Items per page
1 - 246 of 246
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Consensus recommendations on how to assess the quality of surgical interventionsNature medicine
2023 71 2
Ethical versus psychological issues in paediatric organ donation: an analysis of UK and Swiss practiceJournal of the Royal Society of Medicine
2021 55 0
Precision global health: a roadmap for augmented actionJournal of Public Health and Emergency
2020 918 345
Understanding access to professional healthcare among asylum seekers facing gender-based violence: a qualitative study from a stakeholder perspectiveBMC International Health and Human Rights
2020 453 143
Practicality of acute and transitional care and its consequences in the era of swissDRG: a focus group studyBMC Health Services Research
2019 301 160
The notion of free will and its ethical relevance for decision-making capacityBMC Medical Ethics
2019 378 170
The conceptual understanding of pediatric palliative care: a swiss healthcare perspectiveBMC Palliative Care
2019 62 159
Participatory Disease Surveillance Systems: Ethical FrameworkJournal of Medical Internet Research
2019 461 169
The determinants of individual health care expenditures in prison: evidence from SwitzerlandBMC Health Services Research
2018 479 220
Experts' perspectives on SwissDRG: Second class care for vulnerable patient groups?Health Policy
2018 419 328
Good collaborative practice: reforming capacity building governance of international health research partnershipsGlobalization and Health
2018 416 194
Feelings of Burden in Palliative Care: A Qualitative Analysis of Medical RecordsJournal of Palliative Care
2018 398 322
Assessment of decision-making capacity in patients requesting assisted suicideBritish Journal of Psychiatry
2018 393 337
Correction to: Synthetic Biology and the Translational ImperativeScience and Engineering Ethics
2018 379 165
Identity as an older prisoner: findings from a qualitative study in SwitzerlandEuropean Journal of Ageing
2018 404 268
The Cambridge Analytica affair and Internet-mediated researchEMBO Reports
2018 596 424
Ethical design of intelligent assistive technologies for dementia: a descriptive reviewScience and Engineering Ethics
2018 307 0
Can routine data from prisoners' files be used to estimate prevalence rates of illicit drug use among prisoners?International Journal of Public Health
2018 396 0
Reasons for and Frequency of End-of-Life Hospital Admissions: GPs Perspective on Reducing End-of-Life Hospital ReferralsJournal of Palliative Medicine
2018 590 149
Application of Ethical Principles to Research using Public Health Data in The Global South: Perspectives from AfricaDeveloping World Bioethics
2018 379 423
Prescription of pain medication in prisons: A comparative analysis of younger and older male prisonersPharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
2018 965 440
Research Ethics in the European Influenzanet Consortium: Scoping ReviewJMIR Public Health and Surveillance
2018 482 294
An update on the "empirical turn" in bioethics: analysis of empirical research in nine bioethics journalsBMC Medical Ethics
2018 406 177
Assistierter Suizid und Sterbehilfe in einer alternden GesellschaftRechtsmedizin
2018 385 0
Oncofertility Decision Making: Findings from Israeli Adolescents and ParentsJournal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology
2018 1,066 458
From Healthcare to Warfare and Reverse: How Should We Regulate Dual-Use Neurotechnology?Neuron
2018 402 251
Données codées, personnelles ou anonymes : des choix difficiles dans la rechercheJusletter
2018 325 1
The Beneficence of Hope: Findings from a Qualitative Study with Gout and Diabetes PatientsJournal of Bioethical Inquiry
2018 389 540
Hospital discharge of patients with ongoing care needs: a cross-sectional study using data from a city hospital under SwissDRGSwiss Medical Weekly
2018 761 439
Palliative care in Swiss pediatric oncology settings: a retrospective analysis of medical recordsSupportive Care in Cancer
2018 443 447
Burden of treatment in the face of childhood cancer: A quantitative study using medical records of deceased childrenEuropean Journal of Cancer Care
2018 404 398
The inconsistent ethical oversight of healthcare quality data in SwitzerlandSwiss Medical Weekly
2018 345 222
Kompetenz in Palliative Care im medizinischen AlltagSwiss Medical Forum
2018 510 315
Proactive Ethical Design for Neuroengineering, Assistive and Rehabilitation Technologies: the Cybathlon LessonJournal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
2017 373 177
Education and Reproductive Autonomy: The Case of Married Nigerian WomenNarrative Inquiry in Bioethics
2017 511 486
