Supervised works
Items per page
1 - 197 of 197
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
RCnum: A Semantic and Multilingual Online Edition of the Geneva Council Registers from 1545 to 1550Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation - Volume 2: Products & Projects
2024 123 38
Simplification Strategies in French Spontaneous SpeechProceedings of the Workshop on DeTermIt! Evaluating Text Difficulty in a Multilingual Context @ LREC-COLING 2024
2024 108 36
Post-editors as Gatekeepers of Lexical and Syntactic Diversity: Comparative Analysis of Human Translation and Post-editing in Professional SettingsProceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation : Volume 1: Research And Implementations & Case Studies
2024 107 84
Évaluation de la traduction en pictogrammes pour la communication médecin-patient par des adultes avec une déficience intellectuelleHandicap 2024 : 13e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance
2024 171 98
A Participatory Approach to Content Simplification in University Websites2nd International Conference on Translation and Cultural Sustainability
2024 50 35
Projet UNI-ACCESS. Accessibilité des sites web des Hautes écolesJournée d’échanges sur la recherche à la FTI
2024 60 33
Jargon : Une suite de modèles de langues et de référentiels d’évaluation pour les domaines spécialisés du françaisActes de la 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)
2024 52 0
Jargon: A Suite of Language Models and Evaluation Tasks for French Specialized DomainsProceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
2024 141 40
A Concept Based Approach for Translation of Medical Dialogues into PictographsProceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
2024 145 48
Improving Sign Language Production in the Healthcare Domain Using UMLS and Multi-Task LearningProceedings of the First Workshop on Patient-Oriented Language Processing (CL4Health) @ LREC-COLING 2024
2024 142 41
Normalizing without Modernizing: Keeping Historical Wordforms of Middle French while Reducing Spelling VariantsFindings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024
2024 79 33
Automatic Normalisation of Middle French and its Impact on ProductivityProceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING-2024
2024 91 34
How Do Doctors Communicate With Allophone Patients? Situation in the Emergency Departments of French-Speaking Swiss HospitalsCongrès de printemps de la SSMIG
2024 59 26
Learning from the Learners in Speech Post-editing Mode: The Integration of Speech Input into COPECOJIAMCATT
2023 115 30
Patient acceptance of translation technology for medical dialogues in emergency situationsTranslating Crises
2023 406 229
PROPICTO: Developing Speech-to-Pictograph Translation Systems to Enhance Communication AccessibilityProceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (2023)
2023 176 43
Healthcare Accessibility for the DeafTranslation Technology in Accessible Health Communication
2023 102 42
Are post-editese features really universal?HiT-IT 2023
2023 131 37
Evaluating the Impact of Stereotypes and Language Combinations on Gender Bias Occurrence in NMT Generic SystemsProceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
2023 299 131
A pedagogical platform for spoken post-editing (PE): the integration of speech input into COPECOInternational Conference on Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology (HiT-IT 2023)
2023 121 42
Enhancing Speech Translation in Medical Emergencies with Pictographs: BabelDrTranslation Technology in Accessible Health Communication
2023 97 31
BabelDr vs. Google Translate: translation in a pharmacy settingSpring Congress of the Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine (SGAIM-SSMIG-SSGIM)
2023 158 35
PROPICTO : Développer des systèmes de traduction de la parole vers des séquences de pictogrammes pour améliorer l’accessibilité de la communication30ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN/RÉCITAL)
2023 128 52
Evaluating a Multilingual Pre-trained Model for the Automatic Standard German Captioning of Swiss German TVProceedings of the 8th edition of the Swiss Text Analytics Conference
2023 107 32
Simple, Simpler and Beyond: A Fine-Tuning BERT-Based Approach to Enhance Sentence Complexity Assessment for Text SimplificationProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023)
2023 142 23
Vers une simplification automatique de la parole en français : les enjeux de l’extraction des données d’apprentissage pour la simplification linguistiqueColloque International AFLS 2023
2023 179 54
Communicating in Emergency Settings: BabelDr or Telephone Interpreting?Caring is Sharing – Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation. Proceedings of MIE 2023
2023 120 78
Translation Technology in Accessible Health Communication
2023 229 4
Improving Standard German Captioning of Spoken Swiss German: Evaluating Multilingual Pre-trained ModelsProceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX Vol. 2: Users Track
2023 116 47
Translating Medical Dialogues into Pictographs: An Approach Using UMLSCaring is Sharing – Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation. Proceedings of the 33rd Medical Informatics Europe Conference, MIE2023
2023 199 82
A Neural Machine Translation Approach to Translate Text to Pictographs in a Medical Speech Translation System - The BabelDr Use CaseProceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
2022 293 117
BabelDr: a medical speech to sign translation toolCongrès de printemps SSMIG. Changes & Opportunities
2022 258 58
Investigating the Medical Coverage of a Translation System into Pictographs for Patients with an Intellectual DisabilityNinth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022)
2022 288 79
Survey-based evaluation of an innovative speech-enabled translator in emergency settings: a phase II cohort studyChanges & Opportunities
2022 271 95
BabelDr, un dispositif fiable de traduction du discours médicalL’éthique, c’est pas automatique !
