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1 - 97 of 97
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Father-infant synchrony and infant vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation: father-infant shared times in Switzerland as moderatorsEarly child development and care
2023 6 0
Parental sensitivity, family alliance and infants' vagal tone : Influences of early family interactions on physiological emotion regulationInfant mental health journal
2023 12 1
Interactive synchrony and infants' vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation : associations within each mother- and father-infant dyad and across dyadsFrontiers in psychology
2023 20 1
The influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on infants' physiological regulation during mother-father-infant interactions in SwitzerlandInfancy
2023 51 6
Assessing preoperative hope and expectations related to functional neurosurgery: a new questionnaireBMC psychology
2022 156 72
Associations between parent–infant interactions, cortisol and vagal regulation in infants, and socioemotional outcomes: A systematic reviewInfant behavior & development
2022 146 26
From breast cancer surgery to survivorship: Insecure attachment tendencies predict negative psychological outcomesHealth Psychology Open
2021 330 88
Shared parental care in the first 18 months as a context for sensitivity and coparentingJournal of Family Studies
2021 102 56
Quarreling after a sleepless night: preliminary evidence of the impact of sleep deprivation on interpersonal conflictAffective Science
2021 215 86
Expressed emotion in couples facing breast cancer in women is associated with psychological distress in the first year after surgeryJournal of Health Psychology
2020 533 120
Illness representations and coping strategies in patients treated with deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's diseaseJournal of Clinical Medicine
2020 364 137
Family relationships and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic reviewJournal of Alzheimer's disease
2020 284 567
We are in this together — Aren't we? Congruence of common dyadic coping and psychological distress of couples facing breast cancerPsycho-Oncology
2019 310 355
Linking parental mediation practices to adolescents' problematic online screen use: A systematic literature reviewJournal of Behavioral Addictions
2019 294 187
Mother‐stepfather coparenting in stepfamilies as predictor of child adjustmentFamily Process
2019 356 385
An Empirical Study on the Application of the Burden of Normality to Patients Undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's DiseaseJournal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health
2019 281 146
The Burden of Normality as a Model of Psychosocial Adjustment After Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic InvestigationNeuropsychology
2019 508 207
Fearful-avoidant attachment: a specific impact on sexuality?Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
2019 274 708
The Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease on Couple Satisfaction: An 18-Month Longitudinal StudyJournal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
2019 468 114
Construire la cohésion familiale : les relations coparentales dans les familles recomposéesCahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux
2018 225 0
Women's experiences of sexual functioning in the early weeks of breast cancer treatmentEuropean journal of cancer care
2018 547 198
The caregiver burden in male romantic partners of women with non-metastatic breast cancer: The protective role of couple satisfactionJournal of health psychology
2017 446 91
Attachment and couple satisfaction as predictors of expressed emotion in women facing breast cancer and their partners in the immediate post-surgery periodBritish journal of health psychology
2017 527 108
The protective effect of a satisfying romantic relationship on women's body image after breast cancer: a longitudinal studyPsycho-oncology
2017 501 198
A Longitudinal Study of Parental Depressive Symptoms and Coparenting in the First 18 MonthsFamily Process
2017 465 349
Long-term stability of the French WISC-IV: Standard and CHC index scoresRevue européenne de psychologie appliquée
2017 605 63
Validation of the french version of the experiences in close relationships–revised (ecr-r) adult romantic attachment questionnaireSwiss journal of psychology
2016 1 114 321
Distress and body image disturbances in women with breast cancer in the immediate postsurgical period: The influence of attachment insecurityJournal of health psychology
2016 476 145
Une approche neurobiologique, psychologique et sociologique du désir sexuel et de la satisfaction sexuelleRevue médicale suisse
2016 955 603
Coparenting in Stepfamilies: Maternal Promotion of Family Cohesiveness with Partner and with FatherJournal of child and family studies
