Items per page
1 - 224 of 224
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Words are stones: how elite discourse deters the political participation of young peopleJournal of youth studies
2025 5 6
Taming Through Support? Youth Organisations and the Impact of Public Funding on Their Political ActivitiesPolitical studies
2024 77 40
Gendered opportunities across modes of political participation: a macro–micro analysis of the gender gapEuropean journal of politics and gender
2024 61 2
Social MovementsHandbook of Comparative Political Institutions
2024 27 0
Social MovementsThe Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
2023 98 2
Biographical Consequences of ActivismThe Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements
2023 106 5
Environmental movements worldwideThe Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements
2022 229 334
Intra-generational inequalities in young people's political participation in Europe: The impact of social class on youth political engagementPolitics
2022 319 226
Special issue introduction: Youth doing politics in times of increasing inequalitiesPolitics
2022 246 225
Youth Doing Politics in Times of Increasing InequalitiesPolitics
2022 215 26
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements
2022 284 179
Mouvements sociauxManuel de la politique suisse
2022 242 4
Broadening political participation: The impact of socializing practices on young people's action repertoiresPolitics
2022 436 248
Démocraties directesDémocraties directes
2022 284 3
Protest ParticipationThe Oxford Handbook of Political Participation
2022 194 5
The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation
2022 356 78
The Study of Political Participation Across Research TraditionsThe Oxford Handbook of Political Participation
2022 211 7
Party membership and social movement activism: A macro–micro analysisParty Politics
2021 812 15
Citizenship and migration: mapping the terrainHandbook of Citizenship and Migration
2021 188 140
Handbook of citizenship and migration
2021 257 143
Youth and Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities
2021 209 264
Protest ParticipationOxford Bibliographies in "Political Science"
2021 134 0
Young people and long-term unemployment: personal, social, and political effects
2021 386 4
Youth's Socializing Spheres in Switzerland: Educational, Recreational, and Community ActivitiesYouth and Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities
2021 177 2
Youth and Politics in Times of Increasing InequalitiesYouth and Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities
2021 184 1
Living with hard times: Europeans in the great recession
2021 237 2
Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed: from labor movements to anti-austerity protestsRoutledge handbook of contemporary european movements: protest in turbulent times
2020 306 187
Introduction: Claiming and framing youth in the public domain during times of increasing inequalitiesAmerican Behavioral Scientist
2020 439 124
Participation as a fundamental value of citizenship: political participation and its transformationEuropean values and the challenges of EU membership: Croatia in comparative perspective
2020 307 191
Talking about youth: The depoliticization of young people in the public domainAmerican Behavioral Scientist
2020 492 382
Social movementsThe palgrave encyclopedia of interest groups, lobbying and public affairs
2020 546 572
Trust, identity, skills, or recruitment? Assessing four explanations of the relationship between associational involvement and the political participation of migrantsInternational Migration Review
2020 453 495
The politics of economic crisis: from voter retreat to the rise of new populismsThe new handbook of political sociology
2020 335 7
Citizen politics in times of crisisActa Politica
2019 362 88
Claiming and Framing Youth in the Public Domain During Times of Increasing InequalitiesAmerican behavioral scientist
2019 168 24
European citizens in times of crisisEuropean Societies
2019 385 91
Introduction: European citizens in times of crisisEuropean Societies
2019 362 124
Economic outcomes of social movementsThe Wiley Blackwell companion to social movements
2019 634 997
Mechanisms of Responsiveness: What MPs Think of Interest Organizations and How They Deal with ThemPolitical Studies
2019 460 242
Street citizens: Protest politics and social movement activism in the age of globalization
2019 561 365
La Suisse dans la rue: Mouvements, mobilisations, manifestants
2019 616 0
Political values and extra-institutional political participation: The impact of economic redistributive and social libertarian preferences on protest behaviourInternational Political Science Review
2019 590 49
Blame and contention: how perceptions of the government's role in the economic crisis shape patterns of political actionActa Politica
2019 676 230
Do unto others? Individual-level mechanisms of political altruismAmerican Behavioral Scientist
2019 470 10
Citizen politics in times of crisisActa Politica