2022 99 20
Studying Post-Editese in a Professional Context: A Pilot StudyProceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
2022 278 154
SigLa - Une plateforme de développement d’animations en langue des signesJournée d’étude Technologies du Langage Humain et Accès Interactif à l’Information (JAII2022)
2022 290 108
SigLa - Une plateforme de développement d’animations en langue des signesJournée d’étude Technologies du Langage Humain et Accès Interactif à l’Information (JAII2022)
2022 400 45
The PASSAGE project : Standard German Subtitling of Swiss German TV contentProceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
2022 258 68
Integrating Speech in Post-Editing (PE)-Comparison of two PE InterfacesNew Trends in Translation and Technology (NeTTT)
2022 300 93
A Tool for Easily Integrating Grammars as Language Models into the Kaldi Speech Recognition ToolkitESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information)
2022 189 415
Standard German Subtitling of Swiss German TV content: the PASSAGE ProjectProceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
2022 246 63
Survey-Based Evaluation of an Innovative Speech-Enabled Translator in Emergency Settings: A Phase II Cohort StudyJournal of healthcare communications
2022 206 114
Producing Standard German Subtitles for Swiss German TV ContentNinth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022)
2022 243 107
Source or target first? Comparison of two post-editing strategies with translation studentsJournal of data mining and digital humanities
2022 244 74
La traduction automatique des textes faciles à lire et à comprendre (FALC) : une étude comparativeMeta
2022 397 99
Integrating post-editing with Dragon speech recognizer: a use case in an international organizationTranslating and the Computer 43
2022 211 81
BabelDr, un système de traduction du discours médical vers l’animation virtuelle signéeHandicap 2022 - 12e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance
2022 495 216
Getting across in medical communication: A corpus-based approach to analyze and improve the comprehensibility of machine translationProceedings of the 3rd Swiss conference on barrier-free communication (BfC 2020)
2021 299 123
A speech translation system for medical dialogue in sign language — Questionnaire on user perspective of videos and the use of Avatar TechnologyProceedings of the 3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication (BfC 2020)
2021 574 271
Evaluating the comprehension of Arasaac and Sclera pictographs for the BabelDr patient response interfaceProceedings of the 3rd Swiss conference on barrier-free communication (BfC 2020)
2021 705 245
Using speech technology in the translation process workflow in international organizations: A quantitative and qualitative studyMT Summit 2021
2021 221 75
How does NMT post-editing compare to translation revision? A corpus-based study in a Swiss corporate language service7th IATIS Conference
2021 222 15
A speech-enabled fixed-phrase translator for healthcare accessibilityProceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact
2021 691 193
Are Easy Language Best Practices Applied in Educational Texts for Children in French?International Easy Language Day Conference (IELD) 2021
2021 331 84
J'ai de la peine à communiquer avec mon patient aux urgences. Quels sont les outils disponibles ?Revue médicale suisse
2021 1,128 1,355
Predicting the Linguistic Accessibility of Chinese Health Translations: Machine Learning Algorithm DevelopmentJMIR medical informatics
2021 361 117
Reconnaissance vocale du discours spontané pour le domaine médicalTLH Santé 2021 | La santé et le langage
2021 574 156
A Reception Study of Machine-Translated Easy Language Text by Individuals with Reading Difficulties3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (ICTIC3)
2021 289 108
Vers une communication médicale adaptée aux personnes sourdes.Le projet BabelDr et les personnages virtuels en langue des signes française de Suisse romandeTLH-Santé2021
2021 641 58
A corpus-based analysis of medical communication. Euphemism as a communication strategy for context-specific responsesCorpus Exploration of Lexis and Discourse in Translation
2021 277 16
Advanced machine translation post-editing training for in-house professional translatorsColloque #AFFUMT : Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd'hui et demain
2021 265 64
BabelDr : un système de traduction médicale avec des pictogrammes pour les patients allophones aux urgences et dans un secteur de dépistage COVID-19Journée AFIA/TLH - ATALA "la santé et le langage"
2021 463 61
Linguistic and Ethical Considerations in Easy Language Machine TranslationInternational Easy Language Day Conference (IELD) 2021
2021 393 94
