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1 - 110 of 110
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
On Some Connections Between Esscher’s Tilting, Saddlepoint Approximations, and Optimal Transportation: A Statistical PerspectiveStatistical science
2023 314 0
Bias Calibration for Robust Estimation in Small AreasRobust and Multivariate Statistical Methods
2023 46 1
Robustness Aspects of Optimal TransportResearch Papers in Statistical Inference for Time Series and Related Models
2023 30 0
Robust inference with censored survival dataScandinavian journal of statistics
2022 85 56
Robust analysis of sample selection models through the r package ssmrobJournal of Statistical Software
2021 157 128
Saddlepoint approximations for spatial panel data models
2021 31 11
The main contributions of robust statistics to statistical science and a new challengeMETRON
2021 141 1
Saddlepoint Approximations for Spatial Panel Data ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2021 28 41
A bayesian framework to update scaling factors for radioactive waste characterizationApplied Radiation and Isotopes
2020 283 5
Saddlepoint approximations for spatial panel data models
2020 294 258
Accurate and robust inferenceEconometrics and Statistics
2020 211 7
Saddlepoint approximations for short and long memory time series: a frequency domain approachJournal of Econometrics
2019 295 8
Robust and consistent variable selection in high-dimensional generalized linear modelsBiometrika
2018 478 1
Robust inference for ordinal response modelsElectronic Journal of Statistics
2017 476 0
Saddlepoint approximations in the frequency domain
2016 608 22
Saddlepoint tests for quantile regressionCanadian journal of statistics
2016 506 2
Discussion of the paper “asymptotic theory of outlier detection algorithms for linear time series regression models” by johansen & nielsenScandinavian journal of statistics
2016 565 8
Robust inference in sample selection modelsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
2016 738 5
Robust statistics: a selective overview and new directionsWiley interdisciplinary reviews. Computational statistics
2015 551 13
Robust FilteringJournal of the American Statistical Association
2015 499 1
Robust and consistent variable selection for generalized linear and additive models
2014 1 149 722
Composite likelihood inference by nonparametric saddlepoint testsComputational statistics & data analysis
2014 597 5
Special Issue on Robust Analysis of Complex DataComputational statistics & data analysis
2013 463 1
Higher-Order Infinitesimal RobustnessJournal of the American Statistical Association
2012 718 0
On the robustness of two-stage estimatorsStatistics & probability letters
2012 693 9
Robust small sample accurate inference in moment condition modelsComputational statistics & data analysis
2012 687 0
Robust filteringSocial Science Research Network
2012 737 274
Robust InferenceInternational Encyclopedia of Statistical Science
2011 552 0
A smoothing principle for the Huber and other location M-estimatorsComputational statistics & data analysis
2011 592 0
Variable selection in additive models by non-negative garroteStatistical modelling
2011 675 0
Saddlepoint Test in Measurement Error ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2011 619 0
Discussion: The forward search: Theory and data analysisJournal of the Korean Statistical Society
2010 581 0
Goodness-of-fit for Generalized Linear Latent Variables ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2010 1 128 1 015
Accurate and robust tests for indirect inferenceBiometrika
2010 620 160
Robust and accurate inference for generalized linear modelsJournal of Multivariate Analysis
2009 566 0
Higher-order robustness2nd International Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics
2009 561 110
Maîtriser l'aléatoire Exercices résolus de probabilités et statistique
2009 1 689 2
Robust Statistics
2009 570 0
Saddlepoint approximations for multivariate M-estimates with applications to bootstrap accuracyAnnals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
2008 481 0
Robust Prediction of BetaComputational Methods in Financial Engineering
2008 469 0
Longitudinal variable selection by cross-validation in the case of many covariatesStatistics in medicine
2007 632 1
Indirect robust estimation of the short-term interest rate processJournal of Empirical Finance
2007 502 0
Frechet and Robust StatisticsJournal de la Société française de statistique & Revue de statistique appliquée
2006 476 0
A robust approach for skewed and heavy-tailed outcomes in the analysis of health care expendituresJournal of health economics
2006 549 0
Maîtriser l'aléatoire Exercices résolus de probabilités et statistique
2006 1 517 0
Stock and bond return predictability: the discrimination power of model selection criteriaComputational statistics & data analysis
2006 654 0
Variable Selection for Marginal Longitudinal Generalized Linear ModelsBiometrics
2005 653 5
Optimal Conditionally Unbiased Bounded-Influence Inference in Dynamic Location and Scale ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2005 568 0
Estimation of Generalized Linear Latent Variable ModelsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
2004 1 198 697
Robust tests of predictive accuracyMetron
2004 468 0
Robust Binary Regression with Continuous OutcomesCanadian journal of statistics
2004 465 1
Robust GMM analysis of models for the short rate processJournal of Empirical Finance
2003 596 0
Robust Indirect InferenceJournal of the American Statistical Association
2003 540 0
Saddlepoint approximations and tests based on multivariate M -estimatesAnnals of statistics
2003 544 0
Estimation of Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models
2003 1 134 529
