57 434
2 606
Supervised works
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1 - 109 of 109
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Transplanted embryonic neurons improve functional recovery by increasing activity in injured cortical circuitsCerebral Cortex
2020 201 0
Endogenous erythropoietin signaling regulates migration and laminar positioning of upper-layer neurons in the developing neocortexDevelopment
2020 338 128
Transient deregulation of canonical Wnt signaling in developing pyramidal neurons leads to dendritic defects and impaired behaviorCell Reports
2019 367 179
Electrophysiological Evidence for the Development of a Self-Sustained Large-Scale Epileptic Network in the Kainate Mouse Model of Temporal Lobe EpilepsyJournal of Neuroscience
2018 513 141
Progenitor Hyperpolarization Regulates the Sequential Generation of Neuronal Subtypes in the Developing NeocortexCell
2018 912 10
EMMPRIN overexpression in SVZ neural progenitor cells increases their migration towards ischemic cortexExperimental Neurology
2017 507 0
Multimodal MRI Imaging of Apoptosis-Triggered Microstructural Alterations in the Postnatal Cerebral CortexCerebral Cortex
2017 444 0
Perturbed Wnt signaling leads to neuronal migration delay, altered interhemispheric connections and impaired social behaviorNature Communications
2017 462 191
Astrocytes spatially restrict VEGF signaling by polarized secretion and incorporation of VEGF into the actively assembling extracellular matrixGLIA
2016 544 1
Lactoferrin during lactation reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced brain injuryBioFactors
2016 344 0
Relationship of Grafted FGF-2 Overexpressing Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells with the Vasculature in the Cerebral CortexCell transplantation
2016 507 4
Dominique Muller (1956–2015)Neuron
2015 536 15
Apoptotic neurons induce proliferative responses of progenitor cells in the postnatal neocortexExperimental neurology
2015 495 5
Wnt signaling regulates multipolar-to-bipolar transition of migrating neurons in the cerebral cortexCell reports
2015 637 254
Process of cortical network formation and impact of early brain damageCurrent opinion in neurology
2014 519 2
Dynamic connectivity among cortical layers in local and large-scale sensory processingEuropean journal of neuroscience
2014 530 0
Secretion of VEGF-165 has unique characteristics, including shedding from the plasma membraneMolecular biology of the cell
2014 517 383
Ivy sign, misery perfusion, and asymptomatic moyamoya disease: FLAIR imaging and (15)O-gas positron emission tomographyActa neurochirurgica
2013 531 2
New pool of cortical interneuron precursors in the early postnatal dorsal white matterCerebral cortex
2012 620 1
Early postnatal migration and development of layer II pyramidal neurons in the rodent cingulate/retrosplenial cortexCerebral cortex
2012 559 5
Functional development of large-scale sensorimotor cortical networks in the brainThe Journal of neuroscience
2011 629 2
The role of PSA-NCAM in adult neurogenesisAdvances in experimental medicine and biology
2010 542 0
Bilateral whisker trimming during early postnatal life impairs dendritic spine development in the mouse somatosensory barrel cortexJournal of comparative neurology
2010 561 3
Functional deficit and recovery of developing sensorimotor networks following neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury in the ratCerebral cortex
2010 522 1
Long-term plasticity in mouse sensorimotor circuits after rhythmic whisker stimulationThe Journal of neuroscience
2009 616 0
Excess of serotonin affects embryonic interneuron migration through activation of the serotonin receptor 6Molecular psychiatry
2009 646 4
Fibroblast growth factor-2 overexpression in transplanted neural progenitors promotes perivascular cluster formation with a neurogenic potentialStem cells
2009 515 0
Anesthetics rapidly promote synaptogenesis during a critical period of brain developmentPloS one
2009 634 277
The Role of PSA-NCAM in Adult NeurogenesisNeurochemical research
2008 566 0
Adverse effects of methylene blue on the central nervous systemAnesthesiology
2008 654 0
A mouse model for studying large-scale neuronal networks using EEG mapping techniquesNeuroImage
2008 615 0
Glial responses to neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injury in the rat cerebral cortexInternational journal of developmental neuroscience
2008 621 0
Recruiting new neurons from the subventricular zone to the rat postnatal cortex: an organotypic slice culture modelEuropean journal of neuroscience
2008 586 0
Low concentrations of ketamine initiate dendritic atrophy of differentiated GABAergic neurons in cultureToxicology
2007 577 0
Effects of ketamine on the developing central nervous systemIdeggyógyászati szemle
2007 528 0
Polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule in brain plasticity: from synapses to integration of new neuronsBrain research reviews
2007 532 0
Potentially toxic effects of anaesthetics on the developing central nervous systemEuropean journal of anaesthesiology
2007 517 0
PSA-NCAM in postnatally generated immature neurons of the olfactory bulb: a crucial role in regulating p75 expression and cell survivalDevelopment
2007 582 0
Expression of FGF-2 in neural progenitor cells enhances their potential for cellular brain repair in the rodent cortexBrain
2007 613 0
The polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule promotes neurogenesis in vitroNeurochemical research
