Supervised works
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1 - 394 of 394
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
REPRESENT : REPresentativeness of RESearch data obtained through the 'General Informed ConsENT'BMC medical ethics
2023 84 32
Universal test and treat and the HIV epidemic in rural South Africa : a phase 4, open-label, community cluster randomised trialThe lancet. HIV
2018 36 24
Ecthyma Gangrenosum: Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa?Frontiers in Microbiology
2017 569 206
The J-Curve in HIV: Low and Moderate Alcohol Intake Predicts Mortality but Not the Occurrence of Major Cardiovascular EventsJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2016 50 0
Ability to Work and Employment Rates in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1-Infected Individuals Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy : The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyOpen forum infectious diseases
2016 51 12
Addressing social issues in a universal HIV test and treat intervention trial (ANRS 12249 TasP) in South Africa: methods for appraisalBMC public health
2015 54 5
Switch to etravirine for HIV-positive patients receiving statin treatment: a prospective studyEuropean journal of clinical investigation
2015 566 0
HBV genotypes and response to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in HIV/HBV-coinfected personsBMC gastroenterology
2015 43 7
Screening and isolation to control meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: sense, nonsense, and evidenceLancet
2015 642 0
Clustering of HCV coinfections on HIV phylogeny indicates domestic and sexual transmission of HCVInternational journal of epidemiology
2014 684 410
Virologic and immunologic responses in treatment-naive patients to ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or efavirenz with a common backboneHIV clinical trials
2014 50 0
Evaluation of the impact of immediate versus WHO recommendations-guided antiretroviral therapy initiation on HIV incidence : the ANRS 12249 TasP (Treatment as Prevention) trial in Hlabisa sub-district, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa : study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trialTrials
2013 61 5
The individualized genetic barrier predicts treatment response in a large cohort of HIV-1 infected patientsPLoS computational biology
2013 643 236
Rivastigmine for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: a randomized crossover pilot studyNeurology
2013 688 1
Capnocytophaga canimorsus prosthetic aortitis in an HIV-positive womanJournal of clinical microbiology
2013 669 283
Higher CNS penetration-effectiveness of long-term combination antiretroviral therapy is associated with better HIV-1 viral suppression in cerebrospinal fluidJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology
2013 516 0
The prevalence of erectile dysfunction and its association with antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected men: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAntiviral therapy
2013 695 0
Micro-Structural Brain Alterations in Aviremic HIV+ Patients with Minor Neurocognitive Disorders: A Multi-Contrast Study at High FieldPloS one
2013 682 1,130
Impaired antibody memory to varicella zoster virus in HIV-infected children: low antibody levels and avidity*HIV medicine
2012 576 1
Drug interactions between voriconazole, darunavir/ritonavir and etravirine in an HIV-infected patient with Aspergillus pneumoniaAIDS
2012 636 0
Higher memory responses in HIV-infected and kidney transplanted patients than in healthy subjects following priming with the pandemic vaccinePloS one
2012 721 309
Incidence of HIV-1 drug resistance among antiretroviral treatment-naive individuals starting modern therapy combinationsClinical infectious diseases
2012 1,004 250
Strong serological responses and HIV RNA increase following AS03-adjuvanted pandemic immunization in HIV-infected patientsHIV medicine
2012 673 0
Impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy on the molecular epidemiology of newly diagnosed HIV infectionsAIDS
2012 698 416
Improved Virological Outcome in White Patients Infected With HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes Compared to Subtype BClinical infectious diseases
2011 552 375
Ambiguous nucleotide calls from population-based sequencing of HIV-1 are a marker for viral diversity and the age of infectionClinical infectious diseases
2011 843 729
Severe leptospirosis with multiple organ failure successfully treated by plasma exchange and high-volume hemofiltrationCase Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis
2011 441 161
Graft-versus-host disease is the major determinant of humoral responses to the AS03-adjuvanted influenza A/09/H1N1 vaccine in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipientsHaematologica
2011 979 566
Ageing with HIV : medication use and risk for potential drug-drug interactionsJournal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
2011 33 0
Successful efavirenz dose reduction guided by therapeutic drug monitoringAntiviral therapy
2011 25 0
Impact of synthetic and biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on antibody responses to the AS03-adjuvanted pandemic influenza vaccine: a prospective, open-label, parallel-cohort, single-center studyArthritis and rheumatism
2011 823 8
Efficacy, tolerability and risk factors for virological failure of darunavir-based therapy for treatment-experienced HIV-infected patients: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyHIV medicine
2011 570 0
Systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria during chronic HIV-1 infectionGut
2011 628 0
VIH/SIDA : nombreuses nouveautésRevue médicale suisse
2011 42 51
Replicative phenotyping adds value to genotypic resistance testing in heavily pre-treated HIV-infected individuals: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyJournal of translational medicine
2011 621 286
The Role of Migration and Domestic Transmission in the Spread of HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes in SwitzerlandThe Journal of infectious diseases
2011 626 587
Human herpes virus type 8 seroprevalence in pregnant women in Geneva, SwitzerlandJournal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine
2011 620 0
Viral suppression rates in salvage treatment with raltegravir improved with the administration of genotypic partially active or inactive nucleoside/tide reverse transcriptase inhibitorsJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2011 657 1,586
No Longitudinal Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Changes in HIV-infected Individuals With and Without LipoatrophyScandinavian journal of infectious diseases
2011 844 115
HIV treatment for preventionJournal of the International AIDS Society
2011 47 12
Clinical relevance of cytomegalovirus viraemiaHIV medicine
2011 605 0
Cellular immune responses to HCV core increase and HCV RNA levels decrease during successful antiretroviral therapyGut
2010 580 0
Longitudinal analysis of patterns and predictors of changes in self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy: Swiss HIV Cohort StudyJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2010 545 0
Randomized controlled study demonstrating failure of LPV/r monotherapy in HIV: the role of compartment and CD4-nadirAIDS