A journey in single steps: robust one-step M-estimation in linear regressionJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference
2002 723 0
Between stability and higher-order asymptoticsStatistics and computing
2001 521 0
Robust Inference for Generalized Linear ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
2001 848 1 206
Robust inference with GMM estimatorsJournal of Econometrics
2001 745 0
Resistant Selection of the Smoothing Parameter for Smoothing SplinesStatistics and computing
2001 741 380
Robust Regression Methods and Model SelectionData Segmentation and Model Selection for Computer Vision, eds. A. Bab-Hadiashar and D. Suter
2000 423 0
Panel Data Econometrics : Future Directions, Papers in Honour of Professor Pietro Balestra
2000 631 0
Bias-Calibrated Estimation from Sample Surveys Containing OutliersJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
1998 634 0
Introduction to Daniels (1954) : Saddlepoint Approximation in StatisticsBreakthroughs in Statistics, Vol. III
1997 470 0
Resistant Modelling of Income Distributions and Inequality MeasuresThe Practice of Data Analysis: Essays in Honor of John W. Tukey
1997 961 385
Robust Estimation for Grouped DataJournal of the American Statistical Association
1997 496 0
Conference on Statistical Science Honouring the Bicentennial of Stefano Franscini's Birth
1997 569 0
Robustness Aspects of Model ChoiceStatistica sinica
1997 446 0
Robust Inference : The Approach Based on Influence FunctionsHandbook of Statistics
1997 532 0
A Comparison of Saddlepoint Approximations for Marginal DistributionsComputing Science and Statistics
1997 466 0
Robust Linear Model Selection by Cross-ValidationJournal of the American Statistical Association
1997 675 0
Robust inference by influence functionsJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1997 565 0
Robust estimators for simultaneous equations modelsJournal of Econometrics
1997 574 0
General Saddlepoint Approximations of Marginal Densities and Tail ProbabilitiesJournal of the American Statistical Association
1996 530 0
Some Recent Developments in Saddlepoint ApproximationsProceedings of the 38th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
1996 453 0
Robust Estimation of Income Distribution Models with Grouped Data
1996 475 0
Are Grouped Data Robustly Fitted?
1995 904 488
Robust Bounded-Influence Tests in General Parametric ModelsJournal of the American Statistical Association
1994 601 0
Robust Model SelectionTransactions of the Twelfth Prague Conference
1994 483 0
A Robust Version of Mallows's CpJournal of the American Statistical Association
1994 648 0
Robust Methods for Personal-Income Distribution ModelsCanadian journal of statistics
1994 564 0
Empirical Saddlepoint Approximations for Multivariate M- EstimatorsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
1994 609 0
New directions in statistical data analysis and Robustness
1993 582 0
On the relationship between empirical likelihood and empirical saddlepoint approximation for multivariate M-estimatorsBiometrika
1993 610 0
Optimal Robust Estimators for the Concentration Parameter of a von Mises-Fisher DistributionThe Art of Statistical Science : A Tribute to G.S. Watson
1992 488 0
Robust M-Type Testing Procedures for Linear ModelsDirections in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics: Part I
1991 582 0
Least Median of Squares Estimation in Power Systems , Discussion of the paper by L. Mili, V. Phaniraj, P.J. RousseeuwIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
1991 523 0
An Overview of Small Sample AsymptoticsDirections in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics : Part I
1991 467 0
Statistique et Probabilités: Une Introduction
1991 483 0
Small sample asymptotics: a review with applications to robust statisticsComputational statistics & data analysis
1990 558 0
Small Sample Asymptotics and BootstrapQuaderni di Statistica
1990 502 0
Small Sample Asymptotics
1990 563 0
Robust statistics: the approach based on influence functions
1989 610 0
Bounded Influence Inference in Regression: A ReviewStatistical Data Analysis Based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods
1987 496 0
Robust C(α)-Type Tests for Linear ModelsSankhya. Series A
1987 506 0
Robust statistics: the approach based on influence functions
1986 1 247 0
Variance etable r-estimatorsStatistics
1986 543 0
General Saddlepoint Approximations with Applications to L StatisticsJournal of the American Statistical Association
1986 591 0
Robust Estimators for Regression ModelsQuantity and quality in economic research
1985 466 0
Change-of-variance sensitivities in regression analysisProbability theory and related fields
1985 552 0
Robust model selection in regressionStatistics & probability letters
1985 429 0
A tail area influence function and its application to testingSequential analysis
1985 542 0
The Change-of-Variance Function and Robust Estimators of RegressionProceeding of the American Statistical Association Meeting
1983 477 0
Robust Testing in Linear Models: The Infinitesimal Approach
1982 792 211
Handouts for the Instructional Meeting on "Robust Statistical Methods"15th European Meeting of Statisticians
1982 416 0
Robust Alternatives to the F-Test for the Linear ModelProbability and Statistical Inference
1982 437 0
Influence curves of general statisticsJournal of computational and applied mathematics
1981 527 0
The Change-of-Variance Curve and Optimal Redescending M-EstimatorsJournal of the American Statistical Association
1981 526 0
Infinitesimal Stability of the Asymptotic Variance of M-Estimators With Finite Rejection PointProceedings of the American Statistical Association Meeting
1980 417 0
Robustheitseigenschaften von Tests
1979 612 173
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