Fontboté, Lluís
Affiliation entities
Research groups
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Not so fast: Million-years of metal precipitation in Mississippi Valley type deposits inferred from in-situ petrochronology of hydrothermal carbonates | Earth and planetary science letters | 2024 | 109 | 39 | |||
Sedimentary evolution of a Late Triassic salt giant and a synchronous carbonate unit between the Peruvian Andean Cordillera and the Brazilian Amazonian foreland | AAPG bulletin | 2023 | 197 | 0 | |||
Germanium- and gallium-rich sphalerite in Mississippi Valley–type deposits: the San Vicente district and the Shalipayco deposit, Peru | Mineralium deposita | 2023 | 180 | 1 | |||
Depositing >1.5 Mt of Tin Within <1 m.y. of Initial Granitic Intrusion in the San Rafael Tin (-Copper) Deposit, Southeastern Peru | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2023 | 75 | 0 | |||
Trace element geochemistry of sphalerite and chalcopyrite in arc-hosted VMS deposits | Journal of Geochemical Exploration | 2022 | 604 | 5 | |||
Genesis of the exotic chrysocolla — “copper pitch/wad” — atacamite/brochantite ore at the Exótica (Mina Sur) deposit, Chuquicamata, Chile | Mineralium deposita | 2022 | 173 | 104 | |||
Neoformation of exotic copper minerals from gel-like precursors at the Exótica deposit, Chuquicamata, Chile | Mineralium deposita | 2022 | 174 | 62 | |||
Geology, mineralogy, and cassiterite geochronology of the Ayawilca Zn-Pb-Ag-In-Sn-Cu deposit, Pasco, Peru | Mineralium deposita | 2021 | 268 | 0 | |||
Tracking fluid mixing in epithermal deposits – Insights from in-situ δ18O and trace element composition of hydrothermal quartz from the giant Cerro de Pasco polymetallic deposit, Peru | Chemical Geology | 2021 | 216 | 91 | |||
The upper Oligocene San Rafael intrusive complex (Eastern Cordillera, southeast Peru), host of the largest-known high-grade tin deposit | Lithos | 2021 | 241 | 70 | |||
Osmium isotopic constraints on sulphide formation in the epithermal environment of magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits | Chemical Geology | 2021 | 472 | 138 | |||
Fluid mixing as primary trigger for cassiterite deposition: Evidence from in situ δ18O-δ11B analysis of tourmaline from the world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2021 | 276 | 113 | |||
Distribution of indium, germanium, gallium and other minor and trace elements in polymetallic ores from a porphyry system: The Morococha district, Peru | Ore Geology Reviews | 2021 | 244 | 0 | |||
Tourmaline as a tracer of late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid evolution: The world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2020 | 364 | 498 | |||
Multiple rejuvenation episodes of a silicic magma reservoir at the origin of the large diatreme-dome complex and porphyry-type mineralization events at Cerro de Pasco (Peru) | Lithos | 2020 | 360 | 3 | |||
Cassiterite deposition triggered by fluid mixing: Evidence from in-situ δ18O-δ11B analysis of tourmaline from the San Rafael tin deposit, Peru | 15th Biennial SGA Meeting | 2019 | 385 | 165 | |||
Petroleum as source and carrier of metals in epigenetic sediment-hosted mineralization | Scientific Reports | 2019 | 408 | 198 | |||
Early hydrothermal alteration stages at the giant San Rafael tin deposit, Peru | Proceedings of the 15th SGA Biennial Meeting, 27-30 August 2019, Glasgow, Scotland | 2019 | 354 | 177 | |||
Mineralized breccia clasts: a window into hidden porphyry-type mineralization underlying the epithermal polymetallic deposit of Cerro de Pasco (Peru) | Mineralium Deposita | 2018 | 725 | 3 | |||
Magmatic-hydrothermal transition traced by in situ tourmaline analysis at the San Rafael tin deposit, Peru | Goldschmidt 2018 | 2018 | 566 | 109 | |||
Ore deposits of the central Andes | Elements | 2018 | 718 | 7 | |||
Cyclic Dilution of Magmatic Metal-Rich Hypersaline Fluids by Magmatic Low-Salinity Fluid: A Major Process Generating the Giant Epithermal Polymetallic Deposit of Cerro de Pasco, Peru | Economic Geology | 2018 | 607 | 2 | |||
Fluid Inclusion Studies in Opaque Ore Minerals: II. A Comparative Study of Syngenetic Synthetic Fluid Inclusions Hosted in Quartz and Opaque Minerals | Economic Geology | 2018 | 621 | 4 | |||