Insufficient recruitment and premature discontinuation of clinical trials in Switzerland: qualitative study with trialists and other stakeholdersSwiss Medical Weekly
2017 427 188
Returning Results in Biobank Research: Global Trends and SolutionsGenetic Testing and Molecular Biomarker
2017 385 1
Death in Custody: Towards an International Framework for Investigation and PreventionEmerging Issues in Prison Health
2017 454 344
The forensic use of behavioral genetics in criminal proceedings: Case of the MAOA-L genotypeInternational Journal of Law and Psychiatry
2017 476 321
General Practitioners' Attitudes towards Essential Competencies in End-of-Life Care: A Cross-Sectional SurveyPloS one
2017 583 236
Synthetic Biology and the Translational ImperativeScience and Engineering Ethics
2017 371 18
Nurses' attitudes towards enforced measures to increase influenza vaccination: A qualitative studyInfluenza and other Respiratory Viruses
2017 395 167
Exploring differences in healthcare utilization of prisoners in the Canton of Vaud, SwitzerlandPLOS ONE
2017 396 188
Decision making in pediatric oncology: Views of parents and physicians in two European countriesAJOB Empirical Bioethics
2017 404 487
Returning Results: Let's Be Honest!Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers
2017 377 0
Publication ethics in public health emergenciesJournal of Public Health
2017 385 0
New Guidance for an Old ProblemThe Prison Journal
2017 311 0
Intelligent Assistive Technology for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: A Systematic ReviewJournal of Alzheimer's Disease
2017 404 1
Practical Considerations in Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death in SwitzerlandProgress in Transplantation
2017 361 0
Accessibility of prison healthcare for elderly inmates, a qualitative assessmentJournal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
2017 633 504
Parents' and Physicians' Perceptions of Children's Participation in Decision-making in Paediatric Oncology: A Quantitative StudyJournal of Bioethical Inquiry
2017 444 1
Enhancing patients' autonomy by involving them in research ethics committeesInternational Journal for Quality in Health Care
2017 381 134
Obstacles to Widening Biosample ResearchScience and Engineering Ethics
2017 353 364
Better to know than to imagine: Including children in their health careAJOB Empirical Bioethics
2017 501 2
Should academic journals publish e-cigarette research linked to tobacco companies?Addiction
2016 456 2
“Chemo-Knights” and “Radio-Robby”Cancer nursing
2016 518 0
Nurses' perspectives regarding the disclosure of errors to patients: A qualitative studyInternational journal of nursing studies
2016 653 0
Parents' and patients' experiences with paediatric oncology care in Switzerland--satisfaction and some hurdlesSwiss Medical Weekly
2016 500 256
Participation in pediatric oncology: views of child and adolescent patientsPsycho-Oncology
2016 434 0
Assisted suicide for prisoners? Stakeholder and prisoner perspectivesDeath Studies
2016 395 0
Treating tobacco companies fairly but with no leap of faithAddiction
2016 369 226
Patient education as empowerment and self-rebiasingMedicine, Health Care and Philosophy
2016 551 910
Putting patient participation into practice in pediatrics-results from a qualitative study in pediatric oncologyEuropean Journal of Pediatrics
2016 492 0
Emotion and Value in the Evaluation of Medical Decision-Making Capacity: A Narrative Review of ArgumentsFrontiers in Psychology
2016 368 160
Improving public health by respecting autonomy: Using social science research to enfranchise vulnerable prison populationsPreventive medicine
2015 560 1
Disease profiles of detainees in the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland: gender and age differences in substance abuse, mental health and chronic health conditionsBMC Public Health
2015 428 190
Prioritising Healthcare Workers for Ebola Treatment: Treating Those at Greatest Risk to Confer Greatest BenefitDeveloping world bioethics
2015 561 1
Disclosing and reporting medical errorsEuropean journal of anaesthesiology
2015 517 1
Gentests und Biobanken – sollen die Spender von Proben über Resultate informiert werden?Genetische Zufallsbefunde
2015 411 0
Who are the owners? : commercialization and biobankingNew cannibal markets : globalization and commodification of the human body
2015 430 1
Professional liability insurance and medical errorSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2015 510 0
Does the new EU Regulation on clinical trials adequately protect vulnerable research participants?Health policy
2015 425 0
Management of sleep complaints in correctional settingsOxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry
2015 505 0
