Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Editorial: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, the Goddesses who did Not Want to Solve Conflict | International review of social psychology | 2018 | 22 | 7 | |||
Why students need to be prepared to cooperate: a cooperative nudge in statistics learning at university | Educational psychology | 2016 | 652 | 18 | |||
Minority influence | The Oxford Handbook of Social Influence | 2016 | 246 | 68 | |||
Collective punishment depends on collective responsibility and political organization of the target group | Journal of experimental social psychology | 2015 | 33 | 1 | |||
In the name of democracy: The value of democracy explains leniency towards wrongdoings as a function of group political organization | European journal of social psychology | 2015 | 32 | 0 | |||
Global value perceptions: The legitimising functions of western representations of democracy | European journal of social psychology | 2015 | 24 | 0 | |||
Cooperative learning and social skills development | Collaborative Learning: Developments in research and practice | 2015 | 923 | 0 | |||
Performance goals in conflictual social interactions: Towards the distinction between two modes of relational conflict regulation | British journal of social psychology | 2014 | 498 | 393 | |||
Democracy as Justification for Waging War: The Role of Public Support | Social psychological & personality science | 2012 | 568 | 0 | |||
Optimiser les interactions sociales lors d'un travail de groupe grâce à l'apprentissage coopératif | Apprendre et faire apprendre | 2012 | 841 | 66 | |||
Do all lives have the same value ? Support for international military interventions as a function of political system and public opinion of target states | Group processes & intergroup relations | 2012 | 518 | 0 | |||
L'évaluation, une menace ? | 2011 | 662 | 156 | ||||
Pressure to Cooperate: Is Positive Reward Interdependence Really Needed in Cooperative Learning ? | British journal of educational psychology | 2011 | 539 | 8 | |||
Régulation compétitive des conflits et dépendance informationnelle dans l'apprentissage entre étudiants | AREF 2010: actes du congrès de l'Actualité de la recherche en éducation et en formation | 2011 | 509 | 18 | |||
Why Grades Engender Performance Avoidance Goals: The Mediating Role of Autonomous Motivation | Journal of educational psychology | 2011 | 611 | 8 | |||
Competitive conflict regulation and informational dependence in peer learning | European journal of social psychology | 2010 | 518 | 8 | |||
Is a partner's competence threatening during dyadic cooperative work ? It depends on resource interdependence | European journal of psychology of education | 2009 | 518 | 275 | |||
“Too complex for me!” Why do performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals predict exam performance ? | European journal of psychology of education | 2009 | 619 | 1 | |||
Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale 2008/1-2 | Revue internationale de psychologie sociale | 2008 | 496 | 377 | |||
Des conflits pour apprendre | 2008 | 3 786 | 2 232 | ||||
Conflits et apprentissage: régulation des conflits sociocognitifs et apprentissage | Revue française de pédagogie | 2008 | 949 | 329 | |||
Perceived Legitimacy of Collective Punishment as a Function of Democratic versus Non-Democratic Group Structure | Group Processes and Intergroup Relations | 2007 | 557 | 0 | |||
Performance-Approach and Performance-Avoidance Goals: When Uncertainty Makes a Difference | Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin | 2007 | 628 | 5 | |||
Quelles interactions sociales au service de l'apprentissage en petits groupes | Apprentissage et enseignement. Sciences cognitives et éducation | 2006 | 1 633 | 84 | |||
Les méfaits de la compétition : de la comparaison sociale et de la focalisation dans l'apprentissage | Bilans et perspectives en psychologie sociale. Vol. 1 | 2006 | 2 102 | 41 | |||
Apprendre ensemble : buts de performance et buts de maîtrise au sein d'interactions sociales entre apprenants | (Se) Motiver à apprendre | 2006 | 599 | 21 | |||
Buts de performance et de maîtrise et interactions sociales entre étudiants : la situation particulière du désaccord avec autrui | Revue française de pédagogie | 2006 | 1 495 | 371 | |||
Democracy Justifies the Means: Political Group Structure Moderates the Perceived Legitimacy of Intergroup Aggression | Personality & social psychology bulletin | 2005 | 612 | 0 | |||
Reasoning together: From focussing to decentering | The shape of reason. Essays in honour of Paolo Legrenzi | 2005 | 518 | 0 | |||
Illustration d'un programme d'entraînement à la résolution de conflits | Le défi éducatif. Des situations pour réussir | 2004 | 534 | 11 | |||
Conflict Elaboration and Cognitive Outcomes | Theory into practice | 2004 | 648 | 990 | |||
Autorité et apprentissage : des objectifs mutuellement exclusifs ? | Le défi éducatif. Des situations pour réussir | 2004 | 571 | 4 | |||
Socio-cognitive conflict and the role of student interaction in learning | Nouvelle revue de psychologie sociale | 2004 | 715 | 10 | |||
Resource interdependence, student interactions and performance in cooperative learning | Educational Psychology | 2004 | 634 | 1 204 | |||
Comment l'enseignant peut-il organiser le travail de groupe ? | Comprendre les apprentissages. Sciences cognitives et éducation | 2004 | 3 478 | 138 | |||
Comparaisons sociales des compétences et dynamiques d'influence sociale dans les tâches d'aptitudes | L'Année psychologique | 2003 | 717 | 758 | |||
Influence sociale et discrimination : les limites de la norme de non-discrimination | Actes du colloque "Normes sociales et processus cognitifs" | 2003 | 701 | 249 | |||
Learning at the university | Swiss journal of psychology | 2002 | 518 | 268 | |||
Persuasive constraint and expert versus non-expert influence in intention to quit smoking | European journal of social psychology | 2002 | 642 | 640 | |||
Epistemic and relational conflicts in sharing identical vs. complementary information during cooperative learning | Swiss journal of psychology | 2002 | 559 | 1 | |||
Representation of Knowledge as a Mediator of Learning | Social Influence in Social Reality. Promoting Individual and Social Change | 2001 | 425 | 5 | |||
Conflicts and social influences in hypothesis testing | Group consensus and minority influence: implications for innovation | 2001 | 392 | 5 | |||
Conflit sociocognitif, marquage social et representation de la tâche | Interagir et connaître: enjeux et régulations sociales dans le développement cognitif | 2001 | 1 183 | 345 | |||
Complementarity of Information and Quality of Relationship in Cooperative Learning | Social psychology of education | 2001 | 436 | 0 | |||
Social Influence and Threat in Social Comparison between Self and Source's Competence : Relational Factors Affecting the Transmission of Knowledge | Social Influence in Social Reality. Promoting Individual and Social Change | 2001 | 544 | 1 276 | |||
Influence sociale et changement: la voie du conflit | La Psychologie Sociale (Tome 5): Des compétences pour l'application | 2001 | 556 | 135 | |||
Epistemic and identity concerns in the social construction of knowledge | Psychologie und Lebensqualität. Psychologie et qualité de vie | 2001 | 429 | 322 | |||
Social influence in social reality: Promoting individual and social change | 2001 | 630 | 107 | ||||
Incertitudes et enjeux identitaires dans l'influence sociale | Perspectives cognitives et conduites sociales (7) | 2000 | 580 | 1 371 | |||
Social influence and perceived social control in identity threatening contexts | Control of human behaviour, mental processes and consciousness | 2000 | 605 | 113 | |||
Socio-epistemic conflict and constructivism | Swiss journal of psychology | 1994 | 505 | 2 | |||
Influence sociale et raisonnement | Bulletin de psychologie | 1992 | 410 | 823 |