médecine de famille : Développement d’un cadre conceptuel du choix de carrière et applications pratiques
2023 418 508
Students' intentions to practice primary care are associated with their motives to become doctors: a longitudinal studyBMC medical education
2022 219 122
Geneva medical students increasingly identify primary care physicians as role models after introduction of a compulsory clerkshipThe European journal of general practice
2021 177 44
Innover pour comprendre l'inconnu : recherche sur la pandémie de Covid-19 en médecine de familleRevue médicale suisse
2021 250 103
Clinical preventive guidelines for school-aged children and adolescents in primary care: a protocol for a systematic reviewBMJ Open
2020 393 135
Primary care prevention of cardiovascular risk behaviors in adolescents: a systematic reviewPreventive Medicine
2020 349 471
Excessive substance use screening to encourage behaviour change among young people in primary care: Pilot study in preparation for a randomized trialAddictive Behaviors
2019 558 2
De la théorie à la pratique : comment influencer le choix de carrière pour la médecine de famille ?Revue médicale suisse
2019 400 140
An Expanded Conceptual Framework of Medical Students' Primary Care Career ChoiceAcademic medicine
2017 915 508
The quality of feedback during formative OSCEs depends on the tutors' profileBMC medical education
2016 517 201
Primary care interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk behaviours in adolescents: a protocol for a systematic reviewBMJ open
2016 594 170
Feedback in formative OSCEs: comparison between direct observation and video-based formatsMedical education online
2016 538 212
Impact of the primary care curriculum and its teaching formats on medical students' perception of primary care: a cross-sectional studyBMC family practice
2016 675 216
Impact of Interventions to Increase the Proportion of Medical Students Choosing a Primary Care Career: A Systematic ReviewJournal of general internal medicine
2015 673 7
Etre migrant et adolescent: quelles actions préventives proposer ?Revue médicale suisse
2012 535 4
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