Supervised works
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1 - 108 of 108
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Investor-State Dispute Settlement and National Courts. Current Framework and Reform Options
2020 313 200
Interim Relief in Investment ArbitrationArbitration under International Investment Agreements: A Guide to the Key Issues
2018 313 193
The Composition of a Multilateral Investment Court and of an Appeal Mechanism for Investment Awards
2017 182 287
Can the Mauritius Convention serve as a model for the reform of investor-State arbitration in connection with the introduction of a permanent investment tribunal or an appeal mechanism?
2016 268 176
Accountability in International Investment Arbitration, Charles N. Brower Lecture,Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting
2016 216 124
International arbitration : law and practice in Switzerland
2015 1,118 0
Multiple proceedings – New Challenges for the Settlement of Investment DisputesContemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers 2013
2014 998 331
The Transnationalization of National Contract Law by the International ArbitratorMélanges en l'honneur du professeur Jean-Michel Jacquet : le droit des rapports internationaux économiques et privé
2013 654 171
La qualification en arbitrage commercial internationalDroit international privé : travaux du Comité français de droit international privé, Années 2010-2012
2013 562 193
Panel Discussion on The Relationship between International Arbitration and the National JudgeInternational Arbitration - The Coming of a New Age?
2013 510 56
Commercial Arbitration Before International Courts and Tribunals – Reviewing Abusive Conduct of Domestic Courts - American University Washington College of Law Annual Lecture on International Commercial ArbitrationArbitration international
2013 711 392
Clauses d'élection de for, d'élection de droit et d'arbitrageRecueil de contrats commerciaux
2013 670 353
La anulacion de los laudos arbitrales del CIADI en arbitrajes de contratos y tratados: Existen diferencias?Anuario latinoamericano de arbitraje
2011 497 82
ICCA's Guide to the Interpretation of the 1958 New York Convention : A Handbook for Judges
2011 606 0
Interpretive Powers of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission – Necessary Safety Valve or Infringement of the Rule of Law?Fifteen Years of NAFTA Chapter 11 Arbitration
2011 981 411
La Codificación y la Normatividad del Soft Law en el Arbitraje InternacionalCómo se codifica hoy el derecho comercial internacional?
2010 543 240
Soft Law in International Arbitration – Codification and NormativityJournal of international dispute settlement
2010 608 377
Interim Relief in International Investment AgreementsArbitration Under International Investment Agreements : A Guide to the Key Issues
2010 726 107
La audienciaHacia una mayor eficacia en el arbitraje: control de tiempos y costos, Proceedings from the Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje
2010 449 32
Arbitrage international : droit et pratique à la lumière de la LDIP
2010 898 0
The Survival of the Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Proceedings in Cases of Cross-Border Insolvency: An Analysis from the Swiss PerspectiveLes Cahiers de l'arbitrage
2010 787 159
Compensation Assessment: Perspectives from Investment ArbitrationThe law, economics and politics of retaliation in WTO dispute settlement
2010 521 89
PrefaceThe Future of Investment Arbitration
2009 448 17
When arbitrators facilitate settlement: towards a transnational standard - Clayton Utz / University of Sidney International Arbitration LectureArbitration international
2009 721 408
The 32nd America's Cup Jury and its decisions
2009 861 1,873
How to Handle Parallel Proceedings: A Practical Approach to Issues such as Competence-Competence and Anti-Suit InjunctionsDispute resolution international
2008 605 168
Is Consistency a Myth?Precedent in International Arbitration
2008 687 140
Integrating mediation into arbitration: why it works in ChinaJournal of international arbitration
2008 576 382
Commerce électronique : résolution des litiges et droit applicable = Electronic commerce: dispute resolution and applicable lawRecueil des cours - Académie de Droit International de La Haye
2008 556 0
Arbitrators as conciliators: a statistical study of the relation between an arbitrator's role and legal backgroundICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin
2007 184 61
Mesures "ex parte" et injonctions préliminairesLes mesures provisoires dans l'arbitrage commercial international : évolutions et innovations
2007 616 142
Arbitral precedent : dream, necessity or excuse? Freshfields Lecture 2006Arbitration international
2007 765 598
L'arbitre conciliateur : approche statistique de la corrélation entre le rôle de l'arbitre et sa culture juridiqueBulletin CCI
2007 507 56
"All disputes with respect to investments" and similar phrasesInterpretation of treaties : Proceedings of the Queen Mary College initiative on international and european law
2007 515 0
Arbitration at the Sidney Olympic GamesThe court of arbitration for sport 1984-2004
2006 230 0
The ordinary arbitration procedure of the Court of Arbitration for SportThe Court of Arbitration for Sport : 1984-2004
2006 583 239
Arbitrage international : droit et pratique à la lumière de la LDIP
2006 871 0
Consolidation of proceedings in investment arbitration : how can multiple proceedings arising from the same or related situations be handled efficiently? : final report on the Geneva Colloquium held on 22 April 2006ICSID review
2006 1,513 1,360
Interpretation of treaties : how do arbitral tribunals interpret dispute settlement provisions embodied investment treaties?Pervasive problems in international arbitration
2006 627 150
The governing law : Law or fact ?Best practices in international arbitration : ASA Swiss arbitration Association Conference of January 27, 2006 in Zürich
2006 828 1,315
Insolvency and international arbitrationThe challenges of insolvency law reform in the 21st century: facilitating investment and recovery to enhance economic growth