Aging Prisoners in Switzerland: An analysis of Their Health Care UtilizationJournal of aging and health
2015 507 3
Easily forgotten: Elderly female prisonersJournal of aging studies
2015 624 0
Informing patients about limits to confidentiality: A qualitative study in prisonsInternational Journal of Law and Psychiatry
2015 622 0
The impact of medical errors on Swiss anaesthesiologists: a cross-sectional surveyActa anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
2015 493 0
Decision-making capacity of children and adolescents-suggestions for advancing the concept's implementation in pediatric healthcareEuropean journal of pediatrics
2015 590 2
Protecting prisoners' autonomy with advance directives: ethical dilemmas and policy issuesMedicine, health care and philosophy
2015 619 0
Paternalistic breaches of confidentiality in prison: mental health professionals' attitudes and justificationsJournal of medical ethics
2015 534 0
Führt SwissDRG zu einer Minderversorgung vulnerabler Patientengruppen?Pflegerecht, Pflegewissenschaft
2015 497 0
PrisonersEncyclopedia of Bioethics
2015 360 2
Prisoners as research subjectsBioethics
2014 339 0
Advance directives and the impact of timing. A qualitative study with Swiss general practitionersSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2014 652 0
Wissenschaftliche Integrität: Umgang mit Daten und PublikationsethikForschungsethik
2014 520 0
End-of-Life Decision Making in Pediatrics: Literature Review on Children's and Adolescents' ParticipationAJOB empirical bioethics
2014 595 0
L'activité médicale en milieu pénitentiaireDroit de la santé et médecine légale
2014 479 2
Les biobanquesDroit de la santé et médecine légale
2014 515 4
Assisted dying in Switzerland: where does it come from and where is it going?Journal of Palliative Care
2014 506 2
Arztliche SchweigepflichtEthik und Recht in Medizin und Biowissenschaften: Aktuelle Fallbeispiele aus klinischer Praxis und Forschung
2014 385 2
SwissDRG: Missbrauchsgefahr bei der Datenweitergabe an Krankenversicherer? Erwartungen und EntwicklungenJusletter
2014 491 1
What is a biobank? Differing definitions among biobank stakeholdersClinical genetics
2014 524 0
Ageing prisoners' disease burden : Is being old a better predictor than time served in prison?Gerodontology
2014 583 0
'Doctor, what would you do in my position?' Health professionals and the decision-making process in pregnancy monitoringJournal of medical ethics
2014 735 6
Understanding Death in Custody: A Case for a Comprehensive DefinitionJournal of bioethical inquiry
2014 505 0
Persuading bereaved families to permit organ donationIntensive care medicine
2014 559 0
Attitudes of detainees and prison staff towards tobacco control policy in Switzerland: A qualitative interview studyHealth policy
2014 537 0
Disclosure of Past Crimes: An Analysis of Mental Health Professionals' Attitudes Towards Breaching ConfidentialityJournal of bioethical inquiry
2014 642 0
Expert Perspectives on Western European Prison Health Services: Do Ageing Prisoners Receive Equivalent Care?Journal of bioethical inquiry
2014 478 0
The investigation of deaths in custody : A qualitative analysis of problems and prospectsJournal of forensic and legal medicine
2014 587 685
Cognitive Enhancers and Mental Impairment: Emerging Ethical IssuesRosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease
2014 463 0
Analyses génétiquesDroit de la santé et médecine légale
2014 475 1
Criminal Liability and Medical Errors in Switzerland: An Unjust System ?Jusletter
2014 416 0
Conducting ethics research in prison: why, who, and what?Journal of bioethical inquiry
2014 461 0
NotfallsituationEthik und Recht in Medizin und Biowissenschaften
2014 450 3
Advance directives in the context of imprisonmentAdvance directives revisited
2014 511 0
Protecting human health and security in digital europe: how to deal with the "privacy paradox"?Science and engineering ethics
2014 656 5
Sample and data sharing barriers in biobanking: consent, committees, and compromisesAnnals of diagnostic pathology
2014 557 1
Putting patients on research ethics committeesJournal of the Royal Society of Medicine
2014 541 1
Getting a fair share: attitudes and perceptions of biobank stakeholders concerning the fairness of sample sharingBioethics
2014 552 1
Medical and legal professionals' attitudes towards confidentiality and disclosure of clinical information in forensic settings: a survey using case vignettesMedicine, Science and the Law
2013 529 0
The relevance of relevance in researchSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2013 542 0
Evidence-based persuasion: an ethical imperativeJAMA
2013 588 0
Cannabis use in a Swiss male prison: qualitative study exploring detainees' and staffs' perspectivesInternational journal on drug policy
