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1 - 124 of 124
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
IntroductionThe Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
2024 87 1
Direct democratic votesThe Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
2024 89 2
The decision-making processThe Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
2024 107 5
Information Cues in ReferendaElgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication
2024 19 17
Politique suisse : institutions, acteurs, processus
2023 289 115
Die Wähler:Innen der Grünen – ihre Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Vergleich mit der SP und der GLPDie Grünen in der Schweiz. Entwicklung – Wirken - Perspektiven
2023 120 6
L'électorat vert – et ses similitudes et différences par rapport à l'électorat socialiste et vert-libéralLes Vert-e-s en Suisse Évolution – action – perspectives
2023 124 27
Die Wähler:innen der Grünen – ihre Gemein-samkeiten und Unterschiede im Vergleich mit derDie Grünen in der Schweiz Entwicklung – Wirken – Perspektiven
2023 48 2
When do decision makers listen (less) to experts? The Swiss government's implementation of scientific advice during the COVID ‐19 crisisPolicy studies journal
2023 348 228
Competence Issue Ownership, Issue Positions and the Vote for the Greens and the Social DemocratsSwiss Political Science Review
2022 176 186
Votations populairesHandbuch der Schweizer Politik - Manuel de la politique suisse
2022 277 116
Le processus législatifHandbuch der Schweizer Politik - Manuel de la politique suisse
2022 225 231
Démocratie directe, compétence et 'vertus éducatives'Démocraties directes
2022 126 24
The players in Swiss foreign policy: Who makes it and who would like toA Swiss foreign policy for the 21st century
2022 191 41
Wo die typischen Schweizer Stimmbürger:innen wohnen: Eine «Bellwether»-Analyse der Schweizer KantoneDirekte Demokratie in der Schweiz. Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Abstimmungsforschung
2022 201 103
A reassessment of the association between political interest and electoral participation: adding vote overreporting to the equationActa politica
2022 279 83
Voter turnout in direct democracy: A joint analysis of individual, referendum and community factorsEuropean journal of political research
2021 176 163
Die Akteure der Schweizer Aussenpolitik: Wer sie macht und wer sie gerne machen würdeEine Aussenpolitik für die Schweiz im 21. Jahrhundert
2021 269 183
Explaining support for European integraiton in direct democratic votesSwitzerland-EU: lessons for the UK after Brexit?
2021 195 8
Does E-Voting matter for turnout, and to whom?Electoral studies
2021 68 0
Can't buy me votes?: campaign spending and the outcome of direct democratic votesWest European Politics
2021 481 212
Les acteurs de la politique extérieure: ceux qui la font et ceux qui voudraient la faireLa politique extérieure suisse au défi du XXIe siècle
2021 459 126
1 Doctors and postdocs in political science in Switzerland
2020 122 33
L'évolution du comportement électoral dans le canton de Genève (1995-2019). Etude basée sur les enquêtes d'opinion Selects (Swiss election studies). Université de Genève: Département de science politique et relations internationales
2020 219 196
The influence of co-sponsorship on MPs' agenda-setting successWest European Politics
2020 437 405
La participation des étrangers et étrangères aux élections communales dans le canton de Genève. Etude réalisée pour le compte du Bureau de l'intégration des étrangers (BIE) du canton de Genève
2020 122 46
Political agenda-setting and -building in small consensus democracies: Relationships between media and parliament in the Netherlands and SwitzerlandAgenda Setting Journal
2020 432 83
Does E-Voting Matter for Turnout, and to Whom?Electoral Studies
2020 360 259
Legislating or rubber-stamping? : assessing parliament's influence on law-making with text reuseEuropean Journal of Political Research
2020 329 65
The more the better? Cumulative issue ownership and intra-campaign party switchingElectoral Studies
2020 496 315
The dilemma between bilateral agreements and immigration control: how would swiss voters decide?The european social model under pressure : liber amicorum in honour of Klaus Armingeon
2020 341 182
Les démissions dans les Conseils municipaux et les exécutifs communaux. Etude réalisée pour le compte du Département de la cohésion sociale du Canton de Genève
2020 127 45
Il comportamento di voto negli scrutini popolari sull'integrazione europeaSvizzera-UE: un rapporto irrisolto
2019 362 136
Policy-Agenda_Setting: Regierung als Hauptinitiator von Entscheidungsprozessen?Blackbox Exekutive
2019 629 182
How MPs' ties to interest groups matter for legislative co-sponsorshipSocial Networks
2019 617 331
Who gets lost, and what difference does it make? Mixed modes, nonresponse follow-up surveys and the estimation of turnoutJournal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
2019 489 95
L'Assemblée fédérale : un parlement de milice en voie de professionnalisationLe système de milice et la professionnalisation politique en Suisse
2019 583 259
The Europeanization of parliamentary attention in and out of the European Union: France, Spain, the Netherlands and Switzerland comparedComparative Policy Agendas. Theory, Tools, Data
2019 363 223
Die Position der Regierung in EntscheidungsstrukturenBlackbox Executive
2019 346 53
Political trust in Switzerland: again a special case?Identities, trust, and cohesion in federal systems: public perspectives
2019 135 86
Mobilizing different types of voters: The influence of campaign intensity on turnout in direct democratic votesElectoral Studies
2019 560 116
The swiss policy agenda projectComparative policy agendas. Theory, tools, data
2019 380 100