2010 578 0
Failure to detect xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus in blood of individuals at high risk of blood-borne viral infectionsThe Journal of infectious diseases
2010 593 0
"Swiss statement": bilan deux ans aprèsRevue médicale suisse
2010 525 0
Molecular epidemiology reveals long-term changes in HIV type 1 subtype B transmission in SwitzerlandThe Journal of infectious diseases
2010 543 0
Phylogenetic approach reveals that virus genotype largely determines HIV set-point viral loadPLOS pathogens
2010 658 469
HIV drugs for treatment, and for preventionLancet
2010 565 0
Unusual primary HIV infection with colonic ulcer complicated by hemorrhagic shock: a case reportJournal of medical case reports
2010 693 287
Antiretroviral treatment outcome following genotyping in Thai children who failed dual nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitorsInternational journal of infectious diseases
2010 557 0
Infrequent replication of parvovirus B19 and erythrovirus genotypes 2 and 3 among HIV-infected patients with chronic anemiaClinical infectious diseases
2010 558 0
Impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms and of clinical risk factors on new-onset diabetes mellitus in HIV-infected individualsClinical infectious diseases
2010 613 0
Frequency and determinants of unprotected sex among HIV-infected persons: the Swiss HIV cohort studyClinical infectious diseases
2010 574 0
CD4+ T-cell restoration after 48 weeks in the maraviroc treatment-experienced trials MOTIVATE 1 and 2Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2010 563 0
Treatment modification in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals starting combination antiretroviral therapy between 2005 and 2008Archives of internal medicine
2010 505 0
Implementation of raltegravir in routine clinical practice: selection criteria for choosing this drug, virologic response rates, and characteristics of failuresJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2010 596 0
No significant effect of uridine or pravastatin treatment for HIV lipoatrophy in men who have ceased thymidine analogue nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor therapy: a randomized trialHIV medicine
2010 538 0
Incidence and risk factors for chronic elevation of alanine aminotransferase levels in HIV-infected persons without hepatitis b or c virus co-infectionClinical infectious diseases
2010 494 0
Cognitive dysfunction in HIV patients despite long-standing suppression of viremiaAIDS
2010 881 1
Health perceptions of African HIV-infected patients and their physiciansPatient education and counseling
2010 574 0
Genetic variation in IL28B is associated with chronic hepatitis C and treatment failure: a genome-wide association studyGastroenterology
2010 833 0
A new era of antiretroviral drug toxicityAntiviral therapy
2009 538 0
Hierarchical modeling gave plausible estimates of associations between metabolic syndrome and components of antiretroviral therapyJournal of clinical epidemiology
2009 468 0
Cas importés d'histoptasmoseRevue médicale suisse
2009 589 0
Is it smart to continue to study treatment interruptions?AIDS
2009 537 0
Nouveau spectre des troubles cognitifs liés à l'infection par le VIH à l'ère des trithérapiesRevue médicale suisse
2009 535 0
Uptake of and virological response to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected former and current injecting drug users and persons in an opiate substitution treatment programme: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyHIV medicine
2009 468 0
Education thérapeutique en maladie infectieuse : l'exemple de l'infection à VIHRevue médicale suisse
2009 586 0
HIV increases markers of cardiovascular risk: results from a randomized, treatment interruption trialAIDS
2009 618 0
The impact of transmission clusters on primary drug resistance in newly diagnosed HIV-1 infectionAIDS
2009 535 0
Assessment of a real-time PCR test to diagnose syphilis from diverse biological samplesSexually transmitted infections
2009 561 0
VIH-sidaRevue médicale suisse
2009 425 0
Safety and efficacy of once-daily nevirapine dosing: a multicohort studyAntiviral therapy
2009 620 0
How reliable is an undetectable viral load?HIV medicine
2009 530 0
Association of noncirrhotic portal hypertension in HIV-infected persons and antiretroviral therapy with didanosine : a nested case-control studyClinical infectious diseases
2009 39 0
Impact of previous virological treatment failures and adherence on the outcome of antiretroviral therapy in 2007PloS one
2009 1,078 782
Divergent adaptation of hepatitis C virus genotypes 1 and 3 to human leukocyte antigen-restricted immune pressureHepatology
2009 562 0
Self-reported alcohol consumption and its association with adherence and outcome of antiretroviral therapy in the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAntiviral therapy
2009 462 0
Human herpes virus 8 replication during disseminated tuberculosis in a man with human immunodeficiency virus: a case reportJournal of medical case reports
2009 603 569
Discontinuation of enfuvirtide in heavily pretreated HIV-infected individualsHIV clinical trials
2009 499 0
Long-term trends of HIV type 1 drug resistance prevalence among antiretroviral treatment-experienced patients in SwitzerlandClinical infectious diseases
2009 587 0
Contribution of genome-wide significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms and antiretroviral therapy to dyslipidemia in HIV-infected individuals: a longitudinal studyCirculation. Cardiovascular genetics
2009 496 0
Virological and immunological responses to efavirenz or boosted lopinavir as first-line therapy for patients with HIVAntiviral therapy
2009 542 0
The impact of combination antiretroviral therapy and its interruption on anxiety, stress, depression and quality of life in Thai patientsThe Open AIDS journal
2009 618 353
Low bone mineral density, renal dysfunction, and fracture risk in HIV infection: a cross-sectional studyThe Journal of infectious diseases
2009 555 0
HIV transmission under highly active antiretroviral therapyLancet
2008 561 0
Antiretroviral treatment during pregnancyAIDS
2008 628 0
Factors associated with the emergence of K65R in patients with HIV-1 infection treated with combination antiretroviral therapy containing tenofovirClinical infectious diseases
2008 527 0
Dix ans de lipodystrophie (1998-2008) : un syndrome encore méconnuRevue médicale suisse
2008 530 101
Viral resuppression and detection of drug resistance following interruption of a suppressive non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based regimenAIDS
2008 514 0
Delayed diagnosis of HIV infection and late initiation of antiretroviral therapy in the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyHIV medicine
2008 546 0
Durability and outcome of initial antiretroviral treatments received during 2000--2005 by patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyThe Journal of infectious diseases
2008 594 0
Long-term efficacy and safety of first-line therapy with once-daily saquinavir/ritonavirAntiviral therapy
2008 502 0
Kaposi sarcoma incidence in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study before and after highly active antiretroviral therapyBritish journal of cancer
2008 553 0
