Burton-Jeangros, Claudine
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Research groups
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
A Dynamic Understanding of the Vulnerability of Formerly Illegalized Migrant Workers in Relation to Legal Status Stratification | Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association 2024 | 2024 | 15 | 0 | |||
Lack of social support, gender and colorectal cancer screening participation across Europe: How do screening programmes mitigate the effect of social support for men and women? | Sociology of health & illness | 2024 | 29 | 7 | |||
Migrant Work Conditions and Health Status — A Longitudinal Study on ‘Dirty Work’ Among Undocumented and Newly Regularized Workers | Journal of international migration and integration | 2024 | 44 | 15 | |||
Socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Overseas Filipino Workers and their left-behind families: a scoping review | Frontiers in political science | 2024 | 119 | 16 | |||
Social determinants of the healthcare needs of undocumented migrants living with non-communicable diseases: a scoping review | BMJ public health | 2024 | 46 | 28 | |||
Travailleurs sans-papiers : la régularisation améliore la sécurité sociale | Sécurité sociale | 2024 | 38 | 20 | |||
Sortir de la clandestinité: Les conséquences de la régularisation des travailleurs sans papiers | 2024 | 108 | 118 | ||||
Kamusta kabayan? A scoping review on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) | 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference | 2023 | 51 | 6 | |||
La régularisation des travailleurs sans-papiers dans le canton de Genève | Social change in Switzerland | 2023 | 83 | 32 | |||
Working Conditions and Self-Reported Health Among Undocumented and Newly Regularized Migrants in Geneva: A Cross-Sectional Study | International journal of public health | 2023 | 131 | 23 | |||
Recherche sur la santé des populations vulnérables : enjeux et opportunités | Revue médicale suisse | 2023 | 8 | 0 | |||
Recruitment and Attrition for Panel Surveys of Hard-to-reach Populations: Some Lessons from a Longitudinal Study on Undocumented Migrants | Field methods | 2023 | 87 | 18 | |||
Un soulagement pour les sans-papiers – Les effets de la régularisation sur la santé mentale | DeFacto | 2023 | 51 | 10 | |||
Impact of legal status regularization on undocumented migrants’ self-reported and mental health in Switzerland | SSM, population health | 2023 | 77 | 47 | |||
De la clandestinité à la régularisation: espoirs et ambivalences dans les trajectoires de femmes migrantes sans-papiers | 10 ans de la Law Clinic sur les droits des personnes vulnérables | 2023 | 42 | 9 | |||
Vivre et travailler sans statut légal à Genève. Premiers constats de l’étude Parchemins | 2022 | 56 | 37 | ||||
Association between residence status regularization and access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in Switzerland: a panel study | Frontiers in public health | 2022 | 224 | 58 | |||
Revisiting the effects of organized mammography programs on inequalities in breast screening uptake: a multilevel analysis of nationwide data from 1997 to 2017 | Frontiers in public health | 2022 | 288 | 71 | |||
Transitioning out of illegalization: cross-border mobility experiences | Frontiers in human dynamics | 2022 | 245 | 62 | |||
Cervical cancer (over-)screening in Europe: Balancing organised and opportunistic programmes | Scandinavian journal of public health | 2022 | 149 | 1 | |||
Living and working without legal status in Geneva. First findings of the Parchemins study | 2022 | 37 | 33 | ||||
(In)former les patient.es à la recherche biomédicale : sociologie des documents d'information et de consentement | 2022 | 279 | 213 | ||||
Social protection expenditure on health in later life in 20 european countries: spending more to reduce health inequalities | Social science & medicine | 2022 | 205 | 86 | |||
When the set of known opportunities broadens: aspirations and imagined futures of undocumented migrants applying for regularization | Swiss journal of sociology | 2022 | 197 | 87 | |||
Acceptabilité des certificats immunitaires COVID-19 ? | SocioBrief | 2021 | 138 | 36 | |||
Citizens' views on sharing their health data: the role of competence, reliability and pursuing the common good | BMC Medical Ethics | 2021 | 197 | 120 | |||
Self-rated health among undocumented and newly regularized migrants in Geneva: a cross-sectional study | BMC Public Health | 2021 | 364 | 110 | |||
Mental health of undocumented migrants and migrants undergoing regularization in Switzerland: a cross-sectional study | BMC Psychiatry | 2021 | 427 | 182 | |||
Building a multisystemic understanding of societal resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic | BMJ global health | 2021 | 245 | 77 | |||
Macro-contextual determinants of cancer screening participation and inequalities: a multilevel analysis of 29 european countries | SSM - Population Health | 2021 | 177 | 85 | |||
