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1 - 171 of 171
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Preserving Insulin Secretion in Diabetes by Inhibiting VDAC1 Overexpression and Surface Translocation in β CellsCell Metabolism
2019 491 258
Silencing of the FTO gene inhibits insulin secretion: an in vitro study using GRINCH cellsMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology
2018 309 1
Systems biology of the IMIDIA biobank from organ donors and pancreatectomised patients defines a novel transcriptomic signature of islets from individuals with type 2 diabetesDiabetologia
2018 390 119
Sulforaphane improves disrupted ER-mitochondria interactions and suppresses exaggerated hepatic glucose productionMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology
2018 438 0
Glutamine-Elicited Secretion of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Is Governed by an Activated Glutamate DehydrogenaseDiabetes
2018 381 0
Sox5 regulates beta-cell phenotype and is reduced in type 2 diabetesNature Communications
2017 396 204
Elevated miR-130a/miR130b/miR-152 expression reduces intracellular ATP levels in the pancreatic beta cellScientific Reports
2017 400 154
Sulforaphane reduces hepatic glucose production and improves glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetesScience Translational Medicine
2017 456 0
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) activates AMPK through the inhibition of glutamate dehydrogenase in muscle and pancreatic ß-cells: A potential beneficial effect in the pre-diabetic state?The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
2017 1,749 980
Oxidative stress and calcium dysregulation by palmitate in type 2 diabetesExperimental and Molecular Medicine
2017 431 403
Endogenous beta-cell CART regulates insulin secretion and transcription of beta-cell genesMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2017 573 519
Intracellular alkalinization by phosphate uptake via type III sodium-phosphate cotransporter participates in high phosphate-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress and defective insulin secretionThe FASEB journal
2016 487 495
Excess maternal transmission of variants in the THADA gene to offspring with type 2 diabetesDiabetologia
2016 471 209
Microbial signals to the brain control weightNature
2016 529 327
Mitochondrial oxidative stress mediates high-phosphate-induced secretory defects and apoptosis in insulin-secreting cellsAmerican journal of physiology: endocrinology and metabolism
2015 553 0
Beta cell glutamate receptor antagonists: novel oral antidiabetic drugs?Nature medicine
2015 579 0
Inhibition of the malate–aspartate shuttle in mouse pancreatic islets abolishes glucagon secretion without affecting insulin secretionBiochemical journal
2015 529 413
Essential Role of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uniporter in the Generation of Mitochondrial pH Gradient and Metabolism-Secretion Coupling in Insulin-releasing CellsThe Journal of biological chemistry
2015 611 225
Identification of novel genes for glucose metabolism based upon expression pattern in human islets and effect on insulin secretion and glycemiaHuman molecular genetics
2015 574 616
Global genomic and transcriptomic analysis of human pancreatic islets reveals novel genes influencing glucose metabolismProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2014 636 516
TCF7L2 is a master regulator of insulin production and processingHuman molecular genetics
2014 711 528
Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of human pancreatic islets from type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic donors identifies candidate genes that influence insulin secretionPLOS genetics
2014 677 297
Microarray analysis of isolated human islet transcriptome in type 2 diabetes and the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in pancreatic beta cell dysfunctionMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2013 622 0
DNA methylation of the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) in human pancreatic isletsBMC medical genetics
2013 617 495
Time-resolved metabolomics analysis of β-cells implicates the pentose phosphate pathway in the control of insulin releaseBiochemical journal
