Supervised works
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1 - 45 of 45
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
ACCPM with a nonlinear constraint and an active set strategy to solve nonlinear multicommodity flow problemsMathematical Programming
2009 408 235
Automatic Formulation of Stochastic Programs Via an Algebraic Modeling LanguageComputational Management Science
2007 380 241
Step decision rules for multistage stochastic programming : a heuristic approach
2006 578 1,566
An efficient method to compute traffic assignment problems with elastic demands
2006 584 805
Oracle-based optimization applied to climate model calibrationEnvironmental Modeling and Assessment
2006 363 161
Solving the p-Median Problem with a Semi-Lagrangian RelaxationComputational Optimization and Applications
2006 375 355
ACCPM with a nonlinear constraint and an active set strategy to solve nonlinear multicommodity flow problems
2005 519 643
Proximal-Accpm : a versatile oracle based optimization method
2004 574 604
Neatwork, a decision support program for the design of gravity water distribution networks
2004 507 614
Automatic formulation and decomposition of stochastic programs via algebraic modeling languages
2004 397 0
Semi-Lagrangian Relaxation
2004 590 1,825
Oracle-Based optimization applied to climate model calibration
2004 639 604
Solving large scale linear multicommodity flow problems with an active set strategy and proximal-accpm
2004 647 872
Supplier-Retailer Flexible Commitments Contracts : A Robust Optimization Approach
2003 786 718
The Linear Separation Problem Revisited with ACCPM
2002 502 639
Proximal ACCPM, a Cutting Plane Method for Column Generation and Lagrangian Relaxation: Application to the P-Median Problem
2002 662 757
Multiple Cuts with a Homogeneous Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method
2001 509 604
Quantitative analysis of multi-periodic supply chain contracts with options via stochastic programming
2001 563 706
Gestion des découpes dans une papeterie
2000 532 0
Confidence Level Solutions for Stochastic Programming
2000 605 802
Augmented self-concordant barriers and nonlinear optimization problems with finite complexity
2000 579 746
Convex nondifferentiable optimization: a survey focussed on the analytic center cutting plane method
1999 474 0
A note on the de Ghellinck-Vial infeasible start interior point method
1999 413 0
Capacity Planning Under Uncertain Demand in Telecommunications Networks
1999 720 1,610
Parallel Implementation of a Central Decomposition Method for Solving Large Scale Planning Problems
1998 473 0
A Planning Model with one Million Scenarios Solved on an Affordable Parallel Machine
1998 529 0
Mid-Range Planning of Survivable
1998 461 0
Homogenous Analytic Center Cutting Plane Methods with Approximate Centers
1998 495 0
Multiple Cuts in the Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method
1998 509 0
Interior Points Methods for Nondifferentiable Optimization
1997 468 0
A Lagrangian Relaxation of the Capacited Multi-Item Lot Sizing Problem Solved with an Interior Point Cutting Plane Algorithm
1997 534 0
A Survey of Algorithms for Convex Multicommodity Flow Problems
1997 540 0
Structure Exploiting Tool in Algebraic Modeling Languages
1997 538 0
Homogenous analytic center cutting plane methods for convex problems and variational inequalities
1997 410 0
Solving nonlinear multicommodity flow problems by the analytic center cutting plane methodMathematical Programming
1997 386 268
Advanced Mathematical Programming Modeling to Assess the Benefits from International CO2 Abatement Cooperation
1997 442 0
A Two-Cut Approach in the Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method
1997 404 0
Warm Start and -Subgradients in Cutting Plane Scheme for Block-Angular Linear Programs
1997 507 0
A Generic Path-Following Algorithm with a Sliding Constraint and its Application to Linear Programming and the Computation of Analytic Centers
1996 484 0
A Short Note on the Comparative Behaviour of Kelley's Cutting Plane Method and the Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method
1996 492 0
Optimal Joint Syntheses of Base and Spare Telecommunication Networks
1995 489 0
A Library for Convex Optimization Based on an Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method
1995 509 0
Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimators of Convex Density Functions
1995 535 0
Using an Interior Point Method for the Master Problem in a Decomposition Approach
1995 455 0
Survivability in Telecommunication Networks
1995 476 0
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