Bonvin, Jean-Michel
Affiliation entities
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Transforming Social Policies and Institutions in a Capability Perspective: Agency, Voice and the Capability to Aspire | Journal of human development and capabilities | 2024 | 15 | 21 | |||
Regulating the gig economy: promises and limits of social dialogue in Switzerland | Social Dialogue in the Gig Economy: A Comparative Empirical Analysis | 2023 | 188 | 155 | |||
Social Dialogue in the Gig Economy. A Comparative Empirical Analysis | 2023 | 106 | 0 | ||||
Children’s Participatory Capability in Organized Leisure: The Mediation of Transactional Horizons | Societies | 2023 | 50 | 15 | |||
What happens when working time is not recorded. Social policy lessons from a Swiss case study | sozialpolitik.ch | 2022 | 56 | 23 | |||
When voices from below are heard: the case of a Swiss online food-delivery platform | Missing voice? Worker Voice and Social Dialogue in the Platform Economy | 2022 | 72 | 1 | |||
The Non-Take-Up of Health and Social Benefits: What Implications for Social Citizenship? | Swiss Journal of Sociology | 2021 | 302 | 200 | |||
Towards a capability-oriented eco-social policy: elements of a normative framework | Social policy and society | 2021 | 237 | 73 | |||
Can street-level bureaucrats be nudged to increase effectiveness in welfare policy? | Policy and Politics | 2020 | 592 | 553 | |||
Paradoxes of universalism: the case of the swiss disability insurance | Social Inclusion | 2020 | 421 | 207 | |||
Social services, democracy and the capability approach: concluding reflections | Social work & society | 2020 | 108 | 32 | |||
La socioéconomie des politiques sociales au service des capacités: études de cas dans le contexte genevois | 2020 | 500 | 243 | ||||
Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse | 2020 | 555 | 276 | ||||
Mobilitazioni sulla frontiera della digitalizzazione del lavoro: il caso dei riders tra Berna e l'Europa | La digitalizzazione del lavoro. Sguardi globali, nuove forme e nuovi attriti, impatto sul lavoro sociale | 2020 | 224 | 401 | |||
Famille et vulnérabilités des enfants | 2020 | 793 | 749 | ||||
La socioéconomie des politiques sociales au service des capacités: études de cas dans le contexte genevois | 2020 | 648 | 69 | ||||
Fragmentations and solidarities in the gig economy: The case of an online food-delivery platform in Switzerland | International Labour Process Conference | 2019 | 424 | 3 | |||
introduction: ambivalences of the rising welfare service state : hopes and hazard of modern welfare architectures | Social work & society | 2018 | 85 | 23 | |||
Analyzing inequality and disadvantadge from a capability perspective | Empowering young people in disempowering times | 2018 | 330 | 0 | |||
The capability approach, social development and human rights | Facing an unequal world, challenges for global sociology | 2018 | 353 | 0 | |||
Deliberative democracy in the real world. The contribution of the capability approach | International Review of Sociology | 2018 | 423 | 0 | |||
Improving the quality of life of disadvantaged young people in Europe | Empowering young people in disempowering times | 2018 | 323 | 0 | |||
Defining the common good in terms of capabilities | Searching for the common good | 2018 | 350 | 1 | |||
The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: Between participation and activation | Empowering young people in disempowering times | 2018 | 374 | 0 | |||
Mesures politiques contre les inégalités | Bulletin / Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales | 2018 | 392 | 92 | |||
Die Beziehung zwischen Arbeit und sozialer Sicherung muss neu überdacht werden | Neue Zürcher Zeitung | 2018 | 311 | 43 | |||
The Rise of Welfare Service States: conceptual challenges of an ambiguous welfare settlement and the need for new policy research | Social work & society | 2018 | 127 | 23 | |||
Introduction: Empowering young people in disempowering times? Creating collaborative and transformative capabilities through participation | Empowering young people in disempowering times | 2018 | 403 | 0 | |||
Towards a critical sociology of democracy: the potential of the capability approach | Critical sociology | 2018 | 657 | 287 | |||
Nous ne sommes pas sortis de la société du salariat | Panorama | 2017 | 396 | 97 | |||
Analysing inequality and disadvantage from a capability perspective | Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times | 2017 | 122 | 78 | |||