2013 600 0
Mitochondrial phosphate transport during nutrient stimulation of INS-1E insulinoma cellsMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2013 587 0
Mitochondrial signals drive insulin secretion in the pancreatic β-cellMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2012 547 0
Improved characterization of the insulin secretory granule proteomesJournal of proteomics
2012 546 0
A local glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) system in human pancreatic isletsDiabetologia
2012 604 466
Increased DNA methylation and decreased expression of PDX-1 in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetesMolecular endocrinology
2012 602 772
A Systems Genetics Approach Identifies Genes and Pathways for Type 2 Diabetes in Human IsletsCell metabolism
2012 586 495
Activation of the unfolded protein response pathway causes ceramide accumulation in yeast and INS-1E insulinoma cellsJournal of lipid research
2012 688 498
Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1α phosphorylation is induced by glucose but does not control metabolism-secretion coupling in INS-1E clonal β-cellsBiochimica et biophysica acta
2012 571 868
Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 reduces insulin secretion and is overexpressed in type 2 diabetesCell metabolism
2012 636 650
Human Krüppel-like factor 11 differentially regulates human insulin promoter activity in β-cells and non-β-cells via p300 and PDX1 through the regulatory sites A3 and CACCC boxMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2012 602 1,460
Defective Mitochondrial Function and Motility Due to Mitofusin 1 Overexpression in Insulin Secreting CellsKorean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
2012 622 346
Modulation of neuronal pentraxin 1 expression in rat pancreatic β-cells submitted to chronic glucotoxic stressMolecular & cellular proteomics
2012 605 0
Insulin promoter DNA methylation correlates negatively with insulin gene expression and positively with HbA(1c) levels in human pancreatic isletsDiabetologia
2011 601 262
In vivo conditional Pax4 overexpression in mature islet β-cells prevents stress-induced hyperglycemia in miceDiabetes
2011 667 1,576
Hepatic nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha) dysfunction down-regulates X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1) and sensitizes beta-cells to endoplasmic reticulum stressThe Journal of biological chemistry
2011 579 0
Reduction of plasma membrane glutamate transport potentiates insulin but not glucagon secretion in pancreatic islet cellsMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2011 664 0
Mitochondrial matrix calcium is an activating signal for hormone secretionCell metabolism
2011 516 0
The liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1) is expressed in human islets and protects {beta}-cells against stress-induced apoptosisHuman molecular genetics
2011 701 0
Taspoglutide, a novel human once-weekly GLP-1 analogue, protects pancreatic β-cells in vitro and preserves islet structure and function in the Zucker diabetic fatty rat in vivoDiabetes, obesity & metabolism
2011 620 0
Imeglimin - A New Oral Anti-Diabetic that Targets the Three Key Defects of type 2 DiabetesJournal of diabetes & metabolism
2011 919 1
Bone morphogenetic protein 3 controls insulin gene expression and is down-regulated in INS-1 cells inducibly expressing a hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A-maturity-onset diabetes of the young mutationThe Journal of biological chemistry
2011 612 318
Normal glucagon signaling and β-cell function after near-total α-cell ablation in adult miceDiabetes
2011 630 348
Type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene expression in normal or diabetic sorted human alpha and beta cells: correlations with age or BMI of islet donorsPloS one
2010 806 294
INS-1 cells undergoing caspase-dependent apoptosis enhance the regenerative capacity of neighboring cellsDiabetes
2010 581 316
Mitochondrial matrix pH controls oxidative phosphorylation and metabolism-secretion coupling in INS-1E clonal beta cellsThe FASEB journal
2010 684 567
Evidence against a direct role of klotho in insulin resistancePflügers Archiv
2010 678 364
Facilitation of fatty acid uptake by CD36 in insulin-producing cells reduces fatty-acid-induced insulin secretion and glucose regulation of fatty acid oxidationBiochimica et biophysica acta
2010 595 2
AMP-activated protein kinase mediates apoptosis in response to bioenergetic stress through activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homology domain-3-only protein BMFThe Journal of biological chemistry
2010 460 286
Early activation of the fatty acid metabolism pathway by chronic high glucose exposure in rat insulin secretory beta-cellsProteomics
2010 586 0
Amiloride derivatives induce apoptosis by depleting ER Ca(2+) stores in vascular endothelial cellsBritish journal of pharmacology
2009 596 0
Matrix alkalinization: a novel mitochondrial signal for sustained pancreatic beta-cell activationEMBO journal
2009 532 0
Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to impaired insulin secretion in INS-1 cells with dominant-negative mutations of HNF-1alpha and in HNF-1alpha-deficient isletsThe Journal of biological chemistry
2009 582 0
PDX1 deficiency causes mitochondrial dysfunction and defective insulin secretion through TFAM suppressionCell metabolism
2009 559 0
Requirement for aralar and its Ca2+-binding sites in Ca2+ signal transduction in mitochondria from INS-1 clonal beta-cellsThe Journal of biological chemistry
2009 471 547
Dynamin-related protein 1 mediates high glucose induced pancreatic beta cell apoptosisInternational journal of biochemistry & cell biology
2009 683 0
Linking fatty acid stress to beta-cell mitochondrial dynamicsDiabetes
2009 432 0
Impact of mitochondrial calcium on the coupling of metabolism to insulin secretion in the pancreatic beta-cellCell calcium
2008 529 0
TRIB3 [corrected] is implicated in glucotoxicity- and endoplasmic reticulum-stress-induced [corrected] beta-cell apoptosisJournal of Endocrinology
2008 554 0
Synaptotagmin VII splice variants alpha, beta, and delta are expressed in pancreatic beta-cells and regulate insulin exocytosisThe FASEB journal
2008 554 0
Reduced insulin secretion and content in VEGF-a deficient mouse pancreatic isletsExperimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes
2008 505 0
The MODY1 gene for hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha and a feedback loop control COUP-TFII expression in pancreatic beta cellsMolecular and cellular biology
2008 467 0
Selective actions of mitochondrial fission/fusion genes on metabolism-secretion coupling in insulin-releasing cellsThe Journal of biological chemistry
2008 620 0
Synaptotagmins bind calcium to release insulinAmerican journal of physiology: endocrinology and metabolism
2008 568 0
Dual effect of cell-cell contact disruption on cytosolic calcium and insulin secretionEndocrinology
2008 602 0
Characterization of pancreatic transcription factor Pdx-1 binding sites using promoter microarray and serial analysis of chromatin occupancyThe Journal of biological chemistry
2007 737 355
Proteomics analysis of insulin secretory granulesMolecular & cellular proteomics
2007 653 647
The Fas pathway is involved in pancreatic beta cell secretory functionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2007 621 0
Transcriptional profiling of type 1 diabetes genes on chromosome 21 in a rat beta-cell line and human pancreatic isletsGenes and immunity
2007 586 0
The transcription factor PAX4 acts as a survival gene in INS-1E insulinoma cellsOncogene
2007 593 0
Mitochondrial GTP regulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretionCell metabolism
2007 594 486
Alpha-cells of the endocrine pancreas: 35 years of research but the enigma remainsEndocrine reviews
2007 578 0
Increasing uncoupling protein-2 in pancreatic beta cells does not alter glucose-induced insulin secretion but decreases production of reactive oxygen speciesDiabetologia
2007 623 158
Characterization of two distinct liver progenitor cell subpopulations of hematopoietic and hepatic originsExperimental cell research
2006 622 485
Low concentration of interleukin-1beta induces FLICE-inhibitory protein-mediated beta-cell proliferation in human pancreatic isletsDiabetes
2006 716 888
MicroRNAs: 'ribo-regulators' of glucose homeostasisNature medicine
2006 509 966
Micro-ARN: ribo-régulateurs de l'homéostasie du glucoseMS. Médecine sciences
2006 566 247
Minireview: implication of mitochondria in insulin secretion and actionEndocrinology
2006 565 290
SV2A and SV2C are not vesicular Ca2+ transporters but control glucose-evoked granule recruitmentJournal of cell science
2005 524 375
Adenovirus-mediated silencing of synaptotagmin 9 inhibits Ca2+-dependent insulin secretion in isletsFEBS letters
2005 554 369
Suppression of Pdx-1 perturbs proinsulin processing, insulin secretion and GLP-1 signalling in INS-1 cellsDiabetologia
2005 608 156
Does chasing selected 'Fox' to the nucleus prevent diabetes?Trends in molecular medicine
2005 594 377
The HNF-1 target collectrin controls insulin exocytosis by SNARE complex formationCell metabolism
2005 532 606
The diabetes-linked transcription factor PAX4 promotes {beta}-cell proliferation and survival in rat and human isletsThe Journal of cell biology
2004 546 634
Glucose sensitivity and metabolism-secretion coupling studied during two-year continuous culture in INS-1E insulinoma cellsEndocrinology
2004 432 0
GABA in the endocrine pancreas: its putative role as an islet cell paracrine-signalling moleculeThe Journal of general physiology
2004 485 237
Beta-cell-targeted expression of a dominant-negative mutant of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha in mice: diabetes model with beta-cell dysfunction partially rescued by nonglucose secretagoguesDiabetes
2004 512 308
Gene expression profiles during beta cell maturation and after IL-1beta exposure reveal important roles of Pdx-1 and Nkx6.1 for IL-1beta sensitivityDiabetologia
2004 563 169
Islet β-cell secretion determines glucagon release from neighbouring α-cellsNature cell biology
2003 558 0
Impaired insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in beta cell-selective Ca(v)1.2 Ca2+ channel null miceEMBO journal
2003 538 255
Dominant-negative suppression of HNF-1 alpha results in mitochondrial dysfunction, INS-1 cell apoptosis, and increased sensitivity to ceramide-, but not to high glucose-induced cell deathThe Journal of biological chemistry
2002 542 322
Foxa2 (HNF3beta) controls multiple genes implicated in metabolism-secretion coupling of glucose-induced insulin releaseThe Journal of biological chemistry
2002 507 213
Mitochondrial metabolism sets the maximal limit of fuel-stimulated insulin secretion in a model pancreatic beta cell: a survey of four fuel secretagoguesThe Journal of biological chemistry
2002 578 335
Mitochondria respond to Ca2+ already in the submicromolar range: correlation with redox stateCell calcium
2002 565 549
Beta-cell mitochondria and insulin secretion: messenger role of nucleotides and metabolitesDiabetes
2002 480 227
Experimental models of transcription factor-associated maturity-onset diabetes of the youngDiabetes
2002 628 0
Pdx1 level defines pancreatic gene expression pattern and cell lineage differentiationThe Journal of biological chemistry
2001 616 1,609
Expression and localisation of synaptotagmin isoforms in endocrine beta-cells: their function in insulin exocytosisJournal of cell science
2001 519 156
Von Willebrand factor propeptide as a marker of disease activity in systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)Arthritis research & therapy
2001 444 139
Increased intracellular calcium is required for spreading of rat islet beta-cells on extracellular matrixDiabetes
2001 564 0
GAD65-mediated glutamate decarboxylation reduces glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cellsThe Journal of biological chemistry
2001 522 229
Beta-cell-targeted expression of a dominant-negative hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha induces a maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)3-like phenotype in transgenic miceEndocrinology
2001 552 0
Mitochondrial calcium oscillations in C2C12 myotubesThe Journal of biological chemistry
2001 537 0
Mitochondrial function in normal and diabetic beta-cellsNature
2001 545 744
A neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase expressed in pancreatic beta-cells controls insulin secretionDiabetes
2001 553 0
Vasopressin-induced von Willebrand factor secretion from endothelial cells involves V2 receptors and cAMPThe Journal of clinical investigation
2000 577 554
Modulation of glutamate generation in mitochondria affects hormone secretion in INS-1E beta cellsIUBMB life
2000 562 273
What couples glycolysis to mitochondrial signal generation in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion?IUBMB life
2000 539 0
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha regulates the expression of pancreatic beta -cell genes implicated in glucose metabolism and nutrient-induced insulin secretionThe Journal of biological chemistry
2000 608 242
Junctional communication of pancreatic beta cells contributes to the control of insulin secretion and glucose toleranceThe Journal of clinical investigation
2000 512 0
The Rab3-interacting molecule RIM is expressed in pancreatic beta-cells and is implicated in insulin exocytosisFEBS letters
2000 562 384
Beta-cell mitochondria in the regulation of insulin secretion: a new culprit in type II diabetesDiabetologia
2000 519 0
Mitochondrial signals in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in the beta cellJournal of physiology
2000 507 342
Hydrogen peroxide alters mitochondrial activation and insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cellsThe Journal of biological chemistry
1999 562 353
Overexpression of monocarboxylate transporter and lactate dehydrogenase alters insulin secretory responses to pyruvate and lactate in beta cellsThe Journal of clinical investigation
1999 589 245
Mitochondrial glutamate acts as a messenger in glucose-induced insulin exocytosisNature
1999 628 498
Reactive oxygen metabolites increase mitochondrial calcium in endothelial cells: implication of the Ca2+/Na+ exchangerJournal of cell science
1999 536 227
Expression of alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor in human islet microvascular endothelial cellsDiabetes
1999 759 0
Subcellular distribution and function of Rab3A, B, C, and D isoforms in insulin-secreting cellsMolecular endocrinology
1999 533 509
Role of mitochondria in metabolism-secretion coupling of insulin release in the pancreatic beta-cellBioFactors
1998 482 287
Ca2+-independent insulin exocytosis induced by alpha-latrotoxin requires latrophilin, a G protein-coupled receptorEMBO journal
1998 636 292
Role of mitochondrial calcium in metabolism-secretion coupling in nutrient-stimulated insulin releaseDiabetes & metabolism
1998 549 248
GH signalling in pancreatic beta-cellsEndocrine journal
1998 472 247
Dominant-negative suppression of HNF-1alpha function results in defective insulin gene transcription and impaired metabolism-secretion coupling in a pancreatic beta-cell lineEMBO journal
1998 555 312
Autocrine regulation of endothelial exocytosis: von Willebrand factor release is induced by prostacyclin in cultured endothelial cellsFEBS letters
1998 564 623
Desensitization of mitochondrial Ca2+ and insulin secretion responses in the beta cellThe Journal of biological chemistry
1998 602 225
Cysteine-string proteins regulate exocytosis of insulin independent from transmembrane ion fluxesFEBS letters
1998 556 0
Acute von Willebrand factor secretion from the endothelium in vivo: assessment through plasma propeptide (vWf:AgII) LevelsThrombosis and haemostasis
1997 675 614
Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion correlates with changes in mitochondrial and cytosolic Ca2+ in aequorin-expressing INS-1 cellsThe Journal of clinical investigation
1996 560 353
Oscillations of cytosolic free calcium in bombesin-stimulated HIT-T15 cellsCell calcium
1996 603 360
Mutational analysis of VAMP domains implicated in Ca2+-induced insulin exocytosisEMBO journal
1996 511 0
SNAP-25 is expressed in islets of Langerhans and is involved in insulin releaseThe Journal of cell biology
1995 537 0
Intracellular pattern of cytosolic Ca2+ changes during adhesion and multiple phagocytosis in human neutrophils. Dynamics of intracellular Ca2+ storesBlood
1995 538 0
Calcium signalling: comparison of the role of Ca2+ influx in excitable endocrine and non-excitable myeloid cellsAdvances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research
1993 516 0
Inositol tetrakisphosphate isomers and elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ in vasopressin-stimulated insulin-secreting RINm5F cellsThe Journal of biological chemistry
1992 546 0
Establishment of 2-mercaptoethanol-dependent differentiated insulin-secreting cell linesEndocrinology
1992 782 0
Establishment and culture of insulin-secreting beta cell linesMethods in enzymology
1990 410 0
Cytoplasmic calcium ions and other signalling events in insulin secretionBiochemical Society transactions
1990 451 1
Protein kinase C in insulin releasing cells. Putative role in stimulus secretion couplingFEBS letters
1990 511 142
Somatostatin inhibition of hormone release: effects on cytosolic Ca++ and interference with distal secretory eventsMetabolism, clinical and experimental
1990 512 0
Isolation of pancreatic islets and primary culture of the intact microorgans or of dispersed islet cellsMethods in enzymology
1990 535 0
Sur les chemins de la secrétion d'insuline: rôle du calcium et autres messagers intracellulairesJournées annuelles de diabétologie de l'Hôtel-Dieu
1989 396 0
Spontaneous and chemoattractant-induced oscillations of cytosolic free calcium in single adherent human neutrophilsThe Journal of biological chemistry
1988 558 0
Nonselective inhibition of neutrophil functions by sphinganineThe Journal of biological chemistry
1987 520 0
Signal transduction in insulin secretion: comparison between fuel stimuli and receptor agonistsAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
1986 470 0
Chemotactic peptide activation of human neutrophils and HL-60 cells. Pertussis toxin reveals correlation between inositol trisphosphate generation, calcium ion transients, and cellular activationThe Journal of clinical investigation
1985 587 0
Cytosolic free Ca2+ in insulin secreting cells and its regulation by isolated organellesExperientia
1984 523 0
Dispersed adult rat pancreatic islet cells in culture: A, B, and D cell functionMetabolism, clinical and experimental
1984 645 0
Is cytosolic ionized calcium regulating neutrophil activation?Science
1983 588 0
Regulation of immunoreactive-insulin release from a rat cell line (RINm5F)Biochemical journal
1983 598 0
Abnormal glucose metabolism accompanies failure of glucose to stimulate insulin release from a rat pancreatic cell line (RINm5F)Biochemical journal
1983 537 0
The possible importance of contact between pancreatic islet cells for the control of insulin releaseEndocrinology
1982 595 0
Functional differences between rat islets of ventral and dorsal pancreatic originThe Journal of clinical investigation
1982 585 0
Glucose and cyclic AMP as stimulators of somatostatin and insulin secretion from the isolated, perfused rat pancreas: a quantitative studyDiabetes
1981 606 0
Effect of insulin on glucose- and arginine-stimulated somatostatin secretion from the isolated perfused rat pancreasEndocrinology
1981 612 359
Regulation of insulin release by calciumPhysiological reviews
1981 510 0
Rapid changes in calcium content of rat pancreatic islets in response to glucoseDiabetes
1981 548 0
Long-term exposure of isolated pancreatic islets to mannoheptulose: evidence for insulin degradation in the beta cellBiochemical pharmacology
1980 533 0
In vitro and in vivo studies on glucagonoma tissueHormone and metabolic research
1980 610 0
Intracellular degradation of insulin stores by rat pancreatic islets in vitro. An alternative pathway for homeostasis of pancreatic insulin contentThe Journal of biological chemistry
1980 527 0
Perturbation of hormone storage and release induced by cyproheptadine in rat pancreatic islets in vitroEndocrinology
1979 558 0
Establishment of rat pancreatic endocrine cell lines by infection with simian virus 40Biochemical journal
1979 556 233
Biphasic insulin release in rat islets of Langerhans and the role of Intracellular Ca++ storesEndocrinology
1979 584 329
Inhibition of insulin release by somatostatin: no evidence for interaction with calciumMetabolism, clinical and experimental
1978 572 256
Somatostatin inhibition of pancreatic glucagon release from monolayer cultures and interactions with calciumEndocrinology
1977 608 278
Calcium-induced insulin release in monolayer culture of the endocrine pancreas. Studies with ionophore A23187The Journal of biological chemistry
1975 508 197
Glucagon release induced by pancreatic nerve stimulation in the dogThe Journal of clinical investigation
1973 639 544
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