Governance in the age of complexity: building resilience to COVID-19 and future pandemics | 2021 | 507 | 244 | ||||
Acceptability of COVID-19 Certificates: A Qualitative Study in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2020 | Frontiers in Public Health | 2021 | 177 | 95 | |||
Trust, affect, and choice in parents' vaccination decision-making and health-care provider selection in Switzerland | Sociology of health & illness | 2021 | 153 | 214 | |||
The well-being of newly regularized migrant workers: Determinants of their satisfaction with life as compared to undocumented migrant workers and regular local residents | Comparative Migration Studies | 2021 | 534 | 169 | |||
Perceptions of vaccination certificates among the general population in Geneva, Switzerland | Swiss medical weekly | 2021 | 33 | 9 | |||
Cervical cancer screening programs and their context-dependent effect on inequalities in screening uptake: a dynamic interplay between public health policy and welfare state redistribution | International Journal for Equity in Health | 2021 | 173 | 45 | |||
‘Problem patients and physicians' failures': what it means for doctors to counsel vaccine hesitant patients in Switzerland | Social Science & Medicine | 2020 | 328 | 6 | |||
Antiretroviral Drugs Associated With Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease in the Swiss Human Immunodeficiency Virus Cohort Study | Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2020 | 173 | 0 | |||
Imaginaires associés aux avancées de la génétique et « médecine du futur » | Áltera | 2020 | 173 | 42 | |||
Cancer screening participation and gender stratification in europe | Journal of Health and Social Behavior | 2020 | 254 | 0 | |||
Enjeux éthiques dans l'enquête en sciences sociales | 2020 | 702 | 359 | ||||
Life course socioeconomic conditions and frailty at older ages | Journals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | 2020 | 244 | 78 | |||
Life course approaches in global health | Handbook of Global Health | 2020 | 276 | 144 | |||
Cervical cancer (over)screening in Belgium and Switzerland: trends and social inequalities | European Journal of Public health | 2020 | 243 | 0 | |||
Early predictors of impaired sleep: a study on life course socioeconomic conditions and sleeping problems in older adults | Aging & Mental Health | 2020 | 338 | 3 | |||
Does the single-item self-rated health measure the same thing across different wordings? Construct validity study | Quality of Life Research | 2020 | 350 | 141 | |||
Do welfare regimes moderate cumulative dis/advantages over the life course? Cross-national evidence from longitudinal SHARE data | Journals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | 2020 | 364 | 4 | |||
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown on the health and living conditions of undocumented migrants and migrants undergoing legal status regularization | Frontiers in Public Health | 2020 | 591 | 231 | |||
Continued confinement of those most vulnerable to COVID-19 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal | 2020 | 421 | 10 | |||
Welfare Regimes Modify the Association of Disadvantaged Adult-life Socioeconomic Circumstances with Self-rated Health in Old Age | International Journal of Epidemiology | 2019 | 448 | 78 | |||
Managing the global health response to epidemics, social sciences perspectives | 2019 | 369 | 0 | ||||
Introduction | Managing the global health response to epidemics, social sciences perspectives | 2019 | 236 | 28 | |||
“We treat humans, not herds!”: A qualitative study of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) providers' individualized approaches to vaccination in Switzerland | Social Science & Medicine | 2019 | 323 | 2 | |||
Impact of legal status change on undocumented migrants' health and well-being (Parchemins): protocol of a 4-year, prospective, mixed-methods study | BMJ Open | 2019 | 612 | 326 | |||
Longer and healthier lives for all? Successes and failures of a universal consumer-driven healthcare system, Switzerland, 1990–2014 | International Journal of Public Health | 2019 | 562 | 102 | |||
Determinants of vaccine hesitancy in Switzerland: study protocol of a mixed-methods national research programme | BMJ Open | 2019 | 360 | 172 | |||
Vieillissement et VIH, le vécu de femmes séropositives en Suisse romande | Soins | 2019 | 203 | 1 | |||
Sommeil des adolescents et rythmes scolaires | 2019 | 324 | 75 | ||||
Sommeil des adolescents et rythmes scolaires | 2019 | 853 | 378 | ||||
Childhood socioeconomic circumstances and disability trajectories in older men and women: a European cohort study | European Journal of Public Health | 2019 | 409 | 3 | |||
Disadvantaged early-life socioeconomic circumstances are associated with low respiratory function in older age | Journals of Gerontology. A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | 2019 | 303 | 112 | |||
Advantaged socioeconomic conditions in childhood are associated with higher cognitive functioning but stronger cognitive decline in older age | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2019 | 518 | 204 | |||