Extending a Text-to-Pictograph System to French and to ArasaacProceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)
2021 342 267
Experiments for the adaptation of Text2Picto to French31st Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 31)
2021 261 101
User-Oriented Healthcare Translation and CommunicationThe Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices
2020 417 45
Ellipsis Translation for a Medical Speech to Speech Translation System22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2020 778 323
An Albanian Text-to-Speech System for the BabelDr Medical Speech TranslatorDigital Personalized Health and Medicine
2020 821 165
Re-design of the Machine Translation Training Tool MT322nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2020 549 68
Évaluation de la compréhension de pictogrammes Arasaac et Sclera pour améliorer l'accessibilité du système de traduction médicale BabelDrHandicap 2020 : technologies pour l'autonomie et l'inclusion
2020 1,016 695
An Overview of Inclusive Education in the Canton of Vaud: Legislation, Organisation and Research
2020 605 253
Language service provision in the 21st century: challenges, opportunities and educational perspectives for translation studiesBologna Process beyond 2020: Fundamental values of the EHEA
2020 830 376
COPECO: a Collaborative Post-Editing Corpus in Pedagogical ContextNorth American component of the International Association for Machine Translation. 1st Workshop on Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation.
2020 508 126
User Satisfaction with a Speech-Enabled Translator in Emergency SettingsDigital Personalized Health and Medicine
2020 751 180
Un système innovant de traduction du langage médical vers la langue des signes française de Suisse romande (LSF-SR)13ème Journée de l'innovation
2019 469 130
CALL-SLT and French as Foreign Language learning: Assessment in the field of asylum-seekers and refugees5th International Conference on Second Language Studies
2019 535 99
Differences between SMT and NMT Output - a Translators' Point of ViewThe Second Workshop on Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology (HiT-IT 2019)
2019 734 379
Surveying the potential of using speech technologies for post-editing purposes in the context of international organizations: What do professional translators think?Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII. Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks
2019 395 169
Monolingual backtranslation in a medical speech translation system for diagnostic interviews - a NMT approachProceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks
2019 545 87
A Speech-Enabled Fixed-Phrase Translator for Emergency Settings: Crossover StudyJMIR Medical Informatics
2019 559 353
Preferences of end-users for raw and post-edited NMT in a business environmentProceedings of the 41st Conference Translating and the Computer
2019 466 164
Measuring the Impact of Neural Machine Translation on Easy-to-Read Texts: An Exploratory StudyConference on Easy-to-Read Language Research (Klaara 2019)
2019 666 351
Un système de traduction de la parole pour le dialogue médical en langue des signesTALMED, Symposium satellite francophone sur le traitement automatique des langues dans le domaine biomédical
2019 740 112
A Survey on the Learning Materials for Children with Special Needs: Building a Case for Easy-to-Read in the ClassroomKlaara Conference on Easy to Read Language Research
2019 548 118
BabelDr, un outil innovant de traduction du langage médical pour patients allophonesLe Congrès de la Médecine Générale (CMGF)
2019 485 161
Google Translate and BabelDr in Community Medical Settings: Challenges of Translating into ArabicArabic Translation Across Discourses
2019 583 36
Le projet BabelDr : rendre les informations médicales accessibles en Langue des Signes de Suisse Romande (LSF-SR)Proceedings of the 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Accessibility in educational settings (BFC 2018)
2018 579 201
Integrating MT at Swiss Post's Language Service: preliminary resultsProceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
2018 666 361
Proceedings of the Second Swiss Conference on Barrier-Free Communication (BFC 2018) - Accessibility in Educational Settings
2018 475 662
Creating an Online Translation Platform to Build Target Language Resources for a Medical PhraselatorProceedings of the 40th edition of Translating and the Computer Conference (TC40)
2018 641 229
Traduction automatique de la parole vers la langue des signes de Belgique francophone. Evaluation d'un avatar destiné aux transports en commun par la communauté sourde10e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance. Recherches pluridisciplinaires pour l'autonomie des personnes en situation de handicap.