2013 637 0
365 Tage SwissDRG - Anreize, Instrumente, WirkungenHill : Zeitschrift für Recht und Gesundheit
2013 419 0
The Role of Persuasion—ReplyJAMA
2013 451 1
Second-hand tobacco smoke in prison: tackling a public health matter through researchPublic health
2013 573 0
Implementation status of error disclosure standards reported by Swiss hospitalsSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2013 541 296
Including patients in resuscitation decisions in Switzerland: from doing more to doing betterJournal of medical ethics
2013 700 525
Impossible, Impractical, and Non-Identifiable? New Criteria Regarding Consent for Human Tissue Research in the Declaration of HelsinkiBiopreservation and biobanking
2013 546 0
Kommunikation im medizinischen Alltag : ein Leitfaden für die Praxis
2013 605 1
Ageing Prisoners' Health Care: Analysing the Legal Settings in Europe and the United StatesGerontology
2013 521 0
"Conferring authorship": biobank stakeholders' experiences with publication credit in collaborative researchPloS one
2013 705 273
Sleep disordersSafer prescribing of medications in adult detention
2013 453 0
A Review of the Barriers to Sharing in BiobankingBiopreservation and biobanking
2013 441 2
Forschung mit inhaftierten Personen – ethische und rechtliche FragenEthik und Recht in der Bioethik
2013 424 0
Radiation disasters: an international biobank plan is vitalLancet oncology
2013 544 0
Prevalence of positive tuberculosis skin tests during 5 years of screening in a Swiss remand prisonThe international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease
2012 582 524
Autonomie und Macht – Medizinethik im GefängnisStudia philosophica
2012 475 0
Prothese gegen Gicht? – Ein möglicher Beitrag der hausärztlichen Praxis zur ethischen Beurteilung von klinischen VersuchenPrimary care
2012 426 0
Facing the challenges of an increasingly ageing prison population in Switzerland: in search of ethically acceptable solutionsBioethica Forum
2012 432 2
Rauchen in Gefängnissen: von der Forschung zu LösungsstrategienSuchtMagazin
2012 336 0
Screening of Illegal Intracorporeal Containers ("Body Packing"): Is Abdominal Radiography Sufficiently Accurate? A Comparative Study with Low-Dose CTRadiology
2012 681 0
Ethische Grundlagen der Gefängnismedizin : Anspruch und WirklichkeitGefängnismedizin und Strafjustiz : eine unheilvolle Verbindung?
2012 388 0
Teaching sustainable development and environmental ethics. The IBMB-concept of bringing theory and practical cases togetherClimate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production, EurSAFE 2012 Tubingen, Germany 30 May-2 June 2012
2012 393 0
Implementation and impact of anti-smoking interventions in three prisons in the absence of appropriate legislationPreventive medicine
2012 658 2
Proceed with diligenceJournal of medical ethics
2012 415 0
Exposure to tobacco smoke before and after a partial smoking ban in prison: indoor air quality measuresTobacco control
2012 564 3
Le droit de recours en matière d'autopsies médico-légalesMédecine & droit
2012 588 4
Ethical ways to increase donation of hematopoietic stem cellsBioethica Forum
2012 478 0
Genetic analysis of sudden cardiac death victims: a survey of current forensic autopsy practicesInternational journal of legal medicine
2011 589 242
Médecine humanitaire dans les lieux de détentionRivista per le medical humanities
2011 464 0
Biobanks and research: scientific promise and regulatory challengeBiobanks and Tissue Research, The Public, the Patient and the Regulation
2011 643 522
Le secret médicalSwiss medical forum
2011 467 271
'Do not attempt resuscitation' and 'cardiopulmonary resuscitation' in an inpatient setting: factors influencing physicians' decisions in SwitzerlandGerontology
2011 740 0
Research with vulnerable persons such as children and prisonersClinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook
2011 560 1
Die ärztliche Schweigepflicht im Strafvollzug – praktische, ethische und rechtliche Aspekte5. Europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft Hamburg, September 15-17, 2010
2011 408 0
Prison medicine, public health policy and ethics: the Geneva experienceSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2011 583 2
Smoking in prisons: the need for effective and acceptable interventionsJournal of public health policy
2011 635 0
A body-packer with a cocaine bag stuck in the stomachWorld journal of radiology
2011 841 407
DRGs und die Gesundheitsversorgung marginaler GruppenDRG und Ethik: Ethische Auswirkungen von ökonomischen Steuerungselementen im Gesundheitswesen
2011 548 2,128
Ethical issues of human genetic databases. A challenge to classical health research ethics?
