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1 - 111 of 111
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Recent depositional history of noble and critical elements in sediments from a wastewater-impacted bay (Vidy Bay, Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Applied geochemistry
2025 23 8
Prolonged drought periods over the last four decades increase flood intensity in southern AfricaScience of the total environment
2024 54 25
Deciphering the intricate link between watershed-level land use changes and reservoir eutrophication in central Argentina over the 20th-21st centuryAnthropocene
2024 37 0
Pourquoi revenir chaque année à Piora depuis trente ans ? Un bref bilan d’une success storyDocumenta Centro di biologia alpina Piora
2024 25 4
Potential impact of tide-regulation barriers on the formation of methylmercury in the Venice Lagoon (Italy)Journal of hazardous materials
2024 16 15
Évaluation de la qualité des sédiments - projet pilote d'application d'une batterie de bioessais à l'échelle nationaleAqua & Gas
2023 62 1
Bioaccumulation and molecular effects of carbamazepine and methylmercury co-exposure in males of Dreissena polymorphaScience of the total environment
2023 36 0
Hommage au Professeur Jean-Pierre Vernet (1930-2023)Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles
2023 54 5
Arsenic in Lake Geneva (Switzerland, France): long term monitoring, and redox and methylation speciation in an As unpolluted, oligo-mesotrophic lakeEnvironmental science. Processes & impacts
2023 46 25
Lake snow as a mercury methylation micro-environment in the oxic water column of a deep peri-alpine lakeChemosphere
2022 190 124
Microstratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental implications of a Late Quaternary high-altitude lacustrine record in the subtropical AndesSedimentology
2022 212 100
Metabolic, cellular and defense responses to single and co-exposure to carbamazepine and methylmercury in Dreissena polymorphaEnvironmental pollution
2022 227 0
Anaerobic mercury methylators inhabit sinking particles of oxic water columnsWater research
2022 215 114
High Environmental Radioactivity in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Eastern Democratic Republic of the CongoMinerals
2022 110 146
Diversity, Functions and Antibiotic Resistance of Sediment Microbial Communities From Lake Geneva Are Driven by the Spatial Distribution of Anthropogenic ContaminationFrontiers in microbiology
2021 146 113
Modélisation des apports diffus de nutriments (Phosphore) dans le Léman
2021 45 62
Mercury methylation in oxic aquatic macro-environments: a reviewJournal of limnology
2021 603 295
Anatomy of a Catastrophe: Reconstructing the 1936 Rock Fall and Tsunami Event in Lake Lovatnet, Western NorwayFrontiers in Earth Sciences
2021 260 320
Paleolimnological reconstruction of the centennial eutrophication processes in a sub-tropical South American reservoirJournal of South American Earth Sciences
2020 361 134
Recommandations d'un collectif franco-suisse d'experts pour une meilleure évaluation de la qualité écotoxicologique des sédiments par l'étude des communautés benthiquesSciences Eaux et Territoires
2019 400 71
The sediment budget and dynamics of a delta-canyon-lobe system over the Anthropocene timescale: The Rhone River Delta, Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France)Sedimentology
2019 894 458
Reconstruction of trophic state shifts over the past 90 years in a eutrophicated lake in western Switzerland, inferred from the sedimentary record of photosynthetic pigmentsJournal of Paleolimnology
2019 476 199
Making stratigraphy in the Anthropocene: climate change impacts and economic conditions controlling the supply of sediment to Lake GenevaScientific Reports
2019 439 150
Total and methyl-mercury seasonal particulate fluxes in the water column of a large lake (Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Environmental Science and Pollution Research
2018 524 216
Two large earthquakes in western Switzerland in the sixteenth century: 1524 in Ardon (VS) and 1584 in Aigle (VD)Journal of Seismology
2018 502 0
Chromium hazard and risk assessment: new insights from a detailed speciation study in a standard test mediumEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry
2018 504 182
Temperature signal in suspended sediment export from an Alpine catchmentHydrology and Earth System Sciences
2018 577 231