Reply to discussion of "A refined genetic model for the Laisvall and Vassbo Mississippi Valley-type sandstone-hosted deposits, Sweden: constraints from paragenetic studies, organic geochemistry, and S, C, N, and Sr isotope data" by D. Sangster | Mineralium Deposita | 2018 | 566 | 4 | |||
The Society of Economic Geologists Awards for 2017: R. A. F. Penrose Gold Medal for 2017. Citation of Christoph A. Heinrich | Economic Geology | 2018 | 645 | 4 | |||
Polyphase vein mineralization in the Fennoscandian Shield at Åkerlandet, Järvsand, and Laisvall along the erosional front of the Caledonian orogen, Sweden | Mineralium deposita | 2017 | 637 | 3 | |||
Future Global Mineral Resources | Geochemical perspectives | 2017 | 2,835 | 1,105 | |||
Sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits | Elements | 2017 | 1,126 | 28 | |||
Trace element diffusion and incorporation in quartz during heating experiments | Contributions to mineralogy and petrology | 2017 | 637 | 2 | |||
Sulfide replacement processes revealed by textural and LA-ICP-MS trace element analyses: Example from the early mineralization stages at Cerro de Pasco, Peru | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2016 | 701 | 7 | |||
A refined genetic model for the Laisvall and Vassbo Mississippi Valley-type sandstone-hosted deposits, Sweden: constraints from paragenetic studies, organic geochemistry, and S, C, N, and Sr isotope data | Mineralium deposita | 2016 | 821 | 11 | |||
Heterogeneous melt and hypersaline liquid inclusions in shallow porphyry type mineralization as markers of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition (Cerro de Pasco district, Peru) | Chemical geology | 2016 | 695 | 9 | |||
A Middle Ordovician age for the Laisvall sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposit, Sweden: A response to early Caledonian orogenic activity | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2015 | 661 | 1 | |||
Multiple Porphyry Events at Cerro de Pasco, Central Peru | Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting 2015. Proceedings, Volume 1 | 2015 | 571 | 5 | |||
Control of reactivated Proterozoic basement structures on sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits along the Caledonian front, Sweden: Evidence from airborne magnetic data, structural analysis, and ore-grade modeling | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2015 | 752 | 4 | |||
Reported supergene sphalerite rims at the Chuquicamata porphyry deposit (northern Chile) revisited: Evidence for a hypogene origin | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2015 | 747 | 4 | |||
Zoned base metal mineralization in a Porphyry System: Origin and evolution of mineralizing fluids in the Morococha District, Peru | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2015 | 942 | 8 | |||
Timing of porphyry (Cu-Mo) and base metal (Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu) mineralisation in a magmatic-hydrothermal system—Morococha district, Peru | Mineralium deposita | 2015 | 928 | 8 | |||
Genetic relationships between spatially associated arsenide and sulphide magmatic ores from the Carratraca Ultramafic Massif (Málaga, south Spain) | Swiss Gesocience Meeting | 2015 | 645 | 142 | |||
The Laisvall and Vassbo sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits along the eastern front of the Scandinavian Caledonides: An example of phosphorous-rich sulphide-mineralized Cambro-Ordovician sour gas reservoirs | 37th Annual Meeting Mineral Deposit Studies Group | 2014 | 686 | 276 | |||
The Quenamari prospect, San Rafael tin district, southern Peru: geology, mineral assemblages, fluid inclusion microthermometry, and stable isotope compositions | Swiss Geoscience Meeting | 2014 | 1,027 | 235 | |||
Reactivated basement structures and their control on sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposit along the eastern front of the Scandinavian Caledonides | 12th Society for Geology Applied to mineral deposits Biennial Meeting 2013. Proceedings, Volume 4 | 2013 | 702 | 379 | |||
Early mineralization at Cerro de Pasco (central Peru) revisited | 12th Society for Geology Applied to mineral deposits Biennial Meeting 2013. Proceedings, Volume 2 | 2013 | 868 | 410 | |||
Copper-excess stannoidite and tennantite-tetrahedrite as proxies for hydrothermal fluid evolution in a zoned Cordilleran base metal district, Morococha, central Peru | Canadian mineralogist | 2012 | 866 | 4 | |||