2019 362 154
Alternative action organizations: Social solidarity or political advocacy?American Behavioral Scientist
2018 776 227
Action organization analysis: Extending protest event analysis using hubs-retrieved websitesAmerican Behavioral Scientist
2018 549 434
Citizens and the crisis: Experiences, perceptions, and responses to the great recession in Europe
2018 548 204
How did european citizens respond to the great recession? A comparison of claims making in nine european countries, 2008–2014Europas Zivilgesellschaft in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise: Protest, Resilienz und Kämpfe um Deutungshoheit
2018 446 1
The silent crisis: Perceptions and experiences of the economic crisis in SwitzerlandCitizens and the crisis: Experiences, perceptions, and responses to the Great recession in Europe
2018 582 2
Citizens and the crisis: Perceptions, experiences, and responses to the great recession in nine democraciesCitizens and the crisis: Experiences, perceptions, and responses to the great recession in Europe
2018 529 3
Citizens and the crisis: The Great recession as constraint and opportunityCitizens and the crisis: Experiences, perceptions, and responses to the Great recession in Europe
2018 583 316
Jobless citizens: political engagement of the young unemployed
2017 568 236
The Consequences of Social Movements: Taking Stock and Looking ForwardThe Consequences of Social Movements
2016 1,014 1,817
How civil society actors responded to the economic crisis: the interaction of material deprivation and perceptions of political opportunity structuresPolitics & policy
2016 603 395
Biographical ImpactProtest Cultures: A Companion
2016 537 313
Experiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: youth on the edge
2016 543 260
Öffentliche Reaktionen auf die große Rezession im europäischen VergleichForschungsjournal soziale Bewegungen
2016 619 1,339
Citizens' responses to the european economic crisis in the public domainPolitics & policy
2016 596 215
Religious minorities and secularism: an alternative view of the impact of religion on the political values of Muslims in EuropeJournal of ethnic and migration studies
2016 917 789
Collective responses to the economic crisis in the public domain: myth or reality?Politics & policy
2016 572 285
The Consequences of Social Movements
2016 799 1,043
The biographical impact of participation in social movement activities: beyond highly committed New Left activismThe Consequences of Social Movements
2016 1,033 786
Do issues matter? anti-austerity protests' composition, values, and action repertoires comparedResearch in social movements, conflicts and change
2016 659 645
Protest participation and economic crisis: The conditioning role of political opportunitiesEuropean journal of political research
2016 640 298
Experiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: an introductionExperiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: youth on the edge
2016 536 391
Long-term unemployed youth in Switzerland: coping with exclusion from the labor market in a country with low unemploymentExperiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: youth on the edge
2016 528 373
Quiescent or Invisible? Precarious and Unemployed Movements in EuropeSocial Movement Studies in Europe: The State of the Art
2016 587 298
Experiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: a conclusionExperiencing long-term unemployment in Europe: youth on the edge
2016 547 244
Introduction to the special issue: citizens' responses to the european economic crisis in the public domainPolitics & policy
2016 557 344
Electoral participation of Muslims in Europe: assessing the impact of institutional and discursive opportunitiesJournal of ethnic and migration studies
2016 759 528
Welfare Institutions, Resources, and Political Learning: Interacting with the State as an Incentive for the Political Participation of Long-Term Unemployed YouthPartecipazione e conflitto
2015 650 322
Austerity and protest: popular contention in times of economic crisis
2015 530 189
Austerity and Protest: Lessons and Future ResearchAusterity and Protest: Popular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis
2015 444 5
Does the class cleavage still matter? The social composition of participants in demonstrations addressing redistributive and cultural issues in three countriesInternational sociology
2015 726 865
Austerity and Protest: Debates and ChallengesAusterity and Protest: Popular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis
2015 552 5
Les musulmans en Suisse : profils et intégration
2015 1,747 302
Environmental Movements in Advanced Industrial Democracies: Heterogeneity, Transformation, and InstitutionalizationAnnual review of environment and resources
2015 951 1,056
Are Anti-Austerity Movements “Old” or “New”?Austerity and Protest: Popular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis
2015 535 7
Migration and Social MovementsOxford Handbook of Social Movements