2010 568 0
Altruism Reconsidered: Exploring New Approaches to Property in Human TissueAsian bioethics review
2010 466 0
Chlamydia trachomatis infection in a Swiss prison: a cross sectional studySchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2010 648 0
Ethical, legal, and social issues in the genetic testing of minorsHandbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents
2010 517 0
When information can save lives: the duty to warn relatives about sudden cardiac death and environmental risksThe Hastings Center report
2010 503 0
Une grève de la faim est un acte de protestation – Quelle est la place des soignants? : l'alimentation forcée est contraire à la déontologie médicaleSchweizerische Ärztezeitung
2010 994 548
Qualitätssiegel für healthy prison – Vorstellung der Charta „gesundheitsfördernde Haftanstalten“ – wie weiter?Vierte Europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft, Dokumentation der Konferenz in Wien, April 2009.
2010 575 2,826
Hungerstreik im GefängnisSchweizerische Ärztezeitung
2010 422 2
Akkreditierung von Gesundheitsdiensten in Gefängnissen in den USAVierte europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft, Dokumentation der Konferenz in Wien, April 2009
2010 472 1,778
Information et gestion des risques – regards juridiques, sociologiques et éthiques sur la grossesse
2010 564 0
Le paternalisme médical: mythe ou réalité? Aspects philosophiques et empiriques d'un phénomène persistant
2010 1,946 0
Sudden death: ethical and legal problems of post-mortem forensic genetic testing for hereditary cardiac diseasesClinical genetics
2010 547 0
Strategies for health data exchange for secondary, cross-institutional clinical researchComputer methods and programs in biomedicine
2010 653 0
Retrospective research: What are the ethical and legal requirements?Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2010 774 0
Zwangsernährung widerspricht dem ärztlichen Berufsethos – welche Aufgabe haben Ärzte und Pflegefachkräfte? Ein Hungerstreik ist eine ProtesthandlungSchweizerische Ärztezeitung
2010 451 4
Tod in Haft: ein internationaler Rahmen zur Untersuchung und PräventionVierte europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft, Dokumentation der Konferenz in Wien, April 2009
2010 508 1,950
Research on prisoners - a comparison between the IOM Committee recommendations (2006) and European regulationsBioethics
2010 585 0
Investigating death in custody : the need for guidelinesCorrectional psychologist
2010 418 5
L'information et la gestion des risques dans le suivi de la grossesse lors du 1er trimestre : quelques réflexions sur le défi éthique et le cadre légal en SuisseMédecine & droit
2009 717 0
Review of "Fragwürdige Medizin. Unmoralische Forschung in Deutschland, Japan und den USA im 20. Jahrhundert"Gesnerus
2009 435 0
Violations of medical confidentiality: opinions of primary care physiciansBritish journal of general practice
2009 574 0
Prison life: television, sports, work, stress and insomnia in a remand prisonInternational journal of law and psychiatry
2009 631 0
Troubles paniques : du diagnostic différentiel vers une prise en charge en médecine de premier recoursRevue médicale suisse
2009 416 1
Ethische Prinzipien der Forschung mit Personen in UnfreiheitBioethica Forum
2009 490 0
Tests génétiques: aspects éthiques et juridiquesMédecin et droit médical : présentation et résolution de situations médico-légales
2009 473 6
L'activité médicale en milieu pénitentiaireMédecin et droit médical : présentation et résolution de situations médico-légales
2009 393 1
Molecular autopsy in sudden cardiac death and its implication for families: discussion of the practical, legal and ethical aspects of the multidisciplinary collaborationSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2009 790 409
Ethical norms and the international governance of genetic databases and biobanks: findings from an international studyKennedy Institute of Ethics journal
2009 563 6
La santé publique à l'interface des parcours de vie: l'exemple du tabac en milieu carcéralDépendances
2009 484 0
Prospective evaluation of insomnia in prison using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: which are the factors predicting insomnia?International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice
2009 665 0
Mort en détention: vers un cadre international d'investigation et de préventionRevue médicale suisse
2009 549 0
Research involving biological material from forensic autopsies: legal and ethical issuesPathobiology
2009 610 0
Factors influencing attitudes towards medical confidentiality among Swiss physiciansJournal of medical ethics
2009 604 0
BiobanksThe Penn Center Guide to Bioethics
2009 509 0
Consent to research involving human biological samples obtained during medical careEthical issues in governing biobanks: Global Perspectives
2008 492 0