Supersensitive Viral Load Assay in Predicting CD4-Guided Treatment FailureThe Open virology journal
2008 643 727
Androgen and gonadotropin patterns differ in HIV-1-infected men who develop lipoatrophy during antiretroviral therapy: a case-control studyHIV medicine
2008 594 0
Preference for CD4-guided versus continuous HARRT in ThailandAIDS care
2008 518 0
Interruptions of tenofovir/emtricitabine-based antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV/hepatitis B virus co-infectionAIDS
2008 597 0
The Monark trial: where now for boosted protease inhibitor monotherapy?AIDS
2008 532 0
PEP ou pas PEP ? Du rationnel de l'emploi des prophylaxies postexpositionnellesRevue médicale suisse
2008 466 0
Nadir CD4 count and monthly income predict cervical squamous cell abnormalities in HIV-positive women in a resource-limited settingInternational journal of STD & AIDS
2008 583 0
Initial treatment for HIV infection--an embarrassment of richesThe New England journal of medicine
2008 570 0
HIV transmission hunting--the chase for low risk eventsAntiviral therapy
2008 478 0
Predicting the evolution of Kaposi sarcoma, in the highly active antiretroviral therapy eraAIDS
2008 598 0
HLA-Bw4 homozygosity is associated with an impaired CD4 T cell recovery after initiation of antiretroviral therapyClinical infectious diseases
2008 504 0
Tenofovir use is associated with an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase in the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAntiviral therapy
2008 370 0
Changes in metabolic toxicity after switching from stavudine/didanosine to tenofovir/lamivudine--a Staccato trial substudyThe journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
2008 578 0
HIV rebounds from latently infected cells, rather than from continuing low-level replicationProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2008 571 0
Self-reported non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy repeatedly assessed by two questions predicts treatment failure in virologically suppressed patientsAntiviral therapy
2008 496 0
Subgroup analyses of maraviroc in previously treated R5 HIV-1 infectionThe New England journal of medicine
2008 626 0
Lipodystrophy and weight changes: data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, 2000-2006HIV medicine
2008 568 0
CD4+ T cell count recovery in HIV type 1-infected patients is independent of class of antiretroviral therapyClinical infectious diseases
2008 567 0
Ferritin levels during structured treatment interruption of highly active antiretroviral therapyHIV medicine
2007 453 0
Contribution of 20 single nucleotide polymorphisms of 13 genes to dyslipidemia associated with antiretroviral therapyPharmacogenetics and genomics
2007 588 0
Short-term clinical disease progression in HIV-1-positive patients taking combination antiretroviral therapy: the EuroSIDA risk-scoreAIDS
2007 480 0
Effective T-cell responses select human immunodeficiency virus mutants and slow disease progressionJournal of virology
2007 516 0
Clinical update: adverse effects of antiretroviral therapyLancet
2007 593 0
Treatment and prognosis of AIDS-related lymphoma in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: findings from the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAntiviral therapy
2007 524 0
Predictors of optimal viral suppression in patients switched to abacavir, lamivudine, and zidovudine: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
2007 546 0
HAART and the heart: changes in coronary risk factors and implications for coronary risk in men starting antiretroviral therapyJournal of internal medicine
2007 528 0
No patient left behind--better treatments for resistant HIV infectionLancet
2007 542 0
VIH – sida Traitement de l'infection à VIH en 2006 : points fortsRevue médicale suisse
2007 515 0
Ecological study of the predictors of successful management of dyslipidemia in HIV-infected patients on ART: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyHIV clinical trials
2007 540 0
No change in calculated creatinine clearance after tenofovir initiation among Thai patientsThe journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
2007 487 0
Factors associated with the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in HIV-infected participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyClinical infectious diseases
2007 480 0
Treatment interruption for convenience, cost cutting and toxicity sparingCurrent opinion in HIV and AIDS
2007 530 0
HIV viral load monitoring in resource-limited regions: optional or necessary?Clinical infectious diseases
2007 583 1
Reducing tuberculosis incidence by tuberculin skin testing, preventive treatment, and antiretroviral therapy in an area of low tuberculosis transmissionClinical infectious diseases
2007 542 0
Emergence of HIV-1 drug resistance in previously untreated patients initiating combination antiretroviral treatment: a comparison of different regimen typesArchives of internal medicine
2007 544 0
Tenofovir use is associated with a reduction in calculated glomerular filtration rates in the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAntiviral therapy
2007 479 0
CD4+ T-cell count increase in HIV-1-infected patients with suppressed viral load within 1 year after start of antiretroviral therapyAntiviral therapy
2007 483 0
Review on structured treatment interruptions (STIs)Topics in HIV medicine
2007 386 0
Intermittent therapy for the treatment of chronic HIV infectionAIDS
2007 534 0
Hypogonadism in HIV-1-infected men is common and does not resolve during antiretroviral therapyAntiviral therapy
2007 531 0
The role of compartment penetration in PI-monotherapy: the Atazanavir-Ritonavir Monomaintenance (ATARITMO) TrialAIDS
2007 591 0
Late presentation of HIV-infected individualsAntiviral therapy
2007 491 0
The trap: professional exposure to human immunodeficiency virus antibody negative blood with high viral loadArchives of internal medicine
2007 452 0
Adverse events to antiretrovirals in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: effect on mortality and treatment modificationAntiviral therapy
2007 536 1
Increased incidence of sexually transmitted infections in Geneva, SwitzerlandDermatology
2006 689 0
Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected patients over time: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyHIV medicine
2006 546 0
Eligibility for and outcome of hepatitis C treatment of HIV-coinfected individuals in clinical practice: the Swiss HIV cohort studyAntiviral therapy
2006 441 0
HIV and solid organ transplantation: the Swiss experienceSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2006 434 136
Molecular biology of squamous cell carcinoma of the anusBritish journal of surgery
2006 683 0
Correlates of self-reported nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2006 435 0
CD4-guided scheduled treatment interruptions compared with continuous therapy for patients infected with HIV-1: results of the Staccato randomised trialLancet
2006 597 0
Absence of resistance mutations in antiretroviral-naive patients treated with ritonavir-boosted saquinavirAntiviral therapy
2006 439 0
Immunological recovery and antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 infectionLancet. Infectious diseases
2006 517 1