2006 1,111 1,322
The arbitrator and the law : Does he/she know it ? Apply it ? How ? And a few more questionsBest practices in international arbitration : ASA Swiss arbitration Association Conference of January 27, 2006 in Zürich
2006 808 937
Arbitration of merger and acquisition disputes : ASA Swiss Arbitration Association conference of January 21, 2005 in Basel
2005 892 468
The use of Information Technology in arbitrationJusletter
2005 812 267
Online dispute resolution and its significance for international commercial arbitrationGlobal reflections on international law, commerce and dispute resolution : Liber amicorum in honor of Robert Briner
2005 1,258 1,075
Faillite internationalePoursuite et faillite : Commentaire de la Loi fédérale sur la poursuite pour dettes et la faillite ainsi que des articles 166 à 175 de la Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé
2005 515 1
Global implications of the FAA : the role of legislation in international arbitrationICSID review
2005 508 203
The Arbitrator and the Law: Does He/She Know It? Apply It? How? And a Few More QuestionsArbitration International
2005 510 490
The new FIA anti-doping regulationsJusletter
2005 567 41
Fusion internationaleCommentaire LFus
2005 486 1
Iura novit arbiter - est-ce bien raisonnable ? : réflexions sur le statut du droit de fond devant l'arbitre internationalDe lege ferenda : Réflexions sur le droit désirable en l'honneur du professeur Alain Hirsch
2004 656 203
International arbitration in Switzerland : a handbook for practitioners
2004 692 0
Discovery in international arbitration : how much is too much ?SchiedsVZ. Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren
2004 1,543 602
Le contrat et son droit devant l'arbitre internationalLe contrat dans tous ses états : publication de la Société genevoise de droit et de législation à l'occasion du 125e anniversaire de la Semaine Judiciaire
2004 1,006 796
Substantive new concepts to improve arbitral efficiencyThe journal of world investment & trade
2004 516 68
Qui contrôle l'arbitrage ? : autonomie des parties, pouvoirs des arbitres et principe d'efficacitéLiber amicorum Claude Reymond : autour de l'arbitrage
2004 747 551
Online dispute resolution : challenges for contemporary justice
2004 845 7
Annulment of ICSID awards in contract and treaty arbitrations : are they differences ?Annulment of ICSID Awards : a Joint IAI-ASIL Conference
2004 712 1,589
The arbitrator and the law : does he/she know it? Apply it? How? And a few more questionsNewsletter - Institut für Technikfolgen- Abschätzung
2004 490 0
L'arbitrage d'investissement : entre contrat et traité - entre intérêts privés et intérêt publicLa revue libanaise de l'arbitrage arabe et international
2004 709 575
The Swiss rules of international arbitration
2004 722 121
Doping and Fundamental Rights of Athletes : Comments in the Wake of the Adoption of the World Anti-Doping CodeInternational sports law review
2003 679 97
Arbitration in banking and financial matters : ASA Swiss Arbitration Association Conference in Geneva of January 31, 2003 : presentations
2003 549 41
Globalization of Arbitral ProcedureVanderbilt journal of transnational law
2003 1,215 2,224
La resolución de los litigos en línea : perspectivas y retos del contencioso internacional contempoiáneoRevista Latinoamericana de Mediacion y Arbitraje
2003 489 62
Arbitration in air, space and telecommunications law : arbitration and the need for technical or scientifif expertiseArbitration in air, space and telecommunications law : enforcing regulatory measures
2002 567 80
When is a Swiss arbitration international? : Comments on a Swiss Federal Tribunal decision of June 24, 2002Jusletter
2002 562 42
Electronic Communication Issues related to Online Dispute Resolution SystemsWWW '02 : Proceedings of the 11th international conference on World Wide Web
2002 33 21
Investment treaties and arbitration : ASA Swiss Arbitration Association Conference in Zurich of January 25, 2002 : presentations
2002 518 0
Arbitration at the Olympics : issues of fast-track dispute resolution and sports law
2001 628 0
Formula 1 racing and arbitration : the FIA tailor-made system for fast-track dispute resolutionArbitration international
2001 2,523 2,034
Mondialisation de la procédure arbitraleLe droit saisi par la mondialisation
2001 531 103
Online Dispute Resolution : The State of the Art and the Issues
2001 41 24
Correction and interpretation of awards in international arbitrations held in Switzerland : note on a recent decision of the Swiss Supreme Court (ATF 126 III 524)Jusletter
2001 599 45
Arbitration Agreements in online business to business transactionsLaw of international business and dispute settlement in the 21st century = Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft und Streiterledigung im 21. Jahrhundert : Liber Amicorum Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel : anlässlich seines Ausscheidens als Direktor des Instituts für Luft-und Weltraumrecht und des von ihm gegründeten Lehrstuhls für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
2001 464 130
Le règlement Bruxelles 1 : vers un renforcement de l'espace judiciaire européenJusletter
2001 463 26
Choice of court and choice of law clauses in electronic contractsAspects juridiques du commerce électronique
2001 910 631
CAS awards - Sydney 2000 : the decisions delivered by the ad hoc Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney
2000 498 0
Premiers actes de droit international privé communautaireJusletter
2000 536 50
Art et arbitrage : quels enseignements tirer de la résolution des litiges sportifs?Resolution methods for art-related disputes
1999 1,118 1,642
Arbitration procedure : identifying and applying the law governing the arbitration procedureImproving the efficiency of arbitration agreements and awards : 40 years of application of the New York Convention
1999 853 263
Internet : mondialisation de la communication - mondialisation de la résolution des litiges?Internet, which court decides, which law applies? = Quel tribunal décide, quel droit s'applique?