Reactivation of fault zones in Precambrian crystalline basement and the location of strata bound, sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, along the front of the Scandinavian Caledonides | Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Biennial Conference, 2012 | 2012 | 546 | 0 | |||
Present copper-rich "gel" formation in the giant porphyry copper deposit of Chuquicamata (northern Chile) | 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting | 2012 | 591 | 219 | |||
Exotic mineralization at Chuquicamata, Chile: focus on the copper wad enigma | 10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting | 2012 | 662 | 428 | |||
Mineralogía de la mineralización exótica en Chuquicamata: nuevos avances | 13th Congreso geológico chileno | 2012 | 2,637 | 1,541 | |||
The supergene enrichment at Chuquicamata revisited | 11th SGA biennal meeting | 2011 | 701 | 396 | |||
Fluid evolution in zoned Cordilleran polymetallic veins — Insights from microthermometry and LA-ICP-MS of fluid inclusions | Chemical geology | 2011 | 756 | 0 | |||
Petrology and geochemistry of the banded iron formation (BIF) of Wadi Karim and Um Anab, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Implications for the origin of Neoproterozoic BIF | Precambrian research | 2011 | 1,308 | 0 | |||
Mineralization, structural, and geochemical characteristics of the Toldojirca prospect and the San Andrés vein, Morococha district central Peru | Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 11th biennial Meeting | 2011 | 553 | 53 | |||
Elemental mass balance and REE behaviour in the hydrothermal alteration associated with the Ticlio porphyry stock, Morococha district, Peru | Society for Geology Applied to mineral Deposits (SGA) 11th Biennial Meeting | 2011 | 741 | 0 | |||
Origin of massive anhydrite bodies in the Morococha district, central Peru: insights from stable (O, S) and radiogenic (Sr, Nd) isotope geochemistry | Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 11th Biennial Meeting | 2011 | 625 | 7 | |||
Timing of polymetallic mineralization overprinting porphyry Cu-Mo systems: Morococha district, central Peru | Society of Economic Geologist (SEG) 2010 conference | 2010 | 506 | 0 | |||
The Raul-Condestable Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposit, Central Coast of Peru: Ore and Related Hydrothermal Alteration, Sulfur Isotopes, and Thermodynamic Constraints | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2009 | 1,029 | 3 | |||
Cordilleran or Butte-type veins and replacement bodies as a deposit class in porphyry systems | Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Society of Geology Applied to Ore Deposits Meeting | 2009 | 1,204 | 1,051 | |||
Bracketing the age of magmatic-hydrothermal activity at the Cerro de Pasco epithermal polymetallic deposit, central Peru: A U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar study | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2009 | 764 | 3 | |||
Water management for acid mine drainage control at the polymetallic Zn–Pb–(Ag–Bi–Cu) deposit Cerro de Pasco, Peru | Journal of geochemical exploration | 2009 | 710 | 1 | |||
Cordilleran Epithermal Cu-Zn-Pb-(Au-Ag) Mineralization in the Colquijirca District, Central Peru: Deposit-Scale Mineralogical Patterns | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2009 | 1,006 | 855 | |||
Magmatic-dominated fluid evolution in the Jurassic Nambija gold skarn deposits (southeastern Ecuador) | Mineralium deposita | 2009 | 586 | 240 | |||
Genesis of silver-rich mineralization in the Yacumina Zone, SW part of the porphyry-centered Miocene polymetallic Morococha district, central Peru | Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 10th Biennial Meeting 2009 | 2009 | 562 | 0 | |||
U–Pb, Re–Os, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Nambija Au-skarn and Pangui porphyry Cu deposits, Ecuador: implications for the Jurassic metallogenic belt of the Northern Andes | Mineralium Deposita | 2009 | 753 | 345 | |||
Mineral zoning and geochemistry of epithermal polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu-Bi mineralization at Cerro de Pasco, Peru | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2008 | 1,182 | 999 | |||
New 40Ar/39Ar alunite ages from the Colquijirca district, Peru: evidence of a long period of magmatic SO2 degassing during formation of epithermal Au–Ag and Cordilleran polymetallic ores | Mineralium deposita | 2008 | 711 | 294 | |||
