Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Construction of spherical cubature formulas using lattices | St. Petersburg mathematical journal | 2007 | 486 | 444 | |||
Espaces polynomiaux et formules de cubature | 2006 | 1 110 | 410 | ||||
Cubature formulas, geometrical designs, reproducing kernels, and Markov operators | Infinite groups: geometric, combinatorial and dynamical aspects | 2005 | 568 | 301 | |||
Shells of selfdual lattices viewed as spherical designs | International journal of algebra and computation | 2005 | 540 | 415 | |||
Sur le spectre des opérateurs de Markov de designs sphériques | European journal of combinatorics | 2004 | 565 | 0 | |||
Spherical designs and finite group representations (some results of E. Bannai) | European journal of combinatorics | 2004 | 624 | 0 |