1998 600 254
Le lieu de l'arbitrage à l'aune de la mondialisation : réflexions à propos de deux formes récentes d'arbitrageRevue de l'arbitrage
1998 688 519
Court jurisdiction and electronic commerceUniform commercial law information colloquium
1998 473 0
Nagano et l'arbitrage : ou vers une justice de proximitéBulletin ASA
1998 422 58
L'exécution des décisions étrangères selon la Convention de Lugano : titres susceptibles d'exécution, mainlevée définitive, procédure d'exequatur, mesures conservatoiresLa Semaine judiciaire
1997 500 67
Arbitration and the gamesMealey's international arbitration report
1997 454 0
Arbitration and the games : or the first experience of the olympic division of the Court of arbitration for sportMealey's International Arbitration Report
1997 114 76
Atlanta et l'arbitrage ou les premières expériences de la division olympique du Tribunal Arbitral du SportBulletin ASA
1996 514 426
Convention de Lugano et contentieux bancaire = The Lugano Convention and banking litigationRevue de droit des affaires internationales
1996 489 49
Convention de Lugano et contentieux bancaireJournée 1995 de droit bancaire et financier
1995 679 739
Arbitration of intellectual property disputesMealey's international arbitration report
1995 508 0
Commandement de payer, mainlevée provisoire, action en libération de dette et Convention de Lugano : réflexions à l'occasion d'un arrêt du Tribunal fédéralLa Semaine judiciaire
1995 856 89
WIPO offers new ADR servicesMealey's International Arbitration Report
1995 114 22
L'ordre public d'envoi ou la notion d'ordre public en matière d'annulation des sentences arbitralesRevue suisse de droit international et de droit européen
1993 595 218
The Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry adopts revised arbitration rulesJournal of international arbitration
1992 497 248
Le droit international privé des contrats : la Suisse face à l'EuropeLa Semaine judiciaire
1992 515 35
Articles 190 et 191 LDIP : les recours contre les sentences arbitralesBulletin ASA
1992 815 378
Le droit transitoire de l'arbitrage international en Suisse = Transitory rules for international arbitration in SwitzerlandRevue de droit des affaires internationales
1990 511 26
Court assistance in international arbitration in SwitzerlandInternational Construction Law Review
1990 443 35
La prestation caractéristique en droit international privé des contrats et l'influence de la SuisseAnnuaire suisse de droit internationalonal
1989 692 840
Aspects de la mise en oeuvre du droit en arbitrageZeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht
1988 467 111
Droits des marques : violation de la marque d'un tiers par des marchandises destinées exclusivement. Observations concernant l'ATF Fortunoff (113 II 73), [i.e. Trademarks : infringement upon third party trademark by goods intended for export only? Comments on Swiss Supreme Court case in re Fortunoff reported in ATF 113 II 73]Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft
1988 379 0
Conflits en matière d'obtention de preuves à l'étrangerAnnuaire suisse de droit international
1985 483 60
Specificity of international arbitration : its increasing role in case law illustrated by Geneva Court practice on applications for stays imposed on arbitral awardsRecueil de travaux suisses sur l'arbitrage international = Schweizer Beiträge zur internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit = Raccolta di studi svizzeri sull'arbitrato internazionale = Swiss essays on international arbitration
1984 636 660
Enforcement of US judgments in SwitzerlandWirtschaft und Recht
1983 457 16
Compétence internationale et bouleversements politiquesFestschrift für Frank Vischer zum 60. Geburtstag
1983 546 339
La clause d'élection de for dans les contrats internationaux
1980 885 0
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