2006 571 203
Les agents anesthésiques perturbent-ils le développement cérébral ? - Do anesthetics impair brain development?Archives de pédiatrie
2006 497 0
Expression and localization of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 in glioblastomas and haemangioblastomasJournal of pathology
2006 583 0
GABA regulates dendritic growth by stabilizing lamellipodia in newly generated interneurons of the olfactory bulbThe Journal of neuroscience
2006 573 0
Effect of ketamine on dendritic arbor development and survival of immature GABAergic neurons in vitroReview of economic dynamics
2006 556 0
Distinctive neuropathologic alterations in the deep layers of the parietal cortex after moderate ischemic-hypoxic injury in the P3 immature rat brainPediatric research
2005 416 0
Structural and functional aberrations in the cerebral cortex of tenascin-C deficient miceCerebral cortex
2005 491 0
Sequential activation of p75 and TrkB is involved in dendritic development of subventricular zone-derived neuronal progenitors in vitroEuropean journal of neuroscience
2005 521 0
Clinically relevant concentrations of propofol but not midazolam alter in vitro dendritic development of isolated gamma-aminobutyric acid-positive interneuronsAnesthesiology
2005 502 0
Regulation of brain proteolytic activity is necessary for the in vivo function of NMDA receptorsThe Journal of neuroscience
2004 555 0
Recovery of evoked potentials, metabolic activity and behavior in a mouse model of somatosensory cortex lesion: role of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)Cerebral cortex
2004 564 0
A role for the polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule in PDGF-induced chemotaxis of oligodendrocyte precursor cellsJournal of cell science
2004 560 201
Local gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate circuit control of hypophyseotrophic corticotropin-releasing factor neuron activity in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamusEuropean journal of neuroscience
2004 553 0
VEGF is a chemoattractant for FGF-2-stimulated neural progenitorsThe Journal of cell biology
2003 519 0
Deficiency in short-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation affects theta oscillations during sleepNature genetics
2003 601 0
Removal of PSA from NCAM affects the survival of magnocellular vasopressin- and oxytocin-producing neurons in organotypic cultures of the paraventricular nucleusEuropean journal of neuroscience
2003 439 0
Oligodendrocyte progenitor migration in response to injury of glial monolayers requires the polysialic neural cell-adhesion moleculeJournal of neuroscience research
2003 430 0
Contribution of the neural cell adhesion molecule to neuronal and synaptic plasticityReviews in the neurosciences
2001 535 0
The role of neural cell adhesion molecules in plasticity and repairCurrent opinion in neurobiology
2001 567 0
PSA-NCAM modulates BDNF-dependent survival and differentiation of cortical neuronsEuropean journal of neuroscience
2001 562 0
Progressive neuronal and motor dysfunction in mice overexpressing the serine protease inhibitor protease nexin-1 in postmitotic neuronsThe Journal of neuroscience
2001 490 0
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor restores long-term potentiation in polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule-deficient hippocampusProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2000 485 0
Epicranial sensory evoked potential recordings for repeated assessment of cortical functions in miceJournal of neuroscience methods
2000 524 0
Single stress induces long-lasting elevations in vasopressin mRNA levels in CRF hypophysiotrophic neurones, but repeated stress is required to modify AVP immunoreactivityJournal of neuroendocrinology
1999 497 0
The distribution of murine 115-kDa epithelial microtubule-associated protein (E-MAP-115) during embryogenesis and in adult organs suggests a role in epithelial polarization and differentiationDifferentiation
1998 476 0
A role of adhesion molecules in neuroglial plasticityMolecular and cellular endocrinology
1998 404 0
Magnocellular vasopressinergic neurons in explant cultures are rescued from cell death by ciliary neurotrophic factor and leukemia inhibiting factorNeuroscience
1998 580 0
Cell biology of polysialic acidCurrent opinion in neurobiology
1997 513 0
PSA-NCAM is required for activity-induced synaptic plasticityNeuron
1996 435 0
Functional N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in O-2A glial precursor cells: a critical role in regulating polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule expression and cell migrationThe Journal of cell biology
1996 493 0
Expression of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit mRNAs by paraventricular corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neuronsNeuroscience letters
1996 546 6
Corticotropin-releasing factor and vasopressin mRNA levels in roman high- and low-avoidance rats: response to open-field exposureNeuroendocrinology
1995 589 0
Stress-induced changes in messenger RNA levels of N-methyl-D-aspartate and AMPA receptor subunits in selected regions of the rat hippocampus and hypothalamusNeuroscience
1995 560 0
Stressor-specific increase of vasopressin mRNA in paraventricular hypophysiotrophic neuronsNeuroscience letters
1994 550 0
Activity-dependent mobilization of the adhesion molecule polysialic NCAM to the cell surface of neurons and endocrine cellsEMBO journal
