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1 - 110 of 110
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
On Some Connections Between Esscher’s Tilting, Saddlepoint Approximations, and Optimal Transportation: A Statistical PerspectiveStatistical science
2023 344 1
Bias Calibration for Robust Estimation in Small AreasRobust and Multivariate Statistical Methods
2023 71 1
Robustness Aspects of Optimal TransportResearch Papers in Statistical Inference for Time Series and Related Models
2023 48 0
Robust inference with censored survival dataScandinavian journal of statistics
2022 105 82
Robust analysis of sample selection models through the r package ssmrobJournal of Statistical Software
2021 186 139
Saddlepoint approximations for spatial panel data models
2021 46 31
The main contributions of robust statistics to statistical science and a new challengeMETRON
2021 158 1
Saddlepoint Approximations for Spatial Panel Data ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2021 51 82
A bayesian framework to update scaling factors for radioactive waste characterizationApplied Radiation and Isotopes
2020 314 5
Saddlepoint approximations for spatial panel data models
2020 340 308
Accurate and robust inferenceEconometrics and Statistics
2020 223 7
Saddlepoint approximations for short and long memory time series: a frequency domain approachJournal of Econometrics
2019 330 8
Robust and consistent variable selection in high-dimensional generalized linear modelsBiometrika
2018 507 1
Robust inference for ordinal response modelsElectronic Journal of Statistics
2017 504 0
Saddlepoint approximations in the frequency domain
2016 624 22
Saddlepoint tests for quantile regressionCanadian journal of statistics
2016 533 2
Discussion of the paper “asymptotic theory of outlier detection algorithms for linear time series regression models” by johansen & nielsenScandinavian journal of statistics
2016 581 8
Robust inference in sample selection modelsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
2016 760 5
Robust statistics: a selective overview and new directionsWiley interdisciplinary reviews. Computational statistics
2015 571 13
Robust FilteringJournal of the American Statistical Association
2015 508 1
Robust and consistent variable selection for generalized linear and additive models
2014 1,178 753
Composite likelihood inference by nonparametric saddlepoint testsComputational statistics & data analysis
2014 613 5
Special Issue on Robust Analysis of Complex DataComputational statistics & data analysis
2013 471 1
Higher-Order Infinitesimal RobustnessJournal of the American Statistical Association
2012 741 0
On the robustness of two-stage estimatorsStatistics & probability letters
2012 725 9
Robust small sample accurate inference in moment condition modelsComputational statistics & data analysis
2012 697 0
Robust filteringSocial Science Research Network
2012 761 313
Robust InferenceInternational Encyclopedia of Statistical Science
2011 567 0
A smoothing principle for the Huber and other location M-estimatorsComputational statistics & data analysis
2011 606 0
Variable selection in additive models by non-negative garroteStatistical modelling
2011 692 0
Saddlepoint Test in Measurement Error ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2011 644 0
Discussion: The forward search: Theory and data analysisJournal of the Korean Statistical Society
2010 600 0
Goodness-of-fit for Generalized Linear Latent Variables ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2010 1,166 1,045
Accurate and robust tests for indirect inferenceBiometrika
2010 637 174
Robust and accurate inference for generalized linear modelsJournal of Multivariate Analysis
2009 598 0
Higher-order robustness2nd International Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics
2009 587 137
Maîtriser l'aléatoire Exercices résolus de probabilités et statistique
2009 1,775 2
Robust Statistics
2009 583 0
Saddlepoint approximations for multivariate M-estimates with applications to bootstrap accuracyAnnals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
2008 492 0
Robust Prediction of BetaComputational Methods in Financial Engineering
2008 479 0
Longitudinal variable selection by cross-validation in the case of many covariatesStatistics in medicine
2007 648 1
Indirect robust estimation of the short-term interest rate processJournal of Empirical Finance
2007 528 0
Frechet and Robust StatisticsJournal de la Société française de statistique & Revue de statistique appliquée
2006 483 0
A robust approach for skewed and heavy-tailed outcomes in the analysis of health care expendituresJournal of health economics
2006 576 0
Maîtriser l'aléatoire Exercices résolus de probabilités et statistique
2006 1,530 0
Stock and bond return predictability: the discrimination power of model selection criteriaComputational statistics & data analysis
2006 676 0
Variable Selection for Marginal Longitudinal Generalized Linear ModelsBiometrics
2005 678 5
Optimal Conditionally Unbiased Bounded-Influence Inference in Dynamic Location and Scale ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2005 591 0
Estimation of Generalized Linear Latent Variable ModelsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
2004 1,227 721
Robust tests of predictive accuracyMetron
2004 487 0
Robust Binary Regression with Continuous OutcomesCanadian journal of statistics
2004 487 1
Robust GMM analysis of models for the short rate processJournal of Empirical Finance
2003 608 0
Robust Indirect InferenceJournal of the American Statistical Association
2003 569 0
Saddlepoint approximations and tests based on multivariate M -estimatesAnnals of statistics
2003 557 0
Estimation of Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models
2003 1,162 541