Sida Molécules récentes, stratégies thérapeutiques d'avenir et nouvelles cibles du traitementRevue médicale suisse
2005 1,338 0
Interrupting highly active antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIVExpert review of anti-infective therapy
2005 591 0
Unsafe sex and increased incidence of hepatitis C virus infection among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyClinical infectious diseases
2005 576 0
Biphasic decline of CD4 cell count during scheduled treatment interruptionsAIDS
2005 569 0
Effect of rimonabant on weight reduction and cardiovascular riskLancet
2005 513 0
A prospective study of efficacy and safety of once-daily saquinavir/ritonavir plus two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in treatment-naive Thai patientsAntiviral therapy
2005 496 0
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) retreatment in patients on CD4-guided therapy achieved similar virologic suppression compared with patients on continuous HAART: the HIV Netherlands Australia Thailand Research Collaboration 001.4 studyJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2005 439 0
Modeling the influence of APOC3, APOE, and TNF polymorphisms on the risk of antiretroviral therapy-associated lipid disordersThe Journal of infectious diseases
2005 459 0
A prospective, randomized trial of structured treatment interruption for patients with chronic HIV type 1 infectionClinical infectious diseases
2005 563 0
HIV-1 p24 may persist during long-term highly active antiretroviral therapy, increases little during short treatment breaks, and its rebound after treatment stop correlates with CD4(+) T cell lossJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2005 551 0
Body fat changes among antiretroviral-naive patients on PI- and NNRTI-based HAART in the Swiss HIV cohort studyAntiviral therapy
2005 479 0
Low human immunodeficiency virus envelope diversity correlates with low in vitro replication capacity and predicts spontaneous control of plasma viremia after treatment interruptionsJournal of virology
2005 415 0
Dose-dependent influence of didanosine on immune recovery in HIV-infected patients treated with tenofovirAIDS
2005 524 0
Topical tacrolimus for effective treatment of eosinophilic folliculitis associated with human immunodeficiency virus infectionArchives of dermatology
2005 658 0
Lipid profiles for antiretroviral-naive patients starting PI- and NNRTI-based therapy in the Swiss HIV cohort studyAntiviral therapy
2005 525 0
Characteristics, determinants, and clinical relevance of CD4 T cell recovery to <500 cells/microL in HIV type 1-infected individuals receiving potent antiretroviral therapyClinical infectious diseases
2005 541 0
Disseminated histoplasmosis in an HIV-infected patient discovered by routine blood smear stainingEuropean journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
2005 544 207
The role of CFTR and SPINK-1 mutations in pancreatic disorders in HIV-positive patients: a case-control studyAIDS
2004 577 0
Antiretroviral treatment and osteonecrosis in patients of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: a nested case-control studyAIDS research and human retroviruses
2004 597 0
The incubation period of acute retroviral syndrome as a multistep process: a parametric survival analysisJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2004 557 0
Long-term virological response to multiple sequential regimens of highly active antiretroviral therapy for HIV infectionAntiviral therapy
2004 438 0
Relevance of HIV-1-specific CD4+ helper T-cell responses during structured treatment interruptions in patients with CD4+ T-cell nadir above 400/mm3Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2004 546 0
Antibiotics for acute rhinosinusitisArchives of internal medicine
2004 509 0
Stable partnership and progression to AIDS or death in HIV infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy: Swiss HIV cohort studyBMJ. British medical journal
2004 520 0
Saquinavir trough concentration before and after switching NRTI to tenofovir in patients treated with once-daily saquinavir hard gel capsule/ritonavir 1600 mg/100 mgAntiviral therapy
2004 475 0
Humoral immunity to HIV-1: kinetics of antibody responses in chronic infection reflects capacity of immune system to improve viral set pointBlood
2004 558 0
Proviral HIV-DNA predicts viral rebound and viral setpoint after structured treatment interruptionsAIDS
2004 596 0
Infrequent transmission of HIV-1 drug-resistant variantsAntiviral therapy
2004 519 0
Cellular viral rebound after cessation of potent antiretroviral therapy predicted by levels of multiply spliced HIV-1 RNA encoding nefThe Journal of infectious diseases
2004 552 0
Quantifiable cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses and HLA-related risk of progression to AIDSProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2004 557 0
Traitement par cidofovir topique d'infections cutanées à papillomavirus humain, poxvirus et Herpes simplex virus chez des malades séropositifs pour le VIHAnnales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie
2004 767 0
HIV-PrimoinfektionTherapeutische Umschau
2004 544 0
Is unsafe sexual behaviour increasing among HIV-infected individuals?AIDS
2004 544 0
L-ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate in HIV infection: effects on muscle, gastrointestinal, and immune functionsNutrition
2004 623 0
Attenuated and nonproductive viral transcription in the lymphatic tissue of HIV-1-infected patients receiving potent antiretroviral therapyThe Journal of infectious diseases
2004 555 0
Pharmacokinetic study of saquinavir hard gel caps/ritonavir in HIV-1-infected patients: 1600/100 mg once-daily compared with 2000/100 mg once-daily and 1000/100 mg twice-dailyThe journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
2004 557 0
HIV--vereinfachte bis gar keine BehandlungTherapeutische Umschau
2004 557 0
A controlled trial of granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor during interruption of HAARTAIDS
2003 471 0
Prophylaxie post-exposition au VIHRevue médicale de la Suisse romande
2003 562 0
Beware of drug holidays before HIV salvage therapyThe New England journal of medicine
2003 522 0
Emergence of minor populations of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 carrying the M184V and L90M mutations in subjects undergoing structured treatment interruptionsThe Journal of infectious diseases
2003 538 0
A randomized trial assessing the impact of phenotypic resistance testing on antiretroviral therapy, by Cohen et alAIDS
2003 444 0
Structured treatment interruptions in HIV infection: benefit or disappointment?Expert review of anti-infective therapy
2003 488 0
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 fitness is a determining factor in viral rebound and set point in chronic infectionJournal of virology
2003 521 0
Mortality in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) and the Swiss general populationLancet
2003 540 0
Prevalence of unsafe sexual behavior among HIV-infected individuals: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2003 534 0
Virological suppression at 6 months is related to choice of initial regimen in antiretroviral-naive patients: a cohort study, by Matthews et alAIDS
2003 405 0
Caspofungin in the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasisInternational journal of clinical practice