Geologic setting, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Early Tertiary Au-rich volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit of La Plata, Western Cordillera, Ecuador | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2008 | 637 | 468 | |||
U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age constraints for the timing of magmatism and mineralization in the giant Toromocho porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, central Peru | XIII Geological Congress of Peru | 2008 | 439 | 250 | |||
Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Mesozoic Pucará Basin, central Peru | Journal of South American earth sciences | 2007 | 751 | 2 | |||
In memoriam: G. Christian Amstutz (November 27, 1922) | SGA News | 2007 | 753 | 73 | |||
Raúl-Condestable: a 115 ma old subvolcanic intrusion-centered IOCG deposit | 13th Congreso Geológico Peruano, Lima | 2006 | 429 | 95 | |||
Geology, geochronology, and Hf and Pb isotope data of the Raúl-Condestable iron oxide-copper-gold deposit, central coast of Peru | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2006 | 663 | 3 | |||
Mineral zoning and gold occurrence in the Fortuna skarn mine, Nambija district, Ecuador | Mineralium deposita | 2006 | 759 | 425 | |||
Formation of intra-arc volcanosedimentary basins in the western flank of the central Peruvian Andes during Late Cretaceous oblique subduction: field evidence and constraints from U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes | International journal of earth sciences | 2005 | 574 | 253 | |||
Iron oxide copper-gold deposits: geology, space-time distribution, and possible modes of origin | Economic geology. 100th Anniversary Volume | 2005 | 1,120 | 2 | |||
Oxidized gold skarns in the Nambija district, Ecuador | Society of Economic Geologists, Special Publication | 2004 | 775 | 2 | |||
Carboniferous Orogenic Gold Deposits at Pataz, Eastern Andean Cordillera, Peru: Geological and Structural Framework, Paragenesis, Alteration, and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2004 | 1,324 | 886 | |||
Cenozoic continental arc magmatism and associated mineralization in Ecuador | Mineralium deposita | 2004 | 681 | 318 | |||
Metal Sources in Mineral Deposits and Crustal Rocks of Ecuador (1° N–4° S): A Lead Isotope Synthesis | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2004 | 892 | 168 | |||
Re-Os and Pb-Pb geochronology of the Archean Salobo iron oxide copper-gold deposit, Carajás mineral province, northern Brazil | Mineralium deposita | 2003 | 558 | 709 | |||
Relative age of Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement deposits, and high sulfidation Au-(Ag) epithermal mineralization in the Colquijirca mining district, central Peru | Mineralium deposita | 2003 | 608 | 281 | |||
Separate lead isotope analyses of leachate and residue rock fractions: implications for metal source tracing in ore deposit studies | Mineralium deposita | 2003 | 539 | 378 | |||
Implications of Pb isotope signatures of rocks and iron oxide Cu-Au ores in the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre district, Chile | Mineralium deposita | 2003 | 675 | 1 | |||
Paleozoic orogenic gold deposits in the eastern Central Andes and its foreland, South America | Ore geology reviews | 2002 | 790 | 1 | |||
A mineralogical and geochemical study of element mobility in sulfide mine tailings of Fe oxide Cu–Au deposits from the Punta del Cobre belt, northern Chile | Chemical geology | 2002 | 706 | 1 | |||
The iron oxide-Cu-Au deposit of Raúl-Condestable, Mala, Lima, Peru | XI Congreso Peruano de Geología | 2002 | 480 | 109 | |||
Lead isotope systematics of Late Cretaceous - Tertiary Andean arc magmas and associated ores between 8°N and 40°S: evidence for latitudinal mantle heterogeneity beneath the Andes | Terra nova | 2002 | 564 | 297 | |||
Geology of the Raul-Condestable iron oxide-copper-gold deposit, central coast of Peru | GSA Annual Meeting | 2001 | 554 | 121 | |||
The Candelaria-Punta del Cobre Iron Oxide Cu-Au(-Zn-Ag)Deposits, Chile | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2001 | 1,325 | 1 | |||