A journey in single steps: robust one-step M-estimation in linear regressionJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference
2002 738 0
Between stability and higher-order asymptoticsStatistics and computing
2001 545 0
Robust Inference for Generalized Linear ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2001 899 1,236
Robust inference with GMM estimatorsJournal of Econometrics
2001 772 0
Resistant Selection of the Smoothing Parameter for Smoothing SplinesStatistics and computing
2001 768 420
Robust Regression Methods and Model SelectionData Segmentation and Model Selection for Computer Vision, eds. A. Bab-Hadiashar and D. Suter
2000 433 0
Panel Data Econometrics : Future Directions, Papers in Honour of Professor Pietro Balestra
2000 645 0
Bias-Calibrated Estimation from Sample Surveys Containing OutliersJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
1998 655 0
Introduction to Daniels (1954) : Saddlepoint Approximation in StatisticsBreakthroughs in Statistics, Vol. III
1997 482 0
Resistant Modelling of Income Distributions and Inequality MeasuresThe Practice of Data Analysis: Essays in Honor of John W. Tukey
1997 987 390
Robust Estimation for Grouped DataJournal of the American Statistical Association
1997 520 0
Conference on Statistical Science Honouring the Bicentennial of Stefano Franscini's Birth
1997 581 0
Robustness Aspects of Model ChoiceStatistica sinica
1997 478 0
Robust Inference : The Approach Based on Influence FunctionsHandbook of Statistics
1997 541 0
A Comparison of Saddlepoint Approximations for Marginal DistributionsComputing Science and Statistics
1997 480 0
Robust Linear Model Selection by Cross-ValidationJournal of the American Statistical Association
1997 694 0
Robust inference by influence functionsJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1997 590 0
Robust estimators for simultaneous equations modelsJournal of Econometrics
1997 586 0
General Saddlepoint Approximations of Marginal Densities and Tail ProbabilitiesJournal of the American Statistical Association
1996 565 0
Some Recent Developments in Saddlepoint ApproximationsProceedings of the 38th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
1996 459 0
Robust Estimation of Income Distribution Models with Grouped Data
1996 484 0
Are Grouped Data Robustly Fitted?
1995 936 505
Robust Bounded-Influence Tests in General Parametric ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
1994 648 0
Robust Model SelectionTransactions of the Twelfth Prague Conference
1994 495 0
A Robust Version of Mallows's CpJournal of the American Statistical Association
1994 677 0
Robust Methods for Personal-Income Distribution ModelsCanadian journal of statistics
1994 580 0
Empirical Saddlepoint Approximations for Multivariate M- EstimatorsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
1994 623 0
New directions in statistical data analysis and Robustness
1993 596 0
On the relationship between empirical likelihood and empirical saddlepoint approximation for multivariate M-estimatorsBiometrika
1993 623 0
Optimal Robust Estimators for the Concentration Parameter of a von Mises-Fisher DistributionThe Art of Statistical Science : A Tribute to G.S. Watson
1992 502 0
Robust M-Type Testing Procedures for Linear ModelsDirections in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics: Part I
1991 606 0
Least Median of Squares Estimation in Power Systems , Discussion of the paper by L. Mili, V. Phaniraj, P.J. RousseeuwIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
1991 543 0
An Overview of Small Sample AsymptoticsDirections in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics : Part I
1991 486 0
Statistique et Probabilités: Une Introduction
1991 499 0
Small sample asymptotics: a review with applications to robust statisticsComputational statistics & data analysis
1990 575 0
Small Sample Asymptotics and BootstrapQuaderni di Statistica
1990 513 0
Small Sample Asymptotics
1990 586 0
Robust statistics: the approach based on influence functions
1989 625 0
Bounded Influence Inference in Regression: A ReviewStatistical Data Analysis Based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods
1987 535 0
Robust C(α)-Type Tests for Linear ModelsSankhya. Series A
1987 538 0
Robust statistics: the approach based on influence functions
1986 1,281 0
Variance etable r-estimatorsStatistics
1986 563 0
General Saddlepoint Approximations with Applications to L StatisticsJournal of the American Statistical Association
1986 611 0
Robust Estimators for Regression ModelsQuantity and quality in economic research
1985 482 0
Change-of-variance sensitivities in regression analysisProbability theory and related fields
1985 566 0
Robust model selection in regressionStatistics & probability letters
1985 444 0
A tail area influence function and its application to testingSequential analysis
1985 556 0
The Change-of-Variance Function and Robust Estimators of RegressionProceeding of the American Statistical Association Meeting
1983 485 0
Robust Testing in Linear Models: The Infinitesimal Approach
1982 867 223
Handouts for the Instructional Meeting on "Robust Statistical Methods"15th European Meeting of Statisticians
1982 426 0
Robust Alternatives to the F-Test for the Linear ModelProbability and Statistical Inference
1982 454 0
Influence curves of general statisticsJournal of computational and applied mathematics
1981 552 0
The Change-of-Variance Curve and Optimal Redescending M-EstimatorsJournal of the American Statistical Association
1981 563 0
Infinitesimal Stability of the Asymptotic Variance of M-Estimators With Finite Rejection PointProceedings of the American Statistical Association Meeting
1980 433 0
Robustheitseigenschaften von Tests
1979 654 178
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