2015 809 722
Peace MovementsInternational Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition
2015 832 641
La politique contestataire du chômage en Suisse
2014 632 21
The Impact of Political Opportunity Structures on the Politicization of Civil Society Organizations in the Field of Unemployment and PrecarityCivil Society, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy
2014 590 4
Civil Society, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: A ConclusionCivil Society, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy
2014 728 267
Civil Society, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy
2014 510 52
Resources, opportunities, and Discourses: What Explains the Political Mobilization of Muslims in Europe?From Silence to Protest: International Perspectives on Weakly Resourced Groups
2014 574 213
Civil Society Organizations, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: An IntroductionCivil Society Organizations, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe Between Service and Policy
2014 699 9
Associational Involvement, Social Capital and the Political Participation of Ethno-Religious Minorities: The Case of Muslims in SwitzerlandJournal of ethnic and migration studies
2014 861 1,042
Who Are the Powerful Actors? An Analysis of Brokerage in the Networks of Organizations Dealing with Unemployment and PrecariousnessCivil Society, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy
2014 516 1
Mouvements sociauxManuel de la politique suisse
2014 472 703
The impact of religion on the political participation of Muslims: The case of SwitzerlandReligion and civil society in Europe
2013 451 6
Political opportunities, citizenship models and political claim-making over IslamEthnicities
2013 639 406
Emotions in movementMeeting democracy: Power and deliberation in global justice movements
2013 446 242
Quality of deliberation: A multilevel analysisMeeting democracy: Power and deliberation in global justice movements
2013 380 123
Introduction: The policies of unemployment protection in EuropeInternational journal of social welfare
2013 555 302
Guest Editorial: Public discourses about Muslims and Islam in EuropeEthnicities
2013 528 346
Biographical consequences of activismThe Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements
2013 714 553
Public Discourses about Muslims and Islam in Europe: A Comparative AnalysisEthnicities
2013 395 31
Patterns of change in youth unemployment regimes: France and Switzerland comparedInternational journal of social welfare
2013 543 643
Outcomes of Social Movements and Protest ActivitiesOxford Bibliographies in "Political Science"
2013 1,165 702
The Impact of Social Movements on Agenda-Setting: Bringing the Real World BackBetween-election democracy. The representative relationship after the election day
2013 729 15
New challenges for the welfare state: The emergence of youth unemployment regimes in Europe?International journal of social welfare
2013 913 737
Paths towards Consensus: Explaining Decision Making within the Swiss Global Justice MovementSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2013 600 236
Employment status and political participation: Does exclusion influence the protest behavior of the young unemployed?Economic and political change in Asia and Europe: Social Movement Analyses
2012 456 4
The Outcomes of Political Violence: Ethical, Theoretical and Methodological ChallengesViolent Protest, Contentious Politics, and the Neoliberal State
2012 558 142
Employment Status, Social Capital, and Political Participation: A Comparison of Unemployed and Employed Youth in GenevaSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2012 615 286
Political opportunities and the mobilization of the unemployed in SwitzerlandThe mobilization of the unemployed in Europe: From acquiescence to protest?
2012 488 301
The Study of the Consequences of Armed Groups: Lessons from the social movement literatureMobilization
2012 517 749
Homogenizing “Old” and “New” Social Movements: A Comparison of Participants in May Day and Climate Change DemonstrationsMobilization
2012 542 428
The impact of protest movements on the establishment: Dimensions, models, and approachesThe establishment responds: Power, politics, and protest since 1945
2012 605 773
Conclusion: Towards an Integrated Approach to the Political Inclusion of MigrantsSocial Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe
2011 497 314
Institutional Opportunities, Discursive Opportunities and the Political Participation of Migrants in European CitiesSocial Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe
2011 623 873
Political Opportunities, Social Capital and the Political Inclusion of Immigrants in European CitiesSocial Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe
2011 632 652
Youth unemployment, precariousness and exclusion in SwitzerlandSchweizerische Zeitschrift für soziale Arbeit
2011 450 50
Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe: Making Multicultural Democracy Work?