Radiogenic Lead Signatures in Au-Rich Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Ores and Associated Volcanic Rocks of the Early Tertiary Macuchi Island Arc (Western Cordillera of Ecuador) | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2001 | 704 | 2 | |||
The Mississippi Valley-type Zn-Pb deposit of San Vicente, Central Peru: an Andean syntectonic deposit | Mineral deposits at the beginning of the 21st century | 2001 | 832 | 272 | |||
Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings as a function of climate, primary mineralogy, and mineral processing | Journal of geochemical exploration | 2001 | 544 | 1 | |||
The Punta del Cobre Formation, Punta del Cobre–Candelaria area, northern Chile | Journal of South American earth sciences | 2001 | 618 | 1 | |||
Gold-rich VHMS deposits of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador: mineralogy, lead isotope and metal geochemistry | VMS deposits of Latin America | 2000 | 623 | 249 | |||
The Salobo iron oxide copper-gold deposit, Carajás, northern Brazil | Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective | 2000 | 643 | 1 | |||
Mineralogy, geochemistry, and age constraints on the Pb-Zn skarn deposit of Maria Cristina, Quebrada Galena, Northern Chile | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 2000 | 643 | 2 | |||
The Perubar Ba-Pb-Zn VHMS deposit, Central Peru | VMS Deposits of Latin America | 2000 | 555 | 174 | |||
Exploración y geología del yacimiento San Vicente | Yacimientos minerales peruanos, Primer volumen de monografias | 2000 | 2,108 | 1,238 | |||
Stratabound and vein-type Pb-Zn mineralization at Las Canas, Chanarcillo Group, northern Chile; fluid inclusion microthermometry, and sulfur and lead isotope constraints | Exploration and mining geology | 1999 | 671 | 492 | |||
An evaluation of the inorganic and organic geochemistry of the San Vicente Mississippi valley-type zinc-lead district, central Peru; implications for ore fluid composition, mixing processes, and sulfate reduction | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 1999 | 546 | 1 | |||
Tracing back sulfur isotope reequilibration due to contact metamorphism: A case study from the Perubar VMS deposit, Central Peru | Mineral deposits: processes to processing, Proceedings of the 5th biennial SGA meeting | 1999 | 553 | 139 | |||
Zoned sulphur isotope signatures at the Mississippi Valley-type Touissit Bou Beker, El Abed District, Morocco, Algeria: evidence for thermochemical sulphate reduction and mixing of sulphur sources | Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing | 1999 | 182 | 0 | |||
The carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb San Gregorio deposit (Colquijirca District, Central Peru) as part of a high sulfidation epithermal system | Mineral deposits: processes to processing, Proceedings of the 5th biennial SGA meeting | 1999 | 719 | 394 | |||
7ème Séminaire romand de métallogénie: programme et résumés | 1998 | 110 | 85 | ||||
Mobilization and secondary enrichment processes in the sulfide porphyry copper tailings of Cauquenes (El Teniente) and Piuquenes (La Andina), Chile | VIII Congreso Geologico Chileno | 1997 | 129 | 60 | |||
Age of Cu(-Fe)-Au mineralization and thermal evolution of the Punta del Cobre district, Chile | Mineralium deposita | 1997 | 620 | 1,464 | |||
Copper (-iron) mineralization and superposition of alteration events at the Punta del Cobre Belt, northern Chile | Special publication | 1996 | 717 | 1 | |||
Carbon and oxygen isotope study of hydrothermal carbonates in the zinc-lead deposits of the San Vicente district, central Peru: a quantitative modeling on mixing processes and CO2 degassing | Chemical geology | 1996 | 1,274 | 2 | |||
The Punta del Cobre belt, northern Chile: intrusion-related mid-cretaceous Cu(-Fe) mineralization | Géodynamique andine = Andean geodynamics = Geodinámica andina : résumés étendus = extended abstracts = resúmenes ampliados | 1996 | 78 | 42 | |||
Ba and Pb-Zn occurrences in the Chañarcillo Group, Northern Chile: Sr and S isotope constraints | Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen | 1996 | 555 | 221 | |||
Un yacimiento de Au en carbonatos del Orógeno Hercínico: el área de Salamón (N León) | Geogaceta | 1996 | 452 | 88 | |||
Within-plate volcanism in Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Pucará Group carbonates (Central Peru) | Géodynamique andine = Andean geodynamics = Geodinámica andina : résumés étendus = extended abstracts = resúmenes ampliados | 1996 | 90 | 28 | |||