2003 540 0
Antiretroviral treatment and research in resource-poor countriesLancet
2003 478 0
Shifts in cell-associated HIV-1 RNA but not in episomal HIV-1 DNA correlate with new cycles of HIV-1 infection in vivoAntiviral therapy
2003 484 0
A prospective trial of structured treatment interruptions in human immunodeficiency virus infectionArchives of internal medicine
2003 567 0
Failures of 1 week on, 1 week off antiretroviral therapies in a randomized trialAIDS
2003 519 0
Questions about the antimalarial amodiaquineLancet
2003 443 0
CD4 T-lymphocyte recovery in individuals with advanced HIV-1 infection receiving potent antiretroviral therapy for 4 years: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyArchives of internal medicine
2003 535 0
Brief report: incubation and duration of specific symptoms at acute retroviral syndrome as independent predictors of progression to AIDSJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2003 623 0
Efficacy of a twice-daily antiretroviral regimen containing 100 mg ritonavir/400 mg indinavir in HIV-infected patients, by Ghosn et alAIDS
2003 461 0
Is autovaccination dead?Research initiative, treatment action
2003 454 0
Glitazones in lipodystrophy syndrome induced by highly active antiretroviral therapyAIDS
2003 513 0
Drug resistance mutations during structured treatment interruptionsAntiviral therapy
2003 508 0
Migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: access to antiretroviral therapy, disease progression and survivalAIDS
2003 494 0
HIV RNA in plasma rebounds within days during structured treatment interruptionsAIDS
2003 460 0
Substitution for protease inhibitors in HIV therapyThe New England journal of medicine
2003 507 0
Long-term efficacy, safety, and tolerability of indinavir-based therapy in protease inhibitor-naive adults with advanced HIV infectionClinical infectious diseases
2003 503 0
Residual HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell frequencies after prolonged antiretroviral therapy reflect pretreatment plasma virus loadAIDS
2002 492 0
Supervised interruptions of antiretroviral therapyAIDS
2002 390 0
Stimulation of HIV-specific cellular immunity by structured treatment interruption fails to enhance viral control in chronic HIV infectionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2002 543 0
Weight-losing HIV-infected patients on recombinant human growth hormone for 12 wk: a national studyNutrition
2002 572 0
Clinical efficacy of early initiation of HAART in patients with asymptomatic HIV infection and CD4 cell count > 350 x 10(6)AIDS
2002 411 0
New drugs, old drugs - dear drugs, cheap drugsSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2002 473 0
The CD4 cell count 3 months after acute retroviral syndrome is associated with the presence of AIDS in the source individualAIDS
2002 537 0
Clinical features of acute retroviral syndrome differ by route of infection but not by gender and ageJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2002 575 0
Switching from protease inhibitors to efavirenz: differences in efficacy and tolerance among risk groups: a case-control study from the Swiss HIV CohortAIDS
2002 546 0
Response to antiretroviral therapy among patients exposed to three classes of antiretrovirals: results from the EuroSIDA studyAntiviral therapy
2002 426 0
Intermittent and sustained low-level HIV viral rebound in patients receiving potent antiretroviral therapyAIDS
2002 539 0
Human immunodeficiency virus-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses do not predict viral growth and clearance rates during structured intermittent antiretroviral therapyJournal of virology
2002 497 0
A randomized trial of simplified maintenance therapy with abacavir, lamivudine, and zidovudine in human immunodeficiency virus infectionThe Journal of infectious diseases
2002 590 0
Ritonavir plus saquinavir versus single protease inhibitor therapy in protease inhibitor-naive HIV-infected patients: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyHIV medicine
2002 490 0
A patient with HIV-1 superinfectionThe New England journal of medicine
2002 477 0
Abnormalities of body fat distribution in HIV-infected persons treated with antiretroviral drugs: The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2002 438 0
Impact of occasional short interruptions of HAART on the progression of HIV infection: results from a cohort studyAIDS
2002 566 0
Functional discrepancies in HIV-specific CD8+ T-lymphocyte populations are related to plasma virus loadJournal of clinical immunology
2002 494 0
Residual cell-associated unspliced HIV-1 RNA in peripheral blood of patients on potent antiretroviral therapy represents intracellular transcriptsAntiviral therapy
2002 507 0
Direct ex vivo analysis reveals distinct phenotypic patterns of HIV-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte activation in response to therapeutic manipulation of virus loadEuropean Journal of Immunology
2001 493 0
HIV transmission after suspension of highly active antiretroviral therapyJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
2001 500 0
Planned interruptions of anti-HIV treatmentLancet. Infectious diseases
2001 522 0
Investigations of axillary and inguinal adenopathies during primary human immunodeficiency virus infection: other lymphadenopathies could bring additional informationThe Journal of infectious diseases
2001 533 0
Modern anti-HIV therapySchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2001 506 0
Fungemia in HIV-infected patients: a 12-year study in a tertiary care hospitalAIDS patient care and STDs
2001 590 0
Antiretroviral prophylaxis for community exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus in Switzerland, 1997-2000Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2001 475 0
Acute HIV infection: impact on the spread of HIV and transmission of drug resistanceAIDS
2001 484 0
Prevalence of adverse events associated with potent antiretroviral treatment: Swiss HIV Cohort StudyLancet
2001 800 0
Response to first protease inhibitor- and efavirenz-containing antiretroviral combination therapy. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
2001 574 0
Combined therapy with saquinavir, ritonavir and stavudine in moderately to severely immunosuppressed HIV-infected protease inhibitor-naive patientsHIV medicine
2001 552 0
Hyperlactatemia and antiretroviral therapy: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyClinical infectious diseases
2001 494 0
Role of nasopharyngeal culture in antibiotic prescription for patients with common cold or acute sinusitisEuropean journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
2001 566 0
Symptomes, signes cliniques et radiologiques prédictifs de l'origine bactérienne des rhino-sinusites aiguësSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2000 553 0
Time of initiation of antiretroviral therapy: impact on HIV-1 viraemia. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
2000 498 0
Clinical features of acute HIV-1 infection: zidovudine-resistant isolates compared with zidovudine-sensitive isolatesAIDS
2000 410 0
Causes of macrocytosis in HIV-infected patients not treated with zidovudine. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyThe Journal of infection
2000 497 0