Combined Flow Abstraction and Climate Change Impacts on an Aggrading Alpine RiverWater Resources Research
2018 657 322
Sediment-bound contaminant transport dynamics in and around Vidy BayMicropollutants in Large Lakes: From Potential Pollution to Risk Assessments
2018 437 0
Reduced sediment supply in a fast eroding landscape? A multi-proxy sediment budget of the upper Rhône basin, Central AlpsSedimentary Geology
2018 600 5
Biofilm composition in the Olt River (Romania) reservoirs impacted by chlor-alkali production plantEnvironmental science. Processes & impacts
2017 702 352
High-resolution reconstruction of the 20th century history of trace metals, major elements, and organic matter in sediments in a contaminated area of Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandApplied geochemistry
2017 650 327
Micropolluants métalliques et organiques dans les sédiments superficiels du LémanRapport de la protection internationale pour la protection des eaux du Léman contre la pollution, Campagne 2016
2017 790 387
Persistent Hg contamination and occurrence of Hg-methylating transcript (hgcA) downstream of a chlor-alkali plant in the Olt River (Romania)Environmental science and pollution research international
2016 711 583
The role of mass-transport deposits and turbidites in shaping modern lacustrine deepwater channelsMarine and petroleum geology
2016 688 359
Medium- and Long-Term Effects of Estrogenic Contaminants on the Middle River Po Fish Community as Reconstructed from a Sediment CoreArchives of environmental contamination and toxicology
2016 488 1
The influence of bottom boundary layer hydrodynamics on sediment focusing in a contaminated bayEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research
2016 450 0
Role of Settling Particles on Mercury Methylation in the Oxic Water Column of Freshwater SystemsEnvironmental science & technology
2016 594 6
Environmental quality assessment of reservoirs impacted by Hg from chlor-alkali technologies: case study of a recoveryEnvironmental science and pollution research international
2016 674 6
Naissance et transformation des lacs : du temps des mammouths à nos joursLe tour des grands lacs alpins naturels en 80 questions
2015 593 121
Combien de temps faut-il pour renouveler les eaux d'un lac ?Le tour des grands lacs alpins naturels en 80 questions
2015 977 334
Que nous raconte l'étude des sédiments d'un lac ?Le tour des grands lacs alpins naturels en 80 questions
2015 591 166
Sediment dynamics in the subaquatic channel of the Rhone delta (Lake Geneva, France/Switzerland)Aquatic sciences
2014 1,075 7
Endospore-forming bacteria as new proxies to assess impact of eutrophication in Lake Geneva (Switzerland–France)Aquatic sciences
2014 1,466 0
Bacterial communities in trace metal contaminated lake sediments are dominated by endospore-forming bacteriaAquatic sciences
2014 702 6
Colloid characterization at the sediment-water interface of Vidy Bay, Lake GenevaArchiv für Hydrobiologie
2014 817 13
Into the abyss of Lake Geneva: the elemo interdisciplinary field investigation using the MIR submersiblesAquatic sciences
2014 677 5
Le Léman, du diagnostic aux nouveaux enjeux de protectionArchives des sciences
2013 605 579
La contamination du Léman par les micropolluants - Revue de 40 ans d'étudesArchives des sciences
2013 1,095 932
Influence of a wastewater treatment plant on mercury contamination and sediment characteristics in Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Aquatic sciences
2013 1,037 29
Polluants émergents; stratégie de surveillance de la contamination des eaux de surface et implications pour le traitement des eaux potables - Cas du LémanArchives des sciences
2013 1,251 574
Iron isotope geochemistry of biogenic magnetite-bearing sediments from the Bay of Vidy, Lake GenevaChemical geology
2013 927 5
A high-resolution historical sediment record of nutrients, trace elements and organochlorines (DDT and PCB) deposition in a drinking water reservoir (Lake Brêt, Switzerland) points at local and regional pollutant sourcesChemosphere
2013 773 6
Searching the Rhone delta channel in Lake Geneva since François Alphonse ForelArchives des sciences
2012 877 9
1981-2010: Trente ans de recherche à l'Institut F.-A. ForelArchives des sciences
2012 541 5
Taux d'accumulation de sédiments récents et bilan de la matière particulaire dans le Léman (Suisse - France)Archives des sciences
2012 726 16
(Pre-) historic changes in natural and anthropogenic heavy metals deposition inferred from two contrasting Swiss Alpine lakesQuaternary science reviews