1994 495 0
A role for polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule in lesion-induced sprouting in hippocampal organotypic culturesNeuroscience
1994 520 0
Requirement of polysialic acid for the migration of the O-2A glial progenitor cell from neurohypophyseal explantsThe Journal of neuroscience
1994 476 0
Murine clusterin: molecular cloning and mRNA localization of a gene associated with epithelial differentiation processes during embryogenesisThe Journal of cell biology
1993 568 7
Nerve-dependent expression of high polysialic acid neural cell adhesion molecule in neurohypophysial astrocytes of adult ratsNeuroscience
1993 564 0
Stress-induced increase in vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing factor expression in hypophysiotrophic paraventricular neuronsEndocrinology
1993 487 0
A tissue culture model of the hypophysiotrophic CRF producing neuronal systemNeuroendocrinology
1993 556 0
Coexpression of dopamine D2 and substance P (neurokinin-1) receptor messenger RNAs by a subpopulation of cholinergic neurons in the rat striatumNeuroscience
1993 603 0
Up-regulation of vasopressin mRNA in paraventricular hypophysiotrophic neurons after acute immobilization stressNeuroendocrinology
1993 536 0
Extracellular proteolysis in the adult murine brainThe Journal of clinical investigation
1993 501 0
The CRF neurosecretory vesicle: vasopressin-dependent changes in vesicle size after adrenalectomyBrain research
1992 534 0
Hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus: a quantitative analysis of cytoarchitectonic subdivisions in the ratJournal of comparative neurology
1991 489 0
Hypophysiotrophic neurons are capable of altering the ratio of co-packaged neurohormonesNeuroscience
1991 542 0
Colocalization of delta sleep inducing peptide and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in neurosecretory vesicles in rat median eminenceNeuroendocrinology
1991 545 0
Coexpression of vasopressin and oxytocin in hypothalamic supraoptic neurons of lactating ratsEndocrinology
1991 558 0
Localization of lipocortin-1 in rat hypothalamus and pituitary glandBiochemical Society transactions
1990 476 0
An improved method for Lowicryl K4M electron microscopic embedding of brain tissueJournal of neuroscience methods
1989 582 0
Differential responses in vasopressin and oxytocin gene expression in distinct hypothalamic nuclei after hypothalamoneurohypophyseal disconnection and vasopressin substitutionNeuroendocrinology
1989 498 0
Glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactivity in the rat intermediate lobeJournal of neuroendocrinology
1989 541 0
Immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and thyreotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in hypothalamic neurons of the domesticated pigeon (Columba livia). Alterations following lactation and exposure to coldCell and tissue research
1988 535 0
Stimulation of pro-opiomelanocortin gene expression by glucocorticoids in the denervated rat intermediate pituitary glandNeuroendocrinology
1988 516 0
Glucocorticoid receptor in magnocellular neurosecretory cellsEndocrinology
1988 578 0
Dynamism of chemoarchitecture in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleusBrain research bulletin
1988 543 0
Testosterone-sensitive vasotocin-immunoreactive cells and fibers in the canary brainBrain research
1988 560 0
Organization of vasotocin-immunoreactive cells and fibers in the canary brainJournal of comparative neurology
1987 437 0
Distribution of tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive neurons in the diencephalon of the pigeon (Columba livia domestica)Journal of comparative neurology
1987 481 0
Immunocytochemical study on the intracellular localization of the type 2 glucocorticoid receptor in the rat brainBrain research
1987 473 0
Biosynthesis of pro-opiomelanocortin is increased in the rat intermediate pituitary following denervationNeuroscience letters
1987 491 0
Mechanism of restoration of ACTH release in rats with long-term lesions of the paraventricular nucleiJournal of Endocrinology
1986 435 0
Role of cholecystokinin in corticotropin release: coexistence with vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing factor in cells of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleusProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1986 487 230
Vasoactive intestinal peptide-containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus may participate in regulating prolactin secretionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1985 421 187
Corticotropin-releasing factor-immunoreactive neurons of the paraventricular nucleus become vasopressin positive after adrenalectomyProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1984 447 164
Increase of corticotropin-releasing factor staining in rat paraventricular nucleus neurones by depletion of hypothalamic adrenalineNature
1984 462 0
Distribution and projections of cholecystokinin-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of ratJournal of comparative neurology
1984 553 0
Quantitative histological studies on the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in rats. II. Number of local and certain afferent nerve terminalsBrain research
1983 569 0
Quantitative histological studies on the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in rats: I. Number of cells and synaptic boutonsBrain research
1983 499 0
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