Organised population-based programmes and change in socioeconomic inequalities in mammography screening: A 1992–2012 nationwide quasi-experimental study | Preventive Medicine | 2018 | 433 | 3 | |||
Qu'en est-il de l'hésitation vaccinale en Suisse? | Sage-femme.ch | 2018 | 345 | 123 | |||
« Mon quartier a changé un peu, mais c'est moi qui ai aussi beaucoup changé ». Habiter la ville et y vieillir | Métropoles[1957-7788] | 2018 | 706 | 312 | |||
“We Won't Retire Without Skeletons in the Closet”: Healthcare-Related Regrets Among Physicians and Nurses in German-Speaking Swiss Hospitals | Qualitative Health Research | 2018 | 565 | 492 | |||
Vulnerability in health trajectories: ife course perspectives | Swiss Journal of Sociology | 2018 | 424 | 234 | |||
Effect of Early- and Adult-Life Socioeconomic Circumstances on Physical Inactivity | Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise | 2018 | 479 | 2 | |||
Association of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with muscle strength in older age | Age and Ageing | 2018 | 439 | 4 | |||
Is the single self-rated health item reliable in India? A construct validity study | BMJ (Global health) | 2018 | 444 | 208 | |||
Accès aux prestations socio-sanitaires des familles vulnérables à Genève. Le point de vue des acteurs de terrain | 2018 | 461 | 106 | ||||
Effect of childhood socioeconomic conditions on cancer onset in later life: An ambidirectional cohort study | International Journal of Public Health | 2018 | 478 | 128 | |||
Le sentiment d'insécurité chez les personnes âgées : entre transformations de l'environnement et fragilité individuelle | Swiss Journal of Sociology | 2018 | 1 386 | 18 | |||
Vieillissement et espaces urbains | 2017 | 607 | 956 | ||||
L'éthique (en) pratique : la recherche en sciences sociales | 2017 | 1 168 | 360 | ||||
Précarité et compétences en santé | REISO - Revue d'information sociale | 2017 | 459 | 216 | |||
The J-Curve in HIV: Low and Moderate Alcohol Intake Predicts Mortality but Not the Occurrence of Major Cardiovascular Events | Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes | 2016 | 39 | 0 | |||
Ability to Work and Employment Rates in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1-Infected Individuals Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy : The Swiss HIV Cohort Study | Open forum infectious diseases | 2016 | 37 | 6 | |||
Trajectoires de santé, inégalités sociales et parcours de vie | 2016 | 696 | 233 | ||||
Life satisfaction trajectories of elderly women living in Switzerland: an age–period–cohort analysis | Ageing and society | 2016 | 786 | 459 | |||
Cervical cancer screening in Switzerland: cross-sectional trends (1992-2012) in social inequalities | European journal of public health | 2016 | 497 | 224 | |||
Emergence of Acquired HIV-1 Drug Resistance Almost Stopped in Switzerland: A 15-Year Prospective Cohort Analysis | Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2016 | 611 | 1 | |||
Marital breakup in later adulthood and self-rated health: a cross-sectional survey in Switzerland | International journal of public health | 2016 | 541 | 0 | |||
Changements sociaux et trajectoires de santé: pour une approche dynamique des déterminants sociaux de la santé | Bioethica Forum | 2016 | 348 | 0 | |||
HIV-1 Transmission During Recent Infection and During Treatment Interruptions as Major Drivers of New Infections in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study | Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2016 | 446 | 140 | |||
Prostate cancer screening in Switzerland: 20-year trends and socioeconomic disparities | Preventive medicine | 2016 | 570 | 545 | |||
A life course perspective on health trajectories and transitions | 2015 | 709 | 1 117 | ||||
Increases in Condomless Sex in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study | Open forum infectious diseases | 2015 | 49 | 5 | |||
Neighbourhood socio-economic position, late presentation and outcomes in people living with HIV in Switzerland | AIDS | 2015 | 44 | 0 | |||
Dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus en Suisse romande : des trajectoires contrastées | Revue médicale suisse | 2015 | 491 | 9 | |||
Effect of Cumulating Exposure to Abacavir on the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Events in Patients From the Swiss HIV Cohort Study | Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes | 2015 | 50 | 7 | |||
To what extent will women accept HPV self-sampling for cervical cancer screening? A qualitative study conducted in Switzerland | International journal of women's health | 2015 | 415 | 143 | |||
Plus on est vieux, plus on se protège : le sentiment de sécurité chez les personnes âgées | Retraite et société | 2015 | 893 | 331 | |||
HBV genotypes and response to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in HIV/HBV-coinfected persons | BMC gastroenterology | 2015 | 36 | 5 | |||