2011 822 848
Practical work on basic physico-chemical water quality parameters during field coursesNEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science. Vol. 2
2010 160 21
Reservoirs as a trap for pollutants : mercury in the Babeni reservoirNEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science. Vol. 2
2010 99 73
Mercury human exposure through fish consumption in a reservoir contaminated by a chlor-alkali plant: Babeni reservoir (Romania)Environmental science and pollution research international
2010 625 267
Morphology and recent history of the Rhone River Delta in Lake Geneva (Switzerland)Swiss journal of geosciences
2010 929 486
Major sedimentation pattern changes in the Rhone Delta (Lake Geneva, Switzerland-France) around 1300 and 1600 AD revealed by seismic and sedimentary recordsArchives des sciences
2010 635 9
Swiss examples of the impacts of dams on natural environments and management strategies for sediment controlNEAR curriculum in natural environmental science
2010 541 183
Bird watching in the wetlands of the Ukrainian part of the Danube DeltaNEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science. Vol. 2
2010 174 43
Characterization of colloids before, during and after a phytoplanktonic bloom in Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France)Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
2010 522 10
Binding of 239Pu and 90Sr to Organic Colloids in Soil Solutions: Evidence from a Field ExperimentEnvironmental science & technology
2010 574 0
Modeling of 137Cs migration in soils using an 80-year soil archive: role of fertilizers and agricultural amendmentsJournal of environmental radioactivity
2009 564 2
Historical record of mercury contamination in sediments from the Babeni Reservoir in the Olt River, RomaniaEnvironmental science and pollution research international
2009 699 171
Distribution and survival of faecal indicator bacteria in the sediments of the Bay of Vidy, Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandEcological indicators
2009 703 4
Distribution of the Sediment Fill and Associated Pollutants in Băbeni Reservoir, Olt River, Vâlcea, RomaniaGeo-Eco-Marina
2008 610 612
Effects of a sewage treatment plant outlet pipe extension on the distribution of contaminants in the sediments of the Bay of Vidy, Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandBioresource technology
2008 577 4
Effect of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Chlorophyceae) exudates on metal toxicity and colloid aggregationWater research
2007 786 1
Interdisciplinarité, échelles d'études et philosophie de vie: réflexions de trois observateurs du «Congrès du Rhône 2006»Archives des sciences
2006 155 26
Comparative performance of membrane filters vs. high-surface area filtration cartridges for the determination of element concentrations in freshwater systemsWater research
2006 482 0
Assessment of the Geochemical Role of Colloids and Their Impact on Contaminant Toxicity in Freshwaters:  An Example from the Lambro−Po System (Italy)Environmental science & technology
2005 585 0
The history of eutrophication and restoration of Lake GenevaNEAR curriculum in natural environmental science
2005 168 319
River, reservoir and lake sediment contamination by heavy metals downstream from urban areas of SwitzerlandLakes and reservoirs
2004 731 8
The impact of a sewage treatment plant's effluent on sediment quality in a small bay in Lake Geneva (Switzerland–France). Part 2: Temporal evolution of heavy metalsLakes and reservoirs
2004 689 0
Etude géochimique des sédiments du lac du Loclat (Neuchâtel, Suisse): évolution de l'impact anthropiqueBulletin de la Société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles
2003 714 338
Bridging the gaps between environmental engineering and environmental natural science educationInternational journal of sustainability in higher education
2003 619 2
Use of single particle counters for the determination of the number and size distribution of colloids in natural surface watersColloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects
2003 578 1
Meteorological and land use controls on past and present hydro-geomorphic processes in the pre-alpine environment: an integrated lake-catchment study at the Petit Lac d'Annecy, FranceHydrological processes
2003 624 0