2018 857 281
Developing a New Swiss Research Centre for Barrier-Free CommunicationProceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
2018 527 125
Prototype of Automatic Translation to the Sign Language of French-speaking Belgium. Evaluation by the Deaf CommunityModelling, Measurement and Control C
2018 730 496
Can Speech-Enabled Phraselators Improve Healthcare Accessibility? A Case Study Comparing BabelDr with MediBabble for Anamnesis in Emergency SettingsProceedings of the 1st Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication
2018 1,222 768
Handling Ellipsis in a Spoken Medical PhraselatorStatistical Language and Speech Processing. SLSP 2018
2018 503 302
Roadblocks to Inclusive Education and Career Development for People with Hearing Impairments in French and Italian Speaking SwitzerlandProceedings of the 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Accessibility in educational settings (BFC 2018)
2018 560 147
Status quo of inclusive access to higher education. A focus on deaf and hearing-impaired individuals in German-speaking SwitzerlandProceedings of the 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Accessibility in educational settings (BFC 2018)
2018 567 123
Statistical vs. Neural Machine Translation: A Comparison of MTH and DeepL at Swiss Post's Language ServiceProceedings of the 40th Conference Translating and the Computer
2018 2,409 995
Automatic evaluation of the pronunciation with callslt, a conversation partner exclusively based on speech recognitionEDULEARN18, 10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
2018 643 306
Study on the use of machine translation and post-editing in Swiss-based language service providersParallèles
2017 1,234 275
Traduction automatique de la parole vers la langue de signes de Belgique francophone1st Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication: Methods and Products
2017 557 85
Semantic relations in compound nouns: Perspectives from inter-annotator agreementStudies in health technology and informatics
2017 1,320 796
A Robust Medical Speech-to-Speech/Speech-to-Sign PhraselatorInterspeech
2017 630 141
Comparison of the quality of two speech translators in emergency settings : A case study with standardized Arabic speaking patients with abdominal painEuropean Congress of Emergency Medicine, (EUSEM 2017)
2017 1,252 97
Rapid Construction of a Web-Enabled Medical Speech to Sign Language Translator Using Recorded VideoFuture and Emerging Trends in Language Technology. Machine Learning and Big Data
2017 594 0
Menusigne: A Serious Game for Learning Sign Language GrammarWorkshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2017)
2017 737 412
MTTT – Machine Translation Training Tool: A tool to teach MT, Evaluation and Post-editingThe 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2017 614 185
BabelDr vs Google Translate: a user study at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2017 1,916 660
The ACCEPT Academic Portal: A Pre-editing and Post-editing Teaching PlatformTrends in E-Tools and Resources for Translators and Interpreters
2017 740 6
BabelDr: A Web Platform for Rapid Construction of Phrasebook-Style Medical Speech Translation Applications19th annual conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2016 688 669
Translation and technology. The case of translation games for language learningThe Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology
2016 767 33
BabelDr: A Web Platform for Rapid Construction of Phrasebook-Style Medical Speech Translation Applications19th annual conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2016 638 118
Development of a Speech Translator for Medical Use : A Joint Project Between Geneva University Hospitals and the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of Geneva University1ère assemblée de printemps de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne
2016 623 99
CALL-SLT: a first experiment in a real FFL training for employees of French companiesICT for Language Learning
2016 548 111
Helping Domain Experts Build Phrasal Speech Translation SystemsFuture and Emergent Trends in Language Technology
2016 777 402
An OpenWeb Platform for Rule-Based Speech-to-Sign Translation54th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
2016 800 725
A Framework for Rapid Development of Limited-Domain Speech-to-Sign Phrasal Translators12th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR12)
2016 768 353
Helping Non-Expert Users Develop Online Spoken CALL CoursesWorkshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE)
2015 876 641
Build Your Own Speech-Enabled Online CALL Course, No Experience Required9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED)
2015 693 385
The ACCEPT Academic Portal: A User-Centred Online Platform for Pre-editing and Post-editing7th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies
2015 799 117
The ACCEPT Academic Portal: Bringing Together Pre-editing, MT and Post-editing into a Learning EnvironmentProceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
2015 529 103
The ACCEPT academic portal : a user-centred online platform for pre-editing and post-editingNew Horizons in Translation and Interpreting Studies
2015 417 84
Pre-editing by Forum Users: a Case StudyWorkshop (W2) on Controlled Natural Language Simplifying Language Use - 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