The ambivalence of social policies and the challenge of human development: a proposal for assessing their impact against the capability approach | Human development in times of crisis: Renegotiating social justice | 2017 | 448 | 2 | |||
The swiss welfare state system: With special reference to education policy | The Routledge international handbook to welfare state systems | 2017 | 364 | 2 | |||
Chaque génération a un autre rapport au sens au travail | HR Today | 2017 | 396 | 588 | |||
Stärkt die aktivierende Sozialpolitik das Recht auf menschenwürdige Arbeit? | Sozialalmanach: Recht auf Arbeit | 2017 | 639 | 3 | |||
L'approche par les capabilités : un concept pour les addictions ? | Dépendances | 2017 | 634 | 20 | |||
Protezione sociale, invecchiamento della popolazione e migrazioni | L'economia elvetica nella globalizzazione. Problemi e opportunità di un sistema-paese | 2017 | 479 | 8 | |||
L'activation ne permet pas de résoudre tous les problèmes | Zeitschrift für Sozialhilfe | 2017 | 446 | 111 | |||
La capabilité ou le pouvoir d'agir | Diagonales : Magazine romand de la santé mentale | 2017 | 435 | 88 | |||
La négociation sociale du temps de travail : évolutions de ses objets et de ses configurations dans le contexte suisse | Négociations | 2016 | 520 | 1 | |||
Children's Rights as Evolving Capabilities: Towards a Contextualized and Processual Conception of Social Justice | Ethical Perspectives | 2016 | 633 | 16 | |||
Transformations des conditions de travail : quels enjeux pour les salariés ? | Terra cognita | 2016 | 437 | 314 | |||
Dispositifs publics et trajectoires des bénéficiaires : les coordonnées d'une relation complexe | Accompagner vers l'emploi : quand les dispositifs publics se mettent en action | 2016 | 497 | 7 | |||
From Inclusiveness to Selectivity: Paradoxical Outcomes of Youth Transition Policies in Switzerland | Sociologia del lavoro | 2016 | 631 | 7 | |||
Facing trajectories from school to work – Towards a capability-friendly Youth Policy in Europe | 2015 | 600 | 0 | ||||
Contractualising social policies: A way towards more active social citizenship and enhanced capabilities? | New Contractualism in European Welfare Policies | 2015 | 494 | 37 | |||
L'accessibilité au prisme des capabilités | Handicap et accessibilité | 2015 | 700 | 0 | |||
Towards a Capabilities Perspective on Vulnerable Young People in Europe: An Introduction | Facing trajectories from school to work – Towards a capability-friendly Youth Policy in Europe | 2015 | 484 | 2 | |||
Vocational Training as an Integration Opportunity? A Swiss Case Study on Struggling Young Adults | Facing trajectories from school to work – Towards a capability-friendly Youth Policy in Europe | 2015 | 596 | 3 | |||
Les rapports de subordination au cœur de la cité par projets : étude de cas dans l'industrie des machines | L'Homme et la société | 2015 | 561 | 2 | |||
Capability Approach, Education and the Labour Market | Facing trajectories from school to work – Towards a capability-friendly Youth Policy in Europe | 2015 | 505 | 5 | |||
Cross-fertilizing children's rights and the capability approach. The example of the right to be heard in organized leisure | Children's Rights and the Capability Approach. Challenges and Prospects | 2014 | 629 | 289 | |||
Un nouvel objectif pour les politiques de solidarité : le développement des capabilités | La solidarité en tension : individualisme, inégalités, diversité... | 2014 | 482 | 210 | |||
The Capability Approach and Children's Rights: An outline to assess child participation | Agency and Participation in Childhood and Youth: International Applications of the Capability Approach in Schools and Beyond | 2014 | 639 | 566 | |||
Towards a more critical appraisal of social policies - The contribution of the capability approach | Critical Social Policy and the Capability Approach | 2014 | 539 | 299 | |||
Introduction | Children's Rights and the Capability Approach. Challenges and Prospects | 2014 | 553 | 108 | |||
Conclusion | Children's Rights and the Capability Approach. Challenges and Prospects | 2014 | 597 | 88 | |||
Right to Work and Individual Responsibility in Contemporary Welfare States. A Capability Approach to Activation Policies for the Unemployed | Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work. | 2014 | 570 | 0 | |||
La fabrique du compromis sur le marché du travail suisse. Évolutions et défis actuels | Négociations | 2013 | 446 | 214 | |||
Social Dialogue Regimes: An investigation in the structural determinants and socioeconomic outcomes of negotiated regulation | 2007 | 1,298 | 1,339 |