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1 - 45 of 45
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Réduction des températures des CAD - Le cas d’étude du réseau CAD-SIG à GenèveAqua & Gas
2025 62 18
Suivi et quantification des économies d'énergie relatives aux mesures préconisées par la Task Force Energie du Canton de Genève - Hiver 2023 - 2024
2024 34 16
Accompagnement méthodologique pour la mise en place de l’outil IDC SInergie
2024 35 13
EvalCADair : Evaluation de l’impact d’un CAD sur la qualité de l’air, application à CADéco Jonction
2023 110 88
EvalCADair: tool for assessing air quality improvement after the deployment of a district heating networkJournal of physics. Conference series
2023 22 13
In-situ monitoring of a groundwater heat pump for a low-temperature district heating network: energy performance, issues and challenges
2023 82 23
Strategies and potentials of temperature reduction on existing district heating substations: two case studies
2023 437 191
Suivi et quantification des économies d’énergie relatives aux mesures préconisées par la Task Force Energie du Canton de Genève - Hiver 2022 - 2023
2023 259 299
Économies d'énergie réelles pour plus de 1000 cas de rénovations de bâtiments à Genève
2022 325 127
Hourly CO2 emission assessment of a 5 MWth centralized groundwater HP district heating system in Geneva22. Status-Seminar - SustainDesign: user friendly and resilient design with appropriate technology
2022 138 63
Retour d’expérience énergétique sur le quartier des Vergers à Meyrin (Genève)
2022 909 386
Analyse préliminaire pour les machines de production de froid à Genève : Données pour les volumes des liquides frigorigènes de l'OFEV pour Genève – Analyse préliminaire et perspectives
2022 242 63
Performance gap analysis of a new Minergie A/P districtJournal of physics. Conference series
2021 421 106
Actual energy savings of more than 1000 renovated buildings in GenevaJournal of physics. Conference series
2021 694 167
Retour d'expérience énergétique sur le quartier des Vergers à Meyrin (Genève) - Rapport intermédiaire
2020 1,213 673
Estimation of load curves for large-scale district heating networksIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 387 180
Développement du module ENERLAB (énergie thermique – bâtiment) pour compléter la base de données ATLAS éco 21
2020 701 195
A Heat Demand Load Curve Model of the Swiss National TerritoryCentral Europe Towards Sustainable Building (CESB19)
2019 492 289
Analysis of space heating demand in the Swiss residential building stock: Element-based bottom-up model of archetype buildingsEnergy and Buildings
2019 891 29
DataRen, a Territorial Energy Demand Modelling ToolCentral Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB19)
2019 1,038 220
Definition of reference scenario to be used by all FEEB&D partners
2019 506 360
Combined geospatial and techno-economic analysis of deep building envelope retrofitJournal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 277 98
Hourly CO2 emission assessment of a 5 MWth centralized groundwater HP district heating system in GenevaJournal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 388 141
Geo-dependent heat demand model of the Swiss building stock: method, results and example of application
2018 1,194 434
Caractérisation spatio-temporelle des besoins et des ressources énergétiques d'un quartier urbain : le cas du quartier de la Jonction à Genève
2018 934 316
Heat pump systems for multifamily buildings: Potential and constraints of several heat sources for diverse building demandsApplied Energy
2018 857 377
COMPARE RENOVE : du catalogue de solutions à la performance réelle des rénovations énergétiques (écarts de performance, bonnes pratiques et enseignements tirés)
2018 1,957 1,096
Electro What: A platform for territorial analysis of electricity consumptionEnergy Procedia
2017 1,271 487
Spatial and temporal characterization of energy demand and resources for an existing and dense urban district in GenevaCISBAT 2017 International ConferenceFuture Buildings & Districts – Energy Efficiency from Nano to Urban Scale
2017 1,183 412
Spatial–Temporal Analysis of the Heat and Electricity Demand of the Swiss Building StockFrontiers in Built Environment
2017 1,409 399
Geo-dependent heat demand model of the Swiss building stockWorld Fustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Conference Proceedings (WSBE17)
2017 1,642 585
Arlequin (version 3.0): An integrated software package for population genetics data analysisEvolutionary bioinformatics online
2005 799 1,109
A simulated annealing approach to define the genetic structure of populationsMolecular ecology
2002 676 0
Génétique, linguistique et histoire des peuplements humainsLe Langage et l'homme
2002 1,080 559
Confidence Intervals for Most Probable Number Estimates by Bootstrap
2001 538 99
A linkage disequilibrium map of the MHC region based on the analysis of 14 loci haplotypes in 50 French familiesEuropean journal of human genetics
2000 623 9
Inferring the impact of linguistic boundaries on population differentiation: application to the Afro-Asiatic–Indo-European caseEuropean journal of human genetics
2000 579 0
Estimation of Past Demographic Parameters From the Distribution of Pairwise Differences When the Mutation Rates Vary Among Sites: Application to Human Mitochondrial DNAGenetics
1999 474 1
Why hunter-gatherer populations do not show signs of Pleistocene demographic expansionsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1999 703 0
Influence de l'age, du sexe, de la durée, et du lien d'inhumation, sur la conservation des os humains d'une population récenteBulletin de la Société suisse d'anthropologie
1997 511 3
Convergence of general linear methods on differential-algebraic systems of index 3BIT
1997 565 0
Convergence results for multistep Runge-Kutta methods on stiff mechanical systemsNumerische Mathematik
1995 514 0
Convergence results for multistep Runge-Kutta methods on stiff mechanical systemsNumerische Mathematik
1995 534 1
Numerical experiments with a multistep Radau methodBIT
1993 592 0
Convergence results for general linear methods on singular perturbation problemsBIT
1993 573 0
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