2014 1,164 348
The ACCEPT Portal: An online framework for the pre-editing and post-editing of user-generated contentProceedings of theWorkshop on Humans and Computer-assisted Translation (HaCaT)
2014 799 1,130
A Large-Scale Evaluation of Pre-editing Strategies for Improving User-Generated Content TranslationProceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
2014 1,117 278
Applying Accessibility-Oriented Controlled Language (CL) Rules to Improve Appropriateness of Text Alternatives for Images: an Exploratory StudyProceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014)
2014 880 337
A Tool for Building Multilingual Voice QuestionnairesTranslating and the Computer (ASLIB)
2014 805 1,212
CALL-SLT: A Spoken CALL System Based on Grammar and Speech RecognitionLinguistic Issues in Language Technology
2014 791 495
Rule-based Automatic Post-processing of SMT Output to Reduce Human Post-editing EffortTranslating and the Computer 36
2014 831 281
La préédition avec des règles peu coûteuses, utile pour la TA statistique des forums ?20ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)
2013 693 172
Advances in Generative Lexicon Theory
2013 651 0
The telic relationship in compoundsAdvances in Generative Lexicon Theory
2013 598 0
Jeu de traduction orale en ligne et apprentissage des languesLes Langues Modernes
2013 616 0
Comparing forum data post-editing performance using translation memory and machine translation output: a pilot studyProceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV
2013 860 427
Two Approaches to Correcting Homophone Confusions in a Hybrid Machine Translation SystemProceedings of the Second Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation
2013 718 257
Combining pre-editing and post-editing to improve SMT of user-generated contentProceedings of MT Summit XIV Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice
2013 2,722 1,493
Les textes des forums internet, écrits et lus par le grand public, peuvent-ils bénéficier de la traduction automatique ?Traduire pour le grand public - Traductologie de plein champ
2013 642 105
IntroductionAdvances in Generative Lexicon Theory, Text, Speech and Language Technology
2013 411 0
Using Source-Language Transformations to Address Register Mismatches in SMTProceedings of the tenth biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-2012)
2012 566 279
Bootstrapping a Statistical Speech Translator From a Rule-Based OneLinguistic issues in language technology
2012 530 123
Evaluating Appropriateness Of System Responses In A Spoken CALL GameThe eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
2012 738 208
Intégration d'un jeu de traduction orale sur le web pour l'apprentissage d'une langue secondeActes du 8ème Colloque Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement (TICE 2012)
2012 782 299
Annotating Qualia Relations in Italian and French Complex NominalsThe eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
2012 925 464
A Student-Centered Evaluation of a Web-Based Spoken Translation GameProceedings of the SLaTE Workshop
2011 645 262
Enabling Digital Inclusion through Controlled Content SimplificationIII Action Week for Global Information Sharing (AGIS '11)
2011 591 0
For A Fistful Of Dollars: Using Crowd-Sourcing To Evaluate A Spoken Language CALL ApplicationProceedings of the SLaTE Workshop
2011 567 889
Bootstrapping A Statistical Speech Translator From A Rule-Based OneProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop On Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation
2011 659 131
Evaluation of a Mobile Language Learning System Using Language-Neutral PromptsProceedings of the SLaTE Workshop
2011 599 159
Evaluating A Web-Based Spoken Language Translation Game For Learning Domain LanguageProceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference
2011 804 280
Pour une interlangue utile en traduction automatique de la parole dans des domaines limitésTAL. Traitement automatique des langues
2011 675 388
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech TranslationProceedings of LREC
2010 971 470
Spoken Language Understanding via Supervised Learning and Linguistically Motivated FeaturesProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems
2010 677 0
Examining the Effects of Rephrasing User Input on Two Mobile Spoken Language SystemsProceedings of LREC
2010 623 240
A Bootstrapped Interlingua-Based SMT ArchitectureProceedings of EAMT
2010 461 114
A Multilingual Platform for Building Speech-Enabled Language CoursesWorkshop on Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology (L2WS)
2010 582 660
Construction (semi-)automatique d'un lexique sémantique du français : inférences interlinguistiques et morphologieMultilinguisme et traitement des langues naturelles
2010 484 0
Morphology-based Enhancement of a French SIMPLE LexiconProceedings of GL 2009, 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon
2009 574 212
Design Issues for a Bidirectional Mobile Medical Speech TranslatorProceedings of the SiMPE Workshop at MobileHCI
2009 675 263
Technology in Translator Training and Tools for TranslatorsMachine Translation Summit XII
2009 662 232
Using Artificially Generated Data to Evaluate Statistical Machine TranslationProceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF)
2009 572 188