Mapping sediment accumulation rate by using volume magnetic susceptibility core correlation in a contaminated bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
2003 741 180
Recent and present sedimentary fluxes of heavy metals and radionuclides in oligotrophic Lake Annecy, FranceJournal de physique. IV
2003 662 0
Evolution of the trophic state of Lake Annecy (eastern France) since the last glaciation as indicated by iron, manganese and phosphorus speciationJournal of paleolimnology
2001 601 0
Sorption behaviour of Am on marl groundwater colloidsJournal of environmental radioactivity
2001 539 0
Noise identification and sampling frequency determination for precise Pb isotopic measurements by quadrupole-based Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass SpectrometryAnalusis
2000 632 361
Evolution of the Upper Rhone River discharge and suspended sediment load during the last 80 years and some implications for Lake GenevaAquatic sciences
2000 780 0
Distribuzione verticale e spaziale di metalli pesanti nel sedimento del laghetto di MuzzanoBollettino della Società ticinese di scienze naturali
2000 534 82
Global issues and the natural environmental sciences in curricula for engineersPolish Journal of Environmental Studies
2000 557 68
Beryllium-7 as a tracer to study mechanisms and rates of metal scavenging from lake surface watersGeochimica et cosmochimica acta
1999 619 2
Origin and Evolution of Pb in Sediments of Lake Geneva (Switzerland−France). Establishing a Stable Pb RecordEnvironmental science & technology
1999 585 0
Possible evidence for dissimilatory bacterial magnetite dominating the magnetic properties of recent lake sedimentsEarth and planetary science letters
1999 626 1
Les processus de sédimentation récents dans le Haut-lac (Léman) d'après la morphologie et l'analyse sédimentatologique des dépôts superficielsArchives des sciences
1998 541 192
Pb and Sr isotope measurements by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometer: efficient time management for precision improvementSpectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy
1998 541 0
Radionuclides in a cave sediment core from Ghetarul de sub Zgurasti (Romania)Observation de l'environnement de montagne en Europe : sciences de la nature
1998 113 33
Sediment core correlation and mapping of sediment accumulation rates in Lake Geneva (Switzerland, France) using Volume Magnetic SusceptibilityJournal of Great Lakes research
1997 765 0
Changements climatiques et effets anthropiques au cours du dernier millénaire attestés par l'étude pétrographique de la matières organique (Annecy, Le Petit Lac; France)Bulletin de la Société géologique de France
1997 693 3
Trophic status evolution of Lake Nantua as revealed by biological records in sedimentArchiv für Hydrobiologie
1995 500 191
Bottom sediment patterns evolving in polluted Mariut Lake, Nidel Delta, EgyptJournal of coastal research
1994 439 0
Phosphorus evolution in three sub-alpine lakes: Annecy, Geneva and Lugano: influence of lake restoration managementsEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1994 444 53
Evaluation of a wide range laser diffraction grain size analyser for use with sedimentsSedimentology
1994 743 0
Comparative ecotoxicity of suspended sediment in the lower Rhone River using algal fractionation, Microtox® and Daphnia magna bioassaysHydrobiologia
1993 645 1
Petrological-statistical approach to interpret Recent and subrecent lagoon subfacies, Idku, Nile delta of EgyptMarine geology
1993 682 0
Particle size characteristics of suspended and bed sediments in the Rhône RiverHydrological processes
1992 555 3
Radioisotopic evidence of perturbations of recent sedimentary record in lakes: a word of caution for climate studiesClimate dynamics
1992 558 3
Phosphorus trapping by turbidites in deep-lake sedimentsChemical geology
1992 621 1
Réalités d'un sédiment carotteHommage à F.-A. Forel: troisième Conférence internationale des limnologues d'expression française
1991 95 20
La sédimentation récente dans le delta du Rhône, Léman: processus et évolution
1991 1,330 315
Cartographie du taux de sédimentation dans la partie orientale du Léman (Suisse-France)Hommage à F.-A. Forel: troisième Conférence internationale des limnologues d'expression française
1991 122 59
Further discussion on the intercomparison of the trace metal concentrations and particle size of fluvial sediment recovered from two centrifuge systemsHydrological processes
1990 627 268
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