2011 511 127
Political opportunity: Still a useful concept?Contention and trust in cities and states
2011 659 10
The Impact of Religion on the Political Participation of MigrantsSocial Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe
2011 585 667
¿Importa el derecho al voto? Immigrantes italianos en tres ciudades suizasSufragio y participation política de los extranjeros extracomunitarios en Europa
2010 429 151
Does Associational Involvement Spur Political Integration? Political Interest and Participation of Three Immigrant Groups in ZurichSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2010 628 313
Quality of deliberation in the global justice movement groups: A multilevel analysis
2010 447 69
The contentious politics of unemployment in Europe: welfare states and political opportunities
2010 367 63
Welfare States, Political Opportunities, and Claim Making in the Field of Unemployment PoliticsThe Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe
2010 538 269
Globalization and the Contentious Politics of Unemployment: Towards Denationalization and Convergence?The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe
2010 514 213
Intolerance begets intolerance: explaining negative attitudes towards foreigners and muslims in Switzerland, 1996-2007Value change in Switzerland
2010 525 346
National Constraints and Scale Shift in Current Transnational ActivismThe Transnational Condition: Protest Dynamics in an Entangled Europe
2010 764 377
Les conséquences des mouvements sociauxPenser les mouvements sociaux : Conflits sociaux et contestations dans les societes contemporaines
2010 1,236 848
La partecipazione politica e la protesta degli immigrati: Una comparazione del ruolo delle opportunità politiche in nove città europeeRivista italiana di scienza politica
2010 553 196
Political Opportunities: From Tilly to TillySchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2009 615 2,527
The politics of unemployment in Europe: policy responses and collective action
2009 365 1
Protest and the forum: forms of participation in the global justice movementAnother Europe: conceptions and practices of democracy in the european social forums
2009 435 100
Polarisation et politisation en SuisseRapport social 2008 : la Suisse mesurée et comparée
2009 558 29
The Policy Impact of Social Movements: A Replication Through Qualitative Comparative AnalysisMobilization
2009 714 1,100
State and Civil Society Responses to Unemployment: Welfare, Conditionality and Collective ActionThe Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Policy Responses and Collective Action
2009 501 304
Welfare States, Labour Markets, and the Political Opportunities for Collective Action in the field of Unemployment: A Theoretical FrameworkThe Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Policy Responses and Collective Action
2009 622 365
Democracy from below: Activists and institutionsAnother Europe: conceptions and practices of democracy in the european social forums
2009 436 134
Réussite et échec des mouvements sociauxDictionnaire des mouvements sociaux
2009 567 491
Protest Politics in a Changing Political Context: Switzerland, 1975-2005Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2009 562 466
The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in EuropeJournal of international migration and integration
2009 595 501
Why are social movement organizations deliberative? Structural and cultural determinants of internal decision making in the global justice movementDemocracy in social movements
2009 465 228
L'impact des mouvements sociaux sur les politiques publiques: quelques réflexions théoriques et méthodologiquesCampagne-ville: Le pas de deux. Enjeux et opportunités des recompositions territoriales
2008 418 748
Welfare States, Political Opportunities, and the Mobilization of the Unemployed: A Cross-National AnalysisMobilization
2008 414 584
L'altermondialisme en Suisse
2008 458 5
IntroductionL'altermondialisme en Suisse
2008 369 111
Le mouvement altermondialiste en Suisse : L'héritage des nouveaux mouvements sociauxL'altermondialisme en Suisse
2008 591 161
The Denationalization of Immigration Politics: Is It Happening and Who Benefits?Of States, Rights, and Social Closure
2008 559 155
Citizenship, welfare, and the opportunities for political mobilization: Migrants and unemployed comparedCivil society and governance in Europe: From national to international linkages
2008 359 50
The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe: An IntroductionMobilization
2008 523 484
Political, Biographical, and Cultural Consequences of Social MovementsSociology compass
2008 676 1,243
The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in EuropeMobilization
2008 439 167
The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Some ConclusionsMobilization
2008 507 359
Useless Protest? A Time-Series Analysis of the Policy Outcomes of Ecology, Antinuclear, and Peace Movements in the United States, 1977-1995Mobilization
2007 1,169 1,415
'What Causes People to Vote for a Radical Right Party?' A Rejoinder to van der Brug and FennemaInternational journal of public opinion research
2007 604 396
The Global Justice Movement in SwitzerlandThe Global Justice Movement: Cross-national and Transnational Perspectives
2007 805 815
Contraintes nationales et changement d'échelle dans l'activisme transnationalLien social et politiques
2007 539 210
Do Social Movements Offer Viable Alternatives?Kasarinlan
2006 440 88
Gender Gap and Turnout in the 2003 Federal ElectionsSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2006 565 420
Dialogues on migration policy
2006 506 297
Introduction: Four Dialogues on Migration PolicyDialogues on Migration Policy
2006 538 92
Influencing Migration Policy from Outside: The Impact of Migrant, Extreme-Right, and Solidarity MovementsDialogues on Migration Policy
2006 581 135
The Global Justice Movement: How Far Does the Classic Social Movement Agenda Go in Explaining Transnational Contention?