Incubation time of acute human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and duration of acute HIV infection are independent prognostic factors of progression to AIDSThe Journal of infectious diseases
2000 623 0
Regional differences in presentation of AIDS in EuropeEpidemiology and infection
2000 538 0
Long-term hydroxyurea in combination with didanosine and stavudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
2000 455 0
Comparison of clinical features, CD4 and CD8 responses among patients with acute HIV-1 infection from Geneva, Seattle and SydneyAIDS
2000 546 0
Zweitinfektion mit HIV: Mythos oder Realitat?Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
2000 522 0
Decay of cell-associated HIV-1 DNA correlates with residual replication in patients treated during acute HIV-1 infectionAIDS
2000 529 0
VIH: épidemiologie et traitement--2000Revue médicale de la Suisse romande
2000 475 0
Salvage therapy with abacavir plus a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor and a protease inhibitor in heavily pre-treated HIV-1 infected patients. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
2000 522 0
An annular plaque due to Mycobacterium haemophilum infection in a patient with AIDSJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology
2000 571 0
Delavirdine in combination with zidovudine in treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients: evaluation of efficacy and emergence of viral resistance in a randomized, comparative phase III trial. The M/3331/0013B Study GroupAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
2000 499 0
Clinical progression, survival, and immune recovery during antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus coinfection: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyLancet
2000 467 0
Association between the rate of CD4+ T cell decrease and the year of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 seroconversion among persons enrolled in the Swiss HIV cohort studyThe Journal of infectious diseases
1999 537 0
Discontinuation of primary prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV-1-infected adults treated with combination antiretroviral therapy. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyThe New England journal of medicine
1999 469 0
A randomized, controlled trial of indinavir, zidovudine, and lamivudine in adults with advanced human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection and prior antiretroviral therapyThe Journal of infectious diseases
1999 479 0
Prophylaxie post exposition au VIH: eligibilite des patients récemment infectés par voie sexuelleSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1999 613 0
Quality of life in asymptomatic patients with early HIV infection initiating antiretroviral therapy. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
1999 477 0
Cell-associated HIV-1 RNA in blood as indicator of virus load in lymph nodes. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyThe Journal of infectious diseases
1999 533 0
The year in review: antiretroviral treatmentAIDS
1999 471 0
Detection of mycobacterial nucleic acids by polymerase chain reaction in fixed tissue specimens of patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyDiagnostic molecular pathology
1999 599 0
AIDS-related opportunistic illnesses occurring after initiation of potent antiretroviral therapy: the Swiss HIV Cohort StudyJAMA
1999 549 0
Comprehensive classification of symptoms and signs reported among 218 patients with acute HIV-1 infectionJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
1999 488 0
A randomized trial of interferon-alpha2a and zidovudine versus bleomycin and zidovudine for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyInternational journal of STD & AIDS
1999 447 0
Impact of drug resistance mutations on virologic response to salvage therapy. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
1999 526 0
Blood and charcoal added to acidified agar media promote the growth of Mycobacterium genavenseDiagnostic microbiology and infectious disease
1999 592 0
Clinical progression and virological failure on highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 patients: a prospective cohort study. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyLancet
1999 480 0
Survival in 2367 zidovudine-treated patients according to use of other nucleoside analogue drugs. The EuroSIDA Study GroupJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology
1998 463 0
A placebo-controlled trial of didanosine plus stavudine, with and without hydroxyurea, for HIV infection. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
1998 463 0
A randomized double-blind controlled study of 6 months of oral nutritional supplementation with arginine and omega-3 fatty acids in HIV-infected patients. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
1998 559 0
Antiretroviral therapies in pregnancy: maternal, fetal and neonatal effects. Swiss HIV Cohort Study, the Swiss Collaborative HIV and Pregnancy Study, and the Swiss Neonatal HIV StudyAIDS
1998 567 0
Didanosine plus stavudine with or without hydroxyurea in HIV-1-infected patients: 1 year follow-up. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAntiviral therapy
1998 462 0
Colour vision in AIDS patients without HIV retinopathyVision research
1998 549 0
Turnover of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in HIV-1 infection as measured by Ki-67 antigenThe Journal of experimental medicine
1998 480 0
Severity and prognosis of acute human immunodeficiency virus type 1 illness: a dose-response relationshipClinical infectious diseases
1998 525 0
Microaerophilic conditions promote growth of Mycobacterium genavenseJournal of clinical microbiology
1998 582 0
16S rRNA sequence diversity in Mycobacterium celatum strains caused by presence of two different copies of 16S rRNA geneJournal of clinical microbiology
1998 519 0
Impact of treatment with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors on hepatitis C viremia in patients coinfected with HIVThe Journal of infectious diseases
1998 570 0
Radiological maxillary sinusitis in patients with common coldJournal of family practice
1998 506 0
A critical assessment of the prognostic value of HIV-1 RNA levels and CD4+ cell counts in HIV-infected patients. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyArchives of internal medicine
1998 505 0
Virus burden in lymph nodes and blood of subjects with primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection on bitherapyThe Journal of infectious diseases
1998 518 0
Switch to unusual amino acids at codon 215 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase gene in seroconvertors infected with zidovudine-resistant variantsJournal of virology
1998 535 0
Progress and problems in the fight against AIDSThe New England journal of medicine
1998 470 0
Prevalence and incidence rate of HIV, hepatitis B and C among drug users on methadone maintenance treatment in Geneva between 1988 and 1995AIDS
1998 627 2
Regression of Kaposi's sarcoma during therapy with HIV-1 protease inhibitors: a prospective pilot studyJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology
1998 616 0
Antiretroviral therapy: a guide to the most important trialsSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1997 501 0