Using Artificial Data to Compare the Difficulty of Using Statistical Machine Translation in Different Language-PairsProceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII
2009 519 305
Almost Flat Functional Semantics for Speech TranslationProceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling)
2008 581 615
A Small-Vocabulary Shared Task for Medical Speech TranslationColing 2008, Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications
2008 585 167
Building Mobile Spoken Dialogue Applications Using RegulusProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
2008 563 345
Making Speech Look Like Text in the Regulus Development EnvironmentColing 2008, Proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF)
2008 535 279
Many-to-Many Multilingual Medical Speech Translation on a PDAProceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
2008 954 231
The MEDSLT 2008 systemColing 2008, Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications
2008 633 153
Using a semantic grammar as an interlingua in a multilingual speech translation systemProceedings of the NLP2008 Conference
2008 545 280
Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation SystemProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
2008 671 213
From Desktop to Mobile: Adapting a Successful Voice Interaction Platform for Use in Mobile DevicesMobile HCI
2008 566 1,071
Discriminative Learning Using Linguistic Features to Rescore N-Best Speech HypothesesProceedings of the IEEE/ACL SLT Workshop
2008 595 559
Comparing two different bidirectional versions of the limited domain medical spoken language translator MedSLTProceeding of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2008 618 1,037
A Bidirectional Grammar-BasedMedical Speech TranslatorProceedings of the Workshop on Grammar-based approaches to spoken language processing (SPEECHGRAM)
2007 581 928
Les ellipses dans un système de Traduction Automatique de la ParoleActes de TALN/RECITAL
2007 612 266
Une grammaire partagée multi-tâche pour le traitement de la parole : application aux langues romanesTAL. Traitement automatique des langues
2007 696 563
A Reference Generative Lexicon for FrenchFourth International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (GL2007)
2007 548 202
MedSLT: A Multi-Lingual Grammar-Based Medical Speech TranslatorProceedings of the First International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, IWIC
2007 655 128
Un Lexique Génératif de référence pour le françaisActes de TALN/RECITAL
2007 679 206
Adapting a Medical Speech to Speech Translation System (MedSLT) to ArabicProceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Ressources
2007 619 342
A Development Environment for Building Grammar-Based Speech-Enabled ApplicationsProceedings of the Workshop on Grammar-based approaches to spoken language processing (SPEECHGRAM)
2007 576 351
REGULUS: A Generic Multilingual Open Source Platform for Grammar-Based Speech ApplicationsProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
2006 768 135
Putting Linguistics into Speech Recognition
2006 562 0
MedSLT: A Limited-Domain Unidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech TranslatorProceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation (HLT-NAACL)
2006 504 462
Evaluating Task Performance for a Unidirectional Controlled Language Medical Speech Translation SystemProceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation (HLT-NAACL)
2006 637 482
Une grammaire multilingue partagée pour la traduction automatique de la paroleProceedings of Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)
2006 666 245
A Generic Multi-Lingual Open Source Platform for Limited-Domain Medical Speech TranslationProceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
2005 724 427
Practising Controlled Language through a Help System integrated into the Medical Speech Translation System (MedSLT)Proceedings of the MT Summit X
2005 530 237
Breaking the Language Barrier: Machine Assisted Diagnosis using the Medical Speech TranslatorProceedings of the XIX International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics MIE
2005 460 0
A Methodology for Comparing Grammar-Based and Robust Approaches to Speech UnderstandingProceedings of Eurospeech-Interspeech, 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
2005 669 333
Japanese Speech Understanding Using Grammar SpecializationHLT/EMNLP 2005 Interactive Demonstrations
2005 625 508
Representational and architectural issues in a limited-domain medical speech translatorTALN-RECITAL 2005, Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles
2005 595 169
A Japanese rule based system for the medical speech translator MedSLTProceedings of the NLP2005 Conference
2005 545 103
Comparing Rule-Based and Statistical Approaches to Speech Understanding in a Limited Domain Speech Translation SystemTMI 2004 - 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation
2004 593 304
Automatisation of the Activity of Term Collection in Different LanguagesLREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
2004 720 169
Methodology for building thematic indexes in medicine for FrenchLREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
2004 528 167
Semi-Automatic Derivation of a French Lexicon from CLIPSLREC 2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
2004 604 231
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