2006 560 680
Mouvements sociauxManuel de la politique suisse
2006 398 91
Contested citizenship: Immigration and cultural diversity in Europe
2005 512 9
Specifying the concept of political opportunity structuresEconomic and political contention in comparative perspective
2005 381 486
L'immigration dans les débats publics des années quatre-vingt-dix – Les étrangers, l'extrême droite et la question de l'intégrationHistoire de la politique de migration, d'asile et d'intégration en Suisse depuis 1948
2005 469 235
Institutional and Discursive Opportunities for Extreme-Right Mobilization in Five CountriesMobilization
2005 634 765
Récits, imaginaires collectifs et formes d'action protestataire: une approche constructiviste de la contestation antiracisteRevue française de science politique
2005 522 124
Resilient or adaptable Islam? Multiculturalism, religion and migrants' claims-making for group demands in Britain, the Netherlands and FranceEthnicities
2005 515 821
Social protest and policy change: Ecology, antinuclear, and peace movements in comparative perspective
2004 677 609
Etats-providence, opportunités politiques et mobilisation des chômeurs: Une approche néo-institutionnalisteSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
2004 507 316
Personal and Biographical ConsequencesThe Blackwell Companion to Social Movements
2004 516 377
Unemployment and active labour market policies: Towards an evaluationSwiss Journal of Sociology
2004 296 36
Migrant mobilization between political institutions and citizenship regimes: A comparison of France and SwitzerlandEuropean journal of political research
2004 575 669
IntroductionSphères d'exclusion
2003 360 37
Modèles de citoyenneté et mobilisation des immigrés en Suisse et en France: Une approche des opportunités politiquesLes migrations et la Suisse: Résultats du Programme national "Migrations et relations interculturelles
2003 419 194
Sphères d'exclusion
2003 402 2
Droits, participation et exclusion : La gestion politique de la différence ethniqueSphères d'exclusion
2003 414 129
The contentious politics of unemployment in Europe: Political claim-making, policy deliberation and exclusion from the labor market – A research outline
2002 388 80
I movimenti socialiMutamenti in Europa: Lezioni di sociologia
2002 573 150
Entre post-nationalisme et néo-institutionnalisme: La structuration des débats publics en Suisse dans le domaine de l'immigration et des relations ethniquesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2002 676 237
Ancien et nouvel institutionnalisme dans l'étude de la politique contestatairePolitique et sociétés
2002 530 390
Le champ politique de l'immigration en Europe: Opportunités, mobilisations et héritage de l'Etat nationalL'action collective en Europe. Collective Action in Europe
2002 465 273
Konfliktlinien, Gelegenheitsstrukturen und Staatsbürgerschaft: Rechtsradikale Mobilisierungen in Frankreich und der SchweizGlobalisierung - Partizipation - Protest
2001 414 214
Concluding remarks: Conceptual distinctions for the study of political altruismPolitical altruism? Solidarity movements in international perspective
2001 341 131
Modern protest politicsEncyclopedia of european social history
2001 484 217
Political altruism? Solidarity Movements in International Perspective
2001 523 7
Different issues, same process: Solidarity and ecology movements in SwitzerlandPolitical altruism? Solidarity movements in international perspective
2001 410 99
Social Networks and Individual Perceptions: Explaining Differential Participation in Social MovementsSociological forum
2001 610 674
L'impact des mouvements écologistes, antinucléaires et pacifistes sur les politiques publiques: Le cas des États-Unis, de l'Italie et de la Suisse, 1975-1995Revue française de sociologie
2001 624 414
Life-Spheres, Networks, and Sustained Participation in Social Movements: A Phenomenological Approach to Political CommitmentSociological forum
2000 505 729