Voting behavior in direct democratic votesThe Routledge handbook to referendums and direct democracy
2018 493 21
The political agenda-setting power of the media: the Europeanization nexusJournal of European Public Policy
2018 554 16
Composition et élection et Présidence du Conseil fédéralRévision imaginaire de la Constitution fédérale. Mélanges en hommage au prof. Luzius Mader
2018 466 104
Comment l'agenda médiatique influence celui des parlementairesLa Vie économique
2018 162 39
Short‐term dynamics in issue ownership and electoral choice formationSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2018 450 146
Rejet de la prévoyance vieillesse 2020: que disent (et ne disent pas) les enquêtes post-votations?Swiss Political Science Review
2018 177 101
L'Assemblea federale: un parlamento di milizia in fase di professionalizzazioneMilizia et professionismo nella politica svizzera
2018 406 164
Political trust in Switzerland: Again a special case?Identities, trust and cohesion in federal systems: Public perspectives
2018 396 102
Le comportement de vote en démocratie directeAnalyses électorales
2017 56 4
Who Europeanises parliamentary attention, on which issues and how? A policy agenda perspectiveThe Journal of Legislative Studies
2017 498 472
Le comportement de vote en démocratie directeAnalyses électorales
2017 513 27
Direct democracy in Switzerland: the growing tension between domestic and foreign politicsLet the people rule?: direct democracy in the twenty-first century
2017 554 20
Etude sur le revenu et les charges des parlementaires fédéraux
2017 965 224
Les Suisses expriment leurs craintes de la mondialisation dans les urnesLa Vie économique
2017 151 31
Immigration et intégration européenne: 'Les Suisses et la politique', 40 ans plus tardLiber Amirocum: En l'honneur du professeur Dusan Sidjanski
2017 370 22
Drivers of Collaboration in Political Decision Making: A Cross-Sector PerspectiveThe Journal of politics
2016 594 8
Issue Competence and its Influence on Voting Behavior in the Swiss 2015 ElectionsSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2016 743 21
Participation politique et abstentionnisme des jeunes dans le canton de Genève. Etude réalisée à l'occasion des élections fédérales de 2015
2016 205 145
The short-time dynamics of issue ownership and its impact on the voteJournal of elections, public opinion and parties
2016 557 16
The Underexplored Species: Selective Participation in Direct Democratic VotesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2016 783 18
Turnout bias in postelection surveys: political involvement, survey participation, and vote overreportingJournal of survey statistics and methodology
2016 608 6
Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? A comparative study in seven countriesEuropean journal of political research
2016 586 8
Why “Going Negative?” Strategic and Situational Determinants of Personal Attacks in Swiss Direct Democratic VotesJournal of political marketing
2016 650 9
Lost on the Way: Nonresponse and its Influence on Turnout Bias in Postelection SurveysInternational journal of public opinion research
2016 425 1
Europeanization, institutional changes and differential empowermentPolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 463 7
More power balance, less consensus: changes in decision-making structures over timePolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 416 14
Till Immigration do us Part? Public Opinion and the Dilemma between Immigration Control and Bilateral AgreementsSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2015 629 21
'Going public': The mediatization of decision-making processesPolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 463 5
From corporatism to bureaucratic and partisan politics: changes in decision-making processes over timePolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 456 9
IntroductionPolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 363 2
Unpacking reputational power: Intended and unintended determinants of the assessment of actors' powerSocial networks
2015 538 3
Les groupes d'intérêt ont perdu de leur influence sur la politique suisseLa Vie économique
2015 174 57
Who is influential and why? The determinants of reputational powerPolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 433 4
ConclusionPolitical Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
2015 374 6
Dealing with bad guys: actor- and process-level determinants of the “devil shift” in policy makingJournal of public policy
2015 970 625
Votations populaires. Processus LégislatifHandbuch der Schweizer Politik - Manuel de la politique suisse
2014 609 25
The Europeanization of Swiss Decision-Making ProcessesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2014 540 5
Party Unity in the Swiss Parliament The Electoral ConnectionJournal of legislative studies
2014 808 440
Eppure si muove: the changing nature of the Swiss consensus democracyJournal of European Public Policy
2014 851 29
Twenty Years After the EEA Vote: The Europeanization of Swiss Policy-MakingSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2014 762 15
Voters are not fools, or are they? Party prole, individual sophistication and party choiceEuropean Political Science Review
2014 971 16
Processus législatifManuel de la politique suisse
2014 723 37
‘Let's Talk Cash': Cantons' Interests and the Reform of Swiss FederalismRegional & federal studies
2014 587 10
Europeanization in Parliament and in the PressSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2014 588 5
Electoral Competition and the New Class CleavageSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2014 575 9
Agenda-setting and direct democracy: The rise of the Swiss People's partyAgenda Setting, Policies, and Political Systems. A Comparative Approach.