2015 586 111
The relation of general socio-emotional processing to parenting specific behavior: a study of mothers with and without posttraumatic stress disorderFrontiers in psychology
2015 604 382
Testing for multigroup invariance of the WISC-IV structure across France and Switzerland: Standard and CHC modelsLearning and individual differences
2015 616 4
Stabilité à long terme des scores du WISC-IV : forces et faiblesses personnellesPratiques psychologiques
2015 762 11
Long-Term Stability of Process Scores in the French WISC-IVThe 19th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP)
2015 559 176
Psychological factors involved in sexual desire, sexual activity, and sexual satisfaction: a multi-factorial perspectiveArchives of sexual behavior
2015 27 346 358
On the Myth and the Reality of the Long-Term Stability of French WISC-IV ScoresThe 9th Conference of the International Test Commission (ITC)
2014 864 283
Coparentage et logiques configurationnelles dans les familles recomposées et de première unionPolitiques sociales et familiales
2014 745 799
Structural validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) in a French-speaking Swiss sampleLearning and individual differences
2014 761 14
Couples' Resolution of an Infertility Diagnosis Before Undergoing in Vitro FertilizationSwiss journal of psychology
2013 670 103
The transition of care from fertility specialists to obstetricians: maternal adjustment and postpartum depressive symptomsWomen's health
2013 495 43
Long term stability of the French WISC-IV index scores: Intellectual strengths and weaknessesThe 18th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology
2013 575 291
Collaboration entre cliniciens et chercheurs autour de la « consultation systémique » : double regard sur un cas cliniquePsychothérapies
2013 531 8
L'examen clinique du couple. Théories et instruments d'évaluation
2013 754 613
La transition à la parentalité et les réaménagements de la relation de coupleDialogue
2013 651 101
Assessment of Parental Discipline in Daily LifeJournal of family psychology
2013 552 151
Étude exploratoire de la stabilité à long terme des indices standard du WISC-IVPratiques psychologiques
2013 707 7
Limbic brain responses in mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid dissociation to video clips of their childrenStress
2013 1 317 234
Further Insights on the French WISC–IV Factor Structure Through Bayesian Structural Equation ModelingPsychological assessment
2013 736 128
Prenatal Representations of Family in Parents and Coparental Interactions as Predictors of Triadic Interactions During InfancyInfant mental health journal
2013 631 152
Coparentage, capital social et diversité des familles: une perspective configurationnelleTraité d'éducation familiale
2013 601 11
Etude de la validité structurale du WISC-IV sur un échantillon d'enfants Suisses RomandsVive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications
2013 564 11
Le coparentage : composants, implications et thérapieDevenir
2013 617 20
French version of the Family Attitude Scale: Psychometric properties and relation of attitudes to the respondent's psychiatric statusPsychiatry Research
2013 712 82
Individual stability of standard and CHC scores in the French WISC-IVThe 13th Congress of Swiss Psychological Society
2013 514 131
L'évaluation du contexte familial dans l'examen psychologique de l'enfantNeuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence
2013 756 256
Le coparentage, un concept clé pour évaluer le fonctionnement familialPsychothérapies
2012 582 7
La psychothérapie en Suisse romande. Un regard en arrière, une projection vers l'avantPsychoscope
2012 537 261
Capital social et coparentage dans les familles recomposées et de première union
2012 1 360 508
Scores composites CHC pour le WISC-IV : normes francophonesPratiques psychologiques
2012 791 244
L'ajustement du jeune enfant au stress de l'examen médical avec vaccination : une revue de la littératureJournal de pédiatrie et de puériculture
2012 600 106
Présentation et validation de l'Indicateur pédiatrique du style d'attachement (PASI)Devenir
2012 608 43
A further examination of the distinction between dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented parental psychological control: psychometric properties of the DAPCS with French-speaking late adolescentsJournal of child and family studies
2012 539 158
The Development of Family Alliance From Pregnancy to Toddlerhood and Child Outcomes at 5 YearsFamily process
2012 653 131
Family interactions in IVF families: change over the transition to parenthoodJournal of reproductive and infant psychology
2012 591 2
Etude de la stabilité à long terme des scores standard et CHC dans le WISC-IVXXème Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle
2012 482 237
Collaboration entre cliniciens et chercheurs autour de la « consultation systémique » : une situation de violence intrafamilialeDevenir
2012 590 6
Analysis of the French WISC-IV index score scatter and level of performance with gifted and non gifted childrenThe 8th Conference of the International Test Commission
2012 501 245
Long-term stability of the French WISC-IV: an exploratory studyThe 8th Conference of the International Test Commission
2012 555 162
Nine-month-olds' triangular interactive strategies with their parents' couple in low-coordination families: A descriptive studyInfant mental health journal
2012 577 3
Revisiting the factor structure of the French WISC-IV: Insights through Bayesian structural equation modeling (BSEM)12th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society
2011 530 190
The Family Alliance Assessment Scales: Steps Toward Validity and Reliability of an Observational Assessment Tool for Early Family InteractionsJournal of child and family studies
2011 619 393
Indice d'aptitude général et indice de compétence cognitive pour le WISC-IV : normes empiriques versus normes statistiquesRevue européenne de psychologie appliquée
2011 780 572
Dépression post-partum maternelle et développement de l'enfant : revue de littérature et arguments en faveur d'une approche familialeLa Psychiatrie de l'enfant
2011 810 192
Les méthodes réflexives en psychothérapie systémique : entre recherche et cliniqueThérapie familiale
2011 617 10
Overservational situations of interactions in families of four and more peopleThe Signal
2011 493 2
Elaboration and regulation of lived emotion in preschoolers' autobiographical narratives: The role of maternal conversational cooperationJournal of narrative and life history
2011 564 72
Mother–toddler attachment in a paediatric setting: Presentation and validation of the Paediatric Attachment Style IndicatorEuropean journal of developmental psychology
2011 546 98
Quelle place pour la psychologie positive dans le champ de la psychothérapie ? Perspectives théoriques et empiriquesPratiques psychologiques
2011 590 284
Le développement des interactions triadiques mère-père-enfantDevenir
2011 568 8
The Four- vs. Alternative Six-Factor Structure of the French WISC-IV. Comparison Using Confirmatory Factor AnalysesSwiss journal of psychology
2010 626 139
The Young Infant's Triangular Communication in the Family: Access to Threesome Intersubjectivity ? Conceptual Considerations and Case IllustrationsPsychoanalytic Dialogues
2010 661 1
Flow et psychologie positive. Un nouveau regard sur les expériences subjectivesPsychoscope
2010 477 2
Family Triangular Interactions in Infancy : A Context for the Development of Jealousy ?Handbook of Jealousy: Theories, Research, and Multidisciplinary Approaches
2010 505 0
Indice d'aptitude général pour le WISC-IV : normes francophonesPratiques psychologiques
2010 3 296 660
La narration d'un événement émotionnel dans la famille avec un enfant de cinq ans. Précurseurs interactifs durant la petite enfanceRevue internationale de l'éducation familiale
2010 411 3
Systems consultation: a clinical tool joining up research and clinical practiceThe Signal : Newsletter of the World Association for Infant Mental Health
2009 506 0
Présentation de l'adaptation française de « l'échelle de coparentage » de McHale pour familles avec jeunes enfantsNeuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence
2009 719 63
Couple conjugal et couple co-parental : quelle articulation lors de la transition à la parentalité ?Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux
2009 802 23
La consultation systémique : une interface entre recherche et cliniqueThérapie familiale
2009 528 6
Coparenting and toddler's interactive styles in family coalitionsFamily process
2009 571 7
Principles of Family Therapy in InfancyHandbook of infant mental health
2009 508 3
Young infants' triangular communication with their parents in the context of maternal postpartum psychosis: Four case studiesInfant mental health journal
2009 550 2
Parental Satisfaction with a Home-based Intervention for Developmentally Delayed Children in Switzerland: A Survey over a 10-year PeriodChild Care in Practice
2008 542 93
La communication non-verbale au sein de la triade père-mère-bébéCorporéité et famille : actes du Colloque international "Corps en famille", organisé à Besançon, les 22 et 23 juin 2006
2007 498 5
Parents-child role reversal in trilogue play: case studies of trajectories from pregnancy to toddlerhoodAttachment & human development
2007 592 5
Articulation entre alliance familiale, coparentage et conjugalitéCouple conjugal, couple parental : vers de nouveaux modèles
2007 530 153
Exploring triangulation in infancy: two contrasted casesFamily process
2006 559 0
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