Research involving prisoners: consensus and controversies in international and European regulationsBioethics
2008 579 0
Medical ethics in correctional healthcare: an international comparison of guidelinesThe Journal of clinical ethics
2008 541 0
Response to Douglas and Goold [for the American Medical Association's Council for Ethical and Judicial Affairs who wrote a comment to B. Elger's article “Medical ethics in correctional health care”]The Journal of clinical ethics
2008 516 0
Ethical issues in governing biobanks: Global Perspectives
2008 712 0
Anonymization and CodingEthical issues in governing biobanks: Global Perspectives
2008 516 0
Towards equivalent health care of prisoners: European soft law and public health policy in GenevaJournal of public health policy
2008 549 6
Review of Matti Häyry, Ruth Chadwick, Vilhjálmur Arnason and Gardar Arnason (eds). The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases. European Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 2007Medicine, health care and philosophy
2008 614 153
Gesundheitsfürsorge für Strafgefangene im Kanton GenfIntramurale Medizin im internationalen Vergleich. Gesundheitsfürsorge zwischen Heilauftrag und Strafvollzug im Schweizerischen und internationalen Diskurs
2008 538 0
Prisoners' insomnia: to treat or not to treat? Medical decision-making in places of detentionMedicine, Science and the Law
2008 589 533
Gesundheitsfördernde Haftanstalten: Europäische Richtlinien und Genfer PraxisDritte europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft, Dokumentation der Konferenz in Berlin, November 2007
2008 490 0
Charta "Gesundheitsfördernde Haftanstalten"Dritte europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft, Dokumentation der Konferenz in Berlin, November 2007
2008 514 0
Leitende Gedanken in der anschließenden Diskussion der Arbeitsgruppe "Gesundheitsfördernde Haftanstalten"Dritte europäische Konferenz zur Gesundheitsförderung in Haft, Dokumentation der Konferenz in Berlin, November 2007
2008 452 0
Withdrawal of consent and destruction of samplesEthical issues in governing biobanks: Global Perspectives
2008 502 0
Consent and use of samplesEthical issues in governing biobanks: Global Perspectives
2008 476 0
Ethical issues regarding research biobanks: aims, methods, and main results of a qualitative study among international and US expertsEthical issues in governing biobanks: Global Perspectives
2008 532 0
Review of V. Roelcke and G. Maio (eds.): Twentieth century ethics of human subjects research: historical perspectives on values, practices, and regulations; 361 pp. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004Gesnerus
2007 516 0
Insomnia in places of detention: a review of the most recent research findingsMedicine, Science and the Law
2007 644 673
Médecine pénitentiaire: une porte d'accès au réseau de soins communautairesRevue médicale suisse
2007 622 16
Should children and adolescents be tested for Huntington's disease? Attitudes of future lawyers and physicians in SwitzerlandBioethics
2006 578 0
Consent and anonymization in research involving biobanks: differing terms and norms present serious barriers to an international frameworkEMBO reports
2006 562 0
Interventions médicales auprès des "groupes vulnérables" et rôle d'un service médical pénitentiaire quant à l'évaluation de la capacité de détentionMédecine, santé et prison
2006 460 0
Problématique éthique de l'exercice de la médecine en prisonMédecine, santé et prison
2006 887 13
La recherche sur des personnes privées de libertéMédecine, santé et prison
2006 468 0
Jeûne de protestationMédecine, santé et prison
2006 679 22
Kritische Analyse der Reglementierung von Biobanken im Vorentwurf des Bundesgesetzes über die Forschung am MenschenBioethica Forum
2006 528 0
Persönlichkeits- und Datenschutz: die irreversible Anonymisierung als ethisches DilemmaSchweizerische Ärztezeitung
2005 482 0
La protection de la personnalité et des données: l'anonymisation irréversible comme dilemme éthique. Les directives «Biobanques» de l'Académie Suisse des Sciences MédicalesSchweizerische Ärztezeitung
2005 548 4
Wissenschaftliche Karriere und Kinder? Eine qualitative Studie der Erfahrungen von 16 Ärztinnen an einem Universitätsspital in der französischen SchweizKarriere und Kind. Erfahrungsberichte von Wissenschaftlerinnen
2005 501 0
Attitudes of future lawyers and psychologists to the use of genetic testing for criminal behaviorCQ. Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics
2005 525 0
Avoidable breaches of confidentiality: a study among students of medicine and of lawMedical education
2005 625 0
Management and evolution of insomnia complaints among non-substance-misusers in a Swiss remand prisonSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2004 730 232
Ethical issues of human genetic databases : a challenge to classical health research ethics?