Sr, C and O isotope systematics in the Pucará Basin, central Peru: Comparison between Mississippi Valley-type deposits and barren areas | Mineralium deposita | 1996 | 604 | 271 | |||
Interconnected plumbing system at the Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lead district of San Vicente, central Peru: geochemical (elemental and isotopic) evidences | Mineral deposits: from their origin to their environmental impacts: proceedings of the 3rd Biennial SGA Meeting | 1995 | 126 | 57 | |||
Mineralizaciones auríferas en las cercanías de Minas de Corrales "Isla Cristalina de Rivera", N-Uruguay | V. Symposio nacional de estudos tectônicos | 1995 | 111 | 90 | |||
El yacimiento de Zn-As-(Au) Azulcocha asociado a la falla de desgarre Cochas-Gran Bretaña (Perú Central) | Volumen jubilar Alberto Benavides | 1995 | 202 | 171 | |||
Evolución sedimentológica del grupo Pucará (Triásico superior - Jurásico inferior) en un perfil SW-NE en el centro del Perú | Volumen jubilar Alberto Benavides | 1995 | 275 | 268 | |||
Apparent stable isotope heterogeneities in gangue carbonates of the Mississippi Valley-type Zn-Pb deposit of San Vicente, central Peru | Mineralium deposita | 1995 | 901 | 871 | |||
MVT Ore Deposition by Fluid-Mixing and CO2 Degassing: a Case Study at the San Vicente Zinc-Lead District, Central Peru | International Field Conference on Carbonate-Hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits: extended abstracts | 1995 | 105 | 117 | |||
Rare-earth element patterns in the host and gangue carbonates of the San Vicente zinc-lead deposit, Peru | Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen | 1995 | 508 | 169 | |||
Geology of the Cu(-Fe) deposits of the Punta del Cobre belt, northern Chile | Abstracts with programs: Geological Society of America, 1995 Annual Meeting | 1995 | 133 | 35 | |||
Sr and S isotopic composition of barites from Ba±Pb±Zn occurrences in the Chañarcillo Group, northern Chile | Mineral deposits: from their origin to their environmental impacts: proceedings of the 3rd biennial SGA meeting | 1995 | 90 | 88 | |||
Potassic and sodium alteration related to cu-mineralization in the Punta del Cobre formation, northern Chile | 7 Congreso geológico chileno: actas | 1994 | 78 | 29 | |||
Stable isotope (C, O) constraints on the genesis of the Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lead deposit of San Vicente, central Peru | 7° Congreso Geológico Chileno: actas | 1994 | 119 | 30 | |||
Apparent carbon and oxygen isotope variations of carbonate gangue minerals in the MVT Zn-Pb San Vincente deposit, Central Peru: the effect of organic matter and sulfides | Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen | 1994 | 108 | 55 | |||
Carbon and oxygen isotope records of fluid mixing and fluid-rock interaction in carbonates from the zinc-lead deposit of san vicente (central peru) | Abstracts / International Mineralogical Association 16th General Meeting | 1994 | 118 | 35 | |||
Sediment-hosted Zn-Pb ores | 1994 | 479 | 1 | ||||
Cu ores in the Punta del Cobre Formation, northern Chile: mid-Cretaceous structure-controlled mineralization ? | 14. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium: Zusammenfassungen der Tagungsbeiträge | 1994 | 87 | 29 | |||
Evolucion sedimentologica y analisis secuancial del Grupo Pucara en un perfil SW-NE en el Peru Central | VIII Congreso peruano de geologia: resumenes extendidos | 1994 | 165 | 119 | |||
Hostrock alteration in the rubiales Zn-Pb deposit, NW-Spain: a mass balance study | Journal of the Czech Geological Society | 1994 | 90 | 39 | |||
Mineralización de Zn-As-(Au) de baja temperatura en la falla de desgarre Cochas-Gran Bretaña: el yacimiento Azulcocha (Peru Central) | VIII Congreso Peruano de Geología: resúmenes extendidos | 1994 | 99 | 39 | |||
X-ray fluorescence analysis of base metal sulphide and iron-manganese oxide ore samples in fused glass disc | X-Ray Spectrometry | 1994 | 500 | 1 | |||
Stable isotope (C, O) constraints on the mechanisms of ore precipitation in the mississippi valley-type zn-pb district of san vicente, central peru: evidence for fluid mixing, multiple fluid-rock interaction and CO2-degassing | 174. Jahresversammlung SANW: Zusammenfassungen = 174e Assemblée annuelle ASSN: résumés | 1994 | 109 | 38 | |||