Toxicity, efficacy, plasma drug concentrations and protease mutations in patients with advanced HIV infection treated with ritonavir plus saquinavir. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
1997 479 0
Low doses of zidovudine plus didanosine are less effective than higher doses of didanosine monotherapy: a randomized trial in patients pretreated with zidovudineClinical microbiology and infection
1997 601 0
Adding saquinavir to stavudine in patients with advanced HIV-1 infectionAIDS
1997 491 0
HIV-associated primary pulmonary hypertension. A case control study. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAmerican journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
1997 550 0
Impact of new antiretroviral combination therapies in HIV infected patients in Switzerland: prospective multicentre study. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyBMJ. British medical journal
1997 503 0
Genetic polymorphism of CCR5 gene and HIV disease: the heterozygous (CCR5/delta ccr5) genotype is neither essential nor sufficient for protection against disease progression. Swiss HIV CohortEuropean Journal of Immunology
1997 595 0
Effet du traitement antirétroviral sur les manifestations électroencéphalographiques et otoneurologiques précoces de l'infection à VIH et signification pronostique des perturbations constatéesNeurophysiologie clinique
1997 513 1
Inhibitory effects of polyoxyethylene stearate, PANTA, and neutral pH on growth of Mycobacterium genavense in BACTEC primary culturesJournal of clinical microbiology
1997 472 0
Detection of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in the blood of HIV-infected patients by a commercial polymerase chain reaction kitEuropean journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
1997 492 0
Zidovudine plus didanosine in primary HIV-1 infectionAntiviral therapy
1997 536 0
Duration of hospitalization during the first two years after AIDS diagnosis: a descriptive studySozial- und Präventivmedizin
1997 581 240
Acute human immunodeficiency virus type 1 disease as a mononucleosis-like illness: is the diagnosis too restrictive?Clinical infectious diseases
1997 546 0
Test tuberculinique, chimioprophylaxie antituberculeuse et incidence de la tuberculose dans l'étude suisse de cohorte VIHRevue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique
1997 470 0
Chemotherapy for AIDS-related malignancies does not increase HIV viraemiaAIDS
1997 418 0
Cytomegalovirus retinitis: decreased risk of bilaterality with increased use of systemic treatment. Swiss HIV Cohort Study GroupClinical infectious diseases
1997 456 0
Two different 16S rRNA genes in a mycobacterial strainJournal of clinical microbiology
1996 570 0
Folinic acid supplements to pyrimethamine-sulfadiazine for Toxoplasma encephalitis are associated with better outcomeThe Journal of infectious diseases
1996 578 0
Reasons for failure of prevention of Toxoplasma encephalitis. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAIDS
1996 535 0
Disseminierte Infektion mit Mycobacterium celatumSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1996 576 0
Effects of antibiotic treatment in the subset of common-cold patients who have bacteria in nasopharyngeal secretionsLancet
1996 595 1
Cervical lymphadenitis caused by Mycobacterium genavense in a healthy childThe Pediatric infectious disease journal
1996 602 0
Prévalence de la transmission de virus résistant à la zidovudine en Suisse. L'étude suisse de cohorte VIHSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1996 527 0
Combined therapy with zidovudine and L-697,661 in primary HIV infectionAIDS
1996 535 0
Controversies: does the CD4+ cell count reflect clinical efficacy?JAMA
1996 536 0
Predictive value of codon 215 reverse transcriptase mutation on the efficacy of didanosine in HIV-infected, zidovudine-experienced patientsAntiviral therapy
1996 410 0
Infection VIH, tuberculose et test tuberculinique en Suisse. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudySchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1996 528 0
Combination therapy in primary HIV infectionAntiviral research
1996 545 0
Risk factors for tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients in Switzerland. Swiss HIV Cohort StudyThe European respiratory journal
1996 558 0
Capnocytophaga canimorsus sepsis complicated by myocardial infarction in two patients with normal coronary arteriesClinical infectious diseases
1996 600 0
Prognostic value of viremia in patients with long-standing human immunodeficiency virus infection. Swiss HIV Cohort Study GroupThe Journal of infectious diseases
1996 528 0
Mycobacteriosis caused by Mycobacterium genavense in birds kept in a zoo: 11-year surveyJournal of clinical microbiology
1996 550 0
Red fingers syndrome in patients with HIV and hepatitis C infectionLancet
1996 610 0
The risk of HIV transmission by screened bloodThe New England journal of medicine
1996 538 0
Outer retinal necrosis due to a strain of varicella-zoster virus resistant to acyclovir, ganciclovir, and sorivudineClinical infectious diseases
1996 593 0
Tuberculosis among European patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The AIDS in Europe Study GroupTubercle and lung disease
1996 503 0
Fingertip necrosis during chemotherapy with bleomycin, vincristine and methotrexate for HIV-related Kaposi's sarcomaBritish journal of dermatology
1996 588 0
Does dapsone increase mortality when given for prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia?AIDS
1996 430 0
HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among European AIDS patients. AIDS in Europe Study Group. AIDS in Europe Study GroupEuropean journal of haematology
1995 519 0
Early and prolonged decrease of viremia in HIV-1-infected patients treated with didanosineJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology
1995 580 0
Human chronic gonadotropin for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcomaLancet
1995 515 0
Antifungal Prophylaxis in Severely Neutropenic Patients: How Much Fluconazole is Necessary?Clinical microbiology and infection
1995 508 0
Does the onset of tuberculosis in AIDS predict shorter survival? Results of a cohort study in 17 European countries over 13 years. AIDS in Europe Study GroupBMJ. British medical journal
1995 544 0
Pneumonia and respiratory distress syndrome during primary infection with Toxoplasma gondiiClinical infectious diseases
1995 509 0
Infections à Mycobacterium genavense. Fréquence et présentation cliniqueLa Presse médicale
1995 435 0
Once-weekly administration of dapsone/pyrimethamine vs. aerosolized pentamidine as combined prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and toxoplasmic encephalitis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patientsClinical infectious diseases
1995 637 0
Response of HIV RNA to didanosine as a predictive marker of survivalAIDS
1995 602 0
Single-dose pharmacokinetics of oral fleroxacin in bacteremic patientsAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
1994 564 0
Toxoplasma encephalitis in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndromeMedicine
1992 550 0
Hospital care for patients with AIDS compared to other patients in Geneva, 1981-1988AIDS
1991 501 0
A controlled study of inhaled pentamidine for primary prevention of Pneumocystis carinii pneumoniaThe New England journal of medicine