2014 835 67
Europeanization and the inclusive strategies of executive actorsJournal of European Public Policy
2013 629 8
The Relationship between Media and Political Agendas: Variations across Decision-Making PhasesWest European politics
2013 752 16
Le partis socialiste et les Verts. Concurrence et défisVoisinages et conflits. Les partis politiques suisses en mouvement.
2013 460 15
Die Sozialdemokratische Partei und die Grünen. Konkurrenz und HerausforderungDie Parteien in Bewegung. Nachbarschaft und Konflikt.
2013 526 3
Putting voter turnout in a longitudinal and contextual perspective: An analysis of actual participation dataInternational political science review
2012 688 0
Media, Politics, and Policymaking: Lessons from SwitzerlandPerspectives on Europe
2012 1 163 24
Impacts of Market Liberalization on Regulatory Network: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Swiss Telecommunications SectorPolicy studies journal
2012 610 3
Campaign Effects in Direct-Democratic Votes in SwitzerlandJournal of elections, public opinion and parties
2011 1 247 603
Les effets de la consultation sur les processus de décision au niveau fédéralGesetzgebung heute
2011 945 216
La concurrence au sein de la gaucheLe destin électoral de la gauche. Le vote socialiste et vert en Suisse.
2010 465 13
Le potentiel électoral des partis de gaucheLe destin électoral de la gauche. Le vote socialiste et vert en Suisse.
2010 529 33
ConclusionLe destin électoral de la gauche. Le vote socialiste et vert en Suisse.
2010 514 10
The Silent Reform of Swiss Federalism: The New Constitutional Articles on EducationSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2010 1 419 1 304
So Close But So Far: Voting Propensity and Party Choice for Left-Wing PartiesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2010 522 7
IntroductionLe destin électoral de la gauche. Le vote socialiste et vert en Suisse.
2010 562 7
Le potentiel électoral de la gauche dans les cantonsLe destin électoral de la gauche. Le vote socialiste et vert en Suisse.
2010 478 8
A Two-Level Analysis of the Determinants of Direct Democratic Choices in European, Immigration and Foreign Policy in SwitzerlandEuropean Union politics
2009 663 15
Polarisation et politisation en SuisseRapport social 2008 : la Suisse mesurée et comparée
2009 542 28
Le vote pour le Parti socialiste et pour les Verts. Potentiel électoral, concurrence et vote de classeLes partis politiques suisses: traditions et renouvellements
2009 578 15
Parties and their success in parliamentDemokratie als Leidenschaft. Festschrift für Wolf Linder
2009 595 8
Power and Conflict in the Swiss Political Elite: An Aggregation of Existing Network AnalysesSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2009 873 1 535
The Determinants of Voting Choice on Environmental Issues: A Two-Level AnalysisThe Dynamics of Referendum Campaigns.
2007 497 5
When Do Issue Opinions Matter, and to Whom? The Determinants of Long-Term Stability and Change in Party Choice in the 2003 Swiss ElectionsSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2006 635 8
Neue Indikatoren zur Bestimmung der arithmetischen RegierungskonkordanzSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2006 586 0
Konkordate und Regierungskonferenzen. Standbeine des horizontalen FöderalismusGesetzgebung heute
2006 575 96
The Impact of Issue Preferences on Voting Choices in the Swiss Federal Elections, 1999British journal of political science
2004 566 4
How Europe hits home: evidence from the Swiss caseJournal of European Public Policy
2004 688 12
Institutional Openness and the use of Referendums and Popular Initiatives: Evidence from Swiss CantonsSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2003 599 2
Opinion Stability and Change During an Electoral Campaign: Results from the 1999 Swiss Election Panel StudyInternational Journal of Public Opinion Research
2003 718 2
L'impact de l'internationalisation sur les processus de décision en Suisse: Une analyse quantitative des actes législatifs 1995-1999Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2002 1 427 50
Interests and information in referendum voting: An analysis of Swiss votersEuropean Journal of Political Research
2002 656 8
Europeanisation of a Non-EU Country: The Case of Swiss Immigration PolicyWest European politics
2002 668 10
Entre cohérence et efficacité: la Suisse dans les négociations bilatérales avec l'Union EuropéenneSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2001 561 27
The Political Economy of Budget Deficits in the European Union: The Role of International Constraints and Domestic StructureEuropean Union politics
2001 492 2
Genre, âge et participation politique: les élections fédérales de 1995 dans le canton de GenèveSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
2001 750 24
Referendums on European Integration: Do Institutions Matter in the Voter's Decision?Comparative political studies
2000 550 6
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