Azulcocha - ein an eine Blattverschiebung gebundener massiver Zn-As-(Au)-Erzkörper in Zentralperu | World of metallurgy, Erzmetall | 1994 | 440 | 2 | |||
Sediment-hosted zinc-lead ores : An introduction | Sediment-hosted Zn-Pb ores | 1994 | 542 | 631 | |||
Evaluation of fluid mixing and fluid-rock interaction processes during genesis of the San Vicente Zn-Pb MVP deposit, Peru, based on Sr, O and C isotopic covariations | Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen | 1994 | 106 | 30 | |||
Alteration trends in the Punta del Cobre mining district, North Chile: a preliminary study | Low temperature metamorphism: processes, products and economic significance: IGCP project 294 | 1994 | 197 | 22 | |||
Volcanic rocks of the lower cretaceous Punta del Cobre formation: petrology and implication for its paleotectonic setting | 7 Congreso geológico chileno: actas | 1994 | 93 | 61 | |||
Tectonic setting, mineralogical characteristics, geochemical signatures and age dating of a new type of epithermal carbonate-hosted, precious metal-five element deposits : the Villamanin area (Cantabrian zone, Northern Spain) | Current research in geology applied to ore deposits : (supplementary abstracts) : proceedings of the Second Biennial SGA Meeting | 1993 | 114 | 19 | |||
Strontium, Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Trends in the Pucará Basin, Peru: Brine Evolution and Formation of Mississippi Valley-Type Deposits | Geofluids' 93 | 1993 | 135 | 59 | |||
Self-organization fabrics in carbonate-hosted ore deposits: the example of diagenetic crystallization rhythmites (DCRs) | Current research in geology applied to ore deposits. Proceedings of the Second Biennial SGA Meeting | 1993 | 667 | 343 | |||
Sulfur isotope studies in the zinc-lead mine San Vicente, Central Peru | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 541 | 1,038 | |||
Geological setting, paragenesis, and physicochemistry of gold-quartz veins hosted by plutonic rocks in the Pataz Region | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 1990 | 562 | 1 | |||
Main characteristics of representative Andean stratabound ore deposits and general index of districts, mines, and occurrences (Printed lists of a data base) | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 506 | 1,054 | |||
Análisis sedimentológico y litogeoquímico de las formaciones Cercapuquio y Chaucha en un corte (12o04'19''S, 75o40'45''W) al Sur de la mina Azulcocha, Perú central | Boletín de la Sociedad geológica del Perú | 1990 | 592 | 209 | |||
The stratiform Ag-Cu deposit El Jardín, Northern Chile | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 775 | 456 | |||
Metal sources in stratabound ore deposits in the Andes (Andean Cycle) - Lead isotopic constraints | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 535 | 413 | |||
The Susana copper-silver deposit in Northern Chile : Hydrothermal mineralization associated with a Jurassic volcanic arc | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 617 | 328 | |||
Stratabound Ore Deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 522 | 1 | ||||
The stratabound tuff-hosted Elisa de Bordos silver-mercury deposit, northern Chile | Stratabound Ore Deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 561 | 1 | |||
The formation of auriferous quartz-sulfide veins in the Pataz-Region, Northern Peru: A synthesis of geological, mineralogical and geochemical data | Mineralium deposita | 1990 | 637 | 292 | |||
Stratabound ore deposits in the Pucará Group : An overview | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 432 | 1 | |||
Genesis of the Mississippi Valley-type Zn-Pb deposit of San Vicente, Central Peru: geological and isotopic (Sr, O, C, S, Pb) evidences | Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | 1990 | 721 | 698 | |||
La Negra-Coquimbana manganiferous district, southern Atacama Desert, Chile | Stratabound Ore Deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 498 | 305 | |||
Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes : A review and a classification according to their geotectonic setting | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 725 | 691 | |||
The Piren Alto Cu-(Zn) Massive Sulfide Occurrence in South-Central Chile - A Kieslager-Type Mineralization in a Paleozoic Ensialic Mature Marginal Basin Setting | Stratabound ore deposits in the Andes | 1990 | 487 | 1 |