1991 582 0
Anti-retrovirale Therapie in der Schweiz 1991Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1991 504 0
Treatment for cerebral toxoplasmosis protects against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with AIDS. The Swiss HIV Cohort StudyAnnals of internal medicine
1991 489 0
Absence of chronic human immunodeficiency virus infection without seroconversion in intravenous drug users: a prospective and retrospective studyThe Journal of infectious diseases
1991 507 0
Prophylaxe der infektiosen ReisekrankheitenTherapeutische Umschau
1991 458 0
Complications neurologiques de l'infection par le virus d'immunodéficience humaineLa Presse médicale
1991 446 0
Combined treatment with zidovudine and lymphoblast interferon-alpha in patients with HIV-related Kaposi's sarcomaKlinische Wochenschrift
1991 488 0
Neuro-otological manifestations in different stages of HIV infectionActa oto-laryngologica. Supplementum
1991 588 0
Behavioural changes in intravenous drug users in Geneva: rise and fall of HIV infection, 1980-1989AIDS
1990 505 0
Fatal infection with a novel, unidentified mycobacterium in a man with the acquired immunodeficiency syndromeThe New England journal of medicine
1990 573 119
Primary prevention of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia by inhalation of pentamidine. Preliminary results from a placebo-controlled randomized trial. Swiss Group for Clinical Studies on AIDSMedizinische Klinik
1990 430 0
Antivirale Substanzen: Gegen was? Fur wen?Therapeutische Umschau
1990 505 0
A controlled study of early neurologic abnormalities in men with asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infectionThe New England journal of medicine
1990 564 0
Aids und Magendarmtrakt: eine Zusammenfassung fur Gastroenterologen und ChirurgenSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1990 512 0
Indikationen und Kontraindikationen von ZidovudinDeutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
1989 483 0
HLA antigens are risk factors for development of AIDSJournal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
1989 500 0
Tuberculin skin reactivity in HIV-seropositive intravenous drug addictsThe New England journal of medicine
1989 505 0
Serum levels of ciprofloxacin after single oral doses in patients with septicemiaEuropean journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
1989 647 0
HIV screening in an emergency departmentBMJ. British medical journal
1988 461 0
Négativation d'une sérologie positive pour le virus d'immunodéficience humaine (VIH). A propos de deux observationsSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1988 926 0
HIV infection: diagnosis and epidemiologySeminars in hematology
1988 378 0
Antivirale Pharmaka--1988Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1988 546 0
Hepatische Manifestationen des erwobenen Immunmangelsyndroms (AIDS)Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1988 474 0
Serological study of meningococcal isolates in Switzerland and France 1980-1986European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
1988 607 0
Early termination of a prospective, randomized trial comparing teicoplanin and flucloxacillin for treating severe staphylococcal infectionsThe Journal of infectious diseases
1987 601 0
Activation polyclonale B associee a l'infection par le virus d'immunodeficience humaine (VIH)Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1987 695 0
Lymphadénopathies persistantes généralisées chez les homosexuels et les toxicomanes: altérations de l'immunité humorale et cellulaireSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1986 636 0
Neopterin in AIDs, other immunodeficiencies, and bacterial and viral infectionsKlinische Wochenschrift
1986 567 0
Amodiaquine and hepatitisAnnals of internal medicine
1986 547 0
Antikorper gegen das AIDS-Virus: Nachweismethoden und klinische BedeutungTherapeutische Umschau
1986 524 0
Altered functions of peripheral blood monocytes in homosexual males and intravenous drug users with persistent generalized lymphadenopathyEuropean journal of clinical investigation
1986 633 0
Air in the bones: multifocal anaerobic osteomyelitis associated with oat cell carcinomaBMJ. British medical journal
1985 537 0
Listériose intraoculaireJournal français d'ophtalmologie
1985 524 0
Typhusepidemiologie in der Schweiz 1980-1983. Geringe oder fehlende Wirksamkeit des Lebendimpfstoffes Vivotif bei TropenreisendenSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1985 469 0
Meningococcal meningitis in the first case of complement deficiencyLancet
1985 541 0
Lymphadenopathic form of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) in an African child. No evidence for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)Helvetica paediatrica acta
1985 548 0
Vorbeugen ist teurer als heilenSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1985 517 0
Prévention de l'hépatite B (HB): questions et réponsesSchweizerische Rundschau für Medizin PRAXIS
1985 502 0
Inefficacy of the commercial live oral Ty 21a vaccine in the prevention of typhoid feverEuropean journal of clinical microbiology
1985 614 0
Syndrome de déficit immunitaire acquis, coccidiose chronique, et septicémie à Salmonella typhi murium chez un couple de zairois. Fonctions immunitaires et essai d'immunostimulation par la thymopentineSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1984 664 0
Mesures à prendre avant un voyage au tiers mondeSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1984 554 0
Meningococcemia in a patient with acquired complement deficiency and myelomaThe New England journal of medicine
1984 603 0
Recurrent meningitis in an adult due to nontypable Haemophilus influenzaeThe Journal of infectious diseases
1984 566 0
Cloning and analysis of the K1 capsule biosynthesis genes of Escherichia coli: lack of homology with Neisseria meningitidis group B DNA sequencesInfection and immunity
1983 545 0
Neisseria meningitidis B et E. coli K1: des gènes différents mais régissant la production d'une capsule identique. Communication préliminaireSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1983 520 0
Septicémie à anaérobes après infections oropharyngées (septicémie post-angine de Lemierre): un syndrome oubliéSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1983 713 0
Syndrome de déficience immunitaire acquise et infections opportunistes chez une femmeSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1983 509 0
Typhus abdominalis nach Impfung mit dem Lebend-Impfstoff VivotifSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift
1983 552 0
Failures with oral typhoid vaccine Ty 21aLancet
1983 597 0
Cointegrate formation by Tn5, but not transposition, is dependent on recAProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1982 616 1
Structure and stability of transposon 5-mediated cointegratesJournal of Molecular Biology
1982 556 0
Granulation tissue as a contractile organ. A study of structure and functionThe Journal of experimental medicine
1972 582 0
Fibroblasts of granulation tissue: immunofluorescent staining with antismooth muscle serumProceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
1971 596 0
Contraction of granulation tissue in vitro: similarity to smooth muscleScience
1971 599 0
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