2004 551 0
Evaluation of drug prescription at the Geneva prison's outpatient service in comparison to an urban outpatient medical servicePharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
2004 570 0
Compliance with the wishes of competent patients among future physicians and lawyers: is paternalism a predictable individual or group-specific trait?Medical teacher
2004 587 0
Prevalence, types and possible causes of insomnia in a Swiss remand prisonEuropean journal of epidemiology
2004 619 2
Teaching changes attitudes to genetic testing for aggressive behaviourMedical law international
2004 545 0
Le jeûne de protestation : un défi inhabituel pour le médecinMédecine et hygiène
2004 689 18
Should a suicidal patient with Huntington's disease be hospitalized against her will? Attitudes among future physicians and lawyers and discussion of ethical issuesGeneral hospital psychiatry
2004 604 0
Does insomnia in prison improve with time? Prospective study among remanded prisoners using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality IndexMedicine, Science and the Law
2003 614 0
Difficultés rencontrées lors de la prise en charge médicale de patients vivant en milieu carcéralMédecine et hygiène
2003 822 12
Huntington's disease: do future physicians and lawyers think eugenically?Clinical genetics
2003 627 0
Review of Kolb S, Medizin und Gewissen. Wenn Würde ein Wert würde... Eine Dokumentation über den internationalen IPPNW-Kongress Erlangen 24.-27. Mai 2001Gesnerus
2003 454 0
A presumed-consent model for regulating informed consent of genetic research involving DNA bankingPopulations and Genetics: Legal Socio-Ethical Perspectives
2003 534 0
Attitudes of health care workers towards waking a terminally ill patient in the intensive care unit for treatment decisionsIntensive care medicine
2003 590 0
Tests génétiques : aspects éthiques et juridiquesMédecin et droit médical
2003 469 4
Prescription of hypnotics and tranquilisers at the Geneva prison's outpatient service in comparison to an urban outpatient medical serviceSozial- und Präventivmedizin
2002 544 0
Ethik im klinischen Alltag - das Beispiel der PrognoseaufklärungMedizinische Klinik
2002 598 0
Should cancer patients be informed about their diagnosis and prognosis? Future doctors and lawyers differJournal of medical ethics
2002 517 0
Tests génétiques: aspects éthiques et juridiquesMédecine et hygiène
2002 480 2
Terminally ill patients and Jehovah's Witnesses: teaching acceptance of patients' refusals of vital treatmentsMedical education
2002 608 1
Beneficence today, or autonomy (maybe) tomorrow? Case study with commentariesEthical issues in modern medicine
2002 636 0
Testing adolescents for a hereditary breast cancer gene (BRCA1): respecting their autonomy is in their best interestArchives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine
2000 497 0
Pediatric forum: genetic testing of adolescents: is it in their best interest?Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine
2000 505 0
Beneficence today, or autonomy (maybe) tomorrow? Case study with commentariesThe Hastings Center report
2000 588 0
Vers une bioéthique globale!Genève 21ème siècle, 21 défis et 21 talents pour les relever
1999 534 0
Pränatale Diagnostik hereditärer Tumoren: Die ethische Kontroverse am Beispiel des BRCA1-GensMedizinische Genetik
1998 504 0
Protectionnisme versus autonomie bien dosée: quel est le meilleur intérêt de l'adolescent? Controverse en éthique sur le thème de "La médecine prédictive et les enfants"Médecine et hygiène
1998 526 0
Médecine prédictive et décisions procréatives et prénatales
1998 565 0
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