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1 - 42 of 42
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Depositional timing and palaeoclimate interpretation of the Tamala Limestone aeolianites in Shark Bay, Western AustraliaAeolian research
2022 45 28
Upper Pleistocene parabolic ridges (i.e. "chevrons") from the Bahamas: Storm‐wave sediments or aeolian deposits? A quantitative approachSedimentology
2020 461 191
Chevrons: Origin and relevance for the reconstruction of past wind regimesEarth-Science Reviews
2019 574 2
The Misery Point cliff, Mayaguana Island, SE Bahamas: a unique record of sea-level highstands since the Early PleistoceneSwiss Journal of Geosciences
2019 320 1
Compositional variations in deep-sea gravity-flow deposits. A case study from the Voirons Flysch (Voirons-Wägital complex, Chablais Prealps, France)Sedimentary Geology
2018 466 0
Revision of the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Voirons Flysch (Chablais Prealps, Haute-Savoie, France)Swiss Journal of Geosciences
2018 330 0
Provenance analysis of the Voirons Flysch (Gurnigel nappe, Haute-Savoie, France): stratigraphic and palaeogeographic implicationsInternational Journal of Earth Sciences
2017 498 0
Elevated coralgal bioherms from Long Island (Bahamas): a testimony of recent tectonic uplift or of a high sea level during the Middle Pleistocene14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting: Abstract Volume
2016 26 10
Biostratigraphic and geochemical evidence for a tectonically induced change in the aggradation rate of the Mayaguana Bank (SE Bahamas) during the Early MioceneProceedings of the 16th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other carbonate regions
2015 527 256
Prominent geological features of Crooked Island, SE BahamasProceedings of the 16th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other carbonate regions
2015 530 253
Speculations on superstorms – Interactive comment on "Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 °C global warming is highly dangerous" by J. Hansen et alAtmospheric chemistry and physics
2015 651 9
Iranella inopinata Gollestaneh 1965, a puzzling dasycladalean alga from the Lower Cretaceous shallow carbonate shelf deposits of the Zagros fold-thrust belt, SW IranFacies
2013 431 220
Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy as a tool in constraining the timing of flysch deposition: Gurnigel flysch, Voirons massif (Haute-Savoie, France)Sedimentology
2013 340 0
New U/Th and amino-acid racemization dating and interpretation of Pleistocene sequences from West Caicos Island (Caicos platform): Implication for cyclostratigraphyProceedings of the 15th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other carbonate regions
2012 545 140
Mineralogical evidence for a local volcanic origin of the parent material of Bermuda Quaternary paleosolsQuaternary research
2011 598 0
Discovery of Miocene to early Pleistocene deposits on Mayaguana, Bahamas: Evidence for recent active tectonism on the North American marginGeology
2011 672 1
Facies models and geometries of the Ragusa Platform (SE Sicily, Italy) near the Serravallian-Tortonian boundaryCarbonate Systems During the Oligocene-Miocene Climatic Transition
2010 630 0
Further evidence for a +20 m sea-level highstand during Marine Isotope Stage 11 from fossil lacustrine sediments: Glass Window, Eleuthera, BahamasProceedings of the 14th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other carbonate regions
2010 536 0
Carbonate grain associations: their use and environmental signficance, a brief reviewCarbonate Systems During the Oligocene-Miocene Climatic Transition
2010 570 0
The paradoxical occurrence of oolitic limestone on the eastern islands of Great Bahama Bank: where do the ooids come from?Perspectives in carbonate geology. A tribute to the career of Robert Nathan Ginsburg
2009 642 0
Discovery of a composite reefal terrace of middle and late Pleistocene age in Great Inagua Island, Bahamas. Implications for regional tectonics and sea-level historySedimentary geology
2007 522 0
Elevated marine terraces from Eleuthera (Bahamas) and Bermuda: sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological evidence for important deglaciation events during the middle PleistoceneGlobal and planetary change
2000 117 0
Resolving tectonic complexes with comparative sedimentology: the Internal Prealps of Haute-Savoie, France19th regional European meeting of sedimentology: abstract volume
1999 111 22
Sedimentological, petrological and diagenetic evidence for greenhouse eolianites in the Lower Cretaceous Chambotte Formation, Salève Chain, France18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology
1997 55 15
Elevated marine terraces in northern Eleuthera, Bahamas. Local tectonic uplift or major global deglaciation during the Middle Pleistocene?18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology
1997 76 8
Tyrrhenian coastal deposits from Sardinia (Italy): a petrographic record of high sea levels and shifting climate belts during the last interglacial (isotopic substage 5e)Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
1997 123 0
Geology of the Bahamas: architecture of Bahamian IslandGeology and hydrogeology of carbonate islands
1997 135 0
Rapid sea-level changes at the close of the last interglacial (substage 5e) recorded in Bahamian island geology: Comment and ReplyGeology
1997 121 0
Sheared olistostromes in the Lower Ultrahelvetic melange from Haute-Savoie (Western Alps, France)18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology
1997 134 12
Carbonate petrography as an indicator of climate and sea-level changes: new data from Bahamian Quaternary unitsSedimentology
1996 76 81
New data on the Holocene stratigraphy of Lee Stocking Island (Bahamas) and its relation to sea-level historySpecial paper - Geological Society of America
1995 78 0
Submarine resedimentation of Cretaceous deposits during the Palaeogene: the "Formation gréso-glauconieuse" from the Ultrahelvetic Prealps (Haute-Savoie, France)Bulletin de la Société géologique de France
1995 125 55
Middle-Eocene bottom-current deposits from the Ultrahelvetic Prealps in the Haute-Savoie, France. A case of mimic recyclingGéologie méditerranéenne
1994 71 59
Oligocene foraminifera from the Val d'Illiez formation (Haute-Savoie, France): refined biostratigraphy and paleoecological analysisRevue de micropaleontologie
1994 157 183
Eocene contourites from the ultrahelvetic prealps (Haute-Savoie, France): a case of mimic recyclingActes du 1er Congrès Français de Stratigraphie: résumés des conférences, communications et posters
1994 143 15
Submerged Upper Holocene beachrock on San Salvador Island, Bahamas: implications for recent sea-level historyGeologische Rundschau
1993 81 91
High-frequency, low-amplitude fluctuations during the late holocene sea-level rise: new data from the French Bay Beachrock, San Salvador, BahamasProceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas
1993 80 20
Coastal response to the Holocene transgression in the Bahamas: episodic sedimentation versus continuous sea-level riseSedimentary geology
1992 137 0
Les mélanges des Préalpes internes entre Arve et Rhône (Alpes occidentales franco-suisses)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1992 77 103
Enregistrement des variations eustatiques dans des dépôts littoraux du Pleistocène supérieur (San Giovanni di Sinis, Sardaigne occidentale)Bulletin de la Société géologique de France
1991 134 65
Géologie du sommet de la Pointe-de-Platé (Domaine helvétique, Haute-Savoie, France): calcaires paléocènes et faciès chaotiquesEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1990 80 72
Géologie des wildflyschs entre Arve et Giffre (Haute-Savoie, France)
1988 484 512
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