Cleavages, opportunities, and citizenship: Political claim-making by the extreme right in France and Switzerland
2000 459 66
Resistance to europeanization: National barriers to supranational changes in migration policyLa Lettre de la Maison Française d'Oxford
2000 394 88
Models of citizenship, political opportunities, and the claim-making of immigrants and ethnic minorities: A comparison of France and Switzerland
1999 460 108
Under The Spotlight: The Impact of Media Attention on Protest PolicingMobilization
1999 610 987
How social movements matter
1999 394 3
Les mouvements sociaux: structures, processus et conséquencesManuel de la politique suisse
1999 383 215
How social movements matter: past research, present problems, future developmentsHow social movements matter
1999 728 3,876
Gli effetti della democrazia diretta sul processo politico svizzeroAmministrare
1999 487 154
Mobilitazioni su ambiente, pace e nucleareQuaderni di Sociologia
1999 447 272
Structure et culture dans l'étude des mouvements sociaux : Difficultés et tentatives d'intégrationSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
1999 533 153
Social movements and change: Incorporation, transformation, and democratizationFrom contention to democracy
1998 470 374
Social networks and individual preferences: Explaining differential participation in social movements
1998 458 146
The Other Side of the Coin: Explaining Crossnational Similarities Between Social MovementsMobilization
1998 508 350
Contentious politics in complex societies: New social movements between conflict and cooperationFrom contention to democracy
1998 600 195
Social movements and policy change: Direct, mediated, or joint effect?
1998 1,203 552
From contention to democracy
1998 647 67
Political coalitions, face-to-face interactions, and the public sphere: An examination of the determinants of repression with protest event data
1998 451 117
Structure and Culture in Social Movement TheorySociological forum
1998 418 724
Was It Worth the Effort? The Outcomes and Consequences of Social MovementsAnnual review of sociology
1998 706 2,562
Social movements and institutional change: Intended consequence or by-product?
1998 393 53
Histoires de mobilisation politique en Suisse: De la contestation a l'integration
1997 786 47
Mouvements sociaux et Etat : Mobilisations sociales et transformations de la société en Europe
1997 541 381
The cooperation between social movements and the state: Dimensions, conditions, and implications
1997 433 52
Social Movements and Institutional SelectivitySociological perspectives
1996 483 643
L'étude de l'action collective entre deux traditions sociologiquesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
1996 623 746
Ökologische Bewegungen im internationalen Vergleich: Zwischen Konflikt und KooperationUmweltsoziologie
1996 669 308
New social movements in western Europe: A comparative analysis
1995 985 24
The outcomes of social movements: A review of the literature
1994 482 1,080
Etat et nouveaux mouvements sociaux, deux cas contrastés: La Suisse et la FranceSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
1993 572 222
Une aporie de la démocratie : le blocage des politiques publiques par les nouveaux mouvements sociauxAnnuaire de l'Association suisse de science politique
1993 524 104
The West European environmental movementThe Green movement worldwide
1992 509 316
The role of diffusion in social movements: Some conceptual clarifications
1992 351 111
New social movements and political opportunities in Western EuropeEuropean journal of political research
1992 1,091 2,289
Les impacts de la démocratie directe sur les nouveaux mouvements sociauxAnnuaire de l'Association suisse de science politique
1991 801 264
Nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans les années '80 : évolution et perspectivesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
1990 1,235 525
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