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Switzerland: Cross-Sectional Trends (2007-2012) in Socioeconomic Disparities | PloS one | 2015 | 863 | 434 | |||
Self-reported nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy as a predictor of viral failure and mortality | AIDS | 2015 | 40 | 0 | |||
Strong Impact of Smoking on Multimorbidity and Cardiovascular Risk Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Individuals in Comparison With the General Population | Open forum infectious diseases | 2015 | 517 | 214 | |||
Clustering of HCV coinfections on HIV phylogeny indicates domestic and sexual transmission of HCV | International journal of epidemiology | 2014 | 663 | 409 | |||
Sous surveillance. Possibilités et limites du régime de la preparedness : le cas de la pandémie A(H1N1) | Socio-anthropologie | 2014 | 779 | 275 | |||
'Doctor, what would you do in my position?' Health professionals and the decision-making process in pregnancy monitoring | Journal of medical ethics | 2014 | 708 | 6 | |||
Accompagner la naissance | 2014 | 557 | 6 | ||||
Factors of change and cumulative factors in self-rated health trajectories: A systematic review | Current perspectives on aging and the life cycle | 2014 | 800 | 12 | |||
Grand âge et enjeux sécuritaires: perception des risques par les aînés | 2014 | 831 | 296 | ||||
Social Meets Molecular: Combining Phylogenetic and Latent Class Analyses to Understand HIV-1 Transmission in Switzerland | American journal of epidemiology | 2014 | 776 | 23 | |||
Mental health trajectories and their embeddedness in work and family circumstances: a latent state-trait approach to life-course trajectories | Sociology of health & illness | 2014 | 543 | 1 | |||
Ni malades, ni en bonne santé. Explorations sociologiques de la médecine de surveillance | Socio-Anthropologie | 2014 | 677 | 166 | |||
Virologic and immunologic responses in treatment-naive patients to ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or efavirenz with a common backbone | HIV clinical trials | 2014 | 39 | 0 | |||
Tensions around risks in pregnancy: A typology of women's experiences of surveillance medicine | Social science & medicine | 2013 | 561 | 4 | |||
Unresolved issues in risk communication research: the case of the H1N1 pandemic (2009-2011) | Influenza and other respiratory viruses | 2013 | 692 | 243 | |||
Recherche d'informations sur internet : quels sont les usages des femmes enceintes ? | Revue médicale suisse | 2013 | 586 | 2 | |||
Les déterminants de l'évolution de la qualité de vie des personnes âgées de 65 à 84 ans en Suisse Une analyse longitudinale des données du Panel suisse de ménages | 2013 | 592 | 230 | ||||
Women's views on cervical cancer screening. A qualitative study of barriers to screening and HPV self-sampling acceptability | 2013 | 744 | 270 | ||||
Between tolerable uncertainty and unacceptable risks: how health professionals and pregnant women think about the probabilities generated by prenatal screening | Health, risk & society | 2013 | 926 | 8 | |||
Acceptability of maternal immunization against influenza: the critical role of obstetricians | Journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine | 2012 | 659 | 0 | |||
Vaccination against seasonal flu in Switzerland: The indecision of pregnant women encouraged by healthcare professionals | Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique | 2012 | 652 | 3 | |||
Animals in the media: New boundaries of risk? | Health, Risk and Society | 2011 | 628 | 0 | |||
Surveillance of risks in everyday life: The agency of pregnant women and its limitations | Social theory & health | 2011 | 666 | 5 | |||
Genuine Zoocentrism or Dogged Anthropocentrism? On the Personification of Animal Figures in the News | Humanimalia | 2011 | 460 | 1 | |||
Identité et Transformation des Modes de Vie. Idenititat Und Wandel de R Lebensformen | 2011 | 572 | 0 | ||||
Immunovirological response to triple nucleotide reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors in treatment-naive HIV-2-infected patients : The ACHIEV2E Collaboration Study Group | Clinical infectious diseases | 2011 | 49 | 0 | |||
Human and Nonhuman Animals, Mutually at Risk: A Study of the Swiss Information Media | Society & animals | 2011 | 535 | 4 | |||
A randomized crossover study to compare efavirenz and etravirine treatment | AIDS | 2011 | 54 | 0 | |||
L'ambivalence des relations humain-animal | Sociologie et sociétés | 2010 | 542 | 1 | |||
Information et gestion des risques – regards juridiques, sociologiques et éthiques sur la grossesse | 2010 | 551 | 0 | ||||
Une re-définition de la frontière Humain-Animal à travers les images des médias d'information suisses | Studies in communication sciences | 2009 | 634 | 4 | |||
Les représentations des animaux dans les médias suisses d'information, 1978-2008. De la « brave bête » à « l'altérité menaçante » | 2009 | 795 | 1 021 | ||||
Chiens méchants, une nouvelle figure de la dangerosité | Ethnozootechnie | 2008 | 604 | 4 | |||
Interactions familiales et constructions de l'intimité : Hommage à Jean Kellerhals | 2007 | 676 | 0 |