Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
On birational transformations of pairs in the complex plane | Geometriae dedicata | 2009 | 618 | 261 | |||
Sur un théorème de Catselnuovo | Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society | 2008 | 550 | 127 | |||
Two Observations on Irreducible Representations of Groups | Journal of Lie theory | 2002 | 526 | 114 | |||
Transformations birationnelles quadratiques de l'espace projectif complexe à trois dimensions | Annales de l'Institut Fourier | 2001 | 600 | 295 | |||
The number of conics tangent to five given conics : the real case | Revista matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 1997 | 470 | 1 | |||
Stewart platforms without computer ? | Real analytic and algebraic geometry | 1995 | 616 | 0 |