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1 - 72 of 72
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Changes induced by early hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy including lower extremities in young children with unilateral cerebral palsy : a randomized clinical trialJAMA pediatrics
2024 13 1
Low-molecular weight sulfated marine polysaccharides: Promising molecules to prevent neurodegeneration in mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA?Carbohydrate polymers
2023 124 24
Utilité clinique des genome boards pour les maladies génétiques complexesRevue médicale suisse
2023 62 4
Guide illustré pour l’observation du comportement sensori-moteur du nouveau-né prématuréSoins. Pédiatrie, puériculture
2022 44 1
Early neurodevelopmental reflex impairments in a rodent model of cerebral palsyInternational journal of developmental neuroscience
2022 25 0
Altered trajectory of neurodevelopment associated with fetal growth restrictionExperimental neurology
2022 33 0
Neuroprotective Role of Lactoferrin during Early Brain Development and Injury through LifespanNutrients
2022 22 6
Long-term coordinated microstructural disruptions of the developing neocortex and subcortical white matter after early postnatal systemic inflammationBrain, Behavior and Immunity
2021 152 0
Dose-Dependent Neuroprotective Effects of Bovine Lactoferrin Following Neonatal Hypoxia–Ischemia in the Immature Rat BrainNutrients
2021 23 16
Experimental cerebral palsy causes microstructural brain damage in areas associated to motor deficits but no spatial memory impairments in the developing ratBrain Research
2021 141 0
Repetitive Erythropoietin Treatment Improves Long-Term Neurocognitive Outcome by Attenuating Hyperoxia-Induced Hypomyelination in the Developing BrainFrontiers in Neurology
2020 121 42
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlates of White Matter Gliosis and Injury in Preterm Fetal Sheep Exposed to Progressive Systemic InflammationInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
2020 136 59
Protocol of changes induced by early Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy Including Lower Extremities (e-HABIT-ILE) in pre-school children with bilateral cerebral palsy: a multisite randomized controlled trialBMC Neurology
2020 153 91
Functional, neuroplastic and biomechanical changes induced by early Hand-Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy Including Lower Extremities (e-HABIT-ILE) in pre-school children with unilateral cerebral palsy: study protocol of a randomized control trialBMC Neurology
2020 136 93
Genetic and microstructural differences in the cortical plate of gyri and sulci during gyrification in fetal sheepCerebral Cortex
2020 232 0
Structural brain maturation differs between preterm and term piglets, whereas brain activity does notActa Paediatrica
2019 196 0
Nutritional Intervention for Developmental Brain Damage: Effects of Lactoferrin Supplementation in Hypocaloric Induced Intrauterine Growth Restriction Rat PupsFrontiers in Endocrinology
2019 285 115
Mild Neonatal Brain Hypoxia-Ischemia in Very Immature Rats Causes Long-Term Behavioral and Cerebellar Abnormalities at AdulthoodFrontiers in Physiology
2019 320 126
Editorial: Preventing Developmental Brain Injury-From Animal Models to Clinical TrialsFrontiers in Neurology
2019 241 104
Pregnancy as a valuable period for preventing hypoxia-ischemia brain damageInternational Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
2018 293 0
Approche sensorimotrice pour des soins de soutien au développement en néonatologieApproche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant
2018 698 4
Brain Metabolism Alterations Induced by Pregnancy Swimming Decreases Neurological Impairments Following Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia in Very Immature RatsFrontiers in Neurology
2018 253 117
Lactoferrin and prematurity: a promising milk protein?Biochemistry and Cell Biology
2017 430 0
Bénéfices des soins de soutien au développementBulletin des médecins suisses
2017 333 439
Multimodal MRI Imaging of Apoptosis-Triggered Microstructural Alterations in the Postnatal Cerebral CortexCerebral Cortex
2017 444 0
Lactoferrin during lactation reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced brain injuryBioFactors
2016 344 0
Erythropoietin Restores Long-Term Neurocognitive Function Involving Mechanisms of Neuronal Plasticity in a Model of Hyperoxia-Induced Preterm Brain InjuryOxidative medicine and cellular longevity
2016 431 0
Transcriptomic regulations in oligodendroglial and microglial cells related to brain damage following fetal growth restrictionGlia
2016 411 0
Fingolimod protects against neonatal white matter damage and long-term cognitive deficits caused by hyperoxiaBrain, behavior, and immunity
2016 477 439
Early Brain Activity Relates to Subsequent Brain Growth in Premature InfantsCerebral cortex
2015 563 0
IJDN Special issue on developmental brain injuryInternational journal of developmental neuroscience
2015 489 0
Advanced magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging techniques applied to brain development and animal models of perinatal injuryInternational journal of developmental neuroscience
2015 497 3
Protective effects of maternal nutritional supplementation with lactoferrin on growth and brain metabolismPediatric research
2014 524 0
Multi-Modal Assessment of Long-Term Erythropoietin Treatment after Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in Rat BrainPloS one
2014 528 215
Lactoferrin during lactation protects the immature hypoxic-ischemic rat brainAnnals of clinical and translational neurology
2014 663 535
Definition and quantification of acute inflammatory white matter injury in the immature brain by MRI/MRS at high magnetic fieldPediatric research
2014 583 2
MRI of animal models of developmental disorders and translation to human imagingCurrent opinion in neurology
2014 483 0
Prevention of vitamin K deficiency bleeding with three oral mixed micellar phylloquinone doses: results of a 6-year (2005-2011) surveillance in SwitzerlandEuropean journal of pediatrics
2013 597 1
Investigation of field and diffusion time dependence of the diffusion-weighted signal at ultrahigh magnetic fieldsNMR in biomedicine
2013 729 0
Brain imaging and human nutrition: which measures to use in intervention studies?British journal of nutrition
2013 589 0
Brain imaging and human nutrition: which measures to use in intervention studies?Advances in nutrition
2013 513 0
In vivo assessment of myelination by phase imaging at high magnetic fieldNeuroImage
2012 566 0
Interaction of inflammation and hyperoxia in a rat model of neonatal white matter damagePloS one
2012 629 647
Mesenchymal stem cells restore cortical rewiring after neonatal ischemia in miceAnnals of neurology
2012 574 0
High-field diffusion tensor imaging characterization of cerebral white matter injury in lipopolysaccharide-exposed fetal sheepPediatric research
2012 579 0
Longitudinal MR assessment of hypoxic ischemic injury in the immature rat brainMagnetic resonance in medicine
2011 569 1
Incidence of severe hyperbilirubinaemia in Switzerland: a nationwide population-based prospective studyArchives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition
2011 570 0
Systemic inflammation disrupts the developmental program of white matterAnnals of neurology
2011 511 2
Suivi neurodéveloppemental de l'enfant né prématuré dans l'Arc lémaniqueRevue médicale suisse
2011 563 5
Developmental and metabolic brain alterations in rats exposed to bisphenol A during gestation and lactationInternational journal of developmental neuroscience
2011 591 2
Delayed cortical impairment following lipopolysaccharide exposure in preterm fetal sheepAnnals of neurology
2011 583 0
Diffusion tensor echo planar imaging using surface coil transceiver with a semiadiabatic RF pulse sequence at 14.1TMagnetic resonance in medicine
2011 613 0
Neuroimaging of cortical development and brain connectivity in human newborns and animal modelsJournal of anatomy
2010 430 0
Diffusion-weighted spectroscopy: a novel approach to determine macromolecule resonances in short-echo time 1H-MRSMagnetic resonance in medicine
2010 583 0
Functional deficit and recovery of developing sensorimotor networks following neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury in the ratCerebral cortex
2010 521 1
Erythropoietine et neuroprotectionArchives de pédiatrie
2010 610 1
Dépistage et prise en charge de la maladie de Chagas congénitale à GenèveRevue médicale suisse
2009 463 4
Intrauterine growth restriction affects the preterm infant's hippocampusPediatric research
2008 542 0
Prenatal nicotine exposure alters early pancreatic islet and adipose tissue development with consequences on the control of body weight and glucose metabolism later in lifeEndocrinology
2008 552 0
Neural tube defects in Switzerland from 2001 to 2007: are periconceptual folic acid recommendations being followed?Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2008 541 0
Mapping the early cortical folding process in the preterm newborn brainCerebral cortex
2008 561 0
Glial responses to neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury in the rat cerebral cortexInternational journal of developmental neuroscience
2008 621 0
Retard de croissance intra-utérin: impact sur le développement et la fonction cérébraleRevue médicale suisse
2008 456 2
Primary cortical folding in the human newborn: an early marker of later functional developmentBrain
2008 592 1
Effect of the reperfusion after cerebral ischemia in neonatal rats using MRI monitoringExperimental neurology
2007 448 0
Developmental changes and injury induced disruption of the radial organization of the cortex in the immature rat brain revealed by in vivo diffusion tensor MRICerebral cortex
2007 534 225
Growth factors and plasticitySeminars in fetal & neonatal medicine
2007 370 0
Expression of FGF-2 in neural progenitor cells enhances their potential for cellular brain repair in the rodent cortexBrain
2007 613 0
Impact of intrauterine growth restriction and glucocorticoids on brain development: insights using advanced magnetic resonance imagingMolecular and cellular endocrinology
2006 525 0
Lung disease and brain developmentBiology of the neonate
2006 480 0
Selective cortical alteration after hypoxic-ischemic injury in the very immature rat brainPediatric research
2003 524 0
Kinetics of proinsulin conversion in human isletsDiabetes
1993 488 0
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