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  • Father-infant synchrony and infant vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation: father-infant shared times in Switzerland as moderators
    Puglisi, NiloTissot, HervéRattaz, ValentineEpiney, ManuellaRazurel, ChantalFavez, Nicolas
    Section de psychologie
  • Situational Judgement Tests among Palestinian community members and Red Crescent volunteers to inform humanitarian action: a cross-sectional study
    Moussaoui, LisaQuimby, MAvancini, HSalawdi, ASkaik, FBani Odeh, RDesrichard, OlivierClaxton, N
    Section de psychologie
  • Overcoming Social Interactions Stress During COVID-19 Lockdown: The Role of Individuals’ Mobility and Online Emotional Support
    Vétois, MatthieuSontag, KatrinManatschal, AnitaPlanamente, NelidaKim, JinheeFalomir Pichastor, Juan Manuel
    Section de psychologie
  • A thermodynamic analysis of the binding of calcium and magnesium ions to parvalbumin
    Moeschler, JacquesSchaer, Jean-JacquesCox, Jos Adrian
    Département de chimie physique, Département de biochimie
  • Réactions chimiques oscillantes. III. Effets de la température et de la composition chimique sur la "période d'induction" des systèmes BrO3-/Ce4+/cyclohexanone et BrO3-/Ce4+/cyclopentanone
    Janjic, DesimirFarage, Vincent